Chapter 5. Salt States: Advanced Configuration Management

The state subsystem facilitates the management of a device to keep it in a predetermined state. On the server side it is used to install packages, start or restart services, and configure files or other data entities. The same methodologies can be applied on whitebox devices that allow custom software installation, otherwise the state system is an excellent way to manage the configuration of traditional network gear.

We will rely heavily on the advanced templating methodologies covered in Chapter 4, so we can use the pillar, salt, grains, or opts reserved keywords presented earlier to access data from the corresponding entities. In other words, we can access the data from databases, Excel files, Git, or REST APIs directly and the state does not rely on the mechanism used to retrieve the data—Salt provides a clear separation of the automation logic and data.

The Salt states are SLS files containing information about how to configure the devices managed. Their structure is very simple, based on key-value pairs and lists. As discussed in Chapter 1, SLS is by default YAML and Jinja, very easy and flexible to design. It preserves the SLS capabilities so that you can switch to a different combination of data representation plus template language, or even pure Python, when required. Inside the state SLS we invoke state functions defined in the state modules.

The State Top File

As any Salt subsystem, the state has its own top file, which defines the mapping between the groups of minions that can execute a certain state (Example 5-1).

Example 5-1. Sample state top file (/etc/salt/states/top.sls)
    - ntp
    - users
    - lldp
  'router* or G@role:router':
    - bgp
    - mpls
  'sw* or G@role:switch':
    - stp

In Example 5-1, any minion can execute the ntp.sls, users.sls, and lldp.sls states, while bgp.sls and mpls.sls can only be executed by the minion ID that starts with router or having the role grain configured as router; stp.sls can only be executed by the switches, identified using the minion ID or their role grain. Note that the role grain is not globally available; it must be defined by the user according to the business requirements.


NetConfig is the most flexible state module for network automation. It does not have any particular dependency, but it requires the user to write their own templates. The cross-vendor templating methodologies presented in Chapter 4 remain the same, with the advantage that the separation between data and instructions becomes obvious. We’ll now analyze a few simple examples serving real-world needs.

Automating the Configuration of the NTP Servers

Let’s automate the NTP configuration of a large-scale network, to ensure that only the servers and are used for synchronization. The network has devices produced by Cisco, Juniper, and Arista.

The first step is placing the list of NTP servers in the pillar. In this example, the pillar_roots option on the master is set as /etc/salt/pillar. The NTP servers are defined as a list in an SLS file called ntp_servers.sls, shown in Example 5-2.

Example 5-2. The ntp_servers pillar file, /etc/salt/pillar/ntp_server.sls

Using the include, exclude, and extend directives, we can include the structure shown in Example 5-2 for each device very granularly, or we can simply include it for all devices using the top file matching strategies, as shown in Example 5-3.

Example 5-3. The pillar top file, /etc/salt/pillar/top.sls
    - ntp_servers
    - device1_pillar
    - device2_pillar
    - device3_pillar

device1, device2, and device3, as well as the corresponding pillar SLS, were defined in “Configuring the NAPALM Pillar”. The '*' tells Salt to provide the content from ntp_servers.sls to all minions.

The next step is refreshing the pillar data, executing salt 'device*' saltutil.refresh_pillar.

We can use the pillar.get execution function to check that the data has been loaded correctly (Example 5-4).

Example 5-4. Pillar get ntp.servers
$ sudo salt 'device*' pillar.get ntp.servers

Now, as the data is available on all devices without much effort, we can define the template (Example 5-5).

Example 5-5. /etc/salt/states/ntp/templates/ntp.jinja
{%- if grains.vendor|lower in ['cisco', 'arista'] %}
  no ntp
  {%- for server in servers %}
  ntp server {{ server }}
  {%- endfor %}
{%- elif grains.os|lower == 'junos' %}
  system {
    ntp {
      {%- for server in servers %}
      server {{ server }};
      {%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}

The template checks the vendor and os grains and generates the configuration for the NTP servers depending on the platform. Cisco and Arista are grouped together as the syntax for the NTP configuration is very similar.

The variable servers will be sent from the state SLS, but it could equally be directly accessed as pillar['ntp.servers'] or salt.pillar.get('ntp.peers'). For flexibility reasons, it is preferred to send the data from the state SLS.

The template is defined under /etc/salt/states/ntp/templates/ntp.jinja: /etc/salt/states is the path to the Salt file server for the states. As defined under file_roots, ntp is the name of the state, which can be a hierarchical directory where the templates are defined in a dedicated directory. This is a good practice to remember when defining complex states.


In the netconfig state, the configuration enforcement behavior requires the user to explicitly use the configuration replace capabilities of the network operating system.


If the device does not have replace capabilities, the workaround is a supplementary execution function that retrieves the current state of the feature that can be executed inside the template using the salt directive and determine what needs to be removed and added. Although this requires one additional step and a slightly more complex template, this is a unique feature of Salt, permitting the configuration management for network devices having this drawback.

The last step is defining the SLS file under file_roots—we will use the /etc/salt/states path. A good practice is grouping the state SLS into directories depending on their role (Example 5-6).

Example 5-6. /etc/salt/states/ntp/init.sls
    - template_name: salt://ntp/templates/ntp.jinja
    - servers: {{ salt.pillar.get('ntp.servers') | json }}

ntp_servers_recipe is a name assigned to the state and it tells to execute the managed function from the netconfig state module, using the template ntp.jinja defined under the Salt file system and passing the variable servers that takes its value from the pillar key ntp.servers.


The state SLS is defined as /etc/salt/states/ntp/init.sls: ntp is the name of the state, while init.sls is a reserved name that allows the execution simply by specifying the name of the directory—that is, ntp. If we would define the state SLS under /etc/salt/states/ntp/example.sls, the state would be executed using: ntp.example.


Note the json Jinja filter from Example 5-6. This is not mandatory, but almost always a very good practice when passing objects; otherwise, values will be interpreted by the YAML parser, which has some surprising type-casting behaviors.

There are a few handy fields that can be specified in the SLS:


Return also the result of template rendering. The state returns the configuration difference, but that’s not necessarily equivalent to the changes loaded.


When the user prefers a template engine other than Jinja.


Replace the entire configuration with the generated contents.

The state.sls execution function invokes the ntp state, defined under /etc/salt/states/ntp/init.sls, as shown in Example 5-7.

Example 5-7. NTP state execution
$ sudo salt 'device2' state.sls ntp
          ID: ntp_servers_recipe
    Function: netconfig.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: Configuration changed!
     Started: 13:15:07.608236
    Duration: 8954.756 ms
                  @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
                  ntp source Loopback0
                 -ntp server
                 -ntp server
                 +ntp server
                  ntp serve all
Summary for device2
Succeeded: 1 (changed=1)
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:  8.955 s

The code shown in Example 5-8 changes the SLS to use the debug field.

Example 5-8. /etc/salt/states/ntp/init.sls
    - template_name: salt://ntp/templates/ntp.jinja
    - servers: {{ salt.pillar.get('ntp.servers') | json }}
    - debug: true

We can execute and the state will also provide the configuration rendered and loaded on the device (see Example 5-9).

Example 5-9. NTP state execution: test and debug mode
$ sudo salt 'device1' state.sls ntp test=True
          ID: ntp_servers_recipe
    Function: netconfig.managed
      Result: None
     Comment: Configuration discarded.

              Configuration diff:

              [edit system ntp]
              -    peer;
              [edit system ntp]
              +    server;
              +    server;

              Loaded config:

              system {
                ntp {
     Started: 13:07:09.983598
    Duration: 8566.857 ms

Summary for device1
Succeeded: 1 (unchanged=1)
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:   8.567 s

This state is a very good choice for production environments because it’s easy to check the correctness of the template and if the changes are indeed as expected. The data is clearly decoupled and changes are now applied according to the Pillar, whose structure is vendor-agnostic and human-readable. In our recipe, to update the list of NTP servers in a large-scale network only becomes as simple as updating the /etc/salt/pillar/ntp_servers.sls file, followed by the execution of the state.

Automating the Interfaces Configuration of a Multivendor Network

We don’t have any specific constraint so we can structure the Pillar data at our will (see Example 5-10).

Example 5-10. /etc/salt/pillar/device1.sls
          mtu: 9000
          description: Interface1
                description: Subinterface1
                        prefix_length: 24

Based on the model exemplified earlier, we can start building the skeleton for the interfaces template (Example 5-11).

Example 5-11. /etc/salt/states/interfaces/templates/init.jinja
{%- if grains.os|lower == 'junos' %}
interfaces {
  {%- for if_name, if_details in interfaces.interface.items() %}
  {{ if_name }} {
    mtu {{ if_details.config.mtu }};
    description {{ if_details.config.description }};
    {%- set subif =
    if_details.subinterfaces.subinterface %}
    {%- for subif_id, subif_details in subif.items() %}
    unit {{ subif_id }} {
      description "{{ subif_details.config.description }}";
      {%- if subif_details.ipv4 %}
      family inet {
        {%- set subif_addrs =
        subif_details.ipv4.addresses.address %}
        {%- for _, addr in subif_addrs.items() %}
        address {{ addr.config.ip }}/{{ addr.config.prefix_length }};
        {%- endfor %}
      }{%- endif %}
    }{%- endfor %}
  }{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}

The state SLS is defined in a similar way (Example 5-12).

Example 5-12. /etc/salt/states/interfaces/init.sls
    - template_name: salt://interfaces/templates/init.jinja
    - {{ salt.pillar.get('openconfig-interfaces') | json }}

And we can simply execute the state (Example 5-13).

Example 5-13. Interfaces state execution
$ sudo salt 'device1' state.sls interfaces
          ID: interfaces_recipe
    Function: netconfig.managed
      Result: True
     Comment: Configuration changed!
     Started: 16:49:45.827128
    Duration: 7973.572 ms
                  +  interfaces {
                  +      xe-0/0/0 {
                  +          description Interface1;
                  +          mtu 9000;
                  +          unit 0 {
                  +              description Subinterface1;
                  +              family inet {
                  +                  address;
                  +              }
                  +          }
                  +      }
                  +  }
Summary for device1
Succeeded: 1
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:  7.974 s


While the NetConfig state is very flexible, it requires you to define an environment-specific template, and implicitly to decide the structure of the pillar. Also, finding a common representation of the structure of the pillar that makes sense and covers several platforms turns out to be difficult sometimes. The structure from Example 5-10 may look overly complicated when generating the configuration, but as we’ll soon see, this is a good pattern in order to cover the complexity and differences between various vendors. Fortunately, structures as in Example 5-10 have been standardized being modeled using YANG. YANG (Yet Another Next Generation) has been introduced in RFC6020 in October 2010 and is a data modeling language. Several organizations such as IETF have concentrated the efforts to standardize the modelation of structured entities of information for networking applications. Network vendors also focused on writing YANG models, but unfortunately this creates divergence when working in multivendor environments.

We will not focus on this topic here, as our main goal is an unified framework. A very important standardization group is OpenConfig, which has provided a significant number of YANG models already. It consists exclusively of network operators whose goal is providing vendor-neutral representation of configuration and operational data based on production requirements.


Do not conflate YANG with a transport protocol, nor a data representation language. YANG is a modelation language that defines the structure of the documents, regardless of their data representation language. These documents can be JSON, XML, or YAML, having the hierarchy tree according to the YANG model.

In Salt we have leveraged the modelation capabilities of YANG in such a way that the user is not required to write the templates, but only to structure the pillars following the YANG models. As the efforts toward programmable infrastructure are still at the very beginning so too are the tools involved: the only limitation of the NetYANG Salt state is the capabilities of its dependency, napalm-yang. One of the latest libraries of the NAPALM suite, napalm-yang is a community effort to translate vendor-specific data representation into structured documents, as per the YANG models. There are models already well covered, but there are many others waiting to be implemented. Without going into further details, we want to emphasize that, although writing templates in their own environment might be very tempting and feel more straightforward, a public contribution scales much better in the long term and it gives a lot of help back to the community.

A good starting point to visualize the hierarchy of the OpenConfig models can be found on the OpenConfig site.

Writing the Pillar Corresponding to the openconfig-lldp YANG Model

Navigating through the YANG model using the tool referenced above, in particular openconfig-lldp.html, and looking for the config containers, we can define the YAML structure shown in Example 5-14.

Example 5-14. YAML pillar structure based on the openconfig-lldp YANG model
      enabled: true
      hello-timer: 20  # seconds
      system-name: r1.bbone
      chassis-id-type: MAC_ADDRESS
            enabled: true
            enabled: true
            enabled: true

Automating the Interfaces Configuration of a Multivendor Network, Using the NetYANG State

The pillar structure from Example 5-10 has been intentionally exemplified, anticipating the OpenConfig models, so we can reuse it here. With that said, we only need to define the SLS and execute as shown in Example 5-15.

Example 5-15. State SLS for the NetYANG state (/etc/salt/states/oc_interfaces/init.sls)
    - data: {{ salt.pillar.get('openconfig-interfaces') | json }}
    - models:
      - models.openconfig_interfaces

Without having to write an environment-specific template, we have the possibility to execute the state and deploy the changes on the device, which creates exactly the same configuration to be loaded on the device, but with much less effort. See Example 5-16.

Example 5-16. OpenConfig interfaces state execution
$ sudo salt 'device1' state.sls oc_interfaces
          ID: interfaces_oc_config
    Function: napalm_yang.configured
      Result: True
     Comment: Configuration changed!
     Started: 16:46:59.262230
    Duration: 7612.234 ms
                  +  interfaces {
                  +      xe-0/0/0 {
                  +          description Interface1;
                  +          mtu 9000;
                  +          unit 0 {
                  +              description Subinterface1;
                  +              family inet {
                  +                  address;
                  +              }
                  +          }
                  +      }
                  +  }
Summary for device1
Succeeded: 1
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:   7.612 s

Capirca and the NetACL Salt State Module

Capirca is a mature open source library for multiplatform ACL generation, developed by Google. It simplifies the generation and maintenance of complex filters for more than ten operating systems, including the most common: Cisco IOS, IOS-XR, NX-OS, Arista, Juniper, Palo Alto, and Brocade.

The library requires a configuration file with a specific format, but in Salt the default interpreter is bypassed and we are able to define the data in the format preferred for the pillar, or external pillars in an external service.

The NetACL Salt state requires Capirca to be installed. For the firewall configuration of network devices, this is yet another alternative for quick development without much effort, but it requires a careful read of the documentation in order to understand the caveats. Again, if you discover limitations, consider contributing to Capirca as this is the beauty of open source.

Let’s assume we need to automate the configuration of a firewall filter that allows TCP traffic from on port 1717, then counts, and finally rejects anything else.

The pillar structure and the fields are very naturally defined, but there are also platform-specific options such as counter or policer and we highly recommend consulting the wiki page.

Example 5-17. NetACL pillar structure sample
        - ALLOW-PORT:
            protocol: tcp
            port: 1717
            action: accept
            counter: ACCEPTED-PORT
        - DENY-ALL:
            counter: DENY-ALL
            action: deny

The state SLS file is again very simple (Example 5-18).

Example 5-18. State SLS salt://firewall/init.sls (/etc/salt/states/firewall/init.sls)
    - filter_name: FILTER-EXAMPLE
    - pillar_key: acl

netacl.filter is the name of the state function. The netacl state module has three main functions available: filter, to manage the configuration of a specific firewall filter; term, for the management of a certain term inside a filter; and managed, for the entire configuration of the firewall. The filter_name field specifies the name of the filter (FILTER-EXAMPLE, in this case), as configured in the pillar, and the pillar_key field specifies the Pillar key where the firewall configuration is specified (acl, in this case).

Example 5-19 shows everything required for executing the state.

Example 5-19. Execute the NetACL state
$ sudo salt device1 state.sls firewall
          ID: state_filter_example
    Function: netacl.filter
      Result: True
     Comment: Configuration changed!
     Started: 11:58:44.709472
    Duration: 11879.601 ms
                  [edit firewall family inet]
                  +     /*
                  +      ** $Id: state_filter_example $
                  +      ** $Date: 2017/06/15 $
                  +      **
                  +      */
                  +     filter FILTER-EXAMPLE {
                  +         interface-specific;
                  +         term ALLOW-PORT {
                  +             from {
                  +                 source-address {
                  +           ;
                  +                 }
                  +                 protocol tcp;
                  +                 port 1717;
                  +             }
                  +             then {
                  +                 count ACCEPTED-PORT;
                  +                 accept;
                  +             }
                  +         }
                  +         term DENY-ALL {
                  +             then {
                  +                 count DENY-ALL;
                  +                 discard;
                  +             }
                  +         }
                  +     }

Summary for device1
Succeeded: 1
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:  11.880 s

Moving forward, let’s enhance the ALLOW-PORT term to allow also UDP traffic over the 1719 port.

For flexibility reasons most of the fields can be either a single value or a list of values. With that said, we only need to transform the fields port and protocol to a list of values (Example 5-20).

Example 5-20. NetACL pillar structure sample: list of values
        - ALLOW-PORT:
              - tcp
              - udp
              - 1717
              - 1719
            action: accept
            counter: ACCEPTED-PORT
        - DENY-ALL:
            counter: DENY-ALL
            action: deny

The order of the terms is important! The configuration generated and loaded on the device reflects the order defined in the pillar.

In this chapter we have presented three of the most important Salt states for network automation. We encourage you to consider each of them and decide which one is the most suitable to fulfill the needs of your particular environment.

The Salt community also provides pre-written states under the name of Salt formulas, which can be downloaded and executed. The user only needs to populate the data into the Pillar. Formulas are also a good resource to learn best practices for maintainable states. Examples of such formulas include napalm-interfaces for interfaces configuration management on network devices, or napalm-install to install NAPALM and the underlying system dependencies, and so on.

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