Aloe vera

Throughout history, aloe vera has healed the sick and made the old feel youthful. Even Cleopatra is reputed to have used aloe as part of her daily skincare regime.Today, it’s still vital to the health and beauty industry and makes a fine architectural plant for any windowsill.

I am a living pharmacy—the ‘plant of immortality.’


I’ll clean your air

I can help alleviate ear, nose, and throat irritation by reducing levels of formaldehyde in the air, which is given off from everyday household detergent and soap products.


Care and share

If I am thriving, you may spot babies at my base, and you can spread the love by gifting these to friends and family. Once they reach 3in (7cm) tall, pull away each baby plant, with its roots, and pot them in free-draining compost.


Be mindful of me

Please don’t take all my leaves for your skin; leave me some so I can create energy to keep growing. Look out for soggy soft spots on my leaves—a sign you’re giving me too much water. Remember, I’m a succulent, which means I store water in my leaves.


I will soothe your skin

Use the gel sap from inside my leaf to help soothe your sunburned skin or as a natural skin moisturizer. I contain auxin and gibberellins—anti-inflammatory plant hormones that can help reduce scars, stretch marks, acne, and signs of aging.


Give me a vacation

In summer, I can go on vacation to your garden as long as I’m put in a warm, sunny spot. Acclimatize me over a week or two by placing me in the outdoor sun for a short spell each day, so I’m not overexposed. Remember to bring me back inside before the weather cools.

Help me thrive


POSITION Happy in direct sunlight or bright indirect light and in temperatures of 70–80°F (20–25°C), though not dropping below 50°F (10°C).


POTTING Use a well-drained compost with plenty of grit. Repot when the plant is too crowded with suckers or remove them to repot and give away.


GROWTH RATE This plant can reach heights of 24in (60cm). It will spread by suckering, but this can be limited by restricting the size of the container.


CARE Water every 3 weeks in spring and summer to keep leaves plump, letting the soil dry out in between. In winter, once a month may be fine.

BE AWARE: I am mildly harmful if eaten, so keep me away from young children and pets

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