Chapter 3. Functions and Functional Programming


In this chapter, you will learn how to write functions in JavaScript. JavaScript is a “functional” programming language. Functions are “first-class” values, just like numbers or strings. Functions can consume and produce other functions. Mastering a functional programming style is essential for working with modern JavaScript.

This chapter also covers the JavaScript parameter passing and scope rules, as well as the details of throwing and catching exceptions.

3.1 Declaring Functions

In JavaScript, you declare a function by providing

  1. The name of the function

  2. The names of the parameters

  3. The body of the function, which computes and returns the function result

You do not specify the types of the function parameters or result. Here is an example:

function average(x, y) {
  return (x + y) / 2

The return statement yields the value that the function returns.

To call this function, simply pass the desired arguments:

let result = average(6, 7) // result is set to 6.5

What if you pass something other than a number? Whatever happens, happens. For example:

result = average('6', '7') // result is set to 33.5

When you pass strings, the + in the function body concatenates them. The resulting string '67' is converted to a number before the division by 2.

That looks rather casual to a Java, C#, or C++ programmer who is used to compile-time type checking. Indeed, if you mess up argument types, you only find out when something strange happens at runtime. On the flip side, you can write functions that work with arguments of multiple types, which can be convenient.

The return statement returns immediately, abandoning the remainder of the function. Consider this example—an indexOf function that computes the index of a value in an array:

function indexOf(arr, value) {
  for (let i in arr) {
    if (arr[i] === value) return i
  return -1

As soon as a match is found, the index is returned and the function terminates.

A function may choose not to specify a return value. If the function body exits without a return statement, or a return keyword isn’t followed by an expression, the function returns the undefined value. This usually happens when a function is solely called for a side effect.

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If a function sometimes returns a result, and sometimes you don’t want to return anything, be explicit:

return undefined

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As mentioned in Chapter 2, a return statement must always have at least one token before the end of the line, to avoid automatic semicolon insertion. For example, if a function returns an object, put at least the opening brace on the same line:

return {
  average: (x + y) / 2,
  max: Math.max(x, y),
  . . .

3.2 Higher-Order Functions

JavaScript is a functional programming language. Functions are values that you can store in variables, pass as arguments, or return as function results.

For example, we can store the average function in a variable:

let f = average

Then you can call the function:

let result = f(6, 7)

When the expression f(6, 7) is executed, the contents of f is found to be a function. That function is called with arguments 6 and 7.

We can later put another function into the variable f:

f = Math.max

Now when you compute f(6, 7), the answer becomes 7, the result of calling Math.max with the provided arguments.

Here is an example of passing a function as an argument. If arr is an array, the method call

applies the provided function to all elements, and returns an array of the collected results (without modifying the original array). For example,

result = [0, 1, 2, 4].map(Math.sqrt)

sets result to

[0, 1, 1.4142135623730951, 2]

The map method is sometimes called a higher-order function: a function that consumes another function.

3.3 Function Literals

Let us continue the example of the preceding section. Suppose we want to multiply all array elements by 10. Of course, we can write a function

function multiplyBy10(x) { return x * 10 }

Now we can call:

result = [0, 1, 2, 4].map(multiplyBy10)

But it seems a waste to declare a new function just to use it once.

It is better to use a function literal. JavaScript has two syntactical variants. Here is the first one:

result = [0, 1, 2, 4].map(function (x) { return 10 * x })

The syntax is straightforward. You use the same function syntax as before, but now you omit the name. The function literal is a value that denotes the function with the specified action. That value is passed to the map method.

By itself, the function literal doesn’t have a name, just like the array literal [0, 1, 2, 4] doesn’t have a name. If you want to give the function a name, do what you always do when you want to give something a name—store it in a variable:

const average = function (x, y) { return (x + y) / 2 }

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Think of anonymous function literals as the “normal” case. A named function is a shorthand for declaring a function literal and then giving it a name.

3.4 Arrow Functions

In the preceding section, you saw how to declare function literals with the function keyword. There is a second, more concise form that uses the => operator, usually called “arrow”:

const average = (x, y) => (x + y) / 2

You provide the parameter variables to the left of the arrow and the return value to the right.

If there is a single parameter, you don’t need to enclose it in parentheses:

const multiplyBy10 = x => x * 10

If the function has no parameters, use an empty set of parentheses:

const dieToss = () => Math.trunc(Math.random() * 6) + 1

Note that dieToss is a function, not a number. Each time you call dieToss(), you get a random integer between 1 and 6.

If an arrow function is more complex, place its body inside a block statement. Use the return keyword to return a value out of the block:

const indexOf = (arr, value) => {
    for (let i in arr) {
      if (arr[i] === value) return i
    return -1

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The => token must be on the same line as the parameters:

const average = (x, y) => // OK
  (x + y) / 2
const distance  = (x, y) // Error
  => Math.abs(x - y)

If you write an arrow function on more than one line, it is clearer to use braces:

const average = (x, y) => {
  return (x + y) / 2

Images Caution

If an arrow function does nothing but returns an object literal, then you must enclose the object in parentheses:

const stats = (x, y) => ({
    average: (x + y) / 2,
    distance: Math.abs(x - y)

Otherwise, the braces would be parsed as a block.

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As you will see in Chapter 4, arrow functions have more regular behavior than functions declared with the function keyword. Many JavaScript programmers prefer to use the arrow syntax for anonymous and nested functions. Some programmers use the arrow syntax for all functions, while others prefer to declare top-level functions with function. This is purely a matter of taste.

3.5 Functional Array Processing

Instead of iterating over an array with a for of or for in loop, you can use the forEach method. Pass a function that processes the elements and index values:

arr.forEach((element, index) => { console.log(`${index}: ${element}`) })

The function is called for each array element, in increasing index order.

If you only care about the elements, you can pass a function with one parameter:

arr.forEach(element => { console.log(`${element}`) })

The forEach method will call this function with both the element and the index, but in this example, the index is ignored.

The forEach method doesn’t produce a result. Instead, the function that you pass to it must have some side effect—printing a value or making an assignment. It is even better if you can avoid side effects altogether and use methods such as map and filter that transform arrays into their desired form.

In Section 3.2, “Higher-Order Functions” (page 53), you saw the map method that transforms an array, applying a function to each element. Here is a practical example. Suppose you want to build an HTML list of items in an array. You can first enclose each of the items in a li element:

const enclose = (tag, contents) => `<${tag}>${contents}</${tag}>`
const listItems = => enclose('li', i))

Actually, it is safer to first escape & and < characters in the items. Let’s suppose we have an htmlEscape function for this purpose. (You will find an implementation in the book’s companion code.) Then we can first transform the items to make them safe, and then enclose them:

const listItems = items
  .map(i => enclose('li', i))

Now the result is an array of li elements. Next, we concatenate all strings with the Array.join method (see Chapter 7), and enclose the resulting string in a ul element:

const list = enclose('ul',
  .map(i => enclose('li', i))

Another useful array method is filter. It receives a predicate function—a function that returns a Boolean (or Boolish) value. The result is an array of all elements that fulfill the predicate. Continuing the preceding example, we don’t want to include empty strings in the list. We can remove them like this:

const list = enclose('ul',
  .filter(i => i.trim() !== '')
  .map(i => enclose('li', i))

This processing pipeline is a good example of a high-level “what, not how” style of programming. What do we want? Throw away empty strings, escape HTML, enclose items in li elements, and join them. How is this done? Ultimately, by a sequence of loops and branches, but that is an implementation detail.

3.6 Closures

The setTimeout function takes two arguments: a function to execute later, when a timeout has elapsed, and the duration of the timeout in milliseconds. For example, this call says “Goodbye” in ten seconds:

setTimeout(() => console.log('Goodbye'), 10000)

Let’s make this more flexible:

const sayLater = (text, when) => {
  let task = () => console.log(text)
  setTimeout(task, when)

Now we can call:

sayLater('Hello', 1000)
sayLater('Goodbye', 10000)

Look at the variable text inside the arrow function () => console.log(text). If you think about it, something nonobvious is going on. The code of the arrow function runs long after the call to sayLater has returned. How does the text variable stay around? And how can it be first 'Hello' and then 'Goodbye'?

To understand what is happening, we need to refine our understanding of a function. A function has three ingredients:

  1. A block of code

  2. Parameters

  3. The free variables—that is, the variables that are used in the code but are not declared as parameters or local variables

A function with free variables is called a closure.

In our example, text is a free variable of the arrow function. The data structure representing the closure stores a reference to the variable when the function is created. We say that the variable is captured. That way, its value is available when the function is later called.

In fact, the arrow function () => console.log(text) also captures a second variable, namely console.

But how does text get to have two different values? Let’s do this in slow motion. The first call to sayLater creates a closure that captures the text parameter variable holding the value 'Hello'. When the sayLater method exits, that variable does not go away because it is still used by the closure. When sayLater is called again, a second closure is created that captures a different text parameter variable, this time holding 'Goodbye'.

In JavaScript, a captured variable is a reference to another variable, not its current value. If you change the contents of the captured variable, the change is visible in the closure. Consider this case:

let text = 'Goodbye'
setTimeout(() => console.log(text), 10000)
text = 'Hello'

In ten seconds, the string 'Hello' is printed, even though text contained 'Goodbye' when the closure was created.

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The lambda expressions and inner classes in Java can also capture variables from enclosing scopes. But in Java, a captured local variable must be effectively final—that is, its value can never change.

Capturing mutable variables complicates the implementation of closures in JavaScript. A JavaScript closure remembers not just the initial value but the location of the captured variable. And the captured variable is kept alive for as long as the closure exists—even if it is a local variable of a terminated method.

The fundamental idea of a closure is very simple: A free variable inside a function means exactly what it means outside. However, the consequences are profound. It is very useful to capture variables and have them accessible indefinitely. The next section provides a dramatic illustration, by implementing objects and methods entirely with closures.

3.7 Hard Objects


Let’s say we want to implement bank account objects. Each bank account has a balance. We can deposit and withdraw money.

We want to keep the object state private, so that nobody can modify it except through methods that we provide. Here is an outline of a factory function:

const createAccount = () => {
  . . .
  return {
    deposit: amount => { . . . },
    withdraw: amount => { . . . },
    getBalance: () => . . .

Then we can construct as many accounts as we like:

const harrysAccount = createAccount()
const sallysAccount = createAccount()

Note that an account object contains only methods, not data. After all, if we added the balance to the account object, anyone could modify it. There are no “private” properties in JavaScript.

Where do we store the data? It’s simple—as local variables in the factory function:

const createAccount = () => {
  let balance = 0
  return {
    . . .

We capture the local data in the methods:

const createAccount = () => {
  . . .
  return {
    deposit: amount => {
      balance += amount
    withdraw: amount => {
      if (balance >= amount)
        balance -= amount
    getBalance: () => balance

Each account has its own captured balance variable, namely the one that was created when the factory function was called.

You can provide parameters in the factory function:

const createAccount = (initialBalance) => {
  let balance = initialBalance + 10 // Bonus for opening the account
  return {
    . . .

You can even capture the parameter variable instead of a local variable:

const createAccount = (balance) => {
  balance += 10 // Bonus for opening the account
  return {
    deposit: amount => {
      balance += amount
    . . .

At first glance, this looks like an odd way of producing objects. But these objects have two significant advantages. The state, consisting solely of captured local variables of the factory function, is automatically encapsulated. And you avoid the this parameter, which, as you will see in Chapter 4, is not straightforward in JavaScript.

This technique is sometimes called the “closure pattern” or “factory class pattern,” but I like the term that Douglas Crockford uses in his book How JavaScript Works. He calls them “hard objects.”

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To further harden the object, you can use the Object.freeze method that yields an object whose properties cannot be modified or removed, and to which no new properties can be added.

const createAccount = (balance) => {
  return Object.freeze({
    deposit: amount => {
      balance += amount
    . . .

3.8 Strict Mode

As you have seen, JavaScript has its share of unusual features, some of which have proven to be poorly suited for large-scale software development. Strict mode outlaws some of these features. You should always use strict mode.

To enable strict mode, place the line

'use strict'

as the first non-comment line in your file. (Double quotes instead of single quotes are OK, as is a semicolon.)

If you want to force strict mode in the Node.js REPL, start it with

node --use-strict

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In a browser console, you need to prefix each line that you want to execute in strict mode with 'use strict'; or 'use strict' followed by Shift+Enter. That is not very convenient.

You can apply strict mode to individual functions:

function strictInASeaOfSloppy() {
  'use strict'
  . . .

There is no good reason to use per-function strict mode with modern code. Apply strict mode to the entire file.

Finally, strict mode is enabled inside classes (see Chapter 4) and ECMAScript modules (see Chapter 10).

For the record, here are the key features of strict mode:

  • Assigning a value to a previously undeclared variable is an error and does not create a global variable. You must use let, const, or var for all variable declarations.

  • You cannot assign a new value to a read-only global property such as NaN or undefined. (Sadly, you can still declare local variables that shadow them.)

  • Functions can only be declared at the top level of a script or function, not in a nested block.

  • The delete operator cannot be applied to “unqualified identifiers.” For example, delete parseInt is a syntax error. Trying to delete a property that is not “configurable” (such as delete 'Hello'.length) causes a runtime error.

  • You cannot have duplicate function parameters (function average(x, x)). Of course, you never wanted those, but they are legal in the “sloppy” (non-strict) mode.

  • You cannot use octal literals with a 0 prefix: 010 is a syntax error, not an octal 10 (which is 8 in decimal). If you want octal, use 0o10.

  • The with statement (which is not discussed in this book) is prohibited.

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In strict mode, reading the value of an undeclared variable throws a ReferenceError. If you need to find out whether a variable has been declared (and initialized), you can’t check

possiblyUndefinedVariable !== undefined

Instead, use the condition

typeof possiblyUndefinedVariable !== 'undefined'

3.9 Testing Argument Types

In JavaScript, you do not specify the types of function arguments. Therefore, you can allow callers to supply an argument of one type or another, and handle that argument according to its actual type.

As a somewhat contrived example, the average function may accept either numbers or arrays.

const average = (x, y) => {
  let sum = 0
  let n = 0
  if (Array.isArray(x)) {
    for (const value of x) { sum += value; n++ }
  } else {
    sum = x; n = 1
  if (Array.isArray(y)) {
    for (const value of y) { sum += value }
  } else {
    sum += y; n++
  return n === 0 ? 0 : sum / n

Now you can call:

result = average(1, 2)
result = average([1, 2, 3], 4)
result = average(1, [2, 3, 4])
result = average([1, 2], [3, 4, 5])

Table 3-1 shows how to test whether an argument x conforms to a given type.

Table 3-1    Type Tests





typeof x === 'string' ||
  x instanceof String

x might be constructed as new String(. . .)

Regular expression

x instanceof RegExp



typeof x === 'number' ||
  x instanceof Number

x might be constructed as new Number(. . .)

Anything that can be converted to a number

typeof +x === 'number'

Obtain the numeric value as +x





typeof x === 'function'


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Some programmers write functions that turn any argument values into numbers, such as

const average = (x, y) => {
  return (+x + +y) / 2

Then one can call

average('3', [4])

Is that degree of flexibility useful, harmless, or a harbinger of trouble? I don’t recommend it.

3.10 Supplying More or Fewer Arguments

Suppose a function is declared with a particular number of parameters, for example:

const average = (x, y) => (x + y) / 2

It appears as if you must supply two arguments when you call the function. However, that is not the JavaScript way. You can call the function with more arguments—they are silently ignored:

let result = average(3, 4, 5) // 3.5—the last argument is ignored

Conversely, if you supply fewer arguments, then the missing ones are set to undefined. For example, average(3) is (3 + undefined) / 2, or NaN. If you want to support that call with a meaningful result, you can:

const average = (x, y) => y === undefined ? x : (x + y) / 2

3.11 Default Arguments

In the preceding section, you saw how to implement a function that is called with fewer arguments than parameters. Instead of manually checking for undefined argument values, you can provide default arguments in the function declaration. After the parameter, put an = and an expression for the default—that is, the value that should be used if no argument was passed.

Here is another way of making the average function work with one argument:

const average = (x, y = x) => (x + y) / 2

If you call average(3), then y is set to x—that is, 3—and the correct return value is computed.

You can provide multiple default values:

const average = (x = 0, y = x) => (x + y) / 2

Now average() returns zero.

You can even provide a default for the first parameter and not the others:

const average = (x = 0, y) => y === undefined ? x : (x + y) / 2

If no argument (or an explicit undefined) is supplied, the parameter is set to the default or, if none is provided, to undefined:

average(3) // average(3, undefined)
average() // average(0, undefined)
average(undefined, 3) // average(0, 3)

3.12 Rest Parameters and the Spread Operator

As you have seen, you can call a JavaScript function with any number of arguments. To process them all, declare the last parameter of the function as a “rest” parameter by prefixing it with the ... token:

const average = (first = 0, ...following) => {
  let sum = first
  for (const value of following) { sum += value }
  return sum / (1 + following.length)

When the function is called, the following parameter is an array that holds all arguments that have not been used to initialize the preceding parameters. For example, consider the call:

average(1, 7, 2, 9)

Then first is 1 and following is the array [7, 2, 9].

Many functions and methods accept variable arguments. For example, the Math.max method yields the largest of its arguments, no matter how many:

let result = Math.max(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6) // Sets result to 9

What if the values are already in an array?

let numbers = [1, 7, 2, 9]
result = Math.max(numbers) // Yields NaN

That doesn’t work. The Math.max method receives an array with one element—the array [1, 7, 2, 9].

Instead, use the “spread” operator—the ... token placed before an array argument:

result = Math.max(...numbers) // Yields 9

The spread operator spreads out the elements as if they had been provided separately in the call.

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Even though the spread operator and rest declaration look the same, their actions are the exact opposites of each other.

First, note that the spread operator is used with an argument, and the rest syntax applies to a variable declaration.

Math.max(...numbers) // Spread operator—argument in function call
const max = (...values) => { /* body */}
  // Rest declaration of parameter variable

The spread operator turns an array (or, in fact, any iterable) into a sequence of values. The rest declaration causes a sequence of values to be placed into an array.

Note that you can use the spread operator even if the function that you call doesn’t have any rest parameters. For example, consider the average function of the preceding section that has two parameters. If you call

result = average(...numbers)

then all elements of numbers are passed as arguments to the function. The function uses the first two arguments and ignores the others.

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You can also use the spread operator in an array initializer:

let moreNumbers = [1, 2, 3, ...numbers] // Spread operator

Don’t confuse this with the rest declaration used with destructuring. The rest declaration applies to a variable:

let [first, ...following] = numbers // Rest declaration

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Since strings are iterable, you can use the spread operator with a string:

let greeting = 'Hello Images'
let characters = [...greeting]

The characters array contains the strings 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', and 'Images'.

The syntax for default arguments and rest parameters are equally applicable to the function syntax:

function average(first = 0, ...following) { . . . }

3.13 Simulating Named Arguments with Destructuring


JavaScript has no “named argument” feature where you provide the parameter names in the call. But you can easily simulate named arguments by passing an object literal:

const result = mkString(values, { leftDelimiter: '(', rightDelimiter: ')' })

That is easy enough for the caller of the function. Now, let’s turn to the function implementation. You can look up the object properties and supply defaults for missing values.

const mkString = (array, config) => {
  let separator = config.separator === undefined ? ',' : config.separator
  . . .

However, that is tedious. It is easier to use destructured parameters with defaults. (See Chapter 1 for the destructuring syntax.)

const mkString = (array, {
    separator = ',',
    leftDelimiter = '[',
    rightDelimiter = ']'
  }) => {
  . . .

The destructuring syntax { separator = ',', leftDelimiter = '[', rightDelimiter = ']' } declares three parameter variables separator, leftDelimiter, and rightDelimiter that are initialized from the properties with the same names. The defaults are used if the properties are absent or have undefined values.

It is a good idea to provide a default {} for the configuration object:

const mkString = (array, {
    separator = ',',
    leftDelimiter = '[',
    rightDelimiter = ']'
  } = {}) => {
  . . .

Now the function can be called without any configuration object:

const result = mkString(values) // The second argument defaults to {}

3.14 Hoisting


In this “mad hatter” section, we take up another complex subject that you can easily avoid by following three simple rules. They are:

  • Don’t use var

  • Use strict mode

  • Declare variables and functions before using them

If you want to understand what happens when you don’t follow these rules, read on.

JavaScript has an unusual mechanism for determining the scope of a variable—that is, is the region of a program where the variable can be accessed. Consider a local variable, declared inside a function. In programming languages such as Java, C#, or C++, the scope extends from the point where the variable is declared until the end of the enclosing block. In JavaScript, a local variable declared with let appears to have the same behavior:

function doStuff() { // Start of block
  . . . // Attempting to access someVariable throws a ReferenceError
  let someVariable // Scope starts here
  . . . // Can access someVariable, value is undefined
  someVariable = 42
  . . . // Can access someVariable, value is 42
} // End of block, scope ends here

However, it is not quite so simple. You can access local variables in functions whose declarations precede the variable declaration:

function doStuff() {
  function localWork() {
    console.log(someVariable) // OK to access variable
    . . .
  let someVariable = 42

  localWork() // Prints 42

In JavaScript, every declaration is hoisted to the top of its scope. That is, the variable or function is known to exist even before its declaration, and space is reserved to hold its value.

Inside a nested function, you can reference hoisted variables or functions. Consider the localWork function in the preceding example. The function knows the location of someVariable because it is hoisted to the top of the body of doStuff, even though that variable is declared after the function.

Of course, it can then happen that you access a variable before executing the statement that declares it. With let and const declarations, accessing a variable before it is declared throws a ReferenceError. The variable is in the “temporal dead zone” until its declaration is executed.

However, if a variable is declared with the archaic var keyword, then its value is simply undefined until the variable is initialized.

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Do not use var. It declares variables whose scope is the entire function, not the enclosing block. That is too broad:

function someFunction(arr) {
  // i, element already in scope but undefined
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    var element = arr[i]
    . . .
  // i, element still in scope

Moreover, var doesn’t play well with closures—see Exercise 10.

Since functions are hoisted, you can call a function before it is declared. In particularly, you can declare mutually recursive functions:

function isEven(n) { return n === 0 ? true : isOdd(n -1) }
function isOdd(n) { return n === 0 ? false : isEven(n -1) }

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In strict mode, named functions can only be declared at the top level of a script or function, not inside a nested block. In non-strict mode, nested named functions are hoisted to the top of their enclosing function. Exercise 12 shows why this is a bad idea.

As long as you use strict mode and avoid var declarations, the hoisting behavior is unlikely to result in programming errors. However, it is a good idea to structure your code so that you declare variables and functions before they are used.

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In ancient times, JavaScript programmers used “immediately invoked functions” to limit the scope of var declarations and functions:

(function () {
  var someVariable = 42
  function someFunction(. . .) { . . . }
  . . .
})() // Function is called here—note the ()
// someVariable, someFunction no longer in scope

After the anonymous function is called, it is never used again. The sole purpose is to encapsulate the declarations.

This device is no longer necessary. Simply use:

  let someVariable = 42
  const someFunction = (. . .) => { . . . }
  . . .

The declarations are confined to the block.

3.15 Throwing Exceptions

If a function is unable to compute a result, it can throw an exception. Depending on the kind of failure, this can be a better strategy than returning an error value such as NaN or undefined.

Use a throw statement to throw an exception:

throw value

The exception value can be a value of any type, but it is conventional to throw an error object. The Error function produces such an object with a given string describing the reason.

let reason = `Element ${elem} not found`
throw Error(reason)

When the throw statement executes, the function is terminated immediately. No return value is produced, not even undefined. Execution does not continue in the function call but instead in the nearest catch or finally clause, as described in the following sections.

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Exception handling is a good mechanism for unpredictable situations that the caller might not be able to handle. It is not so suitable for situations where failure is expected. Consider parsing user input. It is exceedingly likely that some users provide unsuitable input. In JavaScript, it is easy to return a “bottom” value such as undefined, null, or NaN (provided, of course, those could not be valid inputs). Or you can return an object that describes success or failure. For example, in Chapter 9, you will see a method that yields objects of the form { status: 'fulfilled', value: result } or { status: 'rejected', reason: exception }.

3.16 Catching Exceptions


To catch an exception, use a try statement. In Chapter 2, you saw how to catch an exception if you are not interested in the exception value. If you want to examine the exception value, add a variable to the catch clause:

try {
  // Do work
  . . .
} catch (e) {
  // Handle exceptions
  . . .

The variable in the catch clause (here, e) contains the exception value. As you saw in the preceding section, an exception value is conventionally an error object. Such an object has two properties: name and message. For example, if you call

JSON.parse('{ age: 42 }')

an exception is thrown with the name 'SyntaxError' and message 'Unexpected token a in JSON at position 2'. (The string in this example is invalid JSON because the age key is not enclosed in double quotes.)

The name of an object produced with the Error function is 'Error'. The JavaScript virtual machine throws errors with names 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'URIError', or 'InternalError'.

In the handler, you can record that information in a suitable place. However, in JavaScript it is not usually productive to analyze the error object in detail, as you might in languages such as Java or C++.

When you log an error object on the console, JavaScript execution environments typically display the stack trace—the function and method calls between the throw and catch points. Unfortunately, there is no standard way of accessing the stack trace for logging it elsewhere.

Images Note

In Java and C++, you can catch exceptions by their type. Then you can handle errors of certain types at a low level and others at a higher level. Such strategies are not easily implemented in JavaScript. A catch clause catches all exceptions, and the exception objects carry limited information. In JavaScript, exception handlers typically carry out generic recovery or cleanup, without trying to analyze the cause of failure.

When the catch clause is entered, the exception is deemed to be handled. Processing resumes normally, executing the statements in the catch clause. The catch clause can exit with a return or break statement, or it can be completed by executing its last statement. In that case, execution moves to the next statement after the catch clause.

If you log exceptions at one level of your code but deal with failure at a higher level, then you want to rethrow the exception after logging it:

try {
  // Do work
  . . .
} catch (e) {
  throw e // Rethrow to a handler that deals with the failure

3.17 The finally Clause


A try statement can optionally have a finally clause. The code in the finally clause executes whether or not an exception occurred.

Let us first look at the simplest case: a try statement with a finally clause but no catch clause:

try {
  // Acquire resources
  . . .
  // Do work
  . . .
} finally {
  // Relinquish resources
  . . .

The finally clause is executed in all of the following cases:

  • If all statements in the try clause completed without throwing an exception

  • If a return or break statement was executed in the try clause

  • If an exception occurred in any of the statements of the try clause

You can also have a try statement with catch and finally clauses:

try {
  . . .
} catch (e) {
  . . .
} finally {
  . . .

Now there is an additional pathway. If an exception occurs in the try clause, the catch clause is executed. No matter how the catch clause exits (normally or through a return/break/throw), the finally clause is executed afterwards.

The purpose of the finally clause is to have a single location for relinquishing resources (such as file handles or database connections) that were acquired in the try clause, whether or not an exception occurred.

Images Caution

It is legal, but confusing, to have return/break/throw statements in the finally clause. These statements take precedence over any statements in the try and catch clauses. For example:

try {
  // Do work
  . . .
  return true
} finally {
  . . .
  return false

If the try block is successful and return true is executed, the finally clause follows. Its return false masks the prior return statement.


  1. What does the indexOf function of Section 3.1, “Declaring Functions” (page 51), do when an object is passed instead of an array?

  2. Rewrite the indexOf function of Section 3.1, “Declaring Functions” (page 51), so that it has a single return at the end.

  3. Write a function values(f, low, high) that yields an array of function values [f(low), f(low + 1), . . ., f(high)].

  4. The sort method for arrays can take an argument that is a comparison function with two parameters—say, x and y. The function returns a negative integer if x should come before y, zero if x and y are indistinguishable, and a positive integer if x should come after y. Write calls, using arrow functions, that sort:

    • An array of positive integers by decreasing order

    • An array of people by increasing age

    • An array of strings by increasing length

  5. Using the “hard objects” technique of Section 3.7, “Hard Objects” (page 59), implement a constructCounter method that produces counter objects whose count method increments a counter and yields the new value. The initial value and an optional increment are passed as parameters. (The default increment is 1.)

    const myFirstCounter = constructCounter(0, 2)
    console.log(myFirstCounter.count()) // 0
    console.log(myFirstCounter.count()) // 2
  6. A programmer thinks that “named parameters are almost implemented in JavaScript, but order still has precedence,” offering the following “evidence” in the browser console:

    function f(a=1, b=2){ console.log(`a=${a}, b=${b}`) }
    f() // a=1, b=2
    f(a=5) // a=5, b=2
    f(a=7, b=10) // a=7, b=10
    f(b=10, a=7) // Order is required: a=10, b=7

    What is actually going on? (Hint: It has nothing to do with named parameters. Try it in strict mode.)

  7. Write a function average that computes the average of an arbitrary sequence of numbers, using a rest parameter.

  8. What happens when you pass a string argument to a rest parameter ...str? Come up with a useful example to take advantage of your observation.

  9. Complete the mkString function of Section 3.13, “Simulating Named Arguments with Destructuring” (page 66).

  10. The archaic var keyword interacts poorly with closures. Consider this example:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 1000 * i)

    What does this code snippet print? Why? (Hint: What is the scope of the variable i?) What simple change can you make to the code to print the numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . , 9 instead?

  11. Consider this declaration of the factorial function:

    const fac = n => n > 1 ? n * fac(n - 1) : 1

    Explain why this only works because of variable hoisting.

  12. In sloppy (non-strict) mode, functions can be declared inside a nested block, and they are hoisted to the enclosing function or script. Try out the following example a few times:

    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
      function say(greeting) { console.log(`${greeting}!`) }

    Depending on the result of Math.random, what is the outcome? What is the scope of say? When is it initialized? What happens when you activate strict mode?

  13. Implement an average function that throws an exception if any of its arguments is not a number.

  14. Some programmers are confused by statements that contain all three of try/catch/finally because there are so many possible pathways of control. Show how you can always rewrite such a statement using a try/catch statement and a try/finally statement.

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