Uploading to Google Play

Google Play is where Android users find and install apps, and the Google Play Developer Console (https://play.google.com/apps/publish/) is where developers register and upload apps for users.

You will first create a new application by its name and then see it listed:

Android's documentation on uploading apps and setting up your store listing is quite good, so we will not recreate all that information here. Instead, a few tips will be provided that you might find helpful when uploading your own NativeScript apps to Google Play.

On the Store Listing tab in the Google Play Developer Console, you'll have to provide at least two screenshots of your app in action, as follows: 

Launch your app in an Android Android Virtual Device (AVD) using the tns run android --emulator command. The Android AVDs have a built-in way of taking screenshots using the little camera icon in the emulator's sidebar.

Use this button to take a few screenshots of the most important screens in your app, and the image files themselves will appear on your desktop. From there, you could take those files and upload them directly into the Google Play Developer Console. A 1024 x 500 Feature Graphic image file is also required, which will appear at the top of your store listing, as shown in the following screenshot:

Although not shown in the preceding screenshot, we recommend that you use a service like DaVinci (https://www.davinciapps.com) to add a little flair to your screenshots, and turn them into a little tutorial of what your app does.

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