List of Listings

Chapter 1. A case for a Neo4j database

Listing 1.1. SQL script defining tables for social network data

Listing 1.2. Neo4j Traversal API code for finding all friends at depth 2

Chapter 3. Starting development with Neo4j

Listing 3.1. Creating a single user node in Neo4j (Java 6/Neo4j 1.9.X style)

Listing 3.2. Creating single user node in Neo4j (Java 7/Neo4j 2.0.X style)

Listing 3.3. Creating multiple nodes in a single transaction

Listing 3.4. Creating relationships between nodes using the Neo4j Core Java API

Listing 3.5. Adding name property to user nodes

Listing 3.6. Adding different property types to nodes

Listing 3.7. Creating movie nodes using Neo4j Core Java API

Listing 3.8. Adding a type property to determine node types

Listing 3.9. Creating relationships with properties

Listing 3.10. Adding labels to nodes

Listing 3.11. Finding nodes with a given label and property

Chapter 4. The power of traversals

Listing 4.1. Filtering movies by iterating through all relationships from the node

Listing 4.2. Filtering movies using the Neo4j Core Java API filtering capabilities

Listing 4.3. Finding movies that have been seen by John’s friends

Listing 4.4. Finding movies that have been seen by John’s friends but not by John

Listing 4.5. Using iterables to lower Java heap memory consumption

Listing 4.6. Using the Neo4j Traversal API to find movies seen by friends

Listing 4.7. Custom evaluator to exclude movies that the user has seen

Listing 4.8. Improved traversal definition with a custom evaluator

Chapter 5. Indexing the data

Listing 5.1. Creating an index entry for a node using Neo4j API

Listing 5.2. Finding a single user by index lookup using the email property

Listing 5.3. Iterating through multiple results of an index lookup operation

Listing 5.4. Updating the index using sequential remove and add operations

Listing 5.5. Using schema indexes with Java API

Listing 5.6. Updating multiple schema indexes

Chapter 6. Cypher: Neo4j query language

Listing 6.1. Traversing the graph using Java API to find all movies the user has seen

Chapter 7. Transactions

Listing 7.1. Attempting to update without a transaction

Listing 7.2. Attempting to update with a transaction

Listing 7.3. A really big transaction can run out of memory

Listing 7.4. Reading the same thing twice without a transaction

Listing 7.5. Reading the same thing twice with increased isolation

Listing 7.6. Acquiring write locks explicitly

Listing 7.7. Configuring Spring transaction manager

Listing 7.8. Declarative transaction management

Listing 7.9. Transaction event handlers

Chapter 8. Traversals in depth

Listing 8.1. Walking the entire graph depth-first using the Neo4j Traversal API

Listing 8.2. Breadth-first traversal using the Neo4j Traversal API

Listing 8.3. Finding all movies John’s friends and colleagues like

Listing 8.4. Expanding relationships in the order of relationship types

Listing 8.5. Expanding relationships based on distance from the starting node

Listing 8.6. Finding all movies John’s friends like using a custom expander

Listing 8.7. Finding Jane’s direct connections who can introduce her to Ben

Listing 8.8. Making connections using NODE_PATH uniqueness

Listing 8.9. Bidirectional traversal that finds paths between two users in a social network

Chapter 9. Spring Data Neo4j

Listing 9.1. Initial POJO modeling attempt

Listing 9.2. SDN annotated domain model

Listing 9.3. The Viewing class as a relationship entity

Listing 9.4. User and Movie node entity snippets

Listing 9.5. User and Movie node entity snippets

Listing 9.6. XML-based Spring configuration

Listing 9.7. A basic Neo4jTemplate example

Listing 9.8. A Neo4jTemplate example with full Spring integration

Listing 9.9. Loading and saving data via the UserRepository

Listing 9.10. Loading and saving

Listing 9.11. Implications for lazy loading

Listing 9.12. Active record persistence with implicit transaction

Listing 9.13. @Query annotation on repository

Listing 9.14. Dynamically generated query methods

Chapter 10. Neo4j: embedded versus server mode

Listing 10.1. Embedded Neo4j dependencies

Listing 10.2. Dependency tree of core Neo4j embedded library

Listing 10.3. Starting and stopping an embedded graph database

Listing 10.4. HTTP service root request and response

Listing 10.5. HTTP request and response for getting info about Adam via his userId

Listing 10.6. HTTP request and response for all of Adam’s relationships

Listing 10.7. Using Cypher via REST API to get Adam’s info, including all relationships

Listing 10.8. Java REST client using the java-rest-binding library

Listing 10.9. Code used for embedded performance test comparison

Listing 10.10. Code used for server performance test (RAW API) comparison

Listing 10.11. Cypher REST request

Listing 10.12. Cypher REST response

Listing 10.13. ServerPlugin class

Listing 10.14. Extension snippet of HTTP response for getting info on Adam node

Listing 10.15. An unmanaged extension

Appendix C. Setting up your project to use SDN

Listing C.1. Maven dependencies required for the simple mapping mode

Listing C.2. Maven dependencies required for the advanced mapping mode

Listing C.3. AspectJ build configuration for the advanced mapping mode

Listing C.1. XML configuration using a store directory

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