C API Datatypes

Here is a list of C API datatypes from the mysql.h header file:


A database handle structure created by mysql_init( ) and released with mysql_close( ).


A structure for a results set from an SQL query. This structure is used by fetch functions and is released with mysql_free_result().


A structure for holding a row of data from a results set. The data is retrieved from this structure by using the mysql_fetch_row( ) function.


A structure for holding an array of information about a field of a results set. The array may be set with the mysql_fetch_field( ) function. The elements include name, table, and def for default value.


Used for recording a pointer location for a results set. The offset value can be retrieved by the mysql_row_tell( ) function and deployed with mysql_row_seek( ).


A variable type for storing the number of rows for functions such as mysql_affected_rows( ), mysql_num_rows( ), and mysql_insert_id( ). To print the value of a variable using this type, the value should be copied to another variable that uses the unsigned long type.

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