
Thank you, Lisa, Chase, Chance, Chandler, and Charli. You inspire and motivate me. Your support is invaluable. Thank you, Mom. You nurtured my love for words and the craft of organizing them. Thank you, Joel. I enjoyed collaborating with you on this book. Thank you to my colleagues at Concordia University Irvine. Thank you to my past, present, and future students. You have and will continue to influence my voice. Thank you to Dove Canyon Golf Club. You are my oasis. Thank you to Norman Shawchuck. I miss you. Save me a seat up there.

—Chip Espinoza

First, I want to thank the anonymous participants in our surveys. We live in an age of constant bombardment by marketers and researchers, and it is all too tempting to shut out strangers’ solicitations for our time. Without the contribution of their thoughts and time, this book could not exist. We gained unique insights from our participants, for which I am deeply grateful.

I also wish to thank my students. Their questions and challenges motivated me to develop better ways to communicate the topics of organizational behavior. Their interest rewarded me for that effort.

I wish to thank my co-author Chip Espinoza. Through the course of this project and others, I have seen him work through many challenging situations with uncommon grace. Chip is an outstanding classroom teacher and trainer, but as a leader who practices what he preaches, he also teaches by example.

Finally, I thank my family, my wife, Ti-lien, and our children, Joshua and Annie, for their patience while I worked on this book. They cheerfully supported me while I took time on weekends and evenings to write.

—Joel Schwarzbart

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