
A SPECIAL NOTE OF APPRECIATION: Some of you probably know Alan Weiss, the author of over 50 books in 12 languages, the thought leader in solo consulting, often called “the rock star of consulting.” It’s been my good fortune to be part of his community and be coached by him. In fact, we’ve often shared drinks (me) and cigars (him) over that time.

I can’t begin to thank him enough for his close help in working with me to make this book the best it can be. He helped with parts of the writing, editing, analysis of ideas, and examples. I offered to include his name on the cover after mine with “and” or “with,” but he graciously declined.

Yet I do want to recognize his terrific contributions and thank him for both his assistance and friendship in this project and over the years. I have referred countless colleagues in consulting, coaching, and professional services to his world-class guidance. I do the same for you.


There are five people in particular without whom this book would not be.

Robert Nirkind. Thank you for proactively reaching out to me to write this book. Your belief in the quality of my work and that sellers needed to hear what I had to say was a driving motivation.

Thank you to my editors Chris Murray and Debbie Posner. Your thoughtful commentary and professional guidance resulted in a book that moves the discussion about selling to a new level of sophistication.

Thank you Casey. Your loyalty to Engage and our clients is second to none. Without you, I would not have been able to simultaneously write this book and continue to do what I love best: serve our clients.

Finally, thank you to my husband and business partner, Chris. Your unwavering support and inspiration motivate everything I do.

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