Chapter 2. Installation


The first step toward using NGINX Unit is installing it. NGINX Unit can be installed on a wide variety of systems. This chapter will detail how to install Unit on the major Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and CentOS through NGINX package repositories. Other installation methods, such as compiling from source and using third-party repositories, are also included to enable success with NGINX Unit on virtually any Linux-based platform.

Red Hat–Based Systems (.rpm)


You need to install NGINX Unit on Red Hat or CentOS.


Create a file named /etc/yum.repos.d/unit.repo that contains the following contents:

name=unit repo

Alter the file, replacing OS at the end of the URL with rhel or centos, depending on your distribution.

Install the Unit base package:

sudo yum install unit

Install additional modules that you may want to use with Unit:

sudo yum install unit-php unit-python unit-go unit-perl 
      unit-devel unit-jsc-common unit-jsc8 unit-jsc11


The file you just created for this solution instructs the yum package management system to utilize the Official NGINX Unit package repository. The command that follows installs Unit from the Official repository, as well as the Unit modules needed for each application language you may want to run.

Debian-Based Systems (.deb)


You need to install NGINX Unit on a Debian or Ubuntu machine.


Ensure that the Advanced Package Tool (APT) system is able to use HTTPS repositories:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

Create a file named /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list that contains the following contents:

deb CODENAME unit
deb-src CODENAME unit

Alter the file, replacing OS at the end of the URL with ubuntu or debian, depending on your distribution. Replace CODENAME with the code name of your system. If you don’t know the code name the following command will output the value you need:

lsb_release -c
Codename:	xenial   # Example

Run the following commands to install the NGINX signing key and install Unit:

sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unit

A version of the language needs to be specified for certain Unit modules. At the time of this writing, not all versions of all languages are supported across all versions of the OS. You can search for module packages available from the repository for your operating system by using the following command:

apt-cache search unit- | grep NGINX

Install additional modules that you may want to use with Unit. The following packages are available on all Debian-based systems:

sudo apt-get install unit-php unit-python2.7 unit-perl 
      unit-ruby unit-dev unit-jsc-common unit-jsc8


The file you just created instructs the apt package management system to utilize the Official NGINX Unit package repository. The commands that follow download the NGINX GPG package signing key and import it into apt. Providing the APT system with the signing key enables it to validate packages from the repository. The apt-get update command instructs the APT system to refresh its package listings from its known repositories. After the package list is refreshed, you can install Unit and any necessary packages from the Official NGINX repository. For Python 3 and Golang, not all minor versions are supported on all systems. The search command demonstrated previously can assist in finding which language versions are available for your system.

Third-Party Repositories


You want to run NGINX Unit on a system for which NGINX Inc. does not have prebuilt packages, and you do not want to build from source.


Install from a third-party repository. These named repositories are maintained by the community; NGINX has no control or responsibility over these resources.

Third-Party Repositories

These third party repositories are maintained by the community. NGINX Inc. is not responsible for them or for what gets installed when using them.

Alpine Linux:

sudo apk update
sudo apk upgrade
sudo apk add unit
sudo apk add unit-openrc unit-perl unit-php7 unit-python3 unit-ruby

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S git
git clone 
git clone
cd nginx-unit
makepkg -si


sudo pkg install -y unit


sudo emerge --sync
sudo emerge www-servers/nginx-unit

Remi’s RPM repository hosts the latest version of PHP for RHEL and its derivatives such as CentOS and Fedora:

sudo yum install --enablerepo=remi unit 
      php54-unit-php php55-unit-php php56-unit-php 
      php70-unit-php php71-unit-php php72-unit-php php73-unit-php

Unit’s Node.js package is called unit-http. It uses Unit’s libunit library; your Node.js applications require the package to run in Unit:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm unit-http


This section has detailed the usage of a number of third-party repositories maintained by the community. It is possible to utilize this information to quickly install prebuilt Unit and Unit module packages on systems that NGINX Inc. does not yet maintain a repository for. Also, the Remi repository contains specific older PHP versions that may be useful to some readers.

Installing from Source


You need to install Unit from source.


You will have to install the packages needed to compile from source. The following includes all the development packages for all supported languages; skip the packages that you are not going to use.

For Debian and Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install golang
sudo curl -sL<Node.js version>.x 
      | bash -; apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install php-dev libphp-embed
sudo apt-get install libperl-dev
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

For Amazon Linux, CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora:

sudo yum install gcc make unzip
sudo yum install golang
sudo curl -sL<Node.js version>.x 
      | bash -; yum install nodejs
sudo yum install php-devel php-embedded
sudo yum install perl-devel perl-libs
sudo yum install python-devel
sudo yum install ruby-devel
sudo yum install openssl-devel

Clone or download the source code from If you choose to download, you’ll need to unzip the package that is downloaded. Once the source is cloned or unpacked, move into the base of the project. The next example follows the download path:

curl -O
unzip master
cd unit-master/ 

Next, use the configure script to prepare the source code for installing on your system. Run ./configure --help to fully understand the flags available. In the following example, the --prefix option is used to specify the installation directory. Each supported language has an associated module that also needs to be built. Run the configure script with each application type you need to build a module for:

./configure --prefix=/opt/unit/
./configure go
./configure perl
./configure php
./configure python
./configure ruby

Next, use the make command to run the Makefile created by the configure script and install the software. You will need to run the make command for each language. Depending on the location and ownership of the --prefix flag specified by the configure command, you may need to run the last command with elevated privileges:

make perl
make php
make python
make ruby
sudo make go-install
sudo make node-install
sudo make install

NGINX Unit is now installed. Validate the installation by getting the help options from the binary:

sudo /opt/unit/sbin/unitd -h


The preceding steps will build and install NGINX Unit from source. A number of configuration flags can be used to modify the build and installation. Unit is ready to use.

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