7. FAQs

You might be anxious when you start your exam preparation or even when you think about getting certified. This section can help calm your nerves by answering frequently asked questions on exam preparation and taking the exam.

7.1. FAQs on exam preparation

This sections answers frequently asked questions on how to prepare for the exam, including the best approach, study material, preparation duration, types of questions in the exam, and more.

Will the exam details ever change for the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam?

Oracle can change the exam details for a certification even after the certification is made live. The changes can be to the exam objectives, pricing, exam duration, exam questions, and other parts. In the past, Oracle has made similar changes to certification exams. Such changes may not be major, but it’s always advisable to check Oracle’s website for the latest exam information when you start your exam preparation.

What is the best way to prepare for this exam?

Generally, candidates use a combination of resources, such as books, online study materials, articles on the exam, free and paid mock exams, and training to prepare for the exam. Different combinations work best for different people, and there’s no one perfect formula for preparation. Depending on whether training or self-study works best for you, you can select the method that’s most appropriate for you. Combine it with a lot of code practice and mock exams.

How do I know when I am ready for the exam?

You can be sure about your exam readiness by consistently getting a good score in the mock exams. Generally, a score of 80% and above in approximately three to five mock exams (the more the better) attempted consecutively will assure you of a similar score in the real exam.

How many mock tests should I attempt before the real exam?

Ideally, you should attempt at least five mock exams before you attempt the real exam. The more the better!

I have two years’ experience working with Java. Do I still need t- to prepare for this certification?

It’s important to understand that there’s a difference between the practical knowledge of having worked with Java and the knowledge required to pass this certification exam. The authors of the Java certification exams employ multiple tricks to test your knowledge. Hence, you need a structured preparation and approach to succeed in the certification exam.

What is the ideal time required to prepare for the exam?

The preparation time frame mainly depends on your experience with Java and the amount of time that you can spend to prepare yourself. On average, you will require approximately 150 hours of study over two or three months to prepare for this exam. Again, the number of study hours required depends on individual learning curves and backgrounds.

It’s important to be consistent with your exam preparation. You can’t study for a month and then restart after, say, a gap of a month or more.

Does this exam include any unscored questions?

A few of the questions that you write in any Oracle exam may be marked unscored. Oracle’s policy states that while taking an exam, you won’t be informed as to whether a question will be scored. You may be surprised to learn that as many as 7 questions out of the 77 questions in the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam may be unscored. Even if you answer a few questions incorrectly, you stand a chance of scoring 100%.

Oracle regularly updates its question bank for all its certification exams. These unscored questions may be used for research and to evaluate new questions that can be added to an exam.

Can I start my exam preparation with the mock exams?

If you are quite comfortable with the Java language features, then yes, you can start your exam preparation with the mock exams. This will also help you to understand the types of questions to expect in the real certification exam. But if you have little or no experience working with Java, or if you’re not quite comfortable with the language features of Java, I don’t advise you to start with the mock exams. The exam authors often use a lot of tricks to evaluate a candidate in the real certification exam. Starting your exam preparation with mock exams will only leave you confused about the Java concepts.

Should I really bother getting certified?

Yes, you should, for the simple reason that employers care about the certification of employees. Organizations prefer a certified Java developer over a noncertified Java developer with similar IT skills and experience. The certification can also get you a higher paycheck than uncertified peers with comparable skills.

Do I need to make any assumptions?

Yes, Oracle has published the following assumptions for candidates on its website (as mentioned previously, Oracle might change the exam details or assumptions, without any prior notice):

  • Missing package and import statements—If sample code doesn’t include package or import statements, and the question doesn’t explicitly refer to these missing statements, then assume that all sample code is in the same package, and import statements exist to support them.
  • No file or directory path names for classes— If a question doesn’t state the filenames or directory locations of classes, then assume one of the following, whichever will enable the code to compile and run:

    • All classes are in one file.
    • Each class is contained in a separate file, and all files are in one directory.
  • Unintended line breaks— Sample code might have unintended line breaks. If you see a line of code that looks like it has wrapped, and this creates a situation where the wrapping is significant (for example, a quoted String literal has wrapped), assume that the wrapping is an extension of the same line, and the line doesn’t contain a hard carriage return that would cause a compilation failure.
  • Code fragments— A code fragment is a small section of source code that’s presented without its context. Assume that all necessary supporting code is present and that the supporting environment fully supports the correct compilation and execution of the code shown and its omitted environment.
  • Descriptive comments— Take descriptive comments, such as “setter and getters go here,” at face value. Assume that correct code exists, compiles, and runs successfully to create the described effect.
What are the types or formats of questions that I can expect in the exam?

The exam uses different formats of multiple choice questions, illustrated in this section by eight example questions with figures.

The examples for all these types of questions show how the following set of topics might be tested using a different question format:

  • Correct declaration of the main method
  • Passing command-line parameters
  • Overloaded methods
  • Significance of method parameter names
  • Declaration of variables of varargs

Exam question type 1 (figure 4)—Includes simple code, but tricky or confusing answer options.

Figure 4. Exam question type 1

The answer options in the following example would confuse a reader on whether the command-line values would be concatenated or added as integer values:


In this book, the sample exam questions at the end of each chapter and full mock exam at the end of the book show answer options as lettered (for example, a–d) for ease on discussion. In the exam, however, the answer options aren’t numbered or lettered. They’re preceded with either a radio button or a check box. Radio buttons are for questions with only one correct answer, and check boxes are for questions with multiple correct answers.

Exam question type 2 (figure 5)—Exam questions without code give you a much needed break from reading code. But it isn’t always easy to answer them.

Figure 5. Exam question type 2

An example of exam question, type 2:

Exam question type 3 (figure 6)—Reading though and comprehending lots of code can be difficult. The key is to eliminate wrong answers to find the correct answers quickly.

Figure 6. Exam question type 3

An example:

Exam question type 4 (figure 7)—This type of question is a classic example of “fill in the blank.”

Figure 7. Exam question type 4

An example:

Exam question type 5 (figure 8)—This question type will include code, a condition, or both. The answer options will include changes and their results, when applied to the code in the question. Unless otherwise stated, changes in the answer options that you choose are applied individually to the code or the specified situation. Result of a correct answer option won’t involve changes suggested in other correct answer options.

Figure 8. Exam question type 5

An example:

Exam question type 6 (figure 9)—Because your mind is programmed to select the correct options, answer this type of question very carefully. My personal tip: cross fingers in one of your hands to remind you that you need to select the incorrect statements.

Figure 9. Exam question type 6

An example:

Exam question type 7 (figure 10)—This question won’t include any code in the text of the question; it will state a condition that needs to be implemented using code given in the answer options.

Figure 10. Exam question type 7

An example:

Exam question type 8 (figure 11)—This question includes a pictorial representation of a single or multidimensional array, stating a situation and asking you to select code as input to get the required array formation.

Figure 11. Exam question type 8

An example:

7.2. FAQs on taking the exam

This section contains a list of frequently asked questions related to the exam registration, exam coupon, do’s and don’ts while taking the exam, and exam retakes.

Where and how do I take this exam?

You can take this exam at an Oracle Testing Center or Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center. To sit for the exam, you must register for the exam and purchase an exam voucher. The following options are available:

  • Register for the exam and pay Pearson VUE directly
  • Purchase an exam voucher from Oracle and register at Pearson VUE to take the exam
  • Register at an Oracle Testing Center

Look for the nearest testing centers in your area, register yourself, and schedule an exam date and time. Most of the popular computer training institutes also have a testing center on their premises. You can locate a Pearson VUE testing site at www.pearsonvue.com/oracle/, which contains detailed information on locating testing centers and scheduling or rescheduling an exam. At the time of registration, you’ll need to provide the following details along with your name, address, and contact numbers:

  • Exam title and number (OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I, 1Z0-808)
  • Any discount code that should be applied during registration
  • Oracle Testing ID/Candidate ID, if you’ve taken any other Oracle/Sun certification exam
  • Your OPN Company ID (if your employer is in the Oracle Partner Network, you can find out the company ID and use any available discounts on the exam fee)
Should I carry my photo ID proof or any other proof?

The examination center coordinator will ask you for at least two ID proofs, one of which must include your photograph. If in doubt, please connect with your examination center using email or phone and inquire about the ID requirements.

How long is the exam coupon valid?

Each exam coupon is printed with an expiry date. Beware of any discounted coupons that come with an assurance that they can be used past the expiration date.

Can I refer to notes or books while taking this exam?

You can’t refer to any books or notes while taking this exam. You’re not allowed to carry any blank paper for rough work or even your mobile phone inside the testing cubicle.

What is the purpose of marking a question while taking the exam?

By marking a question, you can manage your time efficiently. Don’t spend a lot of time on a single question. You can mark a difficult question to defer answering it while taking your exam. The exam gives you an option to review answers to the marked questions at the end of the exam. Also, navigating from one question to another using the Back and Next buttons is usually time consuming. If you’re unsure of an answer, mark it and review it at the end.

Can I write down the exam questions and take them with me?

No. The exam centers no longer provide sheets of paper for the rough work that you may need to do while taking the exam. The testing center will provide you with either erasable or non-erasable boards. If you’re provided with a non-erasable board, you may request another one if you need it.

Oracle is quite particular about certification candidates distributing or circulating the memorized questions in any form. If Oracle finds out that this is happening, it may cancel a candidate’s certificate, bar that candidate forever from taking any Oracle certification, inform the employer, or take legal action.

What happens if I complete the exam before or after the total time?

If you complete the exam before the total exam time has elapsed, revise your answers and click the Submit or Finish button. If you have not clicked the Submit button and you use up all the exam time, the exam engine will no longer allow you to modify any of the exam answers and will present the screen with the Submit button.

Will I receive my score immediately after the exam?

No, you won’t. When you click the Submit button, the screen will request you to log in to your Oracle account (CertView) after approximately half an hour to view your score. It also includes the topics you answered incorrectly. The testing center won’t give you any hard copies of your certification score. The certificate itself will arrive via mail within six to eight weeks.

What happens if I fail? Can I retake the exam?

It’s not the end of the world. Don’t worry if you fail. You can retake the exam after 14 days (and the world won’t know it’s a retake).

But you can’t retake a passed exam to improve your score. Also, you can’t retake a beta exam.

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