Inspecting the kops State Store

The kops tool stores its state in our S3 bucket. We can grab the contents of the bucket locally using the AWS tools.

Let's create and enter a fresh directory called store:

$ mkdir store
$ cd store

Then we can run the following command to pull the State Store to our local machine:

$ aws s3 sync s3://<bucket name> . 

This will fetch the entire contents of the kops state store for us to inspect. The directory structure is as follows:

├── addons
│ └── ...
├── cluster.spec
├── config
├── instancegroup
│ └── ...
├── pki
│ └── ...
└── secrets
└── ...

The key files are cluster.spec and config, which control the overall structure of our cluster. Dissecting these configuration files is a great way to take our Kubernetes knowledge to the next level.

Sadly, that is beyond the scope of this chapter, and indeed beyond the scope of Node Cookbook.

However, we now know how to build, manage, and deploy a distributed Node.js system.

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