
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# (number sign), Creating new number formats
######... (insufficient column space indicators), Understanding the difference between displayed values and underlying values, Controlling the size of cells, Calculating with date and time
$ (dollar sign) (see dollar sign ($))
% (percent sign) (see percent sign (%))
& (ampersand), Using numeric text in formulas
( ) parentheses (see parentheses ( ))
* (asterisk) (see asterisk (*))
+ (plus sign), Making entries in cells and in the formula bar, Building formulas
(see also addition)
, (comma) (see comma (,))
. (decimal point) (see decimals)
... (ellipsis) buttons, Getting around in the workbook, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
/ (slash) (see slash (/))
1 through 9 keys, shortcut commands with, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
15-digit precision limit, Using special characters
2003 menu commands, 2013 ribbon equivalents
Chart menu, Excel 2003 Data menu
Data menu, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Edit menu, Excel 2003 Edit menu
File menu, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
Formatting toolbar, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Help menu, Excel 2003 Window menu
Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Standard toolbar, Excel 2003 Window menu
Tools menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
View menu, Excel 2003 View menu
Window menu, Excel 2003 Window menu
24-hour (military) time convention, Entering dates and times, Formatting dates and times
3-D controls for graphics formatting, Making adjustments to your images, Using drawing tools, Applying 3-D effects
3-D names, Naming constants and formulas
3-D references, Using Go To with names
3-D View command, 2003 Chart menu, Excel 2003 Data menu
64-bit Excel, If you missed the last upgrade
: (colon), Using structured references
; (semicolon), Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
< (less than), Creating conditional tests, Using filters to select dates
= (equal sign) (see equal sign (=))
> (greater than) (see greater than (>))
? (question mark) (see question mark (?))
@ (at symbol) (see at symbol (@))
(backslash) (see backslash ())
^ (caret), Understanding numeric text entries
_ (underscore character), Creating new number formats, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
` (accent grave), Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
{ } (curly braces), One-dimensional arrays, Using array constants
– (minus sign), Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
(see also subtraction)
“ (quotation marks), Using numeric text in formulas


A1 cell, jumping to, Workbook navigation tips, Navigating with special keys
ABS function (absolute value), Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
absolute references, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Copying absolute references
accent grave (`), Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Access, Microsoft
importing an entire table from, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
querying (see Microsoft Query)
Accessibility Checker, Enhancing accessibility
Alt key for keyboard commands, Enhancing accessibility
cell value AutoComplete option, Enhancing accessibility
Ease Of Access options, Enhancing accessibility
gridline colors, Enhancing accessibility
MSAA, Enhancing accessibility
panning options, Enhancing accessibility
Provide Feedback With Sound option, Enhancing accessibility
ScreenTips options, Enhancing accessibility
scrolling options, Enhancing accessibility
worksheet tab color options, Enhancing accessibility
zooming options for, Enhancing accessibility
Account command, Introducing Backstage view
Accounting formats, Using Currency formats, Creating four-part formats, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions
billing formats, custom, Adding color to formats
depreciation and amortization (see depreciation functions)
GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), Using Accounting formats
investments (see investment functions)
units for (see currency)
ACCRINT functions, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
accuracy, 15-digit standard, Working with circular references
ACOS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ACOSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ACOT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ACOTH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Across Worksheets command, Using the Series command, What you can do in group-editing mode
Activate Product command, Excel 2003 Window menu
active areas of worksheets, Workbook navigation tips, How to work a worksheet
active cells
definition of, Exploring Excel fundamentals
fill handles, turning on, How to work a worksheet
moving within a selection, Selecting with Go To Special
selection of, Navigating with special keys
ActiveX, Trust Center options for, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
Add (keypad) keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Add To Selection mode (Shift+F8), Navigating regions with the mouse
Add-Ins tab, Restoring the toolbar
availability check boxes for, Making your custom functions available anywhere
PowerPivot add-in, Querying the data model
Trust Center options for, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
+ (plus sign) for, Building formulas
Add option, Paste Special operations, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
functions for (see SUM functions)
IMSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ADDRESS function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Adobe Reader, PDF files for, Using Print Preview
Advanced category, Options dialog box
Display area, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
editing options, Repeating your last action
fill handles, enabling, How to work a worksheet
formulas, showing in cells, Displaying underlying formulas
gridlines, printing, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
Nothing (Hide Objects) option, Protecting objects
zeros, hiding, Displaying underlying formulas
Advanced Filter
AND criteria specification, An example using two columns joined by OR
blank cells in criteria range, An example using two columns joined by OR
capabilities of, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
cell references for computed criteria, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
computed criteria, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
Copy To ranges, Referencing all rows in a column
criteria ranges for, specifying, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
duplicate row removal, Extracting filtered rows
extracting filtered rows, Referencing all rows in a column
extraction to separate worksheets, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
multiple criteria in same column, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
OR and AND on multiple columns, An example using both OR and AND
refining filter sets, An example using both OR and AND
relational operators with, An example using two columns joined by OR
three OR criteria on a single column, An example using two columns joined by OR
two columns joined by OR, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
Unique Records Only option, Extracting filtered rows
AdventureWorks database, source for, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
After Pressing Enter, Move Selection option, Meet the formula bar, Editing in cells or in the formula bar
AGGREGATE function, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
aggregates in Microsoft Query, Performing aggregate calculations
Alert The User When A Potentially Time-Consuming Operation Occurs, Editing options
Align commands, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Alignment group, Aligning data in cells
Alignment tab, Format Cells, Aligning data in cells
Bottom option, Justifying text in cells
Center command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
center vertical, Justifying text in cells
centering text across columns, Indenting cell contents
Distributed option, Indenting cell contents
filling cells with characters, Indenting cell contents
Horizontal, Aligning data in cells
Horizontal Justify option, Wrapping text in cells
indenting with, Aligning data in cells
justification (see justification)
left alignment, Aligning data in cells
Merge & Center command, Filling cells with characters
merging cells, Changing row heights
of graphic objects, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
orientation controls, Aligning data in cells
prefix characters for, Understanding numeric text entries
right alignment, Aligning data in cells
Shrink To Fit check box, Controlling text orientation
Text Control check boxes, Aligning data in cells
Text Direction options, Aligning data in cells
text orientation, Justifying text in cells
Vertical, Aligning data in cells, Justifying text in cells
Vertical Justify option, Wrapping text in cells
wrapping text, Filling cells with characters
#All structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
All Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
Allow Editing Directly In Cells option, Editing options
Alt key
constrained drawing with, Drawing constrained objects
keyboard command mode, Accessing commands with the keyboard, Enhancing accessibility
alt text descriptions, Making adjustments to your images, Positioning objects
Alt+; keyboard shortcut, Selecting precedents and dependents
Alt+= keyboard shortcut, Using the Sum button
Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut, How to work a workbook
Alt, E, D keyboard shortcut, Inserting columns and rows
Alt, I, C keyboard shortcut, Inserting columns and rows
Alt, I, R keyboard shortcut, Inserting columns and rows
AMORDEGRC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
amortization functions, The NPV function
ampersand (&) concatenation operator, Using numeric text in formulas
Analysis Toolpak
Data Analysis button to launch, The LOGEST function
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
Histogram tool, Creating histograms
installing, The LOGEST function
legacy versions of, If you missed the last two upgrades, Analyzing securities
Moving Average tool, Calculating moving averages
Random Number Generation tool, Generating random numbers
Rank And Percentile tool, Analyzing distribution with the FREQUENCY function
Sampling tool, Generating semi-random numbers using patterned distribution
VBA option, The LOGEST function
AND function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
angled borders, Customizing borders
angled text orientation, Justifying text in cells
animation features, Other improvements
annuity calculations, Calculating investments
apostrophe (‘)
comments commencing with, VBA, Documenting macros and custom functions
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
numeric text entries with, Understanding numeric text entries
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Apple Macintosh compatibility (see Macintosh compatibility)
Application object, Round method, Using custom functions
Apply Names command, Creating a list of names
definition of, Enhancing accessibility
installing, Enhancing accessibility
Office (see Office Web Apps)
Trusted App Catalogs, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
ARABIC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AREAS function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
arrays as, Using array constants, Named references
custom functions, of, Using custom functions, Documenting macros and custom functions
expressions for, Exploring the syntax of functions
Function Arguments dialog box, Using the built-in function reference in Excel, Inserting functions
maximum number of, Exploring the syntax of functions
names as, Named references
nested, Evaluating and auditing formulas
numeric values as, Types of arguments
optional, of custom functions, Documenting macros and custom functions
ranges in, Exploring the syntax of functions
Select Arguments dialog box, Inserting functions
syntax for, Exploring the syntax of functions
text values as, Types of arguments
types of, Types of arguments
VBA, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
Arrange All button, Navigating between open workbooks, Comparing worksheets side by side
array constants, Understanding the precision of numeric values, Using array constants
array formulas
creating, One-dimensional arrays
Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter, Array formula rules
definition of, Understanding the precision of numeric values
editing, Array formula rules
guidelines for, Array formula rules
one-dimensional, Understanding the precision of numeric values
single-cell, Single-cell array formulas
two-dimensional, Array formula rules
unified editing rule, One-dimensional arrays
as arguments in formulas, Using array constants
as arguments in functions, Named references
COLUMNS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
creating formulas, One-dimensional arrays
definition of, Understanding the precision of numeric values
deleting, Array formula rules
editing, Array formula rules
expansions, Using array constants
formatting, Array formula rules
formulas operating on (see array formulas)
INDEX function, The MATCH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
matrices (see matrices)
MDETERM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MINVERSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MUNIT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
one-dimensional, Understanding the precision of numeric values
paste values with, Transposing entries
ranges, Understanding the precision of numeric values
result ranges for, Array formula rules
selecting entire with Ctrl+/, Array formula rules, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special, Selecting precedents and dependents
TRANSPOSE function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRIMMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
two-dimensional, Array formula rules
arrow key, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
arrow key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
arrows in ribbon, The ribbon speaks
arrows, drawing, Drawing constrained objects
Artistic Effects gallery, Making adjustments to your images
ASCII functions, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ASIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ASINH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
assignment statements, Using custom functions
asterisk (*)
filtering wildcard, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
multiplication symbol, Understanding the precedence of operators
repetition indicator, custom number formats, Creating new number formats
wildcard character for find and replace, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
at symbol (@)
intersection specifier, Using operators with column specifiers
structured references with, Referencing the total row
text placeholder, custom number formats, Creating new number formats
ATAN functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ATANH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
attachments, sending workbooks as, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
audio, Provide Feedback With Sound accessibility option, Enhancing accessibility
cell tracers, Tracing cell references
Error Checking button, Auditing and documenting worksheets
Error Checking options, Checking for errors
Evaluate Formula command, Evaluating and auditing formulas
Formula Auditing group, Auditing and documenting worksheets, Excel 2003 Tools menu
watching formulas, Evaluating and auditing formulas
Auto Fill feature
Auto Fill option, Series command, Using the Series command
dates, Filling cells and creating data series, Extending with Auto Fill
decreasing series, Filling cells and creating data series
double-clicking fill handles, Filling cells and creating data series
fill handles with, Editing options
limitations, Filling cells and creating data series
Options menu for, Editing options
right mouse button drag options, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
selection range values, effects of, Filling cells and creating data series
suppressing with Ctrl, Filling cells and creating data series
Auto Outline command, Tweaking your comments
AutoCalculate feature, Facts about the status bar
cell value option, Enhancing accessibility
Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values, Editing options
entering repeated entries with, Using custom AutoCorrect actions
Formula AutoComplete feature (see Formula AutoComplete)
name insertion with, Creating three-dimensional names
structured references, for, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
AutoCorrect dialog box
actions available online, Using custom AutoCorrect actions
Actions tab options, Fixing errors as you type
automatic conversion to hyperlinks, Fixing errors as you type
control of AutoFormat with, Controlling automatic formatting
floating option button menus, Fixing errors as you type
options for, Fixing errors as you type
shorthand entries, adding custom, Letting Excel help with typing chores
spelling error correction, Replacing what you find
symbols for shortcuts by, Fixing errors as you type
AutoFilter command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
AutoFit Column Width command, Controlling the size of cells
AutoFit Row Height command, Controlling the size of cells, Changing row heights
AutoFormat features
email to hyperlink, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill, Controlling automatic formatting
ribbon location of command, Excel 2003 Format menu, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
turning off, Controlling automatic formatting
Automatic font color option, Using fonts
Automatically Flash Fill, Editing options
Automatically Insert A Decimal Point option, Editing in cells or in the formula bar, Editing options
AutoRecover, Recovering from crashes
AutoShapes, Excel 2003 Insert menu
AutoSum command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
AVEDEV (average deviation) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Above Average filter, Using filters to select dates
AVERAGE functions, The AGGREGATE function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Using built-in statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AVERAGEIF functions, Using built-in statistical functions
DAVERAGE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GEOMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HARMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Microsoft Query generation of, Performing aggregate calculations
axes, chart
category axes, formatting, Changing the point where axes intersect
date options, Changing the point where axes intersect
display formatting, Changing the point where axes intersect
intersection points of, editing, Changing the scale of a value axis
label intervals for, Changing the rotation of axis labels
label numeric formats, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
label positioning, Changing the position of axis labels
logarithmic scaling of, Changing the point where axes intersect
reversing scales for, Changing the point where axes intersect
scaling, Changing the scale of a value axis
secondary axes, Using a combo chart type
tick mark spacing, Changing the scale of a value axis
titles of, Adding and removing gridlines
type options, Changing the scale of a category axis
types of, Adding and removing gridlines
value axes, formatting, Changing the scale of a value axis
visibility options, Adding and removing gridlines


background graphics for worksheets, Adding graphic backgrounds to worksheets
Background menu, Introducing Backstage view, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
background removal tool for images, Making adjustments to your images
backslash ()
literal demarcation character for formats, Creating new number formats
text alignment with, Understanding numeric text entries
entry correction with, Making entries in ranges
keyboard shortcut combinations using, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
Backstage view
capabilities of, Introducing Backstage view
Export command, Importing and exporting files
File tab, relation to, Retired in 2013
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Print
Open screen, Opening files
Print Preview window, Inserting and removing manual page breaks
Print screen, Setting the printing order of large print ranges
printing option access, Printing and presenting
(see also printing)
Save As screen, Saving files
Share options, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
automatic setting for, Specifying the default file format
AutoRecover backups, Recovering from crashes
backward compatibility, Rules for file naming
BAHTTEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
banding, automatic, Formatting tables
BASE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
basis argument for securities, Analyzing securities
Begins With text filters, Using filters to select dates
Bernoulli distributions, generating, Generating random numbers using Bernoulli distribution
BESSEL functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BETA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Bevel control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
BI (Business Intelligence) add-in (see PowerPivot)
billing formats, custom, Adding color to formats
binary numbers
BIN2 (binary conversion) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEC2BIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HEX2BIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
OCT2BIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
BINOM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
binomial distributions, generating, Generating random numbers using Bernoulli distribution
bins, histogram, Creating histograms
BIT comparison functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
blank cells
as criteria for filters, Using filter criteria in more than one column
COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
ISBLANK function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Blank Workbook command, Introducing Backstage view
Body font, Formatting tables
Bold command, Shrinking text to fit in cells, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
bond yield functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
(see also securities analysis functions)
angled, Customizing borders
applying, Customizing borders
Borders button, Shrinking text to fit in cells, Using fonts
Borders tab, Format Cells, Using fonts
chart, formatting, Selecting chart elements
default color of, Customizing borders
Draw Border Grid command, Customizing borders
Draw Borders command, Customizing borders
erasing, Customizing borders
Inside button, Customizing borders
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
Line Color gallery, Customizing borders
Line Style gallery, Customizing borders
line style selection, Customizing borders
More Borders command, Using fonts
None button, Customizing borders
Outline button, Customizing borders
pasting none, option for, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
remove all, keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
solid gray line in preview area, Using fonts
Bottom alignment, Justifying text in cells
bottom n times, filtering, Using filter criteria in more than one column
braces ({}), keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
brackets ([])
elapsed time codes, Creating your own date and time formats
in table formulas, Using formulas with tables
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
break mode, Visual Basic Editor, Catching syntax errors, Stepping through code
brightness, image, Making adjustments to your images
Bring Forward button, Selecting and grouping objects
browsers, opening files in, Opening files
built-in custom format codes, table of, Creating new number formats
bullet lists, SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
Business Intelligence (BI) add-in (see PowerPivot)
adding to Quick Access Toolbar, Adding tools to the toolbar
creating for macros, Too many tools?
customization of, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories


calculated columns, Using structured references
calculated fields, Microsoft Query, Using more than one aggregate field
calculation (see recalculation)
Calculation Options command, Worksheet calculation
callouts, Using connectors and callouts
Camera button, Pasting cells as a picture
Cancel button, formula bar, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
candlestick charts, Changing the beginning and end points on a date axis
capacities of Excel, If you missed the last two upgrades
Caps Lock AutoCorrect, Fixing errors as you type
Caps Lock mode, Navigating regions with the mouse
caret (^), text alignment with, Understanding numeric text entries
Capitalize options, AutoCorrect, Fixing errors as you type
changing with Flash Fill, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
Correct TWo INitial CApitals option, Fixing errors as you type
functions for manipulating, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE
LOWER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Match Case option, Find command, Finding and replacing stuff
names, insensitivity to, Defining and managing names
sorting, sensitivity to, Sorting months, weekdays, or custom lists
UPPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
cash flow functions (see investment functions)
CEILING function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CELL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
cell references
#REF! error value, Understanding error values
$ (dollar sign), Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references
absolute references, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Copying absolute references
clicking to enter, Using cell references in formulas
closed workbooks, to, Editing formulas
copying, effect on, How copying affects cell references
cutting source cells, changes resulting from, Using the Paste Options button
editing, Editing formulas
effects of, Using cell references in formulas
external references, Creating references to other worksheets in the same workbook
F4 command, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references
functions, inserting in, Inserting references and names
mixed references, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Copying absolute references
names, changing for, Defining and managing names
names, replacing with, Creating a list of names
relative references, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, How copying affects cell references, Naming constants and formulas
renamed workbooks and sheets, Editing formulas
row-column reference style, Creating references to worksheets in other workbooks
sorting issues, Sorting by column
text values in cells, Using numeric text in formulas
to other workbooks, Creating references to other worksheets in the same workbook
to other worksheets, Creating references to other worksheets in the same workbook
tracers for, Tracing cell references
‘ (apostrophe), Editing formulas
Cell Styles, Formatting tables
(see also styles)
applying, Formatting with cell styles
attributes affected by, Formatting with cell styles
Cell Styles button and gallery, Formatting with cell styles
copying between workbooks, Modifying and duplicating cell styles
custom, creating, Formatting with cell styles
Data And Model category, Formatting with cell styles
deleting, Merging cell styles from different workbooks
Duplicate command, Creating cell styles by example
Format Cells dialog box, Creating custom cell styles
Good, Bad And Neutral category, Formatting with cell styles
merging, Merging cell styles from different workbooks
modifying style definitions, Creating cell styles by example
Normal, Modifying and duplicating cell styles
Number Format category, Formatting with cell styles
shortcut menu for, Creating custom cell styles
Style dialog box, Formatting with cell styles
style-by-example procedure, Creating custom cell styles
Themed Cell Styles category, Formatting with cell styles
themes, relation to, Creating custom themes
Titles And Headings category, Formatting with cell styles
cell tracers, Tracing cell references
active, Exploring Excel fundamentals, How to work a worksheet
alignment of data in (see alignment)
Allow Editing Directly In Cells option, Editing options
AutoComplete option, Enhancing accessibility
CELL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Cell Mode, Facts about the status bar
Cells command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Cells command, Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
Comment command, Who is the audience?
copying (see copying)
COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
data entry directly in, Selecting row or column differences
deleting, Inserting copied or cut cells
direct cell manipulation, Pasting hyperlinks
displaying formulas in, Displaying underlying formulas
double-clicking to edit, Repeating your last action
Edit mode, Making entries in ranges
editing contents of (see editing)
empty, COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
entering formulas, options for selected cell after, Meet the formula bar
Esc to restore contents, Making entries in ranges
formatting (see Format Cells dialog box; formatting)
green warning triangles in, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
Highlight Cells Rules conditional formatting, Formatting conditionally
inserting (see inserting cells)
insertion points, Selecting row or column differences
last, selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
merging, Changing row heights
naming, Working with formulas
(see also names)
property links in, Adding summary information to files
ranges of (see ranges)
references to (see cell references)
REPT function, filling with, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
selection of, Navigating with special keys
selection of, keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Enter data
size of, controlling, Controlling the size of cells
splitting data with Justify command, Distributing long entries using the Justify command
Styles (see Cell Styles)
text boxes linked to, Working with shapes
visible only, selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special, Selecting precedents and dependents
center alignment, Indenting cell contents
center vertical alignment, Justifying text in cells
centering printouts, Setting margins
change tracking
accepting changes, Protecting the change history
Allow Changes By More Than One User At The Same Time, Reviewing changes
canceled shared sessions, Reviewing changes
Compare And Merge Workbooks command, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
email distribution methods, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
formatting changes exempted from, Tracking changes
Highlight Changes command, Sharing workbooks on a network, Tracking changes
highlighting options, Tracking changes
history worksheet creation option, Tracking changes
preserving change histories, Tracking changes
protecting change history, Tracking changes
ranges for, specifying, Tracking changes
reviewing changes, Protecting the change history
Track Changes command, Sharing workbooks on a network, Tracking changes
When list options, Tracking changes
Who list options, Tracking changes
character set conversion
CHAR function, The TEXT function, Sorting cells that contain formulas, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CODE function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
UNICODE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Character Spacing options, Formatting text in graphics
Chart menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Data menu
chart sheets, Choosing a chart style
Chart Window command, Excel 2003 View menu
3-D View command, Excel 2003 Data menu
Add Data command, Excel 2003 Data menu
Add Trendline command, Excel 2003 Data menu
adding new data points for, Changing the base unit
All Charts tab, Creating a new chart
arrowheads, adding to lines, Formatting lines and borders
Automatic formatting option, Formatting lines and borders
axes, date options, Changing the point where axes intersect
axes, display formatting, Changing the point where axes intersect
axes, intersection points of, editing, Changing the scale of a value axis
axes, label intervals for, Changing the rotation of axis labels
axes, label numeric formats, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
axes, label positioning, Changing the position of axis labels
axes, logarithmic scaling of, Changing the point where axes intersect
axes, reversing scales for, Changing the point where axes intersect
axes, scaling, Changing the scale of a value axis
axes, tick mark spacing, Changing the scale of a value axis
axes, titles of, Adding and removing gridlines
axes, types of, Adding and removing gridlines
axes, types options, Changing the scale of a category axis
axes, visibility options, Adding and removing gridlines
background fills, Formatting areas
border formatting, Selecting chart elements
Bounds settings, Changing the scale of a category axis
capacity limits for, If you missed the last upgrade
category axes, formatting, Changing the point where axes intersect
Change Chart Type command, Changing the chart type
Change Colors command, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
Chart Elements button, New chart-formatting controls, Creating a new chart, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title, Adding, editing, and removing a legend, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
Chart Filters button, Creating a new chart
Chart Objects list, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
Chart Options command, Excel 2003 Data menu
Chart Styles button, New chart-formatting controls, Creating a new chart
Chart Styles gallery, Formatting charts
Chart Styles group, Creating a new chart
Chart Title check box, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
Chart Tools tabs, Designing charts, Creating a new chart
Chart Wizard command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
Charts group options, Selecting data for your chart
colors for, Choosing a chart layout
Column Chart button, Selecting data for your chart
combo charts, Changing the chart type
contextual tool sets for, Understanding contextual tool sets
creating new, Selecting data for your chart
data labels, Timeline, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
data tables, adding, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
date-labeled axes, Changing the point where axes intersect
Design tab, Designing charts, Creating a new chart
empty cells options, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
error bars, Adding moving averages and other trendlines
Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar command equivalents, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
F11 command, Choosing a chart style
Fill And Line button, Formatting lines and borders
Filter button, Using the mouse to add data points
filter controls for columns, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
Format Axis pane, Changing the scale of a value axis, Changing the scale of a category axis
Format Chart Title task pane, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
Format Error Bars pane, Adding moving averages and other trendlines
Format tab, Designing charts
Format Trendline pane, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
formatting (see charts, formatting)
galleries of options for, Selecting data for your chart
geographic data, Power View, Creating a Power View report
gradient fills for, Formatting areas
gridlines for, Adding, editing, and removing a legend, Changing the scale of a value axis
hidden cells options, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
highlighting series temporarily, Using the mouse to add data points
Horizontal Axis Crosses values, Changing the scale of a value axis
hyperlinks to, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
Insert Charts dialog box, Flash Fill, Selecting data for your chart
inserting, Shortcuts by task: Insert charts
labels for series, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
layouts, Choosing a chart layout
legends for, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
line formatting, Selecting chart elements
Location command, Excel 2003 Data menu
logarithmic scaling, Changing the point where axes intersect
modifying data for, Changing the base unit
Move Chart command, Choosing a chart style
Moving Average tool, Calculating moving averages
moving average trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
noncontiguous data, plotting, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
objects, chart, Creating a new chart
previews, Creating a new chart
Quick Layout button, Choosing a chart layout
Recommended Charts, Flash Fill, Creating a new chart
removing series from, Using the mouse to add data points
repositioning elements, Selecting chart elements
scaling axes, Changing the scale of a value axis
secondary axes, Using a combo chart type
Select Data command, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
selecting data for, Designing charts
selecting objects in, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
sheets, moving to separate, Choosing a chart style
Source Data command, Excel 2003 Data menu, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
sparklines, Retired in 2013
stock open-high-low-close, Changing the beginning and end points on a date axis
styles, Choosing a chart layout
Switch Row/Column button, Switching rows and columns
tables as source data, Designing charts, Changing the base unit
text boxes, adding to, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
text formatting, Making areas transparent
themes, effects on styles available, Choosing a chart style
Timeline feature, Timeline
titles for, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
titles, adding borders to, Formatting lines and borders
trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
Units settings, Changing the scale of a category axis
value axes, formatting, Changing the scale of a value axis
Word, embedding in, Using Excel charts in Word documents
WordArt in, Making areas transparent
charts, formatting
angle for labels, setting, Changing the rotation of axis labels
arrowheads, adding to lines, Formatting lines and borders
Automatic formatting option, Formatting lines and borders
axis labels, Changing the rotation of axis labels
background fills, Formatting areas
border formatting, Selecting chart elements
Change Colors command, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
Chart Objects list, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
Chart Styles gallery, Formatting charts
color, background, Formatting areas
Compound Type lines, Formatting lines and borders
Dash Type lines, Formatting lines and borders
Fill And Line button, Formatting lines and borders
Font group commands for text, Making areas transparent
Format Chart Area pane, Formatting areas
gradient option, Formatting lines and borders, Formatting areas
Insert Shapes command, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
line formatting, Selecting chart elements
No Fill option, Filling an area with a texture or picture
pictures for backgrounds, Filling an area with a color gradient
repositioning elements, Selecting chart elements
selecting objects for, Formatting charts with the Chart Styles gallery
task panes for, Formatting lines and borders
text boxes, adding, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
text formatting, Making areas transparent
textures for backgrounds, Filling an area with a color gradient
titles, adding borders to, Formatting lines and borders
transparent backgrounds for, Filling an area with a texture or picture
WordArt styles for, Making areas transparent
Check Compatibility command, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
Check For Updates command, Excel 2003 Window menu
Check Out and Check In commands, Excel 2003 File menu
CHI distribution functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box, Creating SmartArt
Choose Format From Cell find option, Finding formatting
CHOOSE function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
circles, drawing, Drawing constrained objects
circular references, Calculating part of a formula
classes, VBA, Objects, methods, and properties
CLEAN function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
2003 Clear menu ribbon equivalents, Excel 2003 Edit menu
cells, Clearing cells
Clear Formats command, Painting formats
conditional formatting, Managing conditional formatting rules
data in cells, Repeating your last action
Clip Art command, Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
(see also pictures)
charts, embedding in Word, Using Excel charts in Word documents
Clear All command for, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
Format Painter command, Painting formats
Home tab commands for, Worksheet editing techniques
keyboard shortcuts for, Worksheet editing techniques
multiple items in, Copying, cutting, and pasting
options for, Copying, cutting, and pasting
parsing text in, Parsing Clipboard text
Paste All command, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
Paste Special with, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
pasting Excel tables into Word, Using Excel data in Word documents
pasting pictures from, Inserting pictures
task pane, displaying, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Word Hyperlink option, Paste Special, Linking with hyperlinks
Clock settings, Control Panel, Entering dates and times
Close command, Workbook navigation tips, Introducing Backstage view, Saving files
closing windows, effect of order of, Useful inconsistencies of new windows
cloud computing, Working in the cloud
(see also Office Web Apps; SkyDrive)
CMA (Competitive Market Analysis), The LINEST function
CODE function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Collapse Formula Bar button, Meet the formula bar
collation, Controlling what and where to print
Collect And Copy feature, Copying, cutting, and pasting
collections, VBA, The Object Browser
colon (:) structured reference range operator, Using structured references
Colors gallery, themes, Painting formats
custom fill colors, Applying colors and patterns
custom formats for, Creating four-part formats
dithering of nonstandard, Adding color to formats
fills (see fill color)
gridline options, Enhancing accessibility
worksheet tabs options, Enhancing accessibility
Color Scales conditional formatting, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
COLUMN function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AutoFit Column Width command, Controlling the size of cells
Banded Columns option for tables, Formatting tables
banding, automatic, Formatting tables
calculated columns, Using structured references
calculated columns, PowerPivot, Using the DAX language
Column commands, Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
Column Width command, Controlling the size of cells
Columns command, Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
COLUMNS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Default Width command, Controlling the size of cells
default width of, Controlling the size of cells
deleting, Inserting copied or cut cells
design considerations, Planning your worksheet design
differences, selecting, Selecting precedents and dependents
displaying hidden, Changing row heights
headings of (see headings)
hiding, Hiding cells and worksheets, Changing row heights
highlighting of headings, Exploring Excel fundamentals
inserting, Moving and copying with the mouse, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
inserting, dangers of, Do you need more than one worksheet?
lettering of, Exploring Excel fundamentals
pasting widths, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Pick From Drop-Down List command, Letting Excel help with typing chores
printing headings on every page, Specifying the area to be printed
selecting entire, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
selecting in tables, Expanding a table
snapping to widest values, Changing column widths
sorting by, Sorting only part of a list
sorting, single column, Sorting tables and other ranges
specifiers, Using structured references, Using structured references, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
tables, guidelines for, How to organize a table
well-constructed for PivotTables, Creating a PivotTable
widths, controlling, Controlling the size of cells
COMBIN functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
combo charts, Changing the chart type
comma (,)
formatting, Formatting as you type
interpretation in numeric values, Entering simple numeric and text values
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
separator for custom formats, Creating new number formats
structured reference union operator, Using structured references
Use System Separators option, Editing options
Comma Delimited (CSV) files, Importing and exporting text files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
Comma Style button, Using Accounting formats
comma-separated-values files, Importing and exporting text files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
command groups (see groups, ribbon)
2003, finding on ribbon (see 2003 menu commands, 2013 ribbon equivalents)
adding to Quick Access Toolbar, Adding tools to the toolbar
Data (see Data tab)
Developer tab, Excel 2003 View menu
dynamic commands, display of, Customizing the ribbon
edit controls, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
File tab commands (see File tab)
Formulas (see Formulas tab)
Home tab (see Home tab)
Insert tab (see Insert tab)
keyboard command mode, Accessing commands with the keyboard
labels, hiding, Creating a custom command group
modifiers, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Page Layout (see Page Layout tab)
Review (see Review tab)
ribbon, customization of (see ribbon customization)
ScreenTips for, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
touch-enabled, Other improvements
View (see View tab)
adding to cells, Tracing references to other worksheets
clearing cells of, Clearing cells
Comment command, Who is the audience?
Comments command equivalent, Excel 2003 View menu
deleting, Tweaking your comments
Edit Comment command, Adding comments to cells
options for displaying, Adding comments to cells
pasting, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Previous and Next commands, Adding comments to cells
printing, Tweaking your comments, Specifying rows and columns to print on every page
red triangle notice of in cells, Adding comments to cells
Show Ink command, Tweaking your comments
showing, Tweaking your comments
VBA, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Documenting macros and custom functions
common logarithms
IMLOG functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LOG functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Compare And Merge Workbooks command, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Compare Side By Side With command, Excel 2003 Window menu
Compatibility Checker, Rules for file naming
Compatibility mode, Rules for file naming
of legacy Excel versions, Importing and exporting text files
options for, Rules for file naming
table issues in Compatibility mode, Creating a table
Competitive Market Analysis (CMA), The LINEST function
complex numbers
COMPLEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Compress Pictures command, Formatting text in graphics
CONCATENATE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
concatenating data with Flash Fill, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
concatenation (&) operator, Using numeric text in formulas
conditional breakpoints, Setting conditional breakpoints using Debug.Assert
conditional formatting
A Date Occurring rule, Formatting conditionally
Between rule, Formatting conditionally
clearing, Managing conditional formatting rules
Color Scales, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
commands, menu of, Formatting conditionally
conditional operators in custom formats, Adding color to formats
copying, Managing conditional formatting rules
custom, creating, Creating conditional formatting rules
Data Bars, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
Duplicate Values rule, Formatting conditionally
Edit The Rule Description area, Creating conditional formatting rules
Format All Cells Based On Their Values rule type, Creating conditional formatting rules
Format Only Cells That Contain rule type, Creating conditional formatting rules
formulas for, creating custom, Copying, clearing, and finding conditional formats
Highlight Cells Rules, Formatting conditionally
Icon Sets, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally, Creating conditional formatting rules
improvements in, If you missed the last upgrade
managing rules, Creating conditional formatting rules
More Rules command, Creating conditional formatting rules
New Rule dialog box, Creating conditional formatting rules
pasting, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
precedence of rules, Managing conditional formatting rules
rule types, Creating conditional formatting rules
selecting all, Copying, clearing, and finding conditional formats
selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special, Copying, clearing, and finding conditional formats
Text That Contains rule, Formatting conditionally
Top/Bottom Rules, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
Use A Formula To Determine Which Cells To Format, Copying, clearing, and finding conditional formats
conditional functions
Conditional Sum Wizard discontinued, Creating conditional tests
COUNTIF functions, Using conditional functions, The Sum button, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXACT function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
logical functions with, The AND, OR, and NOT functions
SUMIF functions, Using conditional functions, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Conditional Sum Wizard discontinued, Creating conditional tests
conditional tests
conditional functions for (see conditional functions)
definition for, Copying, cutting, and pasting in linked workbooks
if (see if condition)
INDEX and MATCH functions for, Using lookup functions
logical operators for, table of, Creating conditional tests
TRUE or FALSE results, Creating conditional tests
CONFIDENCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
confidence, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
connector tools, Using connectors and callouts
consolidating worksheet data
Add command, Consolidating by position, Creating links to the source worksheets
capabilities of, Displaying a specific outline level
category, consolidating by, Consolidating by position
closed workbooks, accessing data from, Consolidating worksheets
Consolidate command, Displaying a specific outline level, Consolidating by category, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Consolidate dialog box, Displaying a specific outline level
Create Links To Source Data check box, Consolidating by category
default function for, Consolidating worksheets
deleting references, Creating links to the source worksheets
functions available for, Consolidating worksheets
links to source worksheets, Consolidating by category
position, consolidating by, Consolidating worksheets
refreshing values, Consolidating by position
naming, Creating names semiautomatically
selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
types of, Selecting row or column differences
Contact Us command, Excel 2003 Window menu
Contains text filters, Using filters to select dates
contextual tool sets, Understanding contextual tool sets
Contour control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
contrast, image, Making adjustments to your images
Control keyboard shortcuts, table of, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
Control Toolbox command, Excel 2003 View menu
CONVERT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
copies, opening files as, Opening files
cell references, effect on, How copying affects cell references
Clipboard (see Clipboard)
conditional formatting, Managing conditional formatting rules
Copy As Picture command, Copying cells as a picture
Copy button, Worksheet editing techniques
Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut, Copying, cutting, and pasting
data in cells, Repeating your last action
Down command, Fill menu, Using the Series command
dragging cells and ranges with mouse, Pasting hyperlinks
fill handle method, Clearing cells
I-beam insertion points, Moving and copying with the mouse
Insert Copied Cells command, Inserting cells
Internet data, Copying and pasting from the web browser
Left command, Fill menu, Using the Series command
marquees, Worksheet editing techniques
Move Or Copy dialog box, Sending a worksheet, chart, or range by email
nonadjacent ranges prohibited, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Right command, Fill menu, Using the Series command
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
structured references, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
Up command, Fill menu, Using the Series command
Update Formula To Include Cells option, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
Visible Cells Only option, Displaying a specific outline level
worksheets, Moving and copying worksheets
CORREL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
corrupted workbooks, recovering, Recovering corrupted files
COS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COT (cotangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COTH (hyperbolic cotangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COUNT functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
count, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
COUNTIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DCOUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Microsoft Query generation of counts, Performing aggregate calculations
PivotTable default, Changing PivotTable calculations
with table structured reference tags, Referencing parts of a table
COUP (coupon) functions, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
coupon rates argument, Analyzing securities
COVARIANCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
crashes, recovering from, Recovering from crashes
CRITBINOM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSC (cosecant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSCH (hyperbolic cosecant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSV (Comma Delimited) files, Importing and exporting text files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
Ctrl key, constrained drawing with, Drawing constrained objects
Ctrl+ keyboard shortcuts
arrow keys for region navigation, Navigating regions with the keyboard
Ctrl+/ (array selection), Array formula rules
Ctrl+1, Formatting fundamentals, Adding code to or editing recorded macros
Ctrl+;, Entering dates and times
Ctrl+Alt+V, Shortcuts by task: Format data
Ctrl+C, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+D, Using the Series command
Ctrl+End, Navigating with special keys
Ctrl+F, Finding and replacing stuff
Ctrl+H, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
Ctrl+Home (move to A1), Workbook navigation tips, Navigating with special keys
Ctrl+Page Down, Workbook navigation tips, Freezing panes
Ctrl+Page Up, Freezing panes
Ctrl+R, Using the Series command
Ctrl+S, Saving files
Ctrl+Shift+:, Entering dates and times
Ctrl+Shift+~, Formatting and calculating date and time
Ctrl+Spacebar, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges, Inserting columns and rows
Ctrl+T, How to organize a table
Ctrl+Tab, Navigating between open workbooks
Ctrl+V, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+X, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+Y, Copying, cutting, and pasting, Undoing previous actions
Ctrl+Z, Editing and undoing entries, Copying, cutting, and pasting, Formatting and calculating date and time
Ctrl+` (display/hide formulas), Displaying underlying formulas
Go To Special, list of, Selecting precedents and dependents
macros, assigning to, Using the macro recorder
table by letter keys, Shortcuts by key: Letter keys
Ctrl+Shift and drag, Moving and copying with the mouse
CUBE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUMIPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUMPRINC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
curly braces () array formula indicator, One-dimensional arrays, Using array constants
$ (dollar sign) formatting, Formatting as you type
$ (dollar sign), interpretation of, Entering simple numeric and text values
Currency format option, Formatting numbers
Currency Style command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
decimal point line-up issue, Adding color to formats
DOLLAR function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Euro Currency Tools add-in, The DURATION and MDURATION functions
EUROCONVERT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
French Canadian dollar format, Adding color to formats
Set Precision As Displayed option, Working with circular references
symbols for Accounting format, Using Currency formats
Currently Open Workbooks command, Excel 2003 Window menu
curves, drawing, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Custom Filtering command, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
custom functions
adding new to an add-in file, Making your custom functions available anywhere
arguments of, Using custom functions
assignment of values to return variables, Using custom functions
assignment statements, Using custom functions
comments, Documenting macros and custom functions
dialog boxes of, Using custom functions
documentation, Documenting macros and custom functions
error trapping for, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook, saving files as, Creating a simple custom function
Exit Function statements, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
formulas, using in, Using custom functions
Function, End Function statements, Creating custom functions, Using custom functions
If...End If blocks, Documenting macros and custom functions
indenting code, Creating a simple custom function
Insert Function dialog box for, Making your custom functions available anywhere
making available anywhere, Making your custom functions available anywhere
naming, Documenting macros and custom functions
procedures, Using custom functions
saving in a separate workbook, Making your custom functions available anywhere
syntax of, Using custom functions
using in a worksheet, Using custom functions
variables in, Using custom functions
VBA basis of, Creating custom functions
VBA keyword limitations, Using custom functions
Custom List feature, Distributing long entries using the Justify command, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Custom tab, Properties dialog box, Adding summary information to files
Custom Views command, Zooming worksheets, Useful inconsistencies of new windows, Excel 2003 View menu
Customer Experience Improvement Program option, Privacy options
Customize command, Excel 2003 View menu
Customize The Ribbon command, Custom-tailoring the Excel workspace
Cut, Copy, And Sort Inserted Objects With Their Parent Cells option, Editing options
Ctrl+X keyboard shortcut, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Cut button, Worksheet editing techniques
data in cells, Repeating your last action
Insert Cut Cells command, Inserting cells, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
marquees, Worksheet editing techniques
pasting after, Using the Paste Options button


#Data structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
Data Bars, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
data entry
alignment prefix flags, Understanding numeric text entries
Allow Editing Directly In Cells option, Editing options
AutoComplete for, Using custom AutoCorrect actions
AutoCorrect for, Replacing what you find
clearing cells, Clearing cells
commands useful for, Repeating your last action
dates and times, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
decimal options, Editing options
deleting entries, Making entries in ranges
direct cell entry, Selecting row or column differences
disabling (see protecting workbooks)
displayed vs. underlying values, Using special characters
E and e (exponent), Entering simple numeric and text values
Edit mode, Making entries in ranges
erasing, Making entries in ranges
Esc to restore cell contents, Making entries in ranges
in ranges of adjacent cells, Entering symbols
insertion points, Selecting row or column differences
keyboard shortcuts for, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
locking in entries, Selecting row or column differences
numeric text entries, Creating long text values
numeric values, entering, Entering simple numeric and text values
options for, Editing in cells or in the formula bar
options for behavior when Enter is pressed, Selecting row or column differences
Pick From Drop-Down List command, Letting Excel help with typing chores
series entries (see series)
special characters in, Entering simple numeric and text values
symbol entry, Understanding numeric text entries
text values, entering, Entering simple numeric and text values
types of entries, Selecting row or column differences
data labels in charts, new features for, Timeline
Data menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Tools menu
data models
creating with PivotTables, Understanding relationships
diagram views, The PowerPivot add-in, Loading data from external sources
direct external data loads into, Creating a Power View report
refreshing in PowerPivot, Creating a calculated field
Data tab
Advanced Filter command, An example using two columns joined by OR
(see also Advanced Filter)
Auto Outline command, Tweaking your comments
Data Analysis button, The LOGEST function
Edit Links dialog box, Opening a dependent workbook, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Filter button, Performing a case-sensitive sort
(see also filtering)
From Access command, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
From Other Sources command, Working with XML files
From Text command, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
From Web command, Creating your own web query
Group command, Group menu, Outlining worksheets, Displaying a specific outline level
Outline group commands, Excel 2003 Data menu
Remove Duplicates command, Extracting filtered rows
Sort buttons, Sorting tables and other ranges
(see also sorting)
Text To Columns command, Parsing Clipboard text
Ungroup command, Group menu, Displaying a specific outline level
data tables
charts, adding to, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
copying results of, Data tables based on two input variables
Data Table command, Data tables based on one input variable
editing tables, Data tables based on two input variables
input cell specification, Data tables based on one input variable
multiple output formulas with, Single-variable tables with more than one formula
one-variable, Performing a what-if analysis
purpose of, Performing a what-if analysis
selecting, Data tables based on one input variable
TABLE function, Data tables based on one input variable
troubleshooting, Data tables based on two input variables
two-input-variable tables, Single-variable tables with more than one formula
data validation
Data Validation command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
components of, Does the worksheet rely on imported data?
connectivity features introduced in 2007, If you missed the last two upgrades
CUBE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
data models from (see data models)
DCOUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
designs using data imported from, Who is the audience?
DMAX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
importing data from (see importing data)
Microsoft Query with (see Microsoft Query)
New Database Query command, Excel 2003 Data menu
dates and times
##### displays of, Calculating with date and time
arithmetic peculiarities of, Measuring elapsed time
Auto Fill series of, Filling cells and creating data series, Extending with Auto Fill, Entering dates and times
base date options, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
chart axes based on, Changing the point where axes intersect
Clock settings, Control Panel, Entering dates and times
concatenation issues, The CONCATENATE function
crossover date, two-digit year entry, Entering dates and times
current date, entering, Entering dates and times
custom numeric formats for, Using the Special formats, Formatting dates and times
cutoffs, using in formulas as, Using array constants
data entry formats for, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
date format, viewing, Formatting and calculating date and time
DATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DATEVALUE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAY function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAYS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EDATE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
elapsed time, Formatting dates and times, Creating your own date and time formats
entering, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
EOMONTH function, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
extending existing series, Entering a series of dates
filtering, Using filter criteria in more than one column
formatting options, Extending an existing date series
formulas using, Measuring elapsed time
fractions interpreted as, Using special characters
functions for, Calculating with date and time
grouping items by in PivotTables, Grouping items in date or time ranges
headers and footers, adding to, Creating a header and footer
HOUR function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
hours greater than 9,999, Measuring elapsed time
Macintosh compatibility issue, Sharing data with Excel for the Macintosh, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
military time convention, Entering dates and times, Formatting dates and times
MINUTE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MONTH function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NETWORKDAYS functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOW function, Calculating with date and time, Recording with relative references, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PivotTable filters for, Filtering in the PivotTable Fields pane
Region settings, Control Panel, Entering dates and times
SECOND function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
serial values for, viewing, Formatting and calculating date and time
series with Auto Fill, Extending with Auto Fill, Entering dates and times
single numeric representation of data and time, Formatting and calculating date and time
TEXT function conversions of, The CONCATENATE function
Time (AM/PM) format keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
time formats, Entering dates and times
TIME function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
times greater than 24 hours, Measuring elapsed time
TIMEVALUE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TODAY function, Calculating with date and time, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEEKDAY function, Using the TODAY and NOW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEEKNUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
weeks, ISOWEEKNUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WORKDAY functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
YEAR functions, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
YEARFRAC function, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions
DAVERAGE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAX programming language
calculated column creation, Using the DAX language
calculated field creation, Creating a calculated field
purpose of, An introduction to PowerPivot
DAY function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAYS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
dBase, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
DCOUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DDB and DB functions, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
debugging by partial calculation of formulas, Recalculating manually
debugging VBA code
break mode, Catching syntax errors, Stepping through code
breakpoints, setting, Stepping through code
compile error messages, Catching syntax errors
conditional breakpoints, Setting conditional breakpoints using Debug.Assert
Err object, Dealing with run-time errors
error trapping for custom functions, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
Immediate window, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
On Error GoTo statements, Dealing with run-time errors
Option Explicit statements, Catching syntax errors
Quick Watch, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
run-time errors, Using the Immediate window
step commands, Catching misspelled variable names
syntax error alerts, Catching syntax errors
testing strategy, Dealing with run-time errors
type mismatch errors, Dealing with run-time errors
variables, misspelled, Catching syntax errors
Watch Window, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
debugging workbooks (see auditing)
Decimal (keypad) keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
. custom formatting symbol, Creating new number formats
Automatically Insert A Decimal Point option, Editing in cells or in the formula bar, Editing options
BIN2DEC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
currency line-up issue, Adding color to formats
data entry of, Editing options
DEC2 (decimal to) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DECIMAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Decrease Decimal command, Using Currency formats
Fixed Decimal mode, Navigating regions with the mouse
FIXED function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HEX2DEC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Increase Decimal command, Using Currency formats
interpretation of, Entering simple numeric and text values
OCT2DEC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Use System Separators option, Editing options
declining balance functions, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Decrease Decimal command, Using Currency formats
Decrease Font Size button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
DEGREES function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
deleting, Excel 2003 Edit menu
(see also clearing)
cells, Inserting copied or cut cells
clearing cells, Clearing cells
data, Making entries in ranges
Delete dialog box keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
Delete key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
Delete Sheet command, Excel 2003 Edit menu
files, Opening files
fill handle method for, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
worksheets, Editing and undoing entries
delimiters, data, Using the Text Import Wizard
DELTA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
cell tracers, Tracing cell references, Tracing dependent cells
definition of, Tracing cell references
Dependents options, Selecting with Go To Special
depreciation functions
AMORDEGRC, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AMORLINC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
arguments for, Calculating depreciation
DDB and DB functions, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
location of, The IRR function
SLN function, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SYD function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VDB function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Depth control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
descriptions, alternative Web, Making adjustments to your images, Positioning objects
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
designing worksheets
audiences, considering, Will you need to print the worksheet?
documentation, Who is the audience?
imported data considerations, Who is the audience?
landscape orientation, Will you need to print the worksheet?
modular design, Do you need more than one worksheet?
new data, allowing for, Do you need more than one worksheet?
outlining, Which data should be in rows, and which in columns?
printing issues, Will you need to print the worksheet?
rows vs. columns, Planning your worksheet design
summary pages, Will you need to print the worksheet?, Do you need more than one worksheet?
vertical orientation preferred, Planning your worksheet design
visibility considerations, Planning your worksheet design
Detect And Repair command, Excel 2003 Window menu
determinates, MDETERM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Developer tab, Excel 2003 View menu
DEVSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DGET function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
diagnostic programs option, Privacy options
Diagram command, Excel 2003 Insert menu
dialog boxes
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Insert charts
launchers, The ribbon speaks
of custom functions, Using custom functions
text box keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by task: Insert charts
DIF files, Importing and exporting text files
digital signatures, Removing personal information from your workbooks
Dim statements, VBA, Catching misspelled variable names
direct cell manipulation, Pasting hyperlinks
DISC (discount rate) function, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
discontinued features for 2013, Retired in 2013
DISCOUNT custom function, Creating custom functions
discrete distributions, generating, Generating random numbers using discrete distribution
Display options
current workbook only options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
formulas, showing instead of results option, Displaying underlying formulas
hiding zeros option, Displaying underlying formulas
workbook vs. worksheet options, Opening multiple windows for the same workbook
displayed values
high-precision numbers, Working with circular references
underlying values compared to, Using special characters
Distribute commands for objects, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Distributed alignment, Indenting cell contents
Distributed vertical alignment, Justifying text in cells
distributing multiple copies for later merging, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
Analysis Toolpak, generating with, Generating random numbers
analyzing (see statistics functions)
BETA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BINOM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CHI distribution functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CRITBINOM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXPON.DIST (exponential distributions) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.INV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAMMA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAUSS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HYPGEOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
KURT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOGNORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NEGBINOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POISSON.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
T.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEIBULL.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Z.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
#DIV/0! error value, Understanding error values
Divide (keypad) keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Divide operation, Paste Special, Pasting using math operators
GCD (greatest common divisor) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMDIV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
MOD function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
QUOTIENT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
slash (/) key symbol for, Building formulas
DMAX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DMIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Document Inspector, Privacy options
documentation, Who is the audience?
DOLLAR function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
dollar sign ($)
$ button, Home tab, Formatting numbers
absolute reference indicator, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references
formatting currency with, Formatting as you type
interpretation of, Entering simple numeric and text values
DOLLARDE function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLARFR function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
double declining balance depreciation, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
double strikethrough, Formatting text in graphics
double-byte character set functions
FINDB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LEFTB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LENB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
purpose of, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
REPLACEB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Down Arrow key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
DPRODUCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DQY (Microsoft Query) files, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure, Sorting records
cells in tables, Formatting tables
drag-and-drop option, Moving and copying with the mouse
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
Drawing command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
external graphic objects, Inserting pictures
shapes (see Shapes tools)
Drawing Tools Format tab
Shape Effects control, Using drawing tools
Shape Fill control, Making adjustments to your images
Shape Outline control, Using drawing tools
stack arrangement commands, Selecting and grouping objects
text boxes with, Working with text boxes
WordArt Styles gallery, Creating WordArt
drop-down lists
as command modifier, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Function drop-down list, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
live preview, Galleries and live preview
self-documentation by, The ribbon speaks
DSTDEV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
duplicate row removal, Extracting filtered rows
duplicate values, highlighting, Formatting conditionally
DURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DVAR functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions


e (numeric value), Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
E and e (exponent)
conversion of long entries to, Using special characters
display of high-precision numbers, Working with circular references
for custom formats, Creating new number formats
keyboard shortcut for, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Scientific format, Formatting fractions
use in scientific notation, Entering simple numeric and text values
Ease Of Access options, Enhancing accessibility
EDATE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Clear menu, Editing group, Clearing cells, Painting formats
data input (see data entry)
Edit Anyway button, Marked As Final workbooks, Marking as final
edit controls, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Edit Links dialog box, Opening a dependent workbook, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Edit menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Edit menu
Edit mode, Making entries in ranges
Edit state, status bar, Meet the formula bar
Fill menu (see Fill menu)
groups, worksheet, Research resources
images (see graphics formatting)
in place, Embedding vs. static pasting, Embedding and linking with the Object command
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Work in dialog boxes
tracking changes during (see change tracking)
EFFECT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Effects gallery, themes, Painting formats
elapsed time, Formatting dates and times, Creating your own date and time formats
ellipsis (...) buttons, Getting around in the workbook, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
addresses, Linking with hyperlinks
automatic hyperlinking of addresses, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
distribution methods, shared workbooks, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
Send To commands, Excel 2003 File menu
charts in Word, Using Excel charts in Word documents
Create From File tab, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Create New list of object types, Embedding and linking with the Object command
editing embedded objects, Embedding vs. linking
editing in place, Embedding vs. static pasting, Embedding and linking with the Object command
EMBED formulas, Embedding vs. linking
external graphic objects, Inserting pictures
file size issues from, Embedding vs. linking
formatting embedded objects, Formatting objects that contain text
icons with, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Object command, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
Paste Special feature, Embedding vs. linking
resizing embedded tables in Word, Using the Object command
source data changes, effects of, Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
vs. linking, Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
vs. static pasting, Embedding vs. linking
Word, from, Embedding vs. linking
Word, to (see Word)
Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values, Editing options
Enable Automatic Percent Entry, Editing options
Enable Fill Handle And Cell Drag-And-Drop, Editing options
digital signatures, Removing personal information from your workbooks
workbook, Protecting workbooks
End Function statements, VBA, Creating custom functions, Using custom functions
End key mode, Navigating regions with the mouse, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
End key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
Enter button, formula bar, Meet the formula bar, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
Enter key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Enter options, Selecting row or column differences
Enter state, status bar, Meet the formula bar
entering data (see data entry)
EOMONTH function, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
equal sign (=)
assignment statements, VBA, Using custom functions
DELTA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
functions list invoked by, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
logical operator, Creating conditional tests
numeric text entries with, Understanding numeric text entries
required for formulas, Building formulas
Equalize Character Height command, Formatting text in graphics
Equation Editor, Embedding and linking with the Object command
erasing data, Making entries in ranges
(see also clearing; deleting)
ERF (error) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Err object, Dealing with run-time errors
error bars for charts, Adding moving averages and other trendlines
Error Checking button, Auditing and documenting worksheets, Excel 2003 Format menu
error messages
#REF errors, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
circular references, Calculating part of a formula
compatibility, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
locked items, attempts to change, Protecting worksheets
natural-language formulas feature discontinued, Using structured references
run-time errors, VBA, Using the Immediate window
error tracing, Tracing precedent cells
error trapping for custom functions, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
error values
IFERROR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IFNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
PivotTable formatting options for, Formatting a PivotTable
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
table of, Understanding error values
ERROR.TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
cell, printing options for, Printing comments and errors
ERROR.TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
highlighting with conditional formatting, Creating conditional formatting formulas
ISERR functions, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
to restore cell contents, Making entries in ranges
to void marquees, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Euro Currency Tools add-in, The DURATION and MDURATION functions
EUROCONVERT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Evaluate Formula command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
EVEN function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
even numbers, ISEVEN function, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
EXACT function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Excel 4 macro sheets, Editing and undoing entries
Excel Data Model, Other improvements
(see also data models)
Excel Options dialog box (see Options dialog box)
Excel Web App
Open In Excel (desktop) command, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
opening workbooks in, Fetching files from remote computers
part of Office Web Apps, Fetching files from remote computers
read-only mode, Fetching files from remote computers
shared workbooks, editing, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
unsupported features, handling of, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
Exit command, Excel 2003 File menu
Exit Sub statements, Dealing with run-time errors
EXP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Expand Formula Bar button, Meet the formula bar
explicit intersections, Using Go To with names
exploits, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
EXPON.DIST (exponential distributions) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
exponential growth series, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
exponential regression, Understanding linear and exponential regression, The SLOPE function
exponential trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
exponential values, Using special characters
(see also scientific notation)
EXP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMEXP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Scientific format, Formatting fractions
exporting files
DIF files, Importing and exporting text files
Export command, Introducing Backstage view, Saving files, Importing and exporting files
PDF, to, Using Print Preview
SYLK files, Importing and exporting text files
text files, exporting to, Importing and exporting text files
XPS, to, Using Print Preview
expressions as arguments for functions, Exploring the syntax of functions
Extend Data Range Formats And Formulas option, Editing options
Extend Selection mode (F8), Navigating regions with the keyboard
extensions, file
capabilities and limitations by, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
Excel extensions, table of, Rules for file naming
hidden, viewing, Rules for file naming
visibility of, Using template files to store formatting
External Content security options, Message bar
external data, working with (see importing data)
external references, Creating references to other worksheets in the same workbook
Extract Data button, Recovering corrupted files


F (function) keys, table of, Keyboard shortcuts
F.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.INV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F1 (Help), The ribbon speaks, Keyboard shortcuts
F10, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F11, Choosing a chart style, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F12, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F2, Making entries in ranges, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F3, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F4, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F5, Using the find and select commands, Using Go To with names, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F6, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F7, Cheking yer speling, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F8, Navigating regions with the keyboard, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F9, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
FACT (factorial) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
FALSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FALSE logical value, Types of arguments, The CONCATENATE function
fields, Controlling the size of cells
(see also columns)
calculated, PowerPivot, Creating a calculated field
PivotTable, Creating a PivotTable, Formatting a PivotTable, Filtering PivotTable fields
file format attacks, Privacy options
File In Use dialog box, Saving and retrieving files over a network
File menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
File Search command, discontinued, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
file security
digital signatures, Removing personal information from your workbooks
personal information, managing, Privacy options
File tab
Backstage view, relation to, Retired in 2013
(see also Backstage view)
commands, Introducing Backstage view
Export command, Importing and exporting files
Info screen, Introducing Backstage view
linking custom properties to cells, Adding summary information to files
New command, Introducing Backstage view
Open command, Opening files, Specifying which folders to synchronize
Print command, Setting the printing order of large print ranges
Print Preview window, Inserting and removing manual page breaks
Properties button, Protecting files
Save As command, Collaborating on a network or by email, Specifying which folders to synchronize
Share options, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
file validation, Privacy options
files, Excel
backups, automatic, Specifying the default file format
backward compatibility, Rules for file naming
default format specification, Specifying the default file format
deleting, Opening files
exporting, Importing and exporting files
extensions, Rules for file naming, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Using template files to store formatting
File Block Settings, Trust Center, External content
format options, Rules for file naming, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
importing, Recovering corrupted files
naming, Rules for file naming
opening, Opening files
password protections of, Creating automatic backup files
recovering corrupted, Recovering corrupted files
summary information, adding to, Protecting files
files, non-Excel
exporting to, Importing and exporting files
File Block Settings, Trust Center, External content
hidden, revealing, Using template files to store formatting
fill color
Background Color area, Applying colors and patterns
Colors dialog box, Applying colors and patterns
custom colors, Applying colors and patterns
Fill Colors button, Shrinking text to fit in cells, Applying colors and patterns
Fill control (Picture Tools), Making adjustments to your images
Fill Effects, Applying colors and patterns
Fill tab, Format Cells, Applying colors and patterns
Format Shape Fill & Line command, Using advanced object formatting effects
gradient fills, Applying colors and patterns
No Color command, Applying colors and patterns
overlaying patterns on solid colors, Applying colors and patterns
Pattern Style palette, Applying colors and patterns
Fill commands, Excel 2003 Edit menu
fill handles
Auto Fill feature, Editing options
cell selection rectangles, relation to, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
copying and inserting with, Clearing cells
dates, creating series of, Entering dates and times
double-clicking with Auto Fill, Filling cells and creating data series
Enable Fill Handle And Cell Drag-And-Drop, Editing options
extending existing date series, Entering a series of dates
fill series, Editing options
right mouse button drags with, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
structured references, copying with, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
turning on, How to work a worksheet
visibility option, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
Fill menu, Using the Series command
(see also Auto Fill feature)
Across Worksheets command, Using the Series command, What you can do in group-editing mode
Down command, Using the Series command
Flash Fill, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
Justify command, Distributing long entries using the Justify command, Wrapping text in cells
Left command, Using the Series command
Series command, Using the Series command
Up command, Using the Series command
fill series, Editing options
filling cells automatically
Flash Fill, Quick analysis, Editing options, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
structured reference behavior, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
Above Average filter, Using filters to select dates
Advanced Filter command, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
alphabetical ranges of text values, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
AutoFilter command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
automatic filter creation for tables, Performing a case-sensitive sort
Begins With text filters, Using filters to select dates
between ranges with, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
blanks as criteria, Using filter criteria in more than one column
bottom n times, Using filter criteria in more than one column
cell references for computed criteria, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
chart data, Using the mouse to add data points
column selection for, Performing a case-sensitive sort
computed criteria, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
Contains text filters, Using filters to select dates
criteria for, selecting, Performing a case-sensitive sort
criteria ranges for, specifying, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
Custom Filtering command, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
data models with, Understanding relationships
dates, Using filter criteria in more than one column
duplicate row removal, Extracting filtered rows
extraction to separate worksheets, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
Filter button, Performing a case-sensitive sort
Filter commands, 2003 Data menu, Excel 2003 Tools menu
filter tables keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
greater/less than relationships, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
lists vs. tables, Performing a case-sensitive sort
methods available for, Performing a case-sensitive sort
Microsoft Query records, Sorting the result set
multiple criteria in multiple columns, Using filters
multiple criteria in same column, Applying multiple criteria to the same column
number comparisons for, Using filters to select dates
OR and AND on multiple columns, An example using both OR and AND
OR option for complex relationships, Using filters to specify more complex criteria, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
PivotTables, Filtering PivotTable fields
Query Wizard records, Choosing tables and fields (columns)
relational operators with, Using filters to select dates, An example using two columns joined by OR
removing filters, Using filters
rows, counting, Using filters
SUBTOTAL function with, Using filters, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
three OR criteria on a single column, An example using two columns joined by OR
Top 10 command, Using filter criteria in more than one column
top n times, Using filter criteria in more than one column
turning off for tables, Using filters
two columns joined by OR, Finding an alphabetical range of text values
Unique Records Only option, Extracting filtered rows
wildcards with, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
FILTERXML function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
financial analysis (see depreciation functions; investment functions; securities analysis functions)
Financial drop-down list, Functions for financial analysis
Find & Select menu
2003 equivalent on ribbon, Excel 2003 Edit menu
selection with, Using the find and select commands
dialog box expansion, Replacing what you find
Find & Select menu, Finding and replacing stuff
Find And Replace dialog box, Finding and replacing stuff
Find command, Finding and replacing stuff
FIND functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Find What box, Finding and replacing stuff
formatting, Finding formatting
Look In options, Finding and replacing stuff
Match Case option, Finding and replacing stuff
Match Entire Cell Contents option, Finding and replacing stuff
ranges, limiting to, Finding and replacing stuff
Search by rows or columns option, Finding and replacing stuff
Search For box, Research task pane, Cheking yer speling
wildcard characters for, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
Within option, Finding and replacing stuff
FISHER functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Fit Selection option, Freezing panes
Fixed Decimal mode, Navigating regions with the mouse
FIXED function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Flash Fill
automatic parsing and concatenation with, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
Automatically Flash Fill option, Editing options
capabilities of, Quick analysis
floating option buttons, Editing and undoing entries
FLOOR functions, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
default for saving files, setting, Saving files
Folder Options dialog box, hidden options, Using template files to store formatting
hidden, revealing, Installing your own templates, Using template files to store formatting
trusted locations, as, The Trust Center
All Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
Automatic font color option, Using fonts
Body font, Formatting tables
Bold command, Shrinking text to fit in cells, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Character Spacing options, Formatting text in graphics
charts, setting in, Making areas transparent
Decrease Font Size button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
display, selecting, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
double strikethrough, Formatting text in graphics
Equalize Character Height command, Formatting text in graphics
Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar command equivalents, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Font Color button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
Font Color command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Font command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Font dialog box, Using drawing tools
Font group, Shrinking text to fit in cells
Font Size button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
Font Size command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Fonts gallery, themes, Painting formats
Format Cells dialog box, Using fonts
graphics, for text in, Using drawing tools
headers and footers, for, Using the header/footer controls
Increase Font Size button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
Italic command, Shrinking text to fit in cells
kerning, Formatting text in graphics
live preview, Font drop-down list, Galleries and live preview
Offset control, Formatting text in graphics
row height, Using fonts
sizes available for, Using fonts
Small Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
Underline command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Windows font colors, Using fonts
footers (see headers and footers)
For Each...Next control structure, Collections of objects
FORECAST function, The FORECAST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Form command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Format As Table button (see table formatting)
Format Cells dialog box
Accounting formats, Using Currency formats
Alignment tab, Aligning data in cells
(see also alignment)
Borders tab, Using fonts
(see also borders)
Cell Styles with, Creating custom cell styles
Currency formats, Formatting numbers
customizing number formats, Using the Special formats
Date format options, Extending an existing date series
displaying, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
Font tab, Using fonts
(see also fonts)
Fraction formats, Formatting percentages
hiding cells, Hiding cells and worksheets
keyboard shortcut command for, Formatting fundamentals
launching, Worksheet formatting techniques, Formatting in depth
Number format option, Understanding the General format
Number tab, Formatting in depth
(see also numeric formatting)
Orientation command, Justifying text in cells
Percentage formats, Using Accounting formats
Scientific format, Formatting fractions
Shrink To Fit check box, Controlling text orientation
Special formats, Understanding the Text format
Text format, Understanding the Text format
Time format options, Extending an existing date series
Format menu
2003 version, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Format menu
Cell Size commands, Controlling the size of cells
Format Painter command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
Format Shape task pane
3-D controls, Applying 3-D effects
Fill & Line command, Using advanced object formatting effects
launching, Using advanced object formatting effects
option groups of, Working with text boxes
options of, Working with text boxes
Properties options, Positioning objects
shadow effects, Formatting fills and lines
Size commands, Positioning objects
text box formatting, Applying 3-D effects
Format tab, Picture Tools tab of, Inserting other objects
(see also Picture Tools)
$ (dollar sign), Formatting as you type
% (percent), Formatting as you type
, (comma), Formatting as you type
. (decimal), Formatting as you type
Accounting formats, Using Currency formats, Creating four-part formats
advantages of using, Worksheet formatting techniques
aligning data in cells (see alignment)
billing formats, custom, Adding color to formats
built-in custom format codes, table of, Creating new number formats
characters for, special, Formatting as you type
charts (see charts, formatting)
clearing cells of, Clearing cells, Painting formats
coloring cells with Number formats, Creating four-part formats
conditional (see conditional formatting)
conditional operators in custom formats, Adding color to formats
Currency formats, Formatting numbers
custom number formats, creating, Using the Special formats
dates and times, Extending an existing date series
(see also dates and times)
edit before formatting guideline, Formatting fundamentals
embedded objects, Formatting objects that contain text
Extend Data Range Formats And Formulas option, Editing options
filling cells with characters, Indenting cell contents
finding, Finding formatting
Format Cells dialog box (see Format Cells dialog box)
Format Painter command, Painting formats
Format Shape (see Format Shape task pane)
four-part custom formats, Creating new number formats
General format, Formatting as you type
graphic objects (see graphics formatting)
Home tab for basic commands, Worksheet formatting techniques
individual characters within cells, Formatting in depth
inserting columns, effects of, Moving and copying with the mouse
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
leading zeros, Formatting as you type
Live Previews, If you missed the last two upgrades
null formats, Using custom format conditional operators
Number format option of Number group, Understanding the General format
numbers in PivotTables, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
painting formats, Painting formats
part number formats, custom, Adding color to formats
pasting, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special, Formatting in depth
Percentage formats, Using Accounting formats
rules for, Formatting fundamentals
slash (/) key, fraction vs. date with, Formatting as you type
Special formats, Understanding the Text format
tables (see table formatting)
Text format, Understanding the Text format
themes for (see themes)
underlying values, lack of effect on, Formatting in depth
Word, Worksheet Object format in, Using Paste Special to control the format of your table
worksheet groups, Grouping worksheets for editing
Formatting toolbar, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Forms command, Excel 2003 View menu
Formula Auditing commands, Excel 2003 View menu
Formula AutoComplete
= (equal sign) to invoke, If you missed the last two upgrades
advantages of, Using Formula AutoComplete
display triggers, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
function pop-up lists in, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
name insertion with, Creating three-dimensional names
structured references, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
formula bar
cell display values, relation to, Building formulas
components of, Meet the formula bar
data entry buttons, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
editing contents of, Repeating your last action
expanding, Meet the formula bar
formatting in, Creating three-dimensional formulas
Formula Bar check box, Excel 2003 View menu
fx icon, Using the Sum button
hiding, Meet the formula bar
Insert Function button, Meet the formula bar
line breaks in, Creating three-dimensional formulas
Name box, Working with formulas
scientific notation, conversion of long entries to, Using special characters
Show group, View tab, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
spaces in, Creating three-dimensional formulas
split handles, Meet the formula bar
#N/A error value, Understanding error values
Analysis Toolpak, If you missed the last two upgrades
AutoComplete (see Formula AutoComplete)
bar for (see formula bar)
cell references in, Using cell references in formulas
cell tracers, Tracing cell references
clearing from cells, Clearing cells
conditional formatting, creating custom, Copying, clearing, and finding conditional formats
copying, Repeating your last action
copying, effect on references, How copying affects cell references
custom functions in, Using custom functions
(see also custom functions)
dates and times in, Measuring elapsed time
deleting cells referred to by, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
dependents (see dependents)
displaying in cells, Displaying underlying formulas
double-clicking cells to edit, Repeating your last action
editing contents of, Repeating your last action, Editing formulas
equal sign (=) requirement, Building formulas
error messages, compatibility, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
Evaluate Formula command, Evaluating and auditing formulas
Extend Data Range Formats And Formulas option, Editing options
finding in a spreadsheet, Finding and replacing stuff
Formula Auditing commands, Excel 2003 Tools menu
FORMULATEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
green warning triangles in cells, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
hiding, Hiding cells and worksheets
Insert Function button, Meet the formula bar
inserting names in, Creating three-dimensional names
ISFORMULA function, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Work in dialog boxes
merged cells with, Merging and unmerging cells
naming, Naming constants and formulas
natural-language formulas feature discontinued, Using structured references
nested, Evaluating and auditing formulas
numeric text in, Editing formulas
operators in (see operators)
order of processing of, Building formulas
parentheses ( ) in, Building formulas
partial calculation of, Recalculating manually
paste option for, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
pasting only option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
precedence of operators, Building formulas
precedents for (see precedents)
quotation marks (“) in, Using numeric text in formulas
selection with Formulas command, Using the find and select commands
Show Formulas option, Displaying underlying formulas
sorting issues, Sorting by column
tab on ribbon (see Formulas tab)
table names in, Naming a table
tables with, self-documenting feature, Removing duplicate records
tools introduced in 2007, If you missed the last two upgrades
transposed pastes with, Transposing entries
Update Formula To Include Cells option, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
Use In Formula button, Creating three-dimensional names
Watch Window, Evaluating and auditing formulas
Formulas tab
Calculation Options command, Worksheet calculation
Define Name button, Using names in formulas
Error Checking button, Working with circular references
Evaluate Formula command, Evaluating and auditing formulas
Formula Auditing group, Auditing and documenting worksheets
Insert Function button, Named references
Lookup & Reference button, Understanding lookup and reference functions
(see also lookup and reference functions)
Name Manager, Using names in formulas
Remove Arrows command, Tracing cell references, Tracing dependent cells
Statistical menu, Functions for analyzing statistics
Trace commands, Tracing cell references
Use In Formula button, Inserting references and names
Watch Window, Evaluating and auditing formulas, Excel 2003 View menu
data entry for, Using special characters
formatting for, Formatting percentages
Freeform tool, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Freeze Panes command, Excel 2003 Window menu
freezing panes, Splitting worksheets into panes
French Canadian dollar format, Adding color to formats
frequencies, histogram, Creating histograms
FREQUENCY function, Creating histograms, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
From Text command, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
Full Screen command, Excel 2003 View menu
function (F) keys, table of, Keyboard shortcuts
Function Arguments dialog box
information about specific functions in, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
information available in, Inserting functions
Function drop-down list, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
Function Library group, Inserting functions
Function statements, VBA, Creating custom functions, Using custom functions
#NAME? error value, Inserting functions
#NUM! error value, Understanding error values
A vs. non-A versions of, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions
accessing in VBA, Using custom functions
ACCRINT functions, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ADDRESS function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AGGREGATE function, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AMORDEGRC, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AMORLINC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AND function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AREAS function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
arguments of (see arguments)
ASIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ASINH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ATAN functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AVEDEV (average deviation) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AVERAGE functions, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Using built-in statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BASE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BESSEL functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BIT comparison functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
categories of, Named references
CEILING function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CELL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
cell references, inserting in, Inserting references and names
CHAR function, The TEXT function, Sorting cells that contain formulas, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CHOOSE function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CLEAN function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CODE function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COLUMN function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COLUMNS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COMBIN functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COMPLEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
components of, Understanding error values
CONCATENATE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
conditional functions, Creating conditional tests
CONVERT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CORREL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COT (cotangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COTH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COUNT functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
COUP (coupon) functions, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COVARIANCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSC (cosecant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSCH (hyperbolic cosecant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUBE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUMIPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUMPRINC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
custom (see custom functions)
date and time functions, Calculating with date and time, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
DATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DATEVALUE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAVERAGE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAY function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAYS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DDB and DB functions, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEC2 (decimal to) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DECIMAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
definition of, Understanding error values
deleting cells referred to by, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
descriptions of, searching by, Named references
DEVSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DISC function, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLAR function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLARDE function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLARFR function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DVAR functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EDATE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EOMONTH function, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ERF (error) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ERROR.TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EUROCONVERT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EVEN function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXACT function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FACT (factorial) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FALSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FIND functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FIXED function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FLOOR functions, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FORECAST function, The FORECAST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FORMULATEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FREQUENCY function, Creating histograms, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Function command, 2013 equivalent, Excel 2003 Insert menu
FV function, The NPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAMMA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAUSS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GEOMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GROWTH function, The LOGEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HARMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Help for, Using functions
HLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HOUR function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
hyperbolic (see hyperbolic functions)
HYPERLINK function, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HYPGEOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IF function, The CONCATENATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IM (imaginary number) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INDEX function, The MATCH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INDIRECT function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
information functions, Understanding information functions
inserting (see Insert Function dialog box)
INT function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INTERCEPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
INTRATE function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IPMT function, The PMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IRR function, The RATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IS functions, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LARGE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LEFT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LEN function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LINEST function, Calculating linear regression, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
listing all functions, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
LOGEST function, The LINEST function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, The LOOKUP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
lookup functions, Using lookup functions
LOWER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MATCH function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
math (see math functions)
MAX functions, The AVERAGE functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MDURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MEDIAN function, The AVERAGE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MID function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
mid-period compatibility forms of, The AVERAGE functions
MIN functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MINUTE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MINVERSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MIRR function, The IRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MODE.MULT function, The AVERAGE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MODE.SNGL function, The AVERAGE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MONTH function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MROUND function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
names, inserting in, Inserting references and names
NEGBINOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NETWORKDAYS functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
new, Other improvements, If you missed the last upgrade
NOMINAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOT function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOW function, Calculating with date and time, Recording with relative references, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPER function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPV function, The PV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODD function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDPRICE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDYIELD function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OFFSET function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OR function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
parentheses requirement, Exploring the syntax of functions
PDURATION function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERCENTILE functions, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERCENTRANK functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERMUTATION functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PHI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PMT function, The NPV function, Data tables based on one input variable, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POISSON.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POWER function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PPMT function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PRICE functions, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PROB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
probability (see probability functions)
PROPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PV function, Calculating investments, Documenting macros and custom functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
QUARTILE functions, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
QUOTIENT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RADIANS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RAND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ranges in arguments, Exploring the syntax of functions
RANK functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RATE function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RECEIVED function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
REPLACE functions, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
REPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RIGHT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROMAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROUND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROW function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROWS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RRI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ScreenTips for, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
SEARCH functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SEC (secant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SECH (hyperbolic secant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SECOND function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Select Arguments dialog box, Inserting functions
SERIESSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SHEET functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SIGN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SIN (sine) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SINH (hyperbolic sine) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SKEW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SLN function, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SLOPE function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SMALL function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SQRT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STDEV functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STEYX function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUBSTITUTE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
substring functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
SUBTOTAL function, Adding totals to a table, Using filters, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
subtotal functions for PivotTable fields, Customizing subtotals
SUM functions (see SUM functions)
SUMIF function, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SYD function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
syntax for, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
TAN (tangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TANH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TBILL functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
text (see text functions)
TEXT function, The TRUNC function, The CONCATENATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TIME function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TIMEVALUE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TODAY function, Calculating with date and time, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRANSPOSE function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TREND function, The LINEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
trigonometric (see trigonometric functions)
TRIM function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRIMMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRUNC function, The TRUNC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
UPPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
uppercase letters, conversion to, Inserting functions
VAR functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VDB function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEBSERVICE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEEKDAY function, Using the TODAY and NOW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEEKNUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEIBULL.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WORKDAY functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XIRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XNPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
YEAR functions, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
YEARFRAC function, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions
YIELD functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
furigana characters, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
future values of investments, The NPV function
FV function, The NPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FVSCHEDULE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
fx icon, Using the Sum button, Named references


GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), Using Accounting formats
Cell Styles, Formatting with cell styles
chart types, of, Selecting data for your chart
Colors gallery, themes, Painting formats
Effects, Painting formats
Fonts gallery, themes, Painting formats
legacy file issues with, Creating custom themes
live previews with, Galleries and live preview, Creating custom themes
WordArt Styles, Creating WordArt
GAMMA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAUSS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GCD (greatest common divisor) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
General category, Options dialog box, Galleries and live preview, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
General format, Formatting as you type
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), Using Accounting formats
geographic data, Power View, Creating a Power View report
GEOMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GESTEP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GETPIVOTDATA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Glow control, Picture Tools, Making adjustments to your images
Go To command, Using the find and select commands, Using Go To with names
Go To Special command, Using the find and select commands
Goal Seek tool, The Scenario PivotTable report, Excel 2003 Tools menu
gradient color fills, Applying colors and patterns, Using advanced object formatting effects
graphic objects
adding text to, Working with text boxes
backgrounds for worksheets, adding as, Adding graphic backgrounds to worksheets
Bring Forward button, Selecting and grouping objects
callouts, Using connectors and callouts
chart objects, Creating a new chart
connectors, Using connectors and callouts
creating, Using the Shapes tools
Cut, Copy, And Sort Inserted Objects With Their Parent Cells option, Editing options
editing in Excel, Retired in 2013
editing lines and polygons, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
embedding, Inserting pictures
enhancements to capabilities for, If you missed the last two upgrades
Format Shape (see Format Shape task pane)
formatting (see graphics formatting)
freehand drawing, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
grids, drawing, Using connectors and callouts
grouping, Working with graphic objects
hiding, Protecting objects
hyperlink assignment to, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
Insert tab commands for, Creating and formatting graphics
inserting objects created in other programs, Inserting pictures
inserting online pictures, Inserting other graphics
inserting pictures from local files, Inserting online pictures and clip art
lines, drawing, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
linked text boxes, Working with shapes
links to picture files, Inserting pictures
Lock Aspect Ratio option, Positioning objects
macros, assignment to, Protecting objects
moving objects, Using the Shapes tools
new tools for 2013, Creating and formatting graphics
Object Type list programs for, Inserting pictures
pasting pictures from the Clipboard, Inserting pictures
pictures compared to objects, Inserting pictures
positioning (see positioning graphic objects)
Print Object check box, Format Shape, Positioning objects
protecting, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
relation to underlying cells, Drawing constrained objects
resizing, Using the Shapes tools
rotations of, Working with shapes
selecting, Drawing constrained objects
selecting multiple, Using drawing tools, Working with graphic objects
selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
Send Backward button, Selecting and grouping objects
shapes, creating (see Shapes tools)
SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
ungrouping, Selecting and grouping objects
Web alternative descriptions, adding, Making adjustments to your images, Positioning objects
WordArt, Creating WordArt, Applying 3-D effects, Making areas transparent
graphics formatting
3-D controls, Making adjustments to your images
3-D controls for, Applying 3-D effects
artistic effects, Making adjustments to your images
background removal, Making adjustments to your images
brightness, Making adjustments to your images
color corrections, Making adjustments to your images
contrast, Making adjustments to your images
cropping, Making adjustments to your images
Drawing Tools for, Making adjustments to your images
embedded objects, Formatting objects that contain text
Fill control, Making adjustments to your images
Format Shape (see Format Shape task pane)
gradient color fills, Using advanced object formatting effects
hidden tabs for, Inserting other objects
in Excel vs. with external program, Inserting other objects
Line control, Making adjustments to your images
multiple objects, Selection pane for, Using drawing tools
picture fills, Formatting fills and lines
Picture Styles gallery, Inserting other objects
Picture Tools, Inserting other objects
recoloring, Making adjustments to your images, Making adjustments to your images
reflection effects control, Making adjustments to your images
resetting to original, Making adjustments to your images
rotation, Making adjustments to your images
saturation, Making adjustments to your images
shadow control, Making adjustments to your images
shadow effects, Formatting fills and lines
sharpening images, Making adjustments to your images, Making adjustments to your images
sizing, Making adjustments to your images
SmartArt Tools for, Using drawing tools
text formatting in, Using drawing tools
texture fills, Formatting fills and lines
tone, Making adjustments to your images
transparency, Making adjustments to your images
Web alternative descriptions, adding, Making adjustments to your images, Positioning objects
greater than (>)
filters using, Using filters to select dates
GESTEP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
logical operator, Creating conditional tests
greatest common divisor (GCD) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
charts, adding to, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
color options, Enhancing accessibility
displaying vs. printing, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
drawing objects aligned with, Drawing constrained objects
printing, Specifying rows and columns to print on every page
Show group, View tab, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Snap To Grid command for objects, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
grids, drawing, Using connectors and callouts
Group And Outline commands, Excel 2003 Data menu
Group command, Group menu, Outlining worksheets
grouping graphic objects, Working with graphic objects
groups of PivotTable items, Displaying a list of calculated fields and items
groups, ribbon, Creating a custom command group, Creating a custom command group
(see also tabs, ribbon)
adding existing groups to custom tabs, Creating a custom command group
command labels, hiding, Creating a custom command group
custom, creating, Creating a custom ribbon tab
icons for new, Creating a custom ribbon tab
positioning, Creating a custom ribbon tab
required for tab creation, Creating a custom ribbon tab
groups, user permissions, Allowing password access to specific cell ranges
groups, worksheet
Across Worksheets command, What you can do in group-editing mode
actions performed simultaneously on sheets in group, Grouping worksheets for editing
copied sheets, groups of, Grouping worksheets for editing
duplication of edits across groups, Grouping worksheets for editing
editing as a group, Research resources
formatting options with, Grouping worksheets for editing
Header & Footer command with, What you can do in group-editing mode
methods for grouping, Research resources
mouse methods with, Grouping worksheets for editing
New Sheet button, Research resources
page layout changes for, What you can do in group-editing mode
Print commands with, Grouping worksheets for editing
ungrouping, Grouping worksheets for editing
view options with, Grouping worksheets for editing
GROWTH function, The LOGEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Growth option, Using the Series command
Growth Trend command, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button


HARMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
#Headers structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
headers and footers
#Headers structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
Align With Page Margins option, Creating a header and footer
column specifiers, as, Using structured references
date or time, adding to, Creating a header and footer
default margins for, Creating a header and footer
editing, Creating a header and footer
file names and paths, adding, Creating a header and footer
first pages, specifying different for, Creating a header and footer
font control, Using the header/footer controls
Format Text command, Using the header/footer controls
Header & Footer command, What you can do in group-editing mode, Setting margins
Header & Footer Tools Design tab, Setting margins
Header/Footer tab in Page Setup dialog box, Creating a header and footer
justification of, Creating a header and footer
odd & even pages, specifying different for, Creating a header and footer
page numbering, Creating a header and footer
pictures, adding, Creating a header and footer, Adding pictures to headers and footers
predesigned, adding, Creating a header and footer
Scale With Document option, Creating a header and footer
sheet name, adding, Creating a header and footer
side ruler for margins, Adding pictures to headers and footers
table formatting of, Formatting tables
Titles And Headings Cell Styles, Formatting with cell styles
displaying vs. printing, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
highlighting of, Exploring Excel fundamentals
mapping XML elements to, Creating an ad hoc mapping of XML elements to table columns
Print Titles feature, Will you need to print the worksheet?
printing on every page, Specifying the area to be printed
Show group, View tab, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
? (question mark) icon, Using the workbook window, Help in depth
button for, Help in depth
dialog box, Help in depth
Excel Options dialog box Help button, Galleries and live preview
F1 for, The ribbon speaks
function reference, Using functions
Help menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Window menu
i icons, Galleries and live preview, Using the Help system
improvements in, Help in depth
Internet-based system, Help in depth
Keep On Top option, Help in depth
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Format data
offline system fallback, Help in depth
ScreenTips, Using the Help system
specificity for dialog boxes, Help in depth
hexadecimal numbers
BIN2HEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEC2HEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HEX2 (hexadecimal to) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
OCT2HEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
hidden folders, Installing your own templates
cells, Hiding cells and worksheets
columns, Changing row heights
filters, by (see filtering)
graphic objects, Protecting objects
rows, Changing row heights
saving hidden workbooks, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
Unhide button, Hiding and protecting workbooks
values using a null format, Using custom format conditional operators
workbooks, Hiding and protecting workbooks
worksheet groups, Grouping worksheets for editing
worksheets, Hiding cells and worksheets, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
Hierarchy SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
Highlight Cells Rules conditional formatting, Formatting conditionally
FREQUENCY function, Creating histograms, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Histogram tool, Creating histograms
HLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Home key, Navigating with special keys, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Home Price Estimator tool, The LINEST function
Home tab
$ button, Formatting numbers
Clear menu, Painting formats
Conditional Formatting button, Formatting conditionally
(see also conditional formatting)
Editing group, Clearing cells
Fill menu (see Fill menu)
Find & Select menu, Using the find and select commands
Format As Table button, Formatting tables
(see also table formatting)
Format commands, Excel 2003 Format menu
Format menu, Controlling the size of cells
Format Painter command, Painting formats
formatting commands in, Worksheet formatting techniques
Get External Data command, Creating a Power View report
Insert command, Inserting columns and rows, Excel 2003 Insert menu
homographs, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
horizontal alignment, Aligning data in cells
HOUR function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
files, saving to, Sharing data beyond Excel
format for pasting tables into Word, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard, Using RTF and HTML formats
hyperbolic functions
ACOSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ACOTH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ASINH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ATANH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COTH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSCH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMCOSH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMSECH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMSINH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
SECH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SINH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TANH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
AutoFormatting of web addresses, Controlling automatic formatting
Bookmark button for links to Excel files, Linking to a website or local file
browsed pages, linking to, Turning ordinary text into a hyperlink
browsing to files to link to, Linking to a website or local file
capabilities of, Choosing automatic or manual update
clearing from cells, Clearing cells
creating in cells, Linking with hyperlinks
creating new documents with, Linking with hyperlinks, Linking to a location in the current document
deleting, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
dynamic links, creating, Using formulas to create hyperlinks
editing, Pasting hyperlinks, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
email addresses, automatic, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill, Linking with hyperlinks, Linking to an email message
Excel tables in Word documents, Linking with hyperlinks
formulas for creating, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
full vs. relative URLs, Linking to a website or local file
graphic objects, assignment to, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
Hyperlink command, Insert tab, Transposing entries, Linking with hyperlinks
HYPERLINK function, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
links, compared to, Transposing entries
local files, to, Turning ordinary text into a hyperlink
navigation within a worksheet with, Linking with hyperlinks
network paths, to, Linking with hyperlinks
pasting, Transposing entries
PivotTables, disallowed for, Turning ordinary text into a hyperlink
Place In This Document button, Linking to a location in the current document
recent files, linking to, Linking to a website or local file
Remove Hyperlink command, Linking to a website or local file
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
ScreenTips, adding, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
selecting cells or objects without triggering, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
text, adding to, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
to charts, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
to locations in the current document, Linking to a location in the current document
to pictures, Choosing automatic or manual update, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
URL automatic conversion to, Fixing errors as you type, Linking with hyperlinks
web pages, to, Choosing automatic or manual update
HYPGEOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas


i icons, Galleries and live preview, Using the Help system
I-beam insertion points, Moving and copying with the mouse
Icon Sets conditional formatting, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally, Creating conditional formatting rules
icons for embedded and linked objects, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard, Embedding and linking with the Object command
icons, padlock, Unlocking individual cells
if condition
AVERAGEIF functions, Using built-in statistical functions
COUNTIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IF function, The CONCATENATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
If statements, Using custom functions, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
IFERROR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IFNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
SUMIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IM (imaginary number) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
images, Working with text boxes
(see also graphic objects; pictures)
adding to SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
files saved with HTML format, Sharing data beyond Excel
imaginary numbers, IM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Immediate window, Visual Basic Editor, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
implicit intersections, Using Go To with names
Import External Data commands, Excel 2003 Data menu
importing data
Access, importing entire tables from, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
database formats supported, Working with external data
delimited files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
design considerations for, Who is the audience?
existing connections, listing, Working with external data
fixed-width files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
Microsoft Query for (see Microsoft Query)
Office Data Connections, Working with external data
refresh options for, Setting refresh options
Select Table dialog box, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
text files, Importing and exporting text files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
Text Import Wizard, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
XML formatted data, Parsing Clipboard text
Increase Decimal command, Using Currency formats
Increase Font Size button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
increments, specifying, Using the Series command
indenting, Aligning data in cells
INDEX function, Using lookup functions, The MATCH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INDIRECT function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Info category, File tab
Mark As Final command, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
security alerts and messages in, The Trust Center
INFO function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
information functions
COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
ERROR.TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IS functions, Understanding information functions
purpose of, Understanding information functions
TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ink annotations, Tweaking your comments, Excel 2003 Insert menu
InputBox statements, Using custom functions
inputting data, Other improvements
Insert Charts dialog box, Flash Fill
Insert Function dialog box
Arguments dialog box with, Inserting functions
browsing the list of functions, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
custom functions in, Making your custom functions available anywhere
function selection methods of, Named references
Insert Function button for, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar, Using the Sum button
keyboard shortcut for, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
launching, Using the Sum button
location of, Meet the formula bar
User Defined category, Making your custom functions available anywhere
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Accessing commands with the keyboard
Insert key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Insert menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Insert tab
Apps For Office button, Enhancing accessibility
dangers of row and column inserts, Do you need more than one worksheet?
graphic objects commands, Creating and formatting graphics
Hyperlink command, Transposing entries, Linking with hyperlinks
Object button, Inserting pictures, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
PivotTable command, Creating a PivotTable
(see also PivotTables)
Power View button, The PowerPivot add-in
Recommended Charts, Flash Fill
Recommended PivotTable command (see PivotTables)
Screenshot menu, Assigning macros to objects
Signature Line, Using digital signatures
SmartArt button, Creating SmartArt
Sparklines group buttons, Creating sparklines
Symbol button, Understanding numeric text entries
WordArt, Creating WordArt
Insert tab, Word, Linking with hyperlinks
cells (see inserting cells)
charts, Selecting data for your chart, Shortcuts by task: Insert charts
functions, Named references
Insert dialog box keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
insertion points, Selecting row or column differences
names in formulas, Creating three-dimensional names
new worksheets, Editing and undoing entries
ribbon tab for (see Insert tab)
rows and columns (see inserting rows and columns)
inserting cells
fill handle method for, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
Insert Cells command, Inserting columns and rows
Insert Copied Cells command, Inserting cells
Insert Cut Cells command, Inserting cells, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
Insert Paste dialog box, Inserting cells
Shift Cells Down option, Inserting copied or cut cells
Show Insert Options Buttons option, Editing options
inserting functions (see Insert Function dialog box)
inserting rows and columns
format of inserted columns, Moving and copying with the mouse
formula adjustments for, Moving and copying with the mouse
Insert menu, Cells group for, Moving and copying with the mouse
Insert Options, Moving and copying with the mouse
keyboard shortcuts for, Inserting columns and rows
shortcut menus for, Moving and copying with the mouse
SUM function failure to include, Copying mixed references
insertion points, Selecting row or column differences
Inspect Document command, Privacy options
instances of Excel, Workbook navigation tips
insufficient column space indicators (######...), Understanding the difference between displayed values and underlying values, Controlling the size of cells, Calculating with date and time
INT function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INTERCEPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
interest calculations, Functions for financial analysis
(see also investment functions)
ACCRINT functions, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EFFECT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
interest accrued functions, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IPMT function, The PMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
internal rate of return calculations
IRR function, The RATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XIRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Internet addresses, automatic conversion to hyperlinks, Fixing errors as you type, Linking with hyperlinks
Internet connections, option for disallowing, Privacy options
Internet Explorer, exporting data to Excel, Copying and pasting from the web browser
implicit, Using Go To with names
structured reference intersection operator (space), Using structured references
INTRATE function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
investment functions
accessing, Functions for financial analysis
arguments for, Calculating investments
CUMIPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CUMPRINC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EFFECT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FV function, The NPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FVSCHEDULE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IPMT function, The PMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IRR function, The RATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MIRR function, The IRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOMINAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPER function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPV function, The PV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PDURATION function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PMT function, The NPV function, Data tables based on one input variable, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PPMT function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PV function, Calculating investments, Documenting macros and custom functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RATE function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RRI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XIRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XNPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IPMT function, The PMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IRR function, The RATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IS functions, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISBLANK function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISERR functions, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
IsMissing function, Documenting macros and custom functions
ISNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISNONTEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Italic command, Shrinking text to fit in cells
iterative calculations
enabling, Working with circular references
Max Time and Iterations settings, Solver, Other Solver options
RATE function use of, The PPMT function


join operations, Microsoft Query, Choosing tables and fields (columns), Adding and removing tables
justification, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
(see also alignment)
header and footer, Creating a header and footer
Horizontal Justify, Wrapping text in cells
Justify command, Wrapping text in cells
Justify Distributed option, Justifying text in cells
vertical justification, Justifying text in cells


Keep Text Flat control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
kerning, Formatting text in graphics
key performance indicators (KPIs), If you missed the last two upgrades, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
keyboard command mode, Accessing commands with the keyboard, Enhancing accessibility
keyboard modes, table of, Navigating regions with the keyboard
keyboard shortcuts
Alt+=, Using the Sum button
Alt+Tab, How to work a workbook
appendix listing all, Keyboard shortcuts
Backstage view commands, Shortcuts by task: Print
borders, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
calculation, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
Ctrl+ arrow keys, Navigating regions with the keyboard
Ctrl+/ (array selection), Array formula rules
Ctrl+1, Formatting fundamentals, Adding code to or editing recorded macros
Ctrl+;, Entering dates and times
Ctrl+Alt+V, Shortcuts by task: Format data
Ctrl+C, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+D, Using the Series command
Ctrl+End (move to end of active area), Navigating with special keys
Ctrl+F, Finding and replacing stuff
Ctrl+H, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
Ctrl+Home (move to A1), Workbook navigation tips, Navigating with special keys
Ctrl+Page Down, Freezing panes
Ctrl+Page Up, Freezing panes
Ctrl+R, Using the Series command
Ctrl+S, Saving files
Ctrl+Shift+:, Entering dates and times
Ctrl+Shift+Comma, Formatting and calculating date and time
Ctrl+Spacebar, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
Ctrl+T, How to organize a table
Ctrl+Tab, Navigating between open workbooks
Ctrl+V, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+X, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+Y, Copying, cutting, and pasting
Ctrl+Z, Editing and undoing entries, Copying, cutting, and pasting, Formatting and calculating date and time
Ctrl+` command (display/hide formulas), Displaying underlying formulas
data entry, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
editing with, Shortcuts by task: Work in dialog boxes
F (function) keys, table of, Keyboard shortcuts
F1, The ribbon speaks, Keyboard shortcuts
F11, Choosing a chart style, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F2, Making entries in ranges, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F4, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F5, Using the find and select commands, Using Go To with names, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F7, Cheking yer speling, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
F8, Navigating regions with the keyboard, Shortcuts by key: Function keys
filtering commands, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
format data commands, Shortcuts by task: Filter tables
formula commands, Shortcuts by task: Work in dialog boxes
function (F) keys, table of, Keyboard shortcuts
Go To Special, list of, Selecting precedents and dependents
Help commands, Shortcuts by task: Format data
inserting charts, Shortcuts by task: Insert charts
inserting rows and columns, Inserting columns and rows
letter keys (A-Z), Shortcuts by key: Letter keys
macro commands, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
macros, assigning to, Using the macro recorder
navigation with, Navigating regions with the keyboard, Shortcuts by key: Function keys, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
options menus commands, Shortcuts by task: Select cells with special characteristics
outline commands, Shortcuts by task: Select cells with special characteristics
print commands, Shortcuts by task: Print
ribbon control and view shortcuts, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
scrolling commands, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
selecting with, Shortcuts by task: Enter data, Shortcuts by task: Print
Shift+Ctrl+Tab, Navigating between open workbooks
Shift+Spacebar, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
task pane control commands, Shortcuts by task: Work with task panes
Windows navigation, Shortcuts by task: Work with task panes
worksheet management, Shortcuts by task: Work with worksheets
worksheet navigation with, Workbook navigation tips
keypad shortcuts, table of, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
KPIs (key performance indicators), If you missed the last two upgrades, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
kth largest/smallest, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
KURT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PEARSON function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued), Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)


labels, chart, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
landscape orientation, Will you need to print the worksheet?
landscape printing orientation, Printing wide or tall, Controlling what and where to print
language functions
ASCII functions, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
PHONETIC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
UNICHAR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
“B” double-byte character set functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
LARGE function, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
launching Excel, The ribbon speaks
layouts, chart, Choosing a chart layout
LCM (least common multiple) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
left alignment, Aligning data in cells
Left Arrow key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
LEFT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
legacy file types, Rules for file naming, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Importing and exporting text files
legends, chart, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
LEN function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
less than (<)
filters using, Using filters to select dates
logical operator, Creating conditional tests
Linear option, Using the Series command
linear regression, Calculating sample statistics: VAR.S and STDEV.S
Linear Trend command, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
linear trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
chart, formatting, Selecting chart elements
drawing, Drawing constrained objects, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Line control (Picture Tools), Making adjustments to your images
options in Format Shape task pane, Formatting fills and lines
LINEST function, Calculating linear regression, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Linked Picture button, Copying cells as a picture
linking, Controlling automatic formatting
(see also hyperlinks)
automatic updating option, Opening a dependent workbook, Embedding and linking with the Object command, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
Break Link command, Editing links
broken links, fixing, Choosing automatic or manual update
capabilities from, Using array constants
Change Links dialog box, Choosing automatic or manual update
consolidated data, adding to source worksheets, Consolidating by category
copying formulas between workbooks, Editing links
Create From File tab, Embedding and linking with the Object command
cutting and pasting formulas, Editing links
dependent workbooks, opening, Opening a dependent workbook
Edit Links dialog box, Opening a dependent workbook, Embedding and linking with the Object command
embedding compared to, Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
Excel into Word with Paste Link options, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
hyperlinks compared to, Transposing entries
icons with, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard, Embedding and linking with the Object command
links to other applications, Editing links
manual updating option, Embedding and linking with the Object command
manual vs. automatic links, Opening a dependent workbook
Object command, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
offline unavailability issue, Embedding vs. linking
Paste Link option of Paste Special dialog box, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
pasting, Pasting multiples, Pasting using math operators
pictures, to source files for, Inserting pictures
range names for links from Word, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
references in, Editing links
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
saving, Linking workbooks
security alerts on startup, Opening a dependent workbook
source data changes, effects of, Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
Startup Prompt dialog box, Editing links
text box to cell, Working with shapes
Update button, Opening a dependent workbook
Update Values command, Editing links
updating options, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Links command, Excel 2003 Edit menu
List category, SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
List commands, Excel 2003 View menu, Excel 2003 Data menu
creating custom, Distributing long entries using the Justify command
filtering (see filtering)
well-constructed for PivotTables, Creating a PivotTable
literal strings, Using numeric text in formulas
Live Mesh, Using SkyDrive
live preview
enabling, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
formatting advantages of, If you missed the last two upgrades
galleries with, Galleries and live preview
Quick Access tool, for, The joy of shortcut menus
loans, payment calculations for, The NPV function
Locale formatting, Understanding the Text format
locations, managing trusted, The Trust Center
locking cells, Protecting worksheets
IMLN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMLOG functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOG functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOGEST function, The LINEST function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
logical functions
AND function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BIT comparison functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FALSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IF function, The CONCATENATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ISLOGICAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOT function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OR function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMIF function, The IF function
TRUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRUE or FALSE nature of, The CONCATENATE function
XOR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
logical operators
logical functions with, The IF function
table of, Creating conditional tests
logical values
as arguments in functions, Types of arguments
FALSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FALSE logical value, Types of arguments, The CONCATENATE function
ISLOGICAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
TRUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRUE logical value, Types of arguments, The CONCATENATE function
LOGNORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
lookup and reference functions
ADDRESS function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AREAS function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
arguments for, Using selected lookup and reference functions
capabilities of, Understanding lookup and reference functions
CHOOSE function, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COLUMN function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COLUMNS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INDEX function, Using lookup functions, The MATCH function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INDIRECT function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, The LOOKUP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MATCH function, Using lookup functions, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROW function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROWS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SHEET functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRANSPOSE function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOWER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)


Macintosh compatibility
CSV and tab-delimited formats for, Importing and exporting text files
date system, Sharing data with Excel for the Macintosh, Understanding how Excel records dates and times
SkyDrive limitations, Fetching files from remote computers
Windows to Mac importing and exporting, Sharing data with Excel for the Macintosh
adding code to, Naming arguments to methods
buttons, creating for, Too many tools?
comments, Documenting macros and custom functions
copying code between, Adding code to or editing recorded macros
creation methods, Recording macros
definition of, Recording macros
descriptions for, Using the macro recorder
documentation, Documenting macros and custom functions
editor for (see Visual Basic Editor)
End Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
graphic objects, assigning to, Protecting objects
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
making available for any workbook, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
Microsoft Script Editor command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
modules, VBA, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
naming, Using the macro recorder, Documenting macros and custom functions
Personal Macro Workbooks, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
recording (see recording macros)
relative references for, Using the macro recorder
running, Using the macro recorder
Security command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
security issues, Configuring macro security
status bar buttons for, Facts about the status bar
Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
subroutines, Using subroutines in macros
supported file formats for, Configuring macro security
table references, Naming a table
Trust Center options for, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
unexpected results from recording, Recording with relative references
View Macros command, Using the macro recorder
Visual Basic Editor command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
XLSX format does not support, Configuring macro security
XLTM file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
mail merges, Using Excel to supply mail-merge data to Word
Map button, Power View, Creating a Power View report
mapping XML elements, Creating an ad hoc mapping of XML elements to table columns
margin settings, Working in Page Layout view, Controlling what and where to print, Using Print Preview
Mark As Final command, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
marquees, Worksheet editing techniques
master workbooks, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
MATCH function, Using lookup functions, The ADDRESS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Material control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
math functions
AGGREGATE function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AVERAGE functions, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BESSEL functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BIN2 (binary conversion) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CEILING function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COMBIN functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COMPLEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEC2 (decimal to) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEGREES function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DELTA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DPRODUCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EVEN function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXP function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FACT (factorial) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FISHER functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FLOOR functions, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GCD (greatest common divisor) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
hyperbolic (see hyperbolic functions)
IM (imaginary number) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INT function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INTERCEPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LCM (least common multiple) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MROUND function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODD function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERMUTATION functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POWER function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PRODUCT function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
QUOTIENT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RADIANS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RAND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROUND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SERIESSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SIGN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SQRT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SQRTPI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUM (see SUM functions)
SUMIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
trigonometric (see trigonometric functions)
TRUNC function, The TRUNC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
mathematics expressions as embedded objects, Embedding and linking with the Object command
mathematics operators, Paste Special, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
matrices (see also arrays)
MDETERM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MINVERSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MUNIT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MAX functions, The AGGREGATE function, The AVERAGE functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Maximize button, Workbook navigation tips
maximum items allowed, If you missed the last two upgrades
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
DMAX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Microsoft Query generation of, Performing aggregate calculations
MDETERM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MDURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
mean, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
averages (see averages)
TRIMMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
MEDIAN function, The AGGREGATE function, The AVERAGE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Meet Now command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
memory usage by Excel, If you missed the last two upgrades, Exploring Excel fundamentals
menus, Creating a custom command group
(see also tabs, ribbon)
2003 style (see 2003 menu commands, 2013 ribbon equivalents)
right-clicking for shortcut menus, Accessing commands with the keyboard
Merge & Center command, Filling cells with characters
merging cells, Changing row heights
merging changes of multiple workbooks, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
message bar
Enable Content button, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
security alerts and messages in, The Trust Center, Message bar
methods, VBA, Objects, methods, and properties, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
MHTML files, saving to, Sharing data beyond Excel
Microsoft accounts, Introducing Backstage view, Working in the cloud
Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) specification, Enhancing accessibility
Microsoft Equation Editor, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Microsoft Office Online command, Excel 2003 Window menu
Microsoft Office Web Apps (see Office Web Apps)
Microsoft Query
adding fields, Working with joins
adding tables, Adding and removing tables
aggregate calculations, Performing aggregate calculations
Automatic Query options, Using multiple exact-match criteria
calculated fields, filtering on, Using more than one aggregate field
capabilities beyond Query Wizard, Working directly with Microsoft Query
Choose Data Source dialog box, Getting to Query
choosing tables and columns, Choosing tables and fields (columns)
comparing fields, Using menu commands to specify exact-match criteria
Cycle Through Totals button, Performing aggregate calculations
data pane, Getting to Query
data source selection, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
Edit Column functions, Performing aggregate calculations
exact-match criteria creation, Creating exact-match criteria
existing queries, editing, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
field (column) editing, Working with joins
filtering records, Choosing tables and fields (columns), Sorting the result set
group aggregates, Aggregating groups of records
hiding fields, Working with joins
join creation, Adding and removing tables
join operations, Choosing tables and fields (columns)
moving fields, Working with joins
multiple exact-match criteria, Creating exact-match criteria
naming new queries, Using Microsoft Query to import data
opening existing queries, Working directly with Microsoft Query
parameter-based queries, Using more than one aggregate field
purpose of, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
Query Wizard, Using Microsoft Query to import data
relationship operators for, Filtering records
removing fields, Working with joins
removing tables, Adding and removing tables
renaming fields, Renaming fields
returning results to Excel, Creating a parameter-based query
saving queries, Creating a parameter-based query
saving Query Wizard queries, Sorting records
Select Database dialog box, Using Microsoft Query to import data
sorting in Query Wizard, Sorting records
sorting records, Renaming fields
SQL code, viewing, Using multiple exact-match criteria
tables pane, Getting to Query
Unique Values Only option, Using menu commands to specify exact-match criteria
Microsoft Word (see Word)
MID function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
military time convention, Entering dates and times, Formatting dates and times
Mini toolbar
display options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
hiding, The joy of shortcut menus
Minimize button, Workbook navigation tips
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
DMIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Microsoft Query generation of, Performing aggregate calculations
MIN functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
minus sign (–)
functions list invoked by, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
interpretation at beginning of an entry, Entering simple numeric and text values
subtraction, Building formulas
(see also subtraction)
MINUTE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MINVERSE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MIRR function, The IRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
misaligned data, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
mixed references, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references, Copying absolute references
MMULT (see mode)
MOD function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
MODE functions, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MODE.MULT function, The AVERAGE functions
MODE.SNGL function, The AVERAGE functions
modular design, Do you need more than one worksheet?
modules, VBA, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Creating a simple custom function
MONTH function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
More Number Formats command, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
mortgage payments, functions to calculate, The NPV function, Performing a what-if analysis
Most Recently Used Documents command, Excel 2003 File menu
dragging cells and ranges with, Pasting hyperlinks
Enable Fill Handle And Cell Drag-And-Drop, Editing options
region navigation with, Navigating regions with the keyboard
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
selection with, Selecting with the mouse
wheels, navigating with, Getting around in the workbook
Zoom On Roll With IntelliMouse option, Editing options
zooming with, Zooming worksheets
Move Or Copy dialog box, Sending a worksheet, chart, or range by email
Move Or Copy Sheet command, Excel 2003 Edit menu
dragging cells and ranges with mouse, Pasting hyperlinks
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
Update Formula To Include Cells option, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
worksheets, Moving and copying worksheets
moving around worksheets (see navigation)
Moving Average tool, Calculating moving averages
moving average trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
MROUND function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MS-DOS CSV files, Importing and exporting text files
MSAA (Microsoft Active Accessibility) specification, Enhancing accessibility
MsgBox statements, Using custom functions
multi-table data models, Adding information to the Excel table
multicore processing, Recalculating manually
MULTINOMIAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
multiple regression, Understanding linear and exponential regression
multiple windows for same workbook, Comparing worksheets side by side
multiple workbooks, navigating between, How to work a workbook
* symbol for, Building formulas
DPRODUCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMPRODUCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
PRODUCT function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ranges in formulas with, Single-cell array formulas
SUMPRODUCT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Multiply (keypad) keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
MUNIT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)


N function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
#N/A error value
causes of, Understanding error values
IFNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ISNA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
#NAME? error value, Understanding error values, Inserting functions
#NAME? error value, Understanding error values
advantages for formulas, Working with formulas
Apply Names command, Creating a list of names
as arguments in functions, Named references
case, insensitivity to, Defining and managing names
cell references, changing, Defining and managing names
constants, for, Creating names semiautomatically
Create From Selection command, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
Define command equivalent, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Define Name button, Using names in formulas
defining for a cell, Working with formulas
documenting with comments, Using names in formulas
editing, Defining and managing names
Formula AutoComplete with, Creating three-dimensional names
formulas, for, Naming constants and formulas
functions, inserting in, Inserting references and names
Go To command, Using Go To with names
Insert menu command equivalents, Excel 2003 Insert menu
inserting in formulas, Creating three-dimensional names
links from Word, importance for, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
listing, Inserting names in formulas
Name box, Working with formulas
Name Manager, Using names in formulas
natural-language formulas feature discontinued, Using structured references
New Name dialog box, Using names in formulas
Paste List command, Inserting names in formulas
ranges, creating multiple in, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
Refers To text box, Using names in formulas, Creating names semiautomatically
replacing references with, Creating a list of names
rules for naming, Defining and managing names
scope of, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
selecting with edit boxes, Creating names semiautomatically
syntax for, Defining and managing names
table formulas, automatic use in, Removing duplicate records
tables, of, Using structured references
text labels for, Using names in formulas, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
using in formulas, Working with formulas
workbook-wide basis of, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
worksheets, Inserting and deleting worksheets
worksheets, limiting references to specific, Workbook-wide vs. worksheet-only names
names of people
generating full from first and last, About text values
parsing, The RIGHT and LEFT functions
natural logarithms
IMLN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
natural-language formulas feature discontinued, Using structured references
controls, worksheet, Getting around in the workbook
hyperlinks for, Linking with hyperlinks
keyboard shortcuts for, Workbook navigation tips, Navigating regions with the keyboard
keyboard shortcuts for, tables of, Shortcuts by key: Function keys, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
multiple selections, within, Selecting with Go To Special
regions, How to work a worksheet
Windows keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by task: Work with task panes
workbooks, between, How to work a workbook
negative values, display of, Using Accounting formats
NEGBINOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
nested formulas, evaluating, Evaluating and auditing formulas
net present value calculations, The PV function
network paths, hyperlinks to, Linking with hyperlinks
NETWORKDAYS functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
networks, saving files to network locations, Collaborating on a network or by email
New command
accessing on File tab, Introducing Backstage view, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
template choices, Installing your own templates
New Database Query command, Excel 2003 Data menu
new features of Excel 2013
animation features, Other improvements
chart data labels, rich, Timeline
Chart Elements button, New chart-formatting controls
Chart Styles button, New chart-formatting controls
Excel Data Model, Other improvements
Flash Fill, Quick analysis, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
PivotCharts, standalone, Other improvements
Power View, Other improvements, Creating and formatting graphics
previously released features, last upgrade, Retired in 2013
Quick Analysis toolbar, Quick analysis
Recommended Charts, Flash Fill, Creating and formatting graphics
Recommended PivotTables, Timeline, Creating and formatting graphics
slicers, Timeline
templates, New and improved for 2013
Timeline feature, Timeline, Creating and formatting graphics
workbook organization, Timeline
new features of last upgrade, Retired in 2013
new features since 2007, If you missed the last upgrade
New Sheet button, Editing and undoing entries, Research resources
New Window command, Comparing worksheets side by side
nominal annual interest rates, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NOMINAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
nonadjacent regions, selecting, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges, Selecting with Go To Special
NORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Normal cell style, Modifying and duplicating cell styles, Using fonts, Formatting tables
Normal command, Excel 2003 View menu
normal distributions, generating, Generating random numbers
NOT function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Notepad, pasting from, Embedding vs. linking
Alert The User When A Potentially Time-Consuming Operation Occurs, Editing options
message bar for, The Trust Center, Message bar
NOW function, Calculating with date and time, Recording with relative references, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPER function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NPV function, The PV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
#NULL! error value, Understanding error values
null formats, Using custom format conditional operators
#NUM! error value, Understanding error values, Understanding the precision of numeric values
Num Lock mode, Navigating regions with the mouse
Number group
drop-down list options, The ribbon speaks
Number option of, Understanding the General format
number sign (#)
digit placeholder in custom number formats, Creating new number formats
undersized columns with, Understanding the difference between displayed values and underlying values, Controlling the size of cells, Calculating with date and time
Number tab, Format Cells dialog box (see numeric formatting)
as values (see numeric values)
formatting of (see numeric formatting)
ISNUMBER function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
N function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
negative, Using Accounting formats
Number Format drop-down list, The ribbon speaks, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
ROMAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
scientific (see scientific notation)
NUMBERVALUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
numeric formatting
Accounting formats, Using Currency formats, Creating four-part formats
built-in custom format codes, table of, Creating new number formats
coloring cells with, Creating four-part formats
Currency format option, Formatting numbers
custom number formats, creating, Using the Special formats
dates and times, Extending an existing date series
(see also dates and times)
Decrease Decimal command, Using Currency formats
fraction formatting types, Formatting percentages
General formatting display of numbers, Formatting as you type
Increase Decimal command, Using Currency formats
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
leading zeros, Formatting as you type
Number Format category, Cell Styles, Formatting with cell styles
Number option of Number group, Understanding the General format
paste option for, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Percentage formats, Using Accounting formats
scaling numbers, customizing for, Adding color to formats
Scientific format, Formatting fractions
special characters with, Formatting as you type
numeric keys, shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
numeric text
alignment of, Understanding numeric text entries
DECIMAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
entering, Understanding numeric text entries
formulas, using in, Editing formulas
numeric values
ampersand (&) concatenation operator, Using numeric text in formulas
as arguments in functions, Types of arguments
E and e in (see E and e (exponent))
entering, Entering simple numeric and text values
NUMBERVALUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)


Object Browser, Visual Basic Editor, Objects, methods, and properties
Object button, Insert tab, Inserting pictures, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
Object command, Excel 2003, Excel 2003 Edit menu
Object command, Word, Linking with hyperlinks
object linking and embedding (OLE), Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
(see also embedding; linking)
objects, VBA, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
octal numbers
BIN2OCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEC2OCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HEX2OCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
OCT2 (octal to) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODC files, Working with external data
odd numbers, ISODD function, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDPRICE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDYIELD function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Office Clipboard command, Excel 2003 Edit menu
Office Store, Enhancing accessibility
Office Web Apps
advantages of, Fetching files from remote computers
capabilities of, Retired in 2013
data sharing with, Sharing data beyond Excel
installing, Enhancing accessibility
Open In Excel (desktop) command, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
opening workbooks in, Fetching files from remote computers
read-only mode, Fetching files from remote computers
saving workbooks, Fetching files from remote computers
shared workbooks, editing, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
SkyDrive Version History command, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
unsupported features, handling of, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps
Office, Microsoft
Assistant discontinued, Excel 2003 Window menu
Background menu, Introducing Backstage view
Background options, Introducing Backstage view, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Button discontinued, Introducing Backstage view
Data Connections, Working with external data
Marketplace services, Research resources
Microsoft Graph Chart, Using Excel charts in Word documents
Mobile, If you missed the last upgrade
Theme options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
web apps (see Office Web Apps) SmartArt graphics, Creating SmartArt
Offset control for text, Formatting text in graphics
OFFSET function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OLAP (online analytical processing)
CUBE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
cubes for BI, Using a PivotTable on an Excel table
improved in Excel 2007, If you missed the last two upgrades
Microsoft Query, selecting in, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
OLE (object linking and embedding), Linking, hyperlinking, and embedding
(see also embedding; linking)
On Error GoTo statements, Dealing with run-time errors
On Error Resume Next statements, Dealing with run-time errors
online analytical processing (OLAP) (see OLAP (online analytical processing))
Online Collaboration commands, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Open And Repair command, Recovering corrupted files
Open command, File tab
Access databases, importing with, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
capabilities of, Opening files
importing files, Importing and exporting files
location on File tab, Introducing Backstage view
Open dialog box, Opening files
Open screen, Opening files
text files, opening with, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
XML files, Parsing Clipboard text
Open XML, Understanding the “XL” formats
Excel, The ribbon speaks
Excel workbooks, while opening Excel, Opening files
files in network locations, Collaborating on a network or by email
hidden workbooks, Hiding workbooks
SkyDrive files, Specifying which folders to synchronize
Web Apps, workbooks with, Fetching files from remote computers
workbooks (see Open command, File tab)
operating environment data, INFO function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
arithmetic, Building formulas
logical (see logical operators)
pasting math operators with, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
precedence of, Building formulas
Option Explicit statements, VBA, Catching syntax errors
Options command, Introducing Backstage view
Options dialog box
Add-Ins category, Making your custom functions available anywhere
Advanced category (see Advanced category, Options dialog box)
AutoFormat options, Controlling automatic formatting
AutoRecover options, Recovering from crashes
capabilities of, Galleries and live preview
Customize Ribbon category (see ribbon customization)
display font options, Displaying underlying formulas
Display options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Error Checking options, Checking for errors
General category options, Galleries and live preview, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
New Group button, Creating a custom ribbon tab
Quick Access Toolbar, organizing, Removing tools
recalculation options, Worksheet calculation
Save Files In This Format drop-down list, Specifying the default file format
spelling options, Cheking yer speling
startup folder selection, Opening files
Trust Center category (see Trust Center)
options menus, keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Select cells with special characteristics
OR function, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OR option for filters, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
Organization Chart command, Excel 2003 Insert menu
organizational charts, Creating SmartArt
orientation of text, Justifying text in cells
orientation options for printing, Printing wide or tall
advantages of, Tweaking your comments
Auto Outline command, Tweaking your comments
automatic styles for, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
Clear Outline command, Outlining worksheets
collapsing levels of, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
design considerations, Will you need to print the worksheet?
displaying a specific level, Collapsing and expanding outline levels
expanding levels of, Collapsing and expanding outline levels
extending to new data, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
Group And Outline commands, Excel 2003 Data menu
Group command, Group menu, Outlining worksheets, Displaying a specific outline level
grouping rows and columns for, Displaying a specific outline level
hide detail (-) icons, Outlining worksheets
Hide Detail command, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Select cells with special characteristics
level bars, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
level symbols, Collapsing and expanding outline levels
levels, changing, Displaying a specific outline level
nonstandard layouts, for, Outlining worksheets
outline symbols, hiding, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
Settings dialog box for, Outlining worksheets
show detail (+) icons, Collapsing and expanding outline levels
Show Detail command, Outlining a worksheet with nonstandard layout
ungrouping rows or columns, Displaying a specific outline level
Visible Cells Only option, Displaying a specific outline level
ovals, drawing, Drawing constrained objects
Overtype mode, Navigating regions with the mouse


P-values, Z.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Packager, Embedding and linking with the Object command
padlock icon, Unlocking individual cells
Page Break Preview command, Excel 2003 View menu
page breaks, Controlling what and where to print, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Page Down key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Page Layout tab
Group command, Working with graphic objects
page break control, Controlling what and where to print
printing gridlines, vs. displaying, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
printing option access, Printing and presenting
(see also printing)
Themes group buttons, Painting formats
(see also themes)
worksheet groups with, What you can do in group-editing mode
Page Layout view
capabilities of, Setting the first page number
margin settings, Working in Page Layout view
new functionality in, If you missed the last two upgrades
Normal view button, Working in Page Layout view
Page Break Preview button, Working in Page Layout view
side rulers, margin control with, Adding pictures to headers and footers
vs. Print Preview, Using Print Preview
page numbering, Setting the first page number, Creating a header and footer
Page Setup dialog box
Center On Page check boxes, Setting margins
Header/Footer tab, Creating a header and footer
launching, Excel 2003 File menu
printing option access, Printing and presenting
(see also printing)
Sheet tab options, Adding pictures to headers and footers
page size, setting for printing, Printing wide or tall
Page Up key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Paint, inserting objects from, Inserting other objects
freezing, Splitting worksheets into panes
splitting worksheets into, Viewing worksheets
panning, wheel mouse for, Getting around in the workbook, Enhancing accessibility
parameter-based queries, Using more than one aggregate field
parentheses ( )
Accounting format use of, Using Accounting formats
functions, use in, Understanding error values
negative numbers, interpretation as, Entering simple numeric and text values
precedence of, Building formulas
parsing data with Flash Fill, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
parsing text files in Text Import Wizard, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
part number formats, custom, Adding color to formats
case matters, Hiding cells and worksheets
protection of files with, Creating automatic backup files, Recovering corrupted files
protection of ranges, Protecting the workbook
workbook encryption, Protecting workbooks
workbook structure protection, Hiding workbooks
Paste menu
Linked Picture button, Copying cells as a picture
Paste Special (see Paste Special command)
Picture button, Pasting cells as a picture
previewing before pasting, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
previews, Retired in 2013
Paste Options button, Editing and undoing entries
Paste Special command
Clipboard with, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
displaying the dialog box, Using the Paste Options button
embedded vs. static pasting, Embedding vs. linking
keyboard shortcut for, Shortcuts by task: Format data
math operator options, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Operations area, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
options for, Using the Paste Options button
Paste Link option, Pasting using math operators, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
pasting Excel tables into Word, Using Excel data in Word documents
Skip Blanks check box, Pasting using math operators
Transpose command, Transposing entries
Word Hyperlink option, Linking with hyperlinks
Paste Values command, Pasting selectively using Paste Special, Creating custom themes
All option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
All Using Source Theme option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
array values, Transposing entries
borders, all except, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Clipboard task pane, from, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
column widths, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
comments, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
conditional formats option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut, Copying, cutting, and pasting
cutting and, Using the Paste Options button
data in cells, Repeating your last action
embedding compared to, Embedding vs. linking
Excel tables into Word, Using Excel data in Word documents
formatting, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special, Formatting in depth
formulas, Pasting multiples, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Insert Paste dialog box, Inserting cells
keyboard shortcuts for, Copying, cutting, and pasting, Shortcuts by task: Format data
links, Pasting multiples, Pasting using math operators
links to Excel into Word, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
marquees, Worksheet editing techniques
math operators with, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
multiple items from Clipboard, Copying, cutting, and pasting
names into formulas, Inserting names in formulas
Notepad, from, Embedding vs. linking
number formats, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
overwriting of cells by, Using the Paste Options button
Past Link option of Paste Special dialog box, Pasting using math operators, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
Paste All command, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
Paste button, Worksheet editing techniques
Paste menu (see Paste menu)
Paste Name dialog box, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
Paste Options, Pasting multiples
Paste Special feature (see Paste Special command)
pictures, as, Using the Paste Options button
previews, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
rules for, Using the Paste Options button
Show Paste Options Button option, Editing options
source formatting option, Pasting multiples
to a range of cells, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
transpose option, Pasting multiples, Transposing entries
validation settings, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
values and number formats option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Pattern Style palette, Applying colors and patterns
patterned (semi-random) distribution generation, Generating random numbers using discrete distribution
payments, functions to calculate, The NPV function
PDF (Portable Document Format) files, exporting to, Importing and exporting files, Using Print Preview
PDURATION function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PEARSON function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued), Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
percent sign (%)
data entries with, Using special characters
Enable Automatic Percent Entry, Editing options
for custom formatting, Creating new number formats
formatting, Formatting as you type
Percent Style command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Percentage formats, Using Accounting formats
PERCENTILE functions, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Rank And Percentile tool, Analyzing distribution with the FREQUENCY function
PERCENTRANK functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
period (.) for decimals (see decimals)
period (.) keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Permission command, Excel 2003 Window menu
Permission, Do Not Distribute command, Excel 2003 File menu
Permission, Restrict Permission As command, Excel 2003 File menu
Permission, Unrestricted Access command equivalent, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
user permissions for protected ranges, Protecting the workbook
PERMUTATION functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
personal information in workbooks, Privacy options
Personal Macro Workbooks, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
personal names, Flash Fill with, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
Perspective control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
PHI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
phishing, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
phone numbers, Understanding the Text format
PHONETIC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SQRTPI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Pick From Drop-Down List command, Letting Excel help with typing chores
picture fills
adding, Formatting fills and lines
charts, backgrounds for, Filling an area with a color gradient
Picture SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
Picture Tools
Adjust group, Making adjustments to your images
Artistic Effects gallery, Making adjustments to your images, Making adjustments to your images
Color command, Making adjustments to your images
Compress Pictures command, Formatting text in graphics
Corrections menu, Making adjustments to your images
Crop tool, Making adjustments to your images
Fill control, Making adjustments to your images
Format Picture task pane, Making adjustments to your images
Glow control, Making adjustments to your images
Line control, Making adjustments to your images
Picture Corrections control, Making adjustments to your images
Picture Styles gallery, Inserting other objects
Properties control, Making adjustments to your images
Recolor options, Making adjustments to your images
Reflection Effect control, Making adjustments to your images
Remove Background button, Making adjustments to your images
Reset Picture, Making adjustments to your images
Shadow Effect control, Making adjustments to your images
Size control, Making adjustments to your images
Soft Edges control, Making adjustments to your images
Text Box control, Making adjustments to your images
pictures, Working with text boxes
(see also graphic objects; images)
adding to SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
Camera button, Pasting cells as a picture
fills, as, Formatting fills and lines, Filling an area with a color gradient
hyperlinks to, Choosing automatic or manual update, Assigning a hyperlink to a shape, image, or chart
inserting from local files, Inserting online pictures and clip art
inserting from online collections, Inserting other graphics
Linked Picture button, Copying cells as a picture
links to, Inserting pictures
objects compared to, Inserting pictures
pasting pictures from the Clipboard, Inserting pictures
Picture commands, Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Picture Styles gallery, Inserting online pictures and clip art
Picture Tools Format tab, Inserting online pictures and clip art
Tools (see Picture Tools)
pinning Excel to the taskbar, The ribbon speaks
creating, Displaying the details behind a data value
pivoting, Creating PivotCharts
PivotTables connected to, Displaying the details behind a data value
standalone, Other improvements
Timeline feature, Timeline
tool tabs for, Creating PivotCharts
ad hoc item groupings, Displaying a list of calculated fields and items
adding data from a second table, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
calculated fields, adding, Using calculated fields and items
calculated items, adding, Using calculated fields and items
centering field labels, Formatting a PivotTable
Choose Connections command, Querying the data model
Choose Fields To Add To Report area, Creating a PivotTable, Creating a PivotTable
Columns box, PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable
Compact layout option, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
connections to data sources, Querying the data model
Create (Relationships) command, Creating a data model with many tables
Create a New PivotTable message box, Adding information to the Excel table
Create PivotTable dialog box, Creating a PivotTable, Understanding the data model
creating, Creating a PivotTable
custom calculations in, Applying multiple summary functions to the same field
data models, Understanding relationships
date filters, Filtering in the PivotTable Fields pane
date or time, grouping items by, Grouping items in date or time ranges
default arrangement of selected fields, Creating a PivotTable
definition of, Analyzing data with PivotTable reports
direct dragging option, Rearranging PivotTable fields
drop-down filter options, Filtering PivotTable fields
empty cell formatting options, Formatting a PivotTable
error messages, compatibility, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
error value formatting options, Formatting a PivotTable
expanding and collapsing field headings, Merging and centering field labels
field headers, hiding, Merging and centering field labels
field names, changing, Merging and centering field labels
Field Settings dialog box, Customizing subtotals
field subtotals, Customizing subtotals
fields, adding to layouts, Creating a PivotTable
filtering data before adding to tables, Creating a PivotTable
filtering fields, Filtering PivotTable fields
Filters box, PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable
flexibility of presentations with, Analyzing data with PivotTable reports
formatting slicers, Filtering with slicers
formulas for calculated items, listing, Displaying a list of calculated fields and items
GETPIVOTDATA function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
grand total options, Displaying totals and subtotals
groups, Displaying a list of calculated fields and items
hiding outline controls, Merging and centering field labels
hyperlinks disallowed, Turning ordinary text into a hyperlink
improvements in Excel 2007, If you missed the last two upgrades
inner-field subtotals, Customizing subtotals
Label Filters command, Filtering in the PivotTable Fields pane
Labels headings, hiding, Merging and centering field labels
layout options, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
limitations of, Using a PivotTable on an Excel table
listing calculated fields and items, Displaying a list of calculated fields and items
location specification for, Creating a PivotTable
merging field labels, Formatting a PivotTable
More Tables option, PivotTable Fields pane, Adding information to the Excel table
multi-table data models, Adding information to the Excel table
numbers, formatting, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
Outline layout option, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
PivotCharts from existing PivotTables, Creating PivotCharts
PivotCharts, parallel creation with, Displaying the details behind a data value
pivoting fields, Creating a PivotTable
PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable, Rearranging PivotTable fields
PivotTable Fields pane, filtering in, Formatting slicers
PowerPivot, implicit use of, Understanding relationships
querying data models, Understanding the data model
ranking items, Using custom calculations
rearranging fields, Creating a PivotTable
Recommended PivotTables, Timeline
Recommended PivotTables options, Creating a PivotTable
refreshing data for, Analyzing data with PivotTable reports, Rearranging PivotTable fields
relationships, Creating a data model with many tables
Relationships between tables warning, Creating a data model with many tables
Report Filter axis filtering, Filtering PivotTable fields
Rows box, PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable
running totals, Using custom calculations
Scenario Manager, reports in, The Scenario Summary report
slicers, If you missed the last upgrade, Filtering with the Report Filter axis
sorting fields, Sorting PivotTable fields
SQL queries as data sources, Using a PivotTable on an Excel table
styles available for, Formatting a PivotTable
subtotal customization, Displaying totals and subtotals
summary calculation details, displaying, Displaying the details behind a data value
summary functions, selecting, Changing PivotTable calculations
tables as sources for, An introduction to PowerPivot
Tabular layout option, Changing the numeric format of PivotTable data
Timeline feature, Timeline
Top 10 Filter dialog box, Filtering in the PivotTable Fields pane
Use An External Data Source option, Understanding the data model
Values box, PivotTable Fields pane, Creating a PivotTable
well-constructed lists for, Creating a PivotTable
planning worksheets (see designing worksheets)
plus sign (+)
addition formulas with, Building formulas
dropped if begins numeric entry, Entering simple numeric and text values
functions list invoked by, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
PMT function, The NPV function, Data tables based on one input variable, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Poisson distributions, generating, Generating random numbers using Bernoulli distribution, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POISSON.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
polynomial trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
portable documents, Using Print Preview
portrait printing orientation, Printing wide or tall, Controlling what and where to print
positioning graphic objects
Align commands, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Distribute commands, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Lock Aspect Ratio option, Positioning objects
Move And Size With Cells option, Positioning objects
Move But Don’t Size With Cells option, Positioning objects
nudging with arrow keys, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Selection pane for, Positioning objects
Size commands, Format Shape pane, Positioning objects
Snap To Grid command, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Snap To Shape command, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
stacks, arranging, Selecting and grouping objects
power series, SERIESSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Power View
capabilities of, Other improvements
reports, The PowerPivot add-in
activating, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
adding data from a second table, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
availability of, configuration dependence, An introduction to PowerPivot
business intelligence goal, An introduction to PowerPivot
calculated column creation, Using the DAX language
calculated field creation, Creating a calculated field
capabilities of, An introduction to PowerPivot, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
data models, Understanding relationships
database requirement, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
DAX programming, Using the DAX language
Diagram View button, The PowerPivot add-in, Loading data from external sources
enabling add-in for, Querying the data model
external data, loading, Creating a Power View report
Get External Data command, Creating a Power View report
history of, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
Manage button, The PowerPivot add-in, Creating a Power View report
memory model of, Creating a Power View report
multi-table data models, Adding information to the Excel table
opening, The PowerPivot add-in, Creating a Power View report
Power View reports, The PowerPivot add-in
querying data models, Understanding the data model
refreshing data models, Creating a calculated field
relationships, viewing, The PowerPivot add-in
ribbon tab for, The PowerPivot add-in
SQL Server connections with, Creating a Power View report
Table Import Wizard, Creating a Power View report
Timeline feature, Timeline
underlying tables of, Querying the data model
xVelocity storage, Creating a Power View report
embedding with Create New tab, Embedding and linking with the Object command
pasting from, Embedding and linking from the Clipboard
powers, raising to
IMPOWER function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
POWER function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PPMT function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
precedence of operators, Building formulas
definition of, Tracing cell references
Precedents and Dependents options, Selecting with Go To Special
tracing, Tracing cell references, Tracing dependent cells
effects on resulting values, Understanding the difference between displayed values and underlying values
limitations, Using special characters
Set Precision As Displayed command, Understanding the difference between displayed values and underlying values
present value calculations
PV function, Calculating investments, Documenting macros and custom functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XNPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
previews, Paste menu, Retired in 2013
(see also live preview)
PRICE functions, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
principal components of payments, The PPMT function
A4 paper size, Specifying paper size and print quality
area to print, specifying, Adding pictures to headers and footers
auto sizing Letter to A4, Specifying paper size and print quality
Automatic width and height setting, Specifying paper size and print quality
Backstage view option access, Printing and presenting
Backstage view Print screen, Setting the printing order of large print ranges
black-and-white previews, Printing comments and errors
centering printouts, Setting margins
collation, Controlling what and where to print
column headings on every page, Specifying the area to be printed
comments, Tweaking your comments, Specifying rows and columns to print on every page
copies, number of, Controlling what and where to print
designing worksheets for, Will you need to print the worksheet?
double sided, Controlling what and where to print
draft quality, Printing comments and errors
driver dialog box settings, Specifying paper size and print quality, Setting the printing order of large print ranges
error code options, Printing comments and errors
Fit To options, Specifying paper size and print quality, Inserting and removing manual page breaks
gridlines, Specifying rows and columns to print on every page
headers and footers (see headers and footers)
headings on every page, Specifying the area to be printed
headings, vs. displaying, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
Height setting, Specifying paper size and print quality
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Print
landscape orientation, Will you need to print the worksheet?, Controlling what and where to print
large range options, Printing comments and errors
manual feed options, Setting the printing order of large print ranges
margin settings, Working in Page Layout view, Controlling what and where to print, Using Print Preview
orientation options, Printing wide or tall, Controlling what and where to print
page breaks, Controlling what and where to print
Page Layout tab option access, Printing and presenting
Page Layout view capabilities, Setting the first page number
page numbering for, Setting the first page number
page range, specifying, Controlling what and where to print
page size, setting, Printing wide or tall
portrait orientation, Controlling what and where to print
previews, Setting the first page number, Inserting and removing manual page breaks
Print Area commands, Excel 2003 File menu
Print command, Introducing Backstage view
Print Object check box, Format Shape, Positioning objects
Print Preview feature, Inserting and removing manual page breaks
Print Titles feature, Will you need to print the worksheet?, Specifying the area to be printed
Printer Properties command, Specifying paper size and print quality
printers, switching, Controlling what and where to print
quality (dpi) settings, Specifying paper size and print quality
Quick Print button, Controlling what and where to print
row headings on every page, Specifying the area to be printed
scaling ratio settings, Specifying paper size and print quality, Controlling what and where to print
Settings, Print Preview, Using Print Preview
shared workbook options for, Using advanced sharing options
Sheet tab options, Adding pictures to headers and footers
Width setting, Specifying paper size and print quality
worksheet groups, Grouping worksheets for editing
Zoom To Page command, Using Print Preview
personal information in workbooks, Privacy options
Privacy Options, Trust Center, Privacy options
PRN files, Importing and exporting text files
PROB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
probability functions, Functions for analyzing statistics
(see also statistics functions)
BETA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
BINOM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CHI distribution functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COMBIN functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EXPON.DIST (exponential distributions) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.INV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FACT (factorial) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAMMA functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAUSS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HYPGEOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LOGNORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MULTINOMIAL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NEGBINOM.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
NORM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERMUTATION functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PHI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
POISSON.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PROB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RAND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SKEW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
T.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEIBULL.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Z.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Process SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
PRODUCT function, The AGGREGATE function, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
products, mathematical (see multiplication)
Proofing group commands, Excel 2003 Format menu
PROPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
custom, linked to cells, Adding summary information to files
Document Properties panel, Protecting files
Properties command, Excel 2003 File menu
Properties dialog box, Protecting files
viewing workbook, Protecting files
properties, VBA, Objects, methods, and properties, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
Protect Sheet command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Protected View, External content
Protected View, opening files in, Opening files
protecting workbooks
Cell Styles formatting of, Formatting with cell styles
change history protection, Tracking changes
encryption, Protecting workbooks
graphic objects, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
marking as final, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
passwords for, Creating automatic backup files, Recovering corrupted files, Hiding workbooks
Protection menu command equivalents, Excel 2003 Tools menu
shared workbooks, Using advanced sharing options
structure protection, Hiding workbooks
protecting worksheets
Allow Users To Edit Ranges command, Protecting the workbook
hiding cells and worksheets, Hiding cells and worksheets
Lock Cell command, Unlocking individual cells
locking and unlocking cells, Protecting worksheets
password guidelines, Hiding cells and worksheets
password protection of ranges, Protecting the workbook
passwords for entire workbooks, Creating automatic backup files, Recovering corrupted files, Hiding workbooks
Protect Sheet dialog box, Protecting worksheets, Allowing password access to specific cell ranges
Protect Workbook command, Protecting the workbook, Allowing password access to specific cell ranges
user permissions for protected ranges, Protecting the workbook
public keys, Using digital signatures
publishers, managing trusted, The Trust Center
PV function, Calculating investments, Documenting macros and custom functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Pyramid SmartArt, Creating SmartArt


QUARTILE functions, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
data model queries, Understanding the data model
web (see web queries)
Query Wizard, Microsoft Query, Using Microsoft Query to import data
Query, Microsoft (see Microsoft Query)
question mark (?)
digit placeholder in custom number formats, Creating new number formats
filtering wildcard, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
icon, Help in depth
wildcard character for find and replace, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
Quick Access Toolbar
adding separators, Adding and organizing tools
adding tools to, Adding tools to the toolbar
Camera button, adding to, Creating linked images of cells using the Camera button
capabilities of, Using the Quick Access Toolbar
command modifiers, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Customize Quick Access Toolbar button, Resetting and recycling your customizations, Removing tools
default tools of, Adding tools to the toolbar
deleting custom toolbars, Restoring the toolbar
Excel Options dialog box, organizing with, Removing tools
groups, icons for new, Creating a custom ribbon tab
legacy, making visible, Restoring the toolbar
mini ribbon creation in, Adding and organizing tools
More Controls button, Adding and organizing tools
positioning, Resetting and recycling your customizations
Quick Print button, Controlling what and where to print
Redo command, Editing and undoing entries, Undoing previous actions
removing tools from, Removing tools, Restoring the toolbar
resetting to default, Resetting and recycling your customizations, Creating your own buttons
Save button, Saving files
saving configuration of, Creating your own buttons
Undo command, Editing and undoing entries, Dragging with the right mouse button
Quick Analysis tool, Quick analysis, The joy of shortcut menus
Quick Watch, VBA, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
quotation marks (“), Using numeric text in formulas
QUOTIENT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)


RADIANS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
random number generation
RAND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Random Number Generation tool, Generating random numbers
Sampling tool, Generating semi-random numbers using patterned distribution
range, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
array, Understanding the precision of numeric values
change tracking, specifying for, Tracking changes
copying (see copying)
data entry over adjacent cells, Entering symbols
deleting, Inserting copied or cut cells
empty cells, COUNTBLANK function, Understanding information functions
in arguments, Exploring the syntax of functions
naming, Working with formulas
(see also names)
nonadjacent, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
password protection of, Protecting the workbook
pasting multiple copies to, Collecting multiple items on the Clipboard
selection of, Navigating with special keys
sorting (see sorting)
tables, converting from, Creating custom table formats, Creating a table
user permissions for protected ranges, Protecting the workbook
well-constructed for PivotTables, Creating a PivotTable
PERCENTRANK functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Rank And Percentile tool, Analyzing distribution with the FREQUENCY function
RANK functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SMALL function, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RATE function, The PPMT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Read Only Recommended option, legacy, Marking as final
read-only option, Opening files
Ready state, status bar, Meet the formula bar
real-time data support, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Automatic Except For Data Tables option, Worksheet calculation
defaults for, Filling and copying structured references
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Work with formulas
legacy, Worksheet calculation
manual, Worksheet calculation
multicore processing, Recalculating manually
partial formulas, of, Recalculating manually
Recalculate Workbook Before Saving option, Worksheet calculation
RECEIVED function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Recommended Charts
combo charts, Changing the chart type
galleries of, Creating a new chart
navigating, Flash Fill
Recommended PivotTables, Timeline, Creating a PivotTable
recording macros
adding code to, Naming arguments to methods
advantages of, Recording macros
completed actions only rule, Recording with relative references
descriptions, adding, Using the macro recorder
formula issues in, Recording with relative references
modules, VBA, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
naming macros, Using the macro recorder
OK button, Using the macro recorder
Personal Macro Workbooks, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
properties of objects, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
Record Macro command, Using the macro recorder
relative references for, Using the macro recorder
steps for, Using the macro recorder
Stop Recording button, Using the macro recorder
testing, Using the macro recorder
troubleshooting, Recording with relative references
unnecessary code generated by, Using the Personal Macro Workbook
AutoRecover, Recovering from crashes
of corrupted files, Recovering corrupted files
Recover Unsaved Workbooks command, Managing versions
rectangles, drawing, Drawing constrained objects
recursive calculations, Working with circular references
Redo command, Adding tools to the toolbar, Editing and undoing entries, Copying, cutting, and pasting, Undoing previous actions
#REF errors, Deleting cells, columns, and rows, Understanding error values
cell (see cell references)
circular, Calculating part of a formula
explicitly referencing the current table row, Explicitly referencing the current row
ISREF function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
OFFSET function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
selecting referenced cells, keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Select cells with special characteristics
structured (see structured references)
table formulas, automatic naming in, Removing duplicate records
to parts of tables, Explicitly referencing the current row
Reflection Effect control, Making adjustments to your images
Refresh Data commands, Excel 2003 Data menu
Region settings, Control Panel, Entering dates and times
active areas, relation to, How to work a worksheet
current, selecting with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
definition of, How to work a worksheet
navigating, How to work a worksheet
nonadjacent, navigating within selections, Selecting with Go To Special
nonadjacent, selecting, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
selection of, Navigating with special keys, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
exponential, Understanding linear and exponential regression, The SLOPE function
FORECAST function, The FORECAST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GROWTH function, The LOGEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
linear, Calculating sample statistics: VAR.S and STDEV.S
LINEST function, Calculating sample statistics: VAR.S and STDEV.S, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOGEST function, The LINEST function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
multiple, Understanding linear and exponential regression
SLOPE function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
standard error of, The SLOPE function
STEYX function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TREND function, The LINEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
relational operators, filtering with, Using filters to select dates, An example using two columns joined by OR
relationship graphics, Creating SmartArt
Create command for, Creating a data model with many tables
definition of, Creating a data model with many tables
diagram view in PowerPivot window, The PowerPivot add-in, Loading data from external sources
foreign key columns, Understanding relationships
PowerPivot, implicit use of, Understanding relationships
Query Wizard, filtering by, Choosing tables and fields (columns)
related columns, Understanding relationships
related tables, Understanding relationships
source tables, Creating a data model with many tables
warnings about missing, Creating a data model with many tables
relative references
copying, How copying affects cell references
definition of, Understanding relative, absolute, and mixed references
macros using, Using the macro recorder
name definition issues, Defining and managing names
named formulas with, Naming constants and formulas
Remove Arrows command, Tracing cell references, Tracing dependent cells
Remove Duplicates command, Extracting filtered rows
Remove Hyperlink command, Linking to a website or local file
renaming worksheets, Editing and undoing entries
Repair button, Recovering corrupted files
repeating the last edit action, Undoing previous actions
Ctrl+H shortcut for, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
dialog box expansion, Replacing what you find
Find And Replace dialog box, Finding and replacing stuff
formatting, Finding formatting
Replace command, Specifying variables using wildcard characters
REPLACE functions, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Replace Text As You Type option, Fixing errors as you type
wildcard characters for, Specifying variables using wildcard characters, Replacing what you find
REPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Research command, Cheking yer speling, Excel 2003 Format menu
Research Task Pane new services option, Privacy options
Restore button, Workbook navigation tips
Resume statements, Dealing with run-time errors
retired features for 2013, Retired in 2013
Return key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Review tab
Comments group, Tracing references to other worksheets
Protect Sheet button, Protecting worksheets
Research command, Cheking yer speling
Spelling command, Cheking yer speling
Thesaurus command, Cheking yer speling
Translate command, Cheking yer speling
Reviewing toolbar commands, Excel 2003 View menu
2003 menu equivalents for (see 2003 menu commands, 2013 ribbon equivalents)
Add-Ins tab, Restoring the toolbar
arrows in, The ribbon speaks
changes in Excel 2007, If you missed the last upgrade
components of, Exploring the ribbon
contextual tool sets, Understanding contextual tool sets
customization (see ribbon customization)
Data tab (see Data tab)
Developer tab, Excel 2003 View menu
dialog box launchers, The ribbon speaks
drop-down lists for, The ribbon speaks
File tab (see File tab)
Formulas tab (see Formulas tab)
galleries, Galleries and live preview
hiding, The ribbon speaks
Home tab (see Home tab)
Insert tab (see Insert tab)
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
live preview, Galleries and live preview
Page Layout tab (see Page Layout tab)
Review tab (see Review tab)
ScreenTips for, The ribbon speaks
tab hierarchy of, Exploring the ribbon, Understanding contextual tool sets
View tab (see View tab)
ribbon customization
adding existing groups to custom tabs, Creating a custom command group
capabilities available for, Retired in 2013
Choose Commands From list, Customizing the ribbon
command labels, hiding, Creating a custom command group
command modifiers, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Commands Not In The Ribbon category, Customizing the ribbon
Customize Ribbon, Options dialog box, Custom-tailoring the Excel workspace
Customize The Ribbon command, Custom-tailoring the Excel workspace
drop-down lists, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
dynamic commands, display of, Customizing the ribbon
edit controls, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
exporting ribbon configurations, Resetting and recycling your customizations
groups, creating custom, Creating a custom ribbon tab
hiding and displaying commands, Customizing the ribbon
importing ribbons, Resetting and recycling your customizations
limits to customization, Custom-tailoring the Excel workspace
New Group button, Creating a custom ribbon tab
New Tab button, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
positioning tabs and groups, Creating a custom ribbon tab
resetting to default, Resetting and recycling your customizations
saving, Resetting and recycling your customizations
split buttons, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
tabs, creating custom, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Tool Tabs option, Customizing the ribbon
right alignment, Aligning data in cells
Right Arrow key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
RIGHT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
right mouse button drag options, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
right-click menus, Accessing commands with the keyboard
ROMAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Rotation control, 3-D, Applying 3-D effects
rotation, graphics formatting, Making adjustments to your images
apparent errors from, Working with circular references
CEILING function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EVEN function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FIXED function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FLOOR functions, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INT function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
MROUND function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODD function, The ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUNDUP functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ROUND functions, The COMBIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Round method, Application object, Using custom functions
ROW function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
AutoFit Row Height command, Controlling the size of cells
Banded Rows option for tables, Formatting tables
banding, automatic, Formatting tables
deleting, Inserting copied or cut cells
design considerations, Planning your worksheet design
differences, selecting, Selecting precedents and dependents
displaying hidden, Changing row heights
duplicate removal, Extracting filtered rows
header rows of tables, referencing, Explicitly referencing the current row
heights, controlling, Controlling the size of cells, Changing column widths
hiding, Hiding cells and worksheets, Changing row heights
highlighting of headings, Exploring Excel fundamentals
inserting, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
inserting, dangers of, Do you need more than one worksheet?
numbering of, Exploring Excel fundamentals
Row commands, 2003 Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
Row Height command, Controlling the size of cells
Rows command, Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
selecting entire, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
selecting in tables, Expanding a table
snapping to tallest values, Changing column widths
sorting by (see sorting)
ROWS function, The INDEX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RRI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RTD (real-time data) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RTF format for pasting tables into Word, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard, Using RTF and HTML formats
rulers, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
run-time errors, VBA, Using the Immediate window


salvage value argument, Calculating depreciation
Sampling tool, Generating semi-random numbers using patterned distribution
Save As command
Compatibility mode, exiting, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
location in Backstage view, Introducing Backstage view
Macintosh file formats, Sharing data with Excel for the Macintosh, Importing and exporting text files
Save As screen, Saving files
templates, saving workbooks as, Installing your own templates
text file formats, Importing and exporting text files
Save As dialog box
file extensions, Rules for file naming
opening from Save As screen, Saving files
Type drop-down list, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Sharing data beyond Excel
Web Page format options, Sharing data beyond Excel
saving files
as hidden workbooks, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
options for, Saving files
Save As (see Save As command)
Save command, Introducing Backstage view, Saving files, Adding tools to the toolbar
Save Workspace command discontinued, Retired in 2013, Arranging workbook windows, Menu-to-ribbon command reference
SkyDrive, to, Specifying which folders to synchronize
to network locations, Collaborating on a network or by email
Web Apps, in, Fetching files from remote computers
scanners, From Scanner Or Camera command, Excel 2003 Insert menu
Scenario Manager
Add Scenarios dialog box, Defining scenarios
browsing with Scenario Manager dialog box, Defining scenarios
changing cells, designating, Defining scenarios
changing scenarios, Adding, editing, and deleting scenarios
comments, Adding, editing, and deleting scenarios
defining scenarios, Defining scenarios
hiding scenarios, Defining scenarios
merging scenarios, Adding, editing, and deleting scenarios
naming cells advised, Using the Scenario Manager
opening, Defining scenarios
PivotTable reports, The Scenario Summary report
protecting from modifications, Defining scenarios
reports, Routing and merging scenarios
Scenario Manager dialog box, Defining scenarios
Scenario Summary dialog box, The Scenario Summary report
Scenario Values dialog box, Defining scenarios
Scenarios command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
sharing, Adding, editing, and deleting scenarios
Solver results, assigning to named scenarios, Saving and reusing the Solver parameters
start values, naming, Defining scenarios
tracking changes, Adding, editing, and deleting scenarios
what-if analysis capabilities, Using the Scenario Manager
Schedule Meeting command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
scientific notation
conversion of long entries to, Using special characters
display of high-precision numbers, Working with circular references
E and e (exponent), Entering simple numeric and text values
E and e for custom formats, Creating new number formats
keyboard shortcut for, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Scientific format, Formatting fractions
screenshots, Assigning macros to objects
accessibility options, Enhancing accessibility
as Help, Using the Help system
commands, for, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
function descriptions, Using the built-in function reference in Excel
function ScreenTips option, Enhancing accessibility
hyperlinks, adding to, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
i icons, Galleries and live preview, Using the Help system
of hyperlinks, Transposing entries
ribbon, for, The ribbon speaks
style options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Scribble tool, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Scroll Lock mode, Navigating regions with the mouse
frozen panes, of, Freezing panes
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
scroll arrows, Workbook navigation tips
scroll boxes, dragging, Workbook navigation tips
Scroll Lock with, Workbook navigation tips
shortcut menus for, Workbook navigation tips
Synchronous Scrolling, Comparing worksheets side by side
wheel mouse for, Getting around in the workbook, Enhancing accessibility
SDI (single document interface), Working with workbook windows
Search For box, Research task pane, Cheking yer speling
SEARCH functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
searching (see finding)
SEC (secant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SECH (hyperbolic secant) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SECOND function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
secondary axes of charts, Using a combo chart type
securities analysis functions
ACCRINT functions, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Analysis Toolpak discontinued, Analyzing securities
arguments for, Analyzing securities
COUP (coupon) functions, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
date arguments for, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DISC function, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLARDE function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLARFR function, Analyzing securities, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
EFFECT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
INTRATE function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
locating, Analyzing securities
MDURATION function, The TBILLEQ, TBILLPRICE, and TBILLYIELD functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDPRICE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ODDYIELD function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PRICE functions, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RECEIVED function, The ACCRINT and ACCRINTM functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TBILL functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
YIELD functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ActiveX, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
add-ins, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
apps, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
diagnostic programs option, Privacy options
digital signatures, Removing personal information from your workbooks
exploits, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
file security, Privacy options
homographs, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
macros, configuring for, Configuring macro security
phishing, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
Privacy Options, Privacy options
spoofed web site detection, Privacy options
Trust Center options (see Trust Center)
web beacons, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
Select All Sheets command, Inserting and deleting worksheets
Select Arguments dialog box, Inserting functions
Select Case structures, VBA, Catching misspelled variable names
all cells, Navigating with special keys
arrays with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special, Selecting precedents and dependents
cells, keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Enter data
column differences, Selecting precedents and dependents
columns, whole or multiple, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
conditional with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
constants with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
current region with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
data validation with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
Dependents options, Selecting with Go To Special
F5, Using the find and select commands
Find & Select menu for, Using the find and select commands
Formulas command for, Using the find and select commands
Go To command, Using the find and select commands
Go To Special command, Using the find and select commands
graphic objects, Drawing constrained objects
keyboard methods for, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys, Shortcuts by task: Print
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Enter data
last cell in range with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
mouse methods for, Selecting with the mouse
navigating multiple selections, Selecting with Go To Special
nonadjacent ranges, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
objects with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
of other worksheets in a workbook, Using the find and select commands
Precedents options, Selecting with Go To Special
ranges for entries in adjacent cells, Entering symbols
regions, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
row differences, Selecting precedents and dependents
rows, whole or multiple, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges
Selection pane for objects, Using drawing tools
Selection pane stack arrangement, Positioning objects
selection rectangle fill handles, Inserting, deleting, and clearing cells with the mouse
selection rectangles, Navigating regions with the keyboard
Shift key for, Selecting with the mouse
text box shapes or text, Formatting objects that contain text
Visible Cells Only option, Displaying a specific outline level
visible cells only with Go To Special, Selecting with Go To Special
zooming to enable, Selecting with the mouse
semicolon (;), Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Send As Attachment option, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
Send Backward button, Selecting and grouping objects
Send For Review command, Sending a worksheet, chart, or range by email
Send To commands, Excel 2003 File menu
sensitivity tables (see data tables)
separators, Quick Access Toolbar, Adding and organizing tools
AutoFill option, Using the Series command
Columns option, Using the Series command
dates, Filling cells and creating data series, Extending with Auto Fill
decreasing, creating, Filling cells and creating data series
double-clicking fill handles, Filling cells and creating data series
fill series, Editing options
Growth option, Using the Series command
Growth Trend command, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
increments, specifying, Using the Series command
Linear option, Using the Series command
Linear Trend command, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
right mouse button drag options, Dragging the fill handle with the right mouse button
Rows option, Using the Series command
Series command, Fill menu, Using the Series command
step values, Using the Series command
stop values, Using the Series command
Trend check box, Using the Series command
SERIESSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
shadow effects, Making adjustments to your images, Formatting fills and lines
Shapes tools
adding text to graphic objects, Working with text boxes
callouts, Using connectors and callouts
centered shape creation, Drawing constrained objects
color options, Adding text to other shapes
connector tools, Using connectors and callouts
constrained drawing, Drawing constrained objects
Corner points, Working with curves
Curve tool, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
diamond-shaped handles of shapes, Adding text to other shapes
drawing grids for, Using connectors and callouts
drawing mode, Using the Shapes tools
Drawing Tools Format tab, Working with text boxes
Edit Points command, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Effects tools, Adding text to other shapes
fill options, Adding text to other shapes
Format Shape task pane, Working with text boxes
Freeform tool, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
freehand drawing, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
grids, drawing to, Drawing constrained objects
line weight options, Adding text to other shapes
lines, drawing, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
moving objects, Using the Shapes tools
object creation, Using the Shapes tools
panhandles of shapes, Working with shapes
phantom text toolbars, Adding text to other shapes
point types for freeform objects, Adjusting freehand shapes with the Edit Points command
resizing objects, Using the Shapes tools
ribbon tabs for, Using the Shapes tools
Scribble tool, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
Shapes gallery, Using the Shapes tools
Size & Properties command, Adding text to other shapes
Smooth points, Working with curves
Straight points, Working with curves
text formatting, Using drawing tools
vertex handles, Drawing freehand lines and polygons
SharePoint shared workbook issue, Sharing workbooks on a network
sharing workbooks on networks
Advanced options, Sharing workbooks on a network
Allow Changes By More Than One User At The Same Time, Saving and retrieving files over a network, Reviewing changes
canceled shared sessions, Reviewing changes
change history timeout setting, Sharing workbooks on a network
Changes Being Saved Win option, Using advanced sharing options
design considerations, Sharing workbooks on a network
email distribution methods, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
errors from disallowed features, Sharing workbooks on a network
legacy versions supporting, Sharing workbooks on a network
multiple workbooks, combining changes of, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
names of users, editing, Sharing workbooks on a network
Online Collaboration commands, Excel 2003 Tools menu
password protection, Using advanced sharing options
print options, Using advanced sharing options
prohibited actions, Sharing workbooks on a network
removing users, Reviewing changes
Resolve Conflicts dialog box, Sharing workbooks on a network
saving changes, dialog boxes from, Sharing workbooks on a network
Send For Review command, Sending a worksheet, chart, or range by email
Share command, Introducing Backstage view, Saving files
Share Workbook command, Saving files, Saving and retrieving files over a network
Shared Workspace command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
SharePoint storage issues, Sharing workbooks on a network
SkyDrive shares, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
tracking changes (see change tracking)
triangular comment indicators, Sharing workbooks on a network
update options, Using advanced sharing options
sharpening images, Making adjustments to your images
Sheet commands, 2003 Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
SHEET functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
sheets (see worksheets)
Shift key
constrained drawing with, Drawing constrained objects
selection with, Selecting with the mouse
Shift+Ctrl+Spacebar, Expanding a table
Shift+Ctrl+Tab, Navigating between open workbooks
Shift+Enter, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
Shift+F8 (Add To Selection mode), Navigating regions with the mouse
Shift+F9 (recalculate), Worksheet calculation
Shift+Spacebar keyboard shortcut, Selecting columns, rows, and nonadjacent ranges, Inserting columns and rows, Expanding a table
Shift+Tab, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
shifting data out for moves and copies, Dragging with the right mouse button
shortcut keys (see keyboard shortcuts)
shortcut menus, Accessing commands with the keyboard
Show Paste Options Button/Show Insert Options Buttons, Editing options
Show Signatures command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Shrink To Fit check box, Controlling text orientation
SIGN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Sign Out command, Excel 2003 File menu
Silverlight, The PowerPivot add-in
SIN (sine) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
single document interface (SDI), Working with workbook windows
Single File Web Page format, Sharing data beyond Excel
single-cell array formulas, Single-cell array formulas
SINH (hyperbolic sine) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
size of cells, controlling, Controlling the size of cells
Sized With Window command, Excel 2003 View menu
SKEW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
skewness, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
skins, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
capabilities of, Working in the cloud
Create button, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
downloading files from, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
emailing items from, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
folders, creating new, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
installing, Using SkyDrive
Let Me Use SkyDrive To Fetch Any Of My Files On This PC option, Fetching files from remote computers
links to files, sharing, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
local folder for, Working in the cloud
Manage options, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
notification icon, Using SkyDrive, Fetching files from remote computers
opening documents in Office Web Apps, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
opening workbooks from, Specifying which folders to synchronize, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
PCs, list of accessible, Fetching files from remote computers
properties pane, Working with your cloud-based SkyDrive
Recent Docs, opening, Sharing folders and documents
remote access to files with, Fetching files from remote computers
Save As screen option for, Saving files
saving workbooks to, Specifying which folders to synchronize
settings dialog box, Fetching files from remote computers
Shared command, Sharing folders and documents
sharing with, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
social networking capabilities, Sharing folders and documents
Sort By drop-down list, Working with your cloud-based SkyDrive
specifying folders to synchronize, Using the SkyDrive notification icon
synchronization feature, Working in the cloud
uploading files to, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
Version History command, Uploading, downloading, and managing files and folders
view buttons, web interface, Working with your cloud-based SkyDrive
viewing items others have shared, Sharing folders and documents
webpage interface, Specifying which folders to synchronize
slash (/)
command access with, Accessing commands with the keyboard
data entries with, Using special characters
division symbol, as, Understanding the precedence of operators
fraction custom formats, Creating new number formats
fraction vs. date formatting with, Formatting as you type
keyboard shortcuts with, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
PivotTable filtering with, Filtering with the Report Filter axis
Power View reports with, The PowerPivot add-in
purpose of, If you missed the last upgrade
SLN function, Calculating depreciation, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SLOPE function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Small Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
SMALL function, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
2007 release of, If you missed the last two upgrades
adding images to, Creating SmartArt
adding text to, Creating SmartArt
bullet lists, Creating SmartArt
categories of, Creating SmartArt
Create Graphic group tools for, Creating SmartArt
Format Shape task pane controls with, Applying 3-D effects
Format tab for, Using drawing tools
inserting a graphic, Creating SmartArt
manipulating, Creating SmartArt
Styles gallery for, Creating SmartArt
Snap To Grid command, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
Snap To Shape command, Tools to help you position objects on the worksheet
social networking, SkyDrive capabilities for, Sharing folders and documents
Social Security numbers, Understanding the Text format
Answer reports, Generating reports
assigning results to named scenarios, Saving and reusing the Solver parameters
Assume Linear Model option, Generating reports
capabilities of, Precision and multiple solutions
Constraint Precision setting, Specifying integer constraints
constraint specification, Stating the objective
Evolutionary option, Specifying integer constraints
full version source, Using the Solver
Goal Seek compared to, Precision and multiple solutions
GRG Nonlinear option, Specifying integer constraints
integer constraint specification, Specifying constraints
Integer Optimality (%) setting, Other Solver options
iteration limits, The Limits report
Limits reports, Generating reports
linear models, Linear models
Max Time and Iterations settings, Other Solver options
objectives, setting, Using the Solver
opening, Using the Solver
reports, dialog box for, Saving and reusing the Solver parameters
saving parameters, Saving and reusing the Solver parameters
Sensitivity reports, Generating reports
Show Iteration Results option, Linear models
Simplex LP option, Specifying integer constraints, Linear models
slack values, Generating reports
Solve command, Specifying constraints
Solver Parameters dialog box, Using the Solver
starting values, Linear models
time limits, The Limits report
troubleshooting, The Limits report
variable cell specification, Stating the objective
Add Level button, Sorting on more than one column
ascending vs. descending, Sorting tables and other ranges
capabilities of Excel for, Sorting tables and other ranges
case-sensitive sorts, Sorting months, weekdays, or custom lists
cells containing formulas with cell references, Sorting by column
columns, by, Sorting only part of a list
custom list sorts, Sorting cells that contain formulas
date sorts, Sorting cells that contain formulas
default sequence for, Sorting cells that contain formulas
headers, not including in, Sorting tables and other ranges
in Query Wizard, Sorting records
logical values, of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Microsoft Query records, Renaming fields
multiple column sorts, Sorting on more than one column
numbers before text rule, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Open dialog box, in, Opening files
partial list sorts, Sorting only part of a list
PivotTable fields, Sorting PivotTable fields
single column sorts, Sorting tables and other ranges
SkyDrive Sort By drop-down list, Working with your cloud-based SkyDrive
Sort A To Z command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
Sort Descending command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
Sort dialog box for, Sorting tables and other ranges
underlying values used, Sorting cells that contain formulas
Source Data command, Excel 2003 Data menu, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
space characters
as intersection operators, Using Go To with names
as string constants, Using numeric text in formulas
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
structured reference intersection operator, Using structured references
Spacebar key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Automatic scale setting, Customizing axes
axis customization, Emphasizing particular points
capabilities of, Using sparklines
chart type selection, Creating sparklines
Clear command, Adding text to sparklines
color selection, Customizing sparklines
Column sparklines, Creating sparklines
common vertical axis option, Customizing axes
Data Range field, Creating sparklines
definition of, Retired in 2013
Design tab for, Customizing sparklines
emphasizing particular points of, Customizing sparklines
expanding sets of, Creating groups of sparklines
groups of, creating, Creating groups of sparklines
high points, marking, Emphasizing particular points
Line sparklines, Creating sparklines
Location Range field, Creating sparklines
low points, marking, Emphasizing particular points
Marker Color drop-down list, Customizing sparklines
Show group options, Customizing sparklines
Sparklines group buttons, Creating sparklines
tables with, Creating groups of sparklines
text with, Adding text to sparklines
time-scaled horizontal axes, Customizing axes
weight selection, Customizing sparklines
Win/Loss sparklines, Creating sparklines
special characters, guidelines for, Entering simple numeric and text values
Special formats, Understanding the Text format
special item specifiers, Using structured references, Using operators with column specifiers
specifiers, Using structured references, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
(see also structured references)
Speech command, Excel 2003 Format menu
spelling checking
AutoCorrect dialog box, Replacing what you find
Spelling command, Cheking yer speling, Excel 2003 Format menu
text boxes, in, Working with text boxes
split button, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Split command, Excel 2003 Window menu
split handles in formula bar, Meet the formula bar
splitting windows, Window Split box discontinued, Retired in 2013
(see also windows)
splitting worksheet view into panes, Viewing worksheets
spoofed website detection, Privacy options
SpreadsheetML, Understanding the “XL” formats
spreadsheets (see worksheets)
spyware, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
SQL queries
as data sources for PivotTables, Using a PivotTable on an Excel table
Microsoft Query, generation by (see Microsoft Query)
SQL code, viewing in Microsoft Query, Using multiple exact-match criteria
SQL Server Analysis Services, If you missed the last two upgrades
square roots
IMSQRT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
SQRT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SQRTPI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
squares of numbers
SUMSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMX functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
squares, drawing, Drawing constrained objects
standard deviation
CONFIDENCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
definition of, Using sample and population statistical functions
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
DSTDEV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GAUSS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STDEV functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
standard error, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
Standard toolbar, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Window menu
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
starting Excel, The ribbon speaks, Opening files
startup folders, Opening files
statistics functions
accessing, Functions for analyzing statistics
AVEDEV (average deviation) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
AVERAGE functions, The AGGREGATE function, The FLOOR and CEILING functions, Using built-in statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
capabilities of, Functions for analyzing statistics
CONFIDENCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CORREL function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COUNT functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COUNTIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COVARIANCE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DAVERAGE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DCOUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
DEVSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
distribution functions (see distributions)
DMAX function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DMIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DSTDEV functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DVAR functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ERF (error) functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
F.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FORECAST function, The FORECAST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FREQUENCY function, Creating histograms, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GEOMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
GROWTH function, The LOGEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
HARMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Histogram tool, Creating histograms
KURT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LARGE function, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LINEST function, Calculating linear regression, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOGEST function, The LINEST function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MAX functions, The AGGREGATE function, The AVERAGE functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MEDIAN function, The AVERAGE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MIN functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MODE functions, The AGGREGATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MODE.MULT function, The AVERAGE functions
MODE.SNGL function, The AVERAGE functions
Moving Average tool, Calculating moving averages
P-values, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PEARSON function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued), Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERCENTILE functions, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PERCENTRANK functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
probability (see probability functions)
QUARTILE functions, The PERCENTRANK functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Random Number Generation tool, Generating random numbers
Rank And Percentile tool, Analyzing distribution with the FREQUENCY function
RANK functions, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Sampling tool, Generating semi-random numbers using patterned distribution
SKEW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SLOPE function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SMALL function, The AGGREGATE function, The PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STANDARDIZE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STDEV functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
STEYX function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
T.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TREND function, The LINEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VAR functions, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Z.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
status bar
AutoCalculate feature, Facts about the status bar
Cell Mode, Facts about the status bar
components of, Meet the formula bar
customizing, Meet the formula bar
macro buttons, Facts about the status bar
Ready, Enter, and Edit states, Meet the formula bar
zoom controls, Facts about the status bar
STDEV functions
AGGREGATE function, in, The AGGREGATE function
sampled population standard deviation, Using sample and population statistical functions
table of variations of, with arguments, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
total population standard deviation, Calculating sample statistics: VAR.S and STDEV.S
step values, Using the Series command
STEYX function, The SLOPE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
stock charts, Changing the beginning and end points on a date axis
stop values, Using the Series command
Str function, VBA, Collections of objects
strikethrough (Ctrl+5) command, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
string constants, Using numeric text in formulas
string functions (see text functions)
structured references
#All structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Data structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Headers structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Totals structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
at (@) symbol, Referencing the total row
automatic adjustment of, Using structured references
automatic creation of, Using structured references
column specifiers, Using structured references, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
copying, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
creating formulas with, Using structured references
dynamic nature of, Using structured references
explicitly referencing the current table row, Explicitly referencing the current row
filling cells automatically, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
Formula AutoComplete with, Using Formula AutoComplete with structured references
Help topic for details, Referencing parts of a table
natural-language formulas feature discontinued, Using structured references
outside of tables, Using operators with column specifiers
qualified vs. unqualified, Using operators with column specifiers
reference operators, Using structured references
row references, Filling and copying structured references
special item specifiers, Using structured references, Using operators with column specifiers
specifiers, Using structured references
syntax of, Using structured references
table total rows, Using formulas with tables
tables, relation to, Using structured references
to parts of tables, Explicitly referencing the current row
Use Table Names In Formulas option, Using structured references
[#All], Using operators with column specifiers
[#Data], Using operators with column specifiers
[#Headers], Using operators with column specifiers
[#Totals], Using operators with column specifiers
Student’s T.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
appearance affected by themes, Formatting tables
cell (see Cell Styles)
chart styles, Choosing a chart layout
cloning, Using themes to change style appearance
customizing for tables, Using themes to change style appearance
Normal cell style, Formatting tables
PivotTable Styles gallery, Formatting a PivotTable
table styles, Referencing parts of a table
subroutines, VBA, Using subroutines in macros
SUBSTITUTE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
substring functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
SUBTOTAL function
filter row counts with, Using filters
functions available for, list of, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
total rows for tables with, Adding totals to a table
Subtotals command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Subtract (keypad) keyboard shortcut, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
IMSUB function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Subtract operation, Paste Special, Pasting using math operators
– (minus sign) for, Building formulas
SUM functions
advantages of using, Understanding error values
IMSUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
keyboard shortcut for, Using the Sum button
list of, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PivotTable default, Changing PivotTable calculations
row insertion issues, Copying mixed references
selecting cells for, Using the Sum button
Sum button for, Using the Sum button, Everyday functions
SUMIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMPRODUCT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMSQ function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMX2MY2 function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMX2PY2 function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUMXMY2 function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
syntax of, Everyday functions
within AGGREGATE function, The AGGREGATE function
sum, Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
sum-of-the-years-digits depreciation, The DDB and DB functions
SUMIF functions, Creating conditional tests, The Sum button, The IF function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
summary page design, Will you need to print the worksheet?, Do you need more than one worksheet?
Summary tab, Properties dialog box, Protecting files
SUMPRODUCT function, The AGGREGATE function
Switch Row/Column button for charts, Switching rows and columns
Switch Windows menu, Navigating between open workbooks
SYD function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SYLK files, Importing and exporting text files
AutoCorrecting to, Fixing errors as you type
inserting, Understanding numeric text entries, Excel 2003 Insert menu
keyboard shortcuts with, table of, Shortcuts by key: Symbol keys and keypad
Synchronous Scrolling, Comparing worksheets side by side


T function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
T.DIST functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Tab key shortcuts, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
Tab key, data entry with, Making entries in cells and in the formula bar
table formatting
Apply (And Maintain Formatting) option, Options for applying table formats
Apply And Clear Formatting option, Options for applying table formats
AutoFormat command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Banded Rows and Columns options, Formatting tables
banding, automatic, Formatting tables
Body font, Formatting tables
boundaries for tables, Formatting tables
clearing cell formatting, Formatting tables
Convert To Range button, Creating custom table formats
custom format creation, Options for applying table formats
custom styles for, Using themes to change style appearance
customized Normal cell style issue, Formatting tables
Dark styles, Referencing parts of a table
deleting rows in, Formatting tables
Design tab for, Referencing parts of a table
dragging cells, Formatting tables
Duplicate option, Options for applying table formats
elements of table styles, Customizing table styles
Filter Button check box, Formatting tables
First and Last Column check boxes, Formatting tables, Formatting tables
Format As Table command, Formatting tables
Format As Table gallery, Formatting tables
functions for summary rows, Formatting tables
gallery shortcut menu, Options for applying table formats
Header Row check box, Formatting tables, Formatting tables
inserting rows in, Formatting tables
Last Column option, Formatting tables
Modify Table Quick Style dialog box, Options for applying table formats
Modify Table Style dialog box, Using themes to change style appearance
My Table Has Headers check box, Formatting tables
New Table Style command, Options for applying table formats
previewing with gallery, Formatting tables
priority of formatting options, Formatting tables
ranges, limiting to, Formatting tables
Table Style Options group, Referencing parts of a table
Table Tools Design tab, Formatting tables, Referencing parts of a table
themes for, Formatting tables
Total Row check box, Formatting tables, Formatting tables
touch up formatting, Formatting tables
TABLE function, Data tables based on one input variable
#All structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Data structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Headers structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
#Totals structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
adding data from a second table, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013
at (@) symbol in references, Referencing the total row
AutoCorrect dialog box, Expanding a table
autoexpansion feature, Managing information in tables
AutoFilter command, Excel 2003 Standard toolbar
AutoFormat As You Type options, Expanding a table
boundaries for tables, Formatting tables
brackets ([ ]) in formulas, Using formulas with tables
charts, as source data for, Designing charts, Changing the base unit
column guidelines for, How to organize a table
Compatibility mode issues, Creating a table
creating with Format As Table, Formatting tables
creating, commands for, How to organize a table
Ctrl+T to create, How to organize a table
data models with, Understanding relationships
data tables, Performing a what-if analysis, Adding, editing, and removing a legend
deleting rows in, Formatting tables
distinguishing from ranges, Creating a table
dragging cells, Formatting tables
duplicated row removal, Managing information in tables
entire table, selecting, Expanding a table
expanding, Naming a table
explicit references to the current row, Explicitly referencing the current row
filtering capabilities, Managing information in tables
formatting (see table formatting)
formula replication feature, Managing information in tables
formulas, self-documenting feature, Removing duplicate records
functions available for totals, Adding totals to a table
headers, overwriting default, Creating a table
implicit intersection for references, Using formulas with tables
improvements in Excel 2007, If you missed the last two upgrades
inserting rows in, Formatting tables
keyboard shortcuts for selecting, Expanding a table
label guidelines for, How to organize a table
multi-table data models, Adding information to the Excel table
names of, Using structured references, Naming a table
newer features of, Managing information in tables
organization guidelines for, How to organize a table
PivotTables, as sources for, Creating a PivotTable, An introduction to PowerPivot
ranges, converting to, Creating custom table formats, Creating a table
referencing parts of, Explicitly referencing the current row
selecting rows or columns in, Expanding a table
sorting (see sorting)
sparklines for, Creating groups of sparklines
special item specifiers, Using structured references
specifiers, Using structured references
structured references for, Managing information in tables
(see also structured references)
styles for, Managing information in tables
Summarize With PivotTable command, Creating a PivotTable
Table command, How to organize a table
total rows, adding to tables, Adding totals to a table
total rows, referencing, Using formulas with tables
Use Table Names In Formulas option, Using structured references
tabs, ribbon
adding existing groups to custom tabs, Creating a custom command group
contextual tool sets, Understanding contextual tool sets
custom, creating, Identifying items in the Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar categories
Data (see Data tab)
default startup, Creating a custom ribbon tab
Developer, Excel 2003 View menu
File (see File tab)
Formulas (see Formulas tab)
hierarchy of, Exploring the ribbon
Home (see Home tab)
Insert (see Insert tab)
Page Layout (see Page Layout tab)
resetting to default, Resetting and recycling your customizations
Review (see Review tab)
View (see View tab)
tabs, worksheet
color options, Enhancing accessibility
grouping with, Research resources
TAN (tangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TANH (hyperbolic tangent) function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Task Pane command, Excel 2003 View menu, Excel 2003 View menu
task panes
dialog box launchers, opening from, Drop-down lists and dialog box launchers
docking, Research resources
keyboard shortcuts for, Shortcuts by task: Work with task panes
hiding, Working with workbook windows
multiple Excel items in, Working with workbook windows
pinning Excel to, The ribbon speaks
TBILL functions, The DISC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
telephone numbers, Understanding the Text format
advantages to using, Merging and unmerging cells
Allow Office To Connect To The Internet option, Privacy options
creating, Installing your own templates, Using template files to store formatting
inserting in a workbook, Editing and undoing entries
interface for, New and improved for 2013
locations of Personal, Installing your own templates
naming of files created from, Using template files to store formatting
new in 2013 version, New and improved for 2013
workbook, selecting, Introducing Backstage view
XLT file format, Understanding the “XL” formats
XLTM file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
XLTX file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
#VALUE error value, Understanding error values
adding to graphic objects, Working with text boxes
alignment of (see alignment)
All Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
angle for chart labels, setting, Changing the rotation of axis labels
ASCII functions, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
Begins With text filters, Using filters to select dates
boxes of (see text boxes)
bullet lists, SmartArt, Creating SmartArt
Character Spacing options, Formatting text in graphics
charts, formatting in, Making areas transparent
Contains text filters, Using filters to select dates
double strikethrough, Formatting text in graphics
double-byte character sets, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
Equalize Character Height command, Formatting text in graphics
functions (see text functions)
graphics formatting of, Using drawing tools
hyperlinks, adding to, Creating a hyperlink in a cell
ISNONTEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
ISTEXT function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
kerning, Formatting text in graphics
Offset control, Formatting text in graphics
REPT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Shrink To Fit check box, Controlling text orientation
Small Caps command, Formatting text in graphics
sorting of, Sorting cells that contain formulas
strikethrough (Ctrl+5) command, Shortcuts by key: Control and navigation keys
T function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Text Direction command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
Text format, Understanding the Text format
Text To Columns command, Parsing Clipboard text
Text To Speech command, Excel 2003 View menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
values (see text values)
WordArt, Creating WordArt
wrapping, Filling cells with characters
text boxes
adding text to graphic objects, Working with text boxes
Allow Text To Overflow Shape option, Formatting objects that contain text
callouts, Using connectors and callouts
charts, adding to, Changing the numeric format used by axis labels
Columns dialog box, Formatting objects that contain text
Format Shape task pane tools, Applying 3-D effects
linking to cells, Working with shapes
Margin settings, Formatting objects that contain text
phantom text toolbars, Adding text to other shapes
Picture Tools Text Box control, Making adjustments to your images
Resize Shape To Fit Text option, Formatting objects that contain text
selecting text or shapes, Formatting objects that contain text
spelling checks for, Working with text boxes
Text Box button, Working with curves
text files
exporting to, Importing and exporting text files
importing data from, Importing and exporting text files, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
text functions
ASCII functions, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
capabilities of, The TRUNC function
case functions, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE
CHAR function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CLEAN function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CODE function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CONCATENATE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DOLLAR function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ending in B, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
EXACT function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FIND function, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Using the IS information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
FORMULATEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
LEFT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LEN function, The TEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
LOWER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
MID function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
PROPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
REPLACE functions, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RIGHT functions, The RIGHT and LEFT functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SEARCH functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SUBSTITUTE function, The MID function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
substring functions, The case functions: UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER
TEXT function, The TRUNC function, The CONCATENATE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRIM function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
UPPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VALUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Text Import Wizard, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
text lists, creating, Distributing long entries using the Justify command
text values
ampersand (&) concatenation operator, Using numeric text in formulas
as arguments in functions, Types of arguments
entering, Entering simple numeric and text values
formula use of, Using numeric text in formulas
longer than cell width, Creating long text values
numeric text entries, Creating long text values
wrapping, Creating long text values
text-alignment prefix characters, Understanding numeric text entries
texture fills, Formatting fills and lines
Thai, BAHTTEXT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
application of, Formatting with themes
Cell Styles feature with, Creating custom themes
Colors button, Painting formats
custom, creating, Creating custom themes
definition of, Painting formats
Effects button, Painting formats
effects on chart styles available, Choosing a chart style
Fonts button, Painting formats
Office Theme options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
pasting All Using Source Theme option, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
prior formatting, failure to overwrite, Formatting with themes
Save Current Theme command, Creating custom themes
style appearance affected by, Formatting tables
table formatting with, Formatting tables
Thesaurus command, Cheking yer speling
TIME function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
time-consuming operations, Editing options
Timeline feature, Timeline
times (see dates and times)
TIMEVALUE function, Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
titles, adding to charts, Adding, editing, and removing a chart title
titles, column (see headings)
TODAY function, Calculating with date and time, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
tool sets, contextual, Understanding contextual tool sets
Mini toolbar, The joy of shortcut menus, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Quick Access Toolbar (see Quick Access Toolbar)
Toolbars commands, Excel 2003, Excel 2003 View menu
Tools menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Format menu
Top alignment, Justifying text in cells
top n times, filtering, Using filter criteria in more than one column
Top/Bottom Rules conditional formatting, Formatting conditionally, Formatting conditionally
#Totals structured reference tag, Explicitly referencing the current row
touch-enabled commands, Other improvements
tracers, cell, Tracing cell references
Track Changes commands, Excel 2003 Tools menu
tracking changes (see change tracking)
trademark symbol, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE
Transition Navigation Keys, Understanding numeric text entries
Translate command, Cheking yer speling
transparency control, Making adjustments to your images
Paste Special command for, Transposing entries
TRANSPOSE function, The ROWS and COLUMNS functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
transpose paste option, Pasting multiples
TREND function, The LINEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
trend lines, FORECAST function, The FORECAST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
trendlines, Plotting noncontiguous source ranges
trigonometric functions
ACOS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ACOT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ASIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
ATAN functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
COT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
CSC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
DEGREES function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
hyperbolic (see hyperbolic functions)
IMCOS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMCOT function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMCSC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMSEC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMSIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
IMTAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
PI function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
RADIANS function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SEC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
SIN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRIM function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRIMMEAN function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
troubleshooting, Index to troubleshooting topics
TRUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
TRUE logical value, Types of arguments, The CONCATENATE function
TRUNC function, The TRUNC function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Trust Center
2007 introduction of, If you missed the last two upgrades
ActiveX options, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
add-ins options, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
clearing Trusted lists, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
Enable Content button, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
External Content options, Message bar
File Block Settings, External content
Help, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
locations, managing trusted, The Trust Center
macro options, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
macro security configuration, Configuring macro security
message bar options, Message bar
opening, Security and privacy
organizational settings in, Security and privacy
Privacy Options, Privacy options
Protected View, External content
publishers, managing trusted, The Trust Center
reputable developers, Security and privacy
security alerts generated by, The Trust Center
Trusted App Catalogs, Trusted publishers, locations, and documents
Trusted Documents list, The Trust Center
trustworthiness evaluation, Security and privacy
TYPE function, Understanding information functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
typefaces (see fonts)
typos, AutoCorrect for catching, Replacing what you find


UDM (Unified Dimensional Model), If you missed the last two upgrades
accounting formatting for, Using Accounting formats
keyboard shortcut for, Shortcuts by key: Letter keys
Underline button, Shrinking text to fit in cells
Underline command, Excel 2003 Formatting toolbar
underlying values, Using special characters
underscore (_)
space symbol for numeric custom format, Creating new number formats
VBA continued statements, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
Undo command
actions that cannot be undone, Undoing previous actions
Ctrl+Z shortcut for, Copying, cutting, and pasting
hyperlinks, undoing automatic, Automatic parsing and concatenation using Flash Fill
listing remembered actions, Editing and undoing entries, Dragging with the right mouse button
on Quick Access Toolbar, Adding tools to the toolbar
outlines, use Clear Outline instead, Outlining worksheets
ungrouping worksheets, Grouping worksheets for editing
Unhide command, Hiding cells and worksheets, Hiding and protecting workbooks, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
UNICHAR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
UNICODE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
Unified Dimensional Model (UDM), If you missed the last two upgrades
unlocking cells, Protecting worksheets
Update Formula To Include Cells option, Deleting cells, columns, and rows
updates, Check For Updates command, Excel 2003 Window menu
updating of spreadsheets (see recalculation)
UPPER function, The ASCII functions: CHAR and CODE, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
URL automatic conversion to hyperlinks, Fixing errors as you type
URLs, automatic conversion to hyperlinks, Linking with hyperlinks
Use System Separators option, Editing options
Use Table Names In Formulas option, Using structured references
UserForms, Using custom functions
users, adding permissions for, Protecting the workbook


pasting settings, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
Validation command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
#VALUE error value, Understanding error values
VALUE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
values, pasting only, Pasting selectively using Paste Special
variable declining balance depreciation, The DDB and DB functions
variables, VBA
assigning values to, Using custom functions
misspelled, options for preventing, Catching syntax errors
monitoring during debugging, Catching misspelled variable names
Quick Watch command for, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
Watch Window for monitoring, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
Descriptive Statistics tool, Using the Descriptive Statistics tool
DVAR functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
VAR functions, The AGGREGATE function, The MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, MAX, MIN, and COUNT functions, Using sample and population statistical functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
Analysis Toolpak with, The LOGEST function
arguments, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
assignment statements, Using custom functions
breakpoints, setting, Stepping through code
classes, Objects, methods, and properties
collections, The Object Browser
comments, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Documenting macros and custom functions
conditional breakpoints, Setting conditional breakpoints using Debug.Assert
custom functions created with (see custom functions)
debugging (see debugging VBA code)
dialog boxes, displaying, Using custom functions
Dim statements, Catching misspelled variable names
documentation, Documenting macros and custom functions
editor for (see Visual Basic Editor)
End Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
Err object, Dealing with run-time errors
error handling code, Dealing with run-time errors
Excel functions, accessing, Using custom functions
Exit Function statements, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
Exit Sub statements, Dealing with run-time errors
For Each...Next control structure, Collections of objects
Function, End Function statements, Creating custom functions, Using custom functions
If statements, Using custom functions, Creating custom functions with optional arguments
InputBox statements, Using custom functions
IsMissing function, Documenting macros and custom functions
keyword limitations for custom functions, Using custom functions
keywords, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
macros, as code for (see macros)
methods, Objects, methods, and properties, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
modules, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Creating a simple custom function
MsgBox statements, Using custom functions
objects, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
On Error GoTo statements, Dealing with run-time errors
On Error Resume Next statements, Dealing with run-time errors
Option Explicit statements, Catching syntax errors
procedures, Using custom functions
properties, Objects, methods, and properties, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
Range objects, Objects, methods, and properties
recording macros, advantages from, Going on from here
(see also recording macros)
Resume statements, Dealing with run-time errors
run-time errors, Using the Immediate window
security issues with, Configuring macro security
Select Case structures, Catching misspelled variable names
Str function, Collections of objects
Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
subroutines, Using subroutines in macros
syntax, Objects, methods, and properties, Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
Trust Center options for, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
UserForms, Using custom functions
variables, Using custom functions, Catching syntax errors
With...End With statements, Adding code to or editing recorded macros
XLAM file format, Understanding the “XL” formats
XLSM file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
_ (underscore character), Manipulating an object’s properties without selecting the object
VDB function, The DDB and DB functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
vector graphics (see graphic objects)
Version History command, Excel 2003 File menu
vertical alignment
Bottom option, Justifying text in cells
Center alignment, Justifying text in cells
Distributed, Justifying text in cells
Format Cells dialog box options, Aligning data in cells
Justify option, Justifying text in cells
Top option, Justifying text in cells
Vertical Justify option, Wrapping text in cells
View menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 View menu
View tab
Arrange All button, Moving and copying worksheets, Navigating between open workbooks, Comparing worksheets side by side
Custom Views button, Zooming worksheets
Custom Views command, Useful inconsistencies of new windows
Freeze Panes button, Splitting worksheets into panes
Hide button, Hiding and protecting workbooks
New Window command, Comparing worksheets side by side
order of closing of multiple windows, effect on settings, Useful inconsistencies of new windows
Page Break Preview, Controlling what and where to print
printing gridlines, vs. displaying, Controlling other elements of the Excel 2010 interface
Show group, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
Split button, Viewing worksheets
Switch Windows menu, Navigating between open workbooks
Unhide button, Hiding and protecting workbooks
View Side By Side button, Comparing worksheets side by side
worksheet groups with, Grouping worksheets for editing
Zoom button, Freezing panes
views, Access, importing, Opening an entire Access table in Excel
visceral feedback, Other improvements
Visible Cells Only option, Displaying a specific outline level
VisiCalc, Importing and exporting text files
Visual Basic Editor
Add Watch command, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
adding custom functions to add-in files, Making your custom functions available anywhere
Auto Data Tips option, Catching syntax errors
Auto List Members option, Catching syntax errors
Auto Quick Info option, Catching syntax errors
Auto Syntax Check option, Catching syntax errors
break mode, Catching syntax errors
breakpoints, setting, Stepping through code
Code window, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
color options, Catching syntax errors
comments in, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
compile error messages, Catching syntax errors
conditional breakpoints, Setting conditional breakpoints using Debug.Assert
copying code between macros, Adding code to or editing recorded macros
custom functions, modules for, Creating a simple custom function
(see also custom functions)
Debug.Assert, Setting conditional breakpoints using Debug.Assert
Dim statements, Catching misspelled variable names
End Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
F8 key command, Stepping through code
F9 key command, Stepping through code
Immediate window, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
keyboard shortcut for displaying, Shortcuts by task: Insert, delete, and copy cells
keywords, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
Object Browser, Objects, methods, and properties
opening, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
Option Explicit statements, Catching syntax errors
Project Explore window, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
Quick Watch, Setting conditional breakpoints with the Watch Window
Require Variable Declaration option, Catching misspelled variable names
returning to workbooks, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor
step commands, Catching misspelled variable names
Sub statements, Introducing the Visual Basic Editor, Using subroutines in macros
subroutines, adding, Using subroutines in macros
syntax error alerts, Catching syntax errors
Toggle Breakpoint command, Stepping through code
variables, misspelled, Catching syntax errors
Watch Window, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
Visual Basic for Applications (see VBA (Visual Basic for Applications))
Visual Basic toolbar, Excel 2003 View menu
VLOOKUP function, Understanding lookup and reference functions, Using PowerPivot in Office 2013, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
volatile functions, Using the TODAY and NOW functions


Watch Window, Evaluating and auditing formulas, Using the Watch Window to monitor variable values and object properties
web address automatic conversion to hyperlinks, Fixing errors as you type
Web Apps (see Office Web Apps)
web beacons, App catalogs, add-ins, ActiveX settings, and macro settings
Web Discussions command, Excel 2003 Tools menu
Web Page format, Sharing data beyond Excel
Web Page Preview command, Excel 2003 File menu
web queries
commands for, Excel 2003 Data menu
copying web tables, Copying and pasting from the web browser
Excel capabilities for, Using a web query to return Internet data
From Web command, Creating your own web query
Internet Explorer, exporting from, Copying and pasting from the web browser
running existing queries, Using a web query to return Internet data
Web toolbar, Excel 2003 View menu
WEBSERVICE function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
websites, suspicious, Privacy options
WEEKDAY function, Using the TODAY and NOW functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEEKNUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
weeks, ISOWEEKNUM function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
WEIBULL.DIST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
what-if analysis
data tables, Performing a what-if analysis
Goal Seek tool, The Scenario PivotTable report
PivotTables for (see PivotTables)
PowerPivot for (see PowerPivot)
Scenario Manager, Using the Scenario Manager
Solver, Precision and multiple solutions
wheel mouse, navigating with
panning, Getting around in the workbook, Enhancing accessibility
Zoom On Roll With IntelliMouse option, Editing options
zooming, Zooming worksheets
wildcards, filtering with, Using filters to specify more complex criteria
Win/Loss sparklines, Creating sparklines
Window menu, 2003, ribbon equivalents to, Excel 2003 Window menu
Window Split box discontinued, Retired in 2013
Arrange All button, Navigating between open workbooks, Comparing worksheets side by side
closing, effect of order of, Useful inconsistencies of new windows
data entry effects in multiple, Opening multiple windows for the same workbook
hiding and unhiding, Hiding and protecting workbooks
horizontal configuration of, Navigating between open workbooks
instances of Excel, as, Workbook navigation tips
multiple for same workbook, Working with workbook windows, Comparing worksheets side by side
multiple, of a worksheet, Facts about worksheets
New Window command, Comparing worksheets side by side
sizing controls, Workbook navigation tips
Switch Windows menu, Navigating between open workbooks
taskbar, hiding, Working with workbook windows
view effects in multiple, Opening multiple windows for the same workbook
View Side By Side button, Comparing worksheets side by side
Windows 8, launching in, The ribbon speaks
Windows Live Mesh, Using SkyDrive
Windows navigation keyboard shortcuts, Shortcuts by task: Work with task panes
Windows Packager, Embedding and linking with the Object command
Automatic updating option for links, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
Bitmap pasting option, Using RTF and HTML formats
charts in, Using Excel charts in Word documents
embedding text from, Embedding vs. linking
Excel charts, embedding in, Using Excel charts in Word documents
formatting options for pastes, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard
HTML format, pasting tables as, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard, Using RTF and HTML formats
HTML rendering issue, Using Paste Special to control the format of your table
hyperlinks to Excel, Linking with hyperlinks
mail merges with Excel data, Using Excel to supply mail-merge data to Word
Microsoft Graph Chart, Using Excel charts in Word documents
native charting capability, Using Excel charts in Word documents
Object command for creating new worksheets, Linking with hyperlinks
Paste Link options, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
Paste Special for format control, Using Paste Special to control the format of your table
pasting Excel tables into, Using Excel data in Word documents
Picture (Enhanced Metafile) pasting option, Using RTF and HTML formats
Picture pasting option for charts, Using Excel charts in Word documents
pictures, pasting tables as, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard
range names for links, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
resizing embedded objects, Using the Object command
RTF format, pasting tables as, Using RTF and HTML formats
tables created directly in, Using Excel data in Word documents
text only, pasting tables as, Pasting an Excel table from the Clipboard
unformatted text pasting option, Using RTF and HTML formats
Unicode text pasting option, Using RTF and HTML formats
updating linked Excel tables, Paste-linking an Excel table into Word
Worksheet Object format, pasting, Using Paste Special to control the format of your table
charts, using in, Making areas transparent
creating, Creating WordArt
Drawing Tools with (see Drawing Tools Format tab)
Format Shape task pane controls with, Applying 3-D effects
Arrange All button, Navigating between open workbooks, Comparing worksheets side by side
Blank Workbook command, Introducing Backstage view
components of (see worksheets)
creating new, Introducing Backstage view
creating new worksheets in, Facts about worksheets
Display options, Exploring other toolbar and ribbon options
dragging worksheets between, Moving and copying worksheets
encrypting, Protecting workbooks
hiding, Hiding and protecting workbooks
horizontal configuration of, Navigating between open workbooks
inserting new worksheets, Editing and undoing entries
instances of Excel, as, Workbook navigation tips
links in (see linking)
masters, for sharing, Combining changes made to multiple workbooks
multiple windows for same workbook, Comparing worksheets side by side
multiple, managing, How to work a workbook
navigating between, How to work a workbook
navigational controls, Getting around in the workbook
new organization of, Timeline
opening, Opening files
opening hidden, Hiding workbooks
organizational tools, as, Using the workbook window
Protect Workbook command, Protecting the workbook, Allowing password access to specific cell ranges
Quick Access Toolbar customizations, attaching, Creating your own buttons
recent, opening, Opening files
recovering corrupted, Recovering corrupted files
saving (see saving files)
Select All Sheets command, Inserting and deleting worksheets
subsets of worksheets, new workbooks from, Sending a worksheet, chart, or range by email
summary information, adding to files, Protecting files
tab split handles, Workbook navigation tips
templates for (see templates)
View Side By Side button, Comparing worksheets side by side
windows on, Facts about worksheets
WORKDAY functions, Using the EDATE and EOMONTH functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
active areas of, Workbook navigation tips
autofitting all rows or columns, Changing column widths
background graphics for, Adding graphic backgrounds to worksheets
cells of (see cells)
columns of (see columns)
components of, Exploring Excel fundamentals
copying, Moving and copying worksheets
creating new, Facts about worksheets
deleting, Editing and undoing entries
designing (see designing worksheets)
dragging, Moving and copying worksheets
freezing panes, Splitting worksheets into panes
groups (see groups, worksheet)
hiding, Hiding cells and worksheets, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
inserting new, Editing and undoing entries
keyboard shortcuts for managing, Shortcuts by task: Work with worksheets
keyboard shortcuts for navigation, Workbook navigation tips
managing, Editing and undoing entries, Shortcuts by task: Work with worksheets
moving, Moving and copying worksheets
naming, Inserting and deleting worksheets
navigational controls, Getting around in the workbook
New Sheet button, Editing and undoing entries, Research resources
ranges of, selecting, Inserting and deleting worksheets
renaming, Inserting and deleting worksheets
rows of (see rows)
scrolling techniques, Getting around in the workbook
Select All Sheets command, Inserting and deleting worksheets
sets of (see workbooks)
Sheet commands, 2003 Format menu, Excel 2003 Format menu
SHEET functions, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
sheet tab shortcut menu, Editing and undoing entries, Moving and copying worksheets
splitting into panes, Viewing worksheets
tabs, Enhancing accessibility, Inserting and deleting worksheets, Research resources
ungrouping, Grouping worksheets for editing
Unhide button, Saving workbooks or windows as hidden
windows on, Facts about worksheets
Worksheet command, Insert menu, Excel 2003 Insert menu
deprecated in 2013, Workbook navigation tips
worksheets of (see worksheets)
Wrap Text button, Creating long text values
wrapping text, Filling cells with characters


XIRR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XLAM file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
XLK file extension, Creating automatic backup files
XLS file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Using Microsoft Office Web Apps, Configuring macro security
XLSB file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Configuring macro security
XLSM files, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Configuring macro security
XLStart folder, Opening files
XLSX file format, If you missed the last two upgrades, Rules for file naming, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel, Configuring macro security
XLT file format, Understanding the “XL” formats
XLTM file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
XLTX file format, Ensuring file compatibility with previous versions of Excel
XML file format
Excel 97-2003 Add-In format, Understanding the “XL” formats
external data integration benefit, If you missed the last two upgrades
FILTERXML function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions
importing data from, Parsing Clipboard text
increased capacity and speed from, If you missed the last two upgrades
mapping XML elements, Creating an ad hoc mapping of XML elements to table columns
multiple file imports, Importing XML data using an existing XML structure
schema files, Working with XML files
XML commands, 2003 Data menu, Excel 2003 Data menu
XML Source task pane, Working with XML files
XNPV function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XOR function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
XPS files, Importing and exporting files, Using Print Preview
xVelocity, Creating a Power View report


Z.TEST function, Alphabetical list of Excel 2013 functions (continued)
zero values
#DIV/0! error value, Understanding error values
Accounting format display of, Using Accounting formats
hiding display of, Displaying underlying formulas
suppressing display of, Creating four-part formats
ZIP codes, Understanding the Text format
Zoom On Roll With IntelliMouse option, Editing options
accessibility options for, Enhancing accessibility
effect for multiple windows, Opening multiple windows for the same workbook
Fit Selection option, Freezing panes
selection enabled by, Selecting with the mouse
status bar controls for, Facts about the status bar
wheel mouse, with, Getting around in the workbook, Zooming worksheets
worksheet controls for, Freezing panes
Zoom command location, Excel 2003 View menu
Zoom On Roll With IntelliMouse option, Editing options
Zoom To Selection option, Freezing panes
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