Appendix A. Additional Technologies and Team Considerations

As already mentioned, software architecture does not adhere to a strict process for creation. However, what it does involve is a lot of teamwork, creativity, and flexibility in adopting changing requirements. This not only covers the design of the system or individual services, but also reaches out to the technologies used and various team dynamics. Unlike with traditional Java EE applications, where the infrastructure is well defined by the application server in use, the solution space for microservices-based systems is open ended and requires a different perspective on teams.

This appendix is designed to point you to alternative microservices solutions outside of the traditional Java EE ecosystem. It also provides greater insight into aligning teams to work with highly scalable architectures.

Architecture != Implementation

Approaches to architectural design do not contain an implicit method for implementation. This is also true for microservices, although the service contracts in a microservices-based architecture allow for a flexible decision about the underlying implementation. It doesn’t even have to be on one platform or language.

If you are grounded in Java EE, you’ve already seen some recommendations and platform-specific thoughts for working with microservices. The basic metric used to compile this short list was that Java is the most commonly used programming language in today’s enterprises. To keep this a little more to the point, the following products and technologies will give you an overview of Java runtimes that aren’t Java EE application server-based for your microservices stack.


Vert.x is an asynchronous, nonblocking framework for development of applications of all kinds. Although it has been mainly discussed in the context of web applications, it has far broader appeal than purely the Web.

Unlike traditional stacks, it’s been designed from day one to be scalable and compatible with microservices architectures, so it’s almost completely nonblocking when it comes to OS threads. This is the most critical component for microservices-based applications, which naturally have to handle a lot of concurrent processing of messages or events while holding up a lot of connections. Vert.x also supports the usage of a variety of different languages (e.g., JavaScript, Ruby, and Groovy).

This type of functionality can be achieved without being a container or an invasive framework. You can use Vert.x inside your applications and integrate with already existing frameworks such as Spring. The nonblocking nature and reactive programing model speeds along the adoption of basic microservices design principles and recommendations, making this framework easier to use than other platforms. It’s also minimally invasive and can be integrated with existing applications, in turn offering an interesting migration path for brownfield developments.

WildFly Swarm

WildFly Swarm is a sidecar project of WildFly 9.x to enable deconstructing the WildFly Java EE application server to your needs. WildFly Swarm allows developers to package just enough of its modules back together with their application to create a self-contained executable JAR.

The typical application development model for a Java EE application is to create an EAR or WAR archive and deploy it to an application server. All the required Java EE dependencies are already available to the application with the application server base installation, and containers provide additional features like transactions and security. Multimodule applications typically are deployed together on the same instance or cluster and share the same server base libraries.

With Swarm, you are able to freely decide which parts of the application server base libraries your application needs. And only those relevant parts get packaged together with your application into a “fat JAR,” which is nothing more than an executable JAR file. After the packaging process, the application can be run using the java -jar command.

By designing applications constructed out of many “fat JAR” instances, you can independently upgrade, replace, or scale the individual service instances. This reduces the available amount of specifications and containers for the application to the needed minimum. It also improves the footprint, rollout, and scaling in the final infrastructure while still utilizing the Java EE programing model.

On top of that, it supports the NetflixOSS suite of Ribbon and Hystrix. They make it easy to hide a service behind an interface, find instances of services, and load-balance between them. In the default case, Ribbon uses the Netflix Eureka server to register and discover individual services. With WildFly Swarm, the standard clustering subsystem can be used to locate these services and maintain the lists of endpoints.

Spring Boot with Spring Cloud

Spring Boot is part of the larger Spring ecosystem. It has evolved as a framework especially designed for microservices. It is built on top of the Spring framework and uses the maturity of it while adding additional features to aid the development of microservices-based applications.

Developer productivity is a “first class” citizen, and the framework adds some basic assumptions about how microservices applications should be built. This includes the assumption that all services have RESTful endpoints and are embedded into a standalone web application runtime. The overall Spring methodology to adopt the relevant features and leave out the others is also practiced here. This leads to a very lean approach that can produce small units of deployments that can be used as runnable Java archives.

On top of Spring Boot is Spring Cloud, which provides NetflixOSS integrations for Boot apps through auto-configuration, binding to the Spring Environment, and other Spring programming model idioms. You can enable and configure the common patterns inside your application via Java annotations and build distributed systems while transparently using a set of Netflix OSS components. The patterns provided include Service Discovery (Eureka), Circuit Breaker (Hystrix), Intelligent Routing (Zuul), and Client-Side Load Balancing (Ribbon).


Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services. It pulls together well-known, stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem (e.g., Jetty, Jersey, and Jackson) into a “fat JAR.” Dropwizard has out-of-the-box support for configuration, application metrics, logging, operational tools, and more. The individual technologies are wired together with the help of various interfaces and annotations that can be viewed as the glue in between. This leaves the user with having to know the individual technologies first, plus the wiring in between them. So, there is a learning curve involved, but not a steep one.

Roll Your Own

Another very common alternative is to roll your own Java EE-like platform on the base of Apache Tomcat. By packaging the relevant and needed modules together, it can be a feasible alternative even if it will require a lot more effort in building the initial stack of frameworks and libraries.

Thoughts About Teams and Cultures

While you can read a lot about how early adopters like Netflix structured their teams for speed instead of efficiency, there is another more reasonable approach for enterprise software development teams. Most basically, it is important to keep them focused. Teams should be aligned around business capabilities and responsibilities. This ensures that the business focus is present and can be reused with every new service that falls into one of the business domains. On the other hand, it is also very important to still have a business consultant as part of a team.

As much as we wish for completely responsible teams, it is highly unlikely that only developers will ever work on the complete applications from the requirement gathering stage through to implementation in an enterprise setting. There will always be a business consultant involved to spend time and energy on asking the right questions to the business owners. The structure of those teams shouldn’t be a lot different from what the early adopters invented: the so-called “two-pizza team” definition.

At maximum, this definition suggests four people should be responsible for a business capability. You can scale and coordinate those “two-pizza teams” according to the needs of an enterprise project. The bigger pill to swallow is that the basic assumption of the individual teams has to be “freedom and responsibility.” However, most enterprises often rely on controlling and reporting project success and progress. This doesn’t align very well with the collaborative team culture that supports microservices-based architectures the best. The only practical way to solve this is to find a good balance between the enterprise’s needs for controlling and project management and the independence of the individual teams.

There’s a good chance that both can be achieved with a little good will from all involved. Scrum and agile project management practices are well known and mostly applicable. Running the “two-pizza team” approach in an agile fashion shouldn’t be new at all. The bigger challenge is extracting the right reporting metrics and mapping them to an overall project plan. But using an iterative approach with only broad planning topics should allow for enough flexibility to make it work (see Figure A-1).

Mixing Agile And Iterative
Figure A-1. Mixing agile and iterative

If the teams are in place and management is OK with the reporting structures, you still need to think about all the other silos and departments in a typical enterprise. All those overengineered processes and outdated technologies have to be taken into account when starting to build teams that can work—and act—like the early adopters envisioned. Everyone on the team doesn’t have to be a full-stack developer to work with the latest technology. But they do all have to work better with one another, including across teams and within the boundaries of the technologies they use.

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