
My deepest thanks go to Jeff Revell, the author of a number of books in the From Snapshots to Great Shots series. Jeff is a tremendous photographer and gifted teacher. Thank you for providing such a sound foundation upon which to build.

Any book that has reached the final stage of being published is actually the work of many hands (eyes, brains, and hearts too) behind the scenes. I owe everyone at Peachpit a great deal of gratitude, but specifically Ted Waitt, Valerie Witte, Lisa Brazieal, Katerina Malone, Scout Festa, Patricia J. Pane, WolfsonDesign, David Van Ness, Aren Straiger, Sara Jane Todd, Scott Cowlin, and Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, who were instrumental in getting this book finished, looking so darn fantastic, and out into the world. Thank you all.

A special thanks to David Brommer and B&H Photo Video for help in securing the D610 I used to write this book.

I am grateful for all that I have learned from my friends at the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and at the Digital Photo Workshops, from the fantastic instructors at Photoshop World, and from countless numbers of fellow photographers. You all have taught and inspired me over the years.

I also want to thank my wife, Paloma, for being the love of my life and my number one supporter during this project; my son, Quinn, for assisting me on many shoots and being the model in many more; and my family, friends, and neighbors—Ea, Avery, William, Adrienne, Emma, Julia, Paige, Ella, John, Kris, Gabby, Ed, Jaylin, Alden, Hayden, Alex, Charlie, Dan, Raymond, Maggie, Kayla, Justin, Jayda, Nekos—for being a part of the book in large and small ways.

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