Chapter 13
Practice Exam 2

Like Chapter 12, this chapter contains 50 questions and is designed to simulate a real 1Z0-829 exam. Ready with your scratch paper and 90 minutes? Good luck!

  1. Which statements about the following application are true? (Choose two.)
    package party;
    import java.util.concurrent.*;
    public class Plan {
       ExecutorService s = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10);
       public void planEvents() {
          Runnable r1 = () -> System.out.print("Check food");
          Runnable r2 = () -> System.out.print("Check drinks");
          Runnable r3 = () -> System.out.print("Take out trash");
          s.scheduleWithFixedDelay(r1,1,TimeUnit.HOURS);      // g1
          s.scheduleAtFixedRate(r2,1,1000,TimeUnit.SECONDS);  // g2
          s.execute(r3);                                      // g3
       } }
    1. Line g1 does not compile.
    2. Line g2 does not compile.
    3. Line g3 does not compile.
    4. All of the lines of code compile.
    5. The code terminates properly at runtime.
    6. The code hangs indefinitely at runtime.
    7. The code throws an exception at runtime.
  2. Assuming the current locale uses dollars ($) and the following method is called with a double value of 960_010, which of the following values are printed? (Choose two.)
    public void print(double t) {
             Locale.getDefault(), Style.SHORT).format(t));
    1. 960K
    2. 9M
    3. 9.6M
    4. $960,010.00
    5. $960,000.00
    6. 900 thousand
    7. 9 million
  3. Suppose we have a peacocks table with two columns: name and rating. What does the following code output if the table is empty?
    var url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:birds";
    var sql = "SELECT name FROM peacocks WHERE name = ?";
    try (var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
       var stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {       // s1
       stmt.setString(1, "Feathers");
       try (var rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {           // s2
          while (rs.hasNext()) {
    1. false
    2. true
    3. The code does not compile due to line s1.
    4. The code does not compile due to line s2.
    5. The code does not compile due to another line.
    6. The code throws an exception at runtime.
  4. What is the output of the following?
    1:  import static*;
    2:  import java.util.*;
    3:  public record Goat(String food) {
    4:     public static void main(String[] args) {
    5:        var goats = List.of(
    6:           new Goat("can"), 
    7:           new Goat("hay"), 
    8:           new Goat("shorts"), 
    9:           new Goat("hay"));
    12:          .collect(groupingBy(Goat::food))
    13:          .entrySet()
    14:          .stream()
    15:          .filter(e -> e.getValue().size() == 2)
    16:          .map(e -> e.getKey())
    17:          .collect(partitioningBy(e -> e.isEmpty()))
    18:          .get(false)
    19:          .stream()
    20:          .sorted()
    21:          .forEach(System.out::print);
    22:    } }
    1. canshorts
    2. hay
    3. hayhay
    4. shortscan
    5. The code does not compile.
    6. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  5. What is the output of the following application?
    abstract class TShirt {
       abstract int insulate();
       public TShirt() {
    public class Wardrobe {
       abstract class Sweater extends TShirt {
          int insulate() {return 5;}
       private void dress() {
          final class Jacket extends Sweater {  // v1
             int insulate() {return 10;}
          final TShirt outfit = new Jacket() {  // v2
             int insulate() {return 20;}
       public static void main(String… snow) {
          new Wardrobe().dress();
       } }
    1. Starting…Insulation:20
    2. Starting…Insulation:40
    3. The code does not compile because of line v1.
    4. The code does not compile because of line v2.
    5. The code does not compile for a different reason.
  6. Which of the following use generics and compile without warnings? (Choose two.)
    1. List<String> a = new ArrayList();
    2. List<> b = new ArrayList();
    3. List<String> c = new ArrayList<>();
    4. List<> d = new ArrayList<>();
    5. List<String> e = new ArrayList<String>();
    6. List<> f = new ArrayList<String>();
  7. Which of the following statements about performing a concurrent reduction are correct? (Choose two.)
    1. If a collector is used, it must have the unordered characteristic.
    2. The stream must operate on thread-safe collections.
    3. If the reduce() method is used with a lambda expression, then it should be stateful.
    4. The stream must inherit ParallelStream<T>.
    5. The stream must be parallel.
    6. If a collector is used, it must have the concurrent characteristic.
  8. What is the output of the following application?
    package tax;
    public class Accountant {
       public void doTaxes() throws Throwable {
          try {
             throw new NumberFormatException();
          } catch (ClassCastException
                | ArithmeticException e) { // p1
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException | Exception f) { // p2
          } }
       public static void main(String[] numbers) throws Throwable {
          try {
             new Accountant().doTaxes();
          } finally {
          } } }
    1. Math
    2. Unknown
    3. Unknown followed by Done!
    4. The code does not compile due to line p1.
    5. The code does not compile due to line p2.
    6. None of the above.
  9. How many lines contain a compiler error?
    1:  public record Bee(boolean gender, String species) {
    2:     Bee {
    3:        this.gender = gender;
    4:        this.species = species;
    5:     }
    6:     Bee(boolean gender) {
    7:        this(gender, "Honeybee");
    8:     }
    9:     @Override public String getSpecies() {
    10:       return species;
    11:    }
    12:    @Override public String toString() {
    13:       return species;
    14:    } }
    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
    6. Five
  10. What is a possible output of the following?
    var trainDay = LocalDate.of(2022, 5, 14);
    var time = LocalTime.of(10, 0);
    var zone = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
    var zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(trainDay, time, zone);
    var instant = zdt.toInstant();
    instant =, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
    1. 2022-05-14T10:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
    2. 2022-05-14T17:00:00Z
    3. 2023-05-14T10:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
    4. 2023-05-14T17:00:00Z
    5. The code does not compile.
    6. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  11. Which of the following are valid functional interfaces? (Choose two.)

    1. interface CanClimb {
         default void climb() {} 
         static void climb(int x) {}

    2. interface CanDance {
         int dance() { return 5; }

    3. interface CanFly {
         abstract void fly();

    4. interface CanRun {
         void run();
         static double runFaster() {return 2.0; }

    5. interface CanSwim {
         abstract Long swim();
         boolean test();
  12. Which are true of jlink? (Choose two.)
    1. Only the modules specified by --add-modules are included in the runtime image.
    2. At least the modules specified by --add-modules are included in the runtime image.
    3. Only the modules with a requires directive in the module-info file are included in the runtime image.
    4. Only the modules with a requires directive in the module-info file and their transitive dependencies are included in the runtime image.
    5. The output is a directory.
    6. The output is a ZIP file.
  13. What is the output of the following?
    var builder = new StringBuilder("Leaves growing");
    do {
       builder.delete(0, 5);
    } while (builder.length()> 5);
    1. Leaves growing
    2. ing
    3. wing
    4. The code does not compile.
    5. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  14. What is the output of the following application?
    1:  package fruit;
    2:  enum Season {
    3:     SPRING(1), SUMMER(2), FALL(3), WINTER(4);
    4:     public Season(int orderId) {}
    5:  }
    6:  public class PickApples {
    7:     public static void main(String… orchard) {
    8:        final Season s = Season.FALL;
    9:        switch(s) {
    10:          case Season.FALL:
    11:             System.out.println("Time to pick!");
    12:          default:
    13:             System.out.println("Not yet!");
    14:       } } }
    1. Time to pick!
    2. Time to pick! followed by Not yet!
    3. One line of code does not compile.
    4. Two lines of code do not compile.
    5. Three lines of code do not compile.
    6. The code compiles but prints an exception at runtime.
  15. Which are equivalent to this switch statement that takes an int value for numEggs? (Choose two.)
    boolean hasEggs;
    switch (numEggs) {
       case 0 : hasEggs = true; break;
       default : hasEggs = false; break;

    1. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  true
         default -> false

    2. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  true;
         default -> false;

    3. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  return true;
         default -> return false;

    4. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  {yield true};
         default -> {yield false};

    5. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  {yield true;}
         default -> {yield false;}

    6. boolean hasEggs = switch (numEggs) {
         case 0 ->  {return true;}
         default -> {return false;}
  16. Which of the following changes, when applied independently, will print the same result as the original implementation? (Choose two.)
    10: long sum = IntStream.of(4, 6, 8)
    11:    .boxed()
    12:    .parallel()
    13:    .mapToInt(x -> x)
    14:    .sum();
    15: System.out.print(sum);
    1. Change the type on line 10 to double.
    2. Change the type on line 10 to int.
    3. Change line 11 to unboxed().
    4. Remove line 11.
    5. Remove line 12.
    6. Remove line 13.
  17. How many objects are eligible for garbage collection immediately before the end of the main() method?
    public class Tennis {
       public static void main(String[] game) {
          String[] balls = new String[1];
          int[] scores = new int[1];
          balls = null;
          scores = null;
       } }
    1. None
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. The code does not compile.
    6. None of the above.
  18. What is true about the following?
    import java.util.*;
    public class Yellow {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          List list = Arrays.asList("Sunny");
          method(list);                                // c1
       private static void method(Collection<?> x) {   // c2
          x.forEach(a -> {});                          // c3
      } }
    1. The code doesn't compile due to line c1.
    2. The code doesn't compile due to line c2.
    3. The code doesn't compile due to line c3.
    4. The code compiles and runs without output.
    5. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  19. What is true of the equals() method in this record?
    public record Coin(boolean heads) {
       public boolean equals(Object obj) {
          if (! (obj instanceof Coin coin)) {
             return false;
         return heads == coin.heads;
       } }
    1. It returns true when passed in a null.
    2. It throws an exception when passed a Boolean instead of a Coin.
    3. It does not compile due to the instanceof.
    4. It does not compile because equals() is not allowed to be implemented in a record.
    5. None of the above.
  20. Which message does the following application print?
    package ranch;
    public class Cowboy {
       private int space = 5;
       private double ship = space < 2 ? 3L : 10.0f;  // g1
       public void printMessage() {
          if(ship>1) {
          } if(ship<10 && space>=2)                   // g2
          else System.out.print("See you again!");
       public static final void main(String… stars) {
          new Cowboy().printMessage();
       } }
    1. Hello!
    2. Goodbye!
    3. See you again!
    4. It does not compile because of line g1.
    5. It does not compile because of line g2.
    6. None of the above.
  21. What is the result of compiling and running the following application?
    package names;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.function.*;
    interface ApplyFilter {
       void filter(List<String> input);
    public class FilterBobs {
       static Function<String,String> first = s -> 
          {System.out.println(s); return s;};
       static Predicate second = t -> "bob".equalsIgnoreCase(t);
       public void process(ApplyFilter a, List<String> list) {
       public static void main(String[] contestants) {
          final List<String> people = new ArrayList<>();
          final FilterBobs f = new FilterBobs();
          f.process(q -> {
          }, people);
       } }
    1. It prints two lines.
    2. It prints three lines.
    3. One line of code does not compile.
    4. Two lines of code do not compile.
    5. Three lines of code do not compile.
    6. The code compiles but prints an exception at runtime.
  22. How many of the following variable declarations compile?
    1:  import java.util.*;
    2:  public class ListOfList {
    3:     public void create() {
    4:        List<?> n = new ArrayList<>();
    6:        List<? extends RuntimeException> o 
    7:           = new ArrayList<Exception>();
    9:        List<? super RuntimeException> p 
    10:          = new ArrayList<Exception>();
    12:       List<T> q = new ArrayList<?>();
    14:       List<T extends RuntimeException> r 
    15:          = new ArrayList<Exception>();
    17:       List<T super RuntimeException> s 
    18:          = new ArrayList<Exception>();
    19:    } }
    1. None
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
    6. Five
  23. What is the result of running the following program?
    1: package fun;
    2: public class Sudoku {
    3:    static int[][] game;
    4:    public static void main(String args[]) {
    5:       game[3][3] = 6;
    6:       Object[] obj = game;
    7:       obj[3] = 'X';
    8:       System.out.println(game[3][3]);
    9:    } }
    1. 6
    2. X
    3. The code does not compile.
    4. The code compiles but throws a NullPointerException at runtime.
    5. The code compiles but throws a different exception at runtime.
    6. The output is not guaranteed.
  24. Which commands can include the following output? (Choose two.)
    JDK Internal API   Suggested Replacement
    sun.misc.Unsafe    See
    1. jdeps sneaky.jar
    2. jdeps –j sneaky.jar
    3. jdeps –s sneaky.jar
    4. jdeps --internals sneaky.jar
    5. jdeps -jdkinternals sneaky.jar
    6. jdeps --jdk-internals sneaky.jar
  25. Assuming the following class is concurrently accessed by numerous threads, which statement about the CountSheep class is correct?
    package fence;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
    public class CountSheep {
       private static AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
       private Object lock = new Object();
       public synchronized int increment1() {
          return counter.incrementAndGet();
       public static synchronized int increment2() {
          return counter.getAndIncrement();
       public int increment3() {
          synchronized(lock) {
             return counter.getAndIncrement();
          } } }
    1. The class is thread-safe only if increment1() is removed.
    2. The class is thread-safe only if increment2() is removed.
    3. The class is thread-safe only if increment3() is removed.
    4. The class is already thread-safe.
    5. The class does not compile.
    6. The class compiles but may throw an exception at runtime.
  26. How many lines of the main method fail to compile?
    10: public class Transport {
    11:    static interface Vehicle {}
    12:    static class Bus implements Vehicle {}
    14:    public static void main(String[] args) {
    15:       Bus bus = new Bus();
    17:       System.out.println(null instanceof Bus);
    18:       System.out.println(bus instanceof Vehicle);
    19:       System.out.println(bus instanceof Bus);
    20:       System.out.println(bus instanceof ArrayList);
    21:       System.out.println(bus instanceof Collection);
    22: } }
    1. None
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
    6. Five
  27. What is the output of the following application?
    package fly;
    public class Helicopter {
       public int adjustPropellers(int length, String[] type) {
          type[0] = "LONG";
          return length;
       public static void main(String[] climb) {
          final var h = new Helicopter();
          var length = 5;
          var type = new String[1];
          length = h.adjustPropellers(length, type);
          System.out.print(length + "," + type[0]);
       } }
    1. 5,LONG
    2. 6,LONG
    3. 5,null
    4. 6,null
    5. The code does not compile.
    6. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  28. What does the following output?
    var dice = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    System.out.print( -> n != 4));
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. [3 2]
    4. The code does not compile.
    5. None of the above.
  29. How many of these classes cause a compiler error?
    final class Chimp extends Primate { }
    non-sealed class Bonabo extends Primate { }
    final class Gorilla { }
    public abstract sealed class Primate permits Chimp, Bonabo {
       abstract String getName();
    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
  30. Which statements are true about the requires directive? (Choose two.)
    1. Changing it to a requires direct directive is always allowed.
    2. Changing it to a requires direct directive is never allowed.
    3. Changing it to a requires direct directive is sometimes allowed.
    4. Including requires java.base is allowed, but redundant.
    5. Including requires java.base is never allowed.
    6. Including requires java.base is sometimes needed to change the meaning of a file.
  31. Which of the following are true right before the transformation() method ends? (Choose two.)
    public static void transformation() {
       String state1 = new String("ice");
       String state2 = new String("water");
       String state3 = new String("mist");
       state1 = state2;
       state2 = state3;
       state3 = state1;
    1. No objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    2. One object is eligible for garbage collection.
    3. Two objects are eligible for garbage collection.
    4. No objects are guaranteed to be garbage collected.
    5. One object is guaranteed to be garbage collected.
    6. Two objects are guaranteed to be garbage collected.
  32. Suppose we have a peacocks table with two columns: name and rating. What does the following code output if the table is empty?
    8:  var url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:birds";
    9:  var sql = "SELECT name FROM peacocks WHERE name = ?";
    10: try (var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
    11:    var stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql,
    12:       ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
    13:       ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY)) {
    15:    stmt.setString(1, "Feathers");
    17:    try (var rs = stmt.execute()) {
    18:       System.out.println(;
    19:    }
    20: }
    1. false
    2. true
    3. The code does not compile due to lines 10–13.
    4. The code does not compile due to lines 17–18.
    5. The code does not compile due to another line.
    6. The code throws an exception at runtime.
  33. Which two numbers does the following code print? (Choose two.)
    10: int numWorms = 0;
    11: ++numWorms;
    12: System.out.println(numWorms++);
    13: int mask = ~numWorms;
    14: System.out.println(mask);
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. -1
    5. -2
    6. -3
  34. Bill wants to create a program that reads all of the lines of all of his books using NIO.2. Unfortunately, Bill may have made a few mistakes writing his program. How many lines of the following class contain compilation errors?
    1:  package bookworm;
    2:  import*;
    3:  import java.nio.file.*;
    4:  public class ReadEverything {
    5:     public void readFile(Path p) {
    6:        try {
    7:           Files.readAllLines(p)
    8:           .parallel()
    9:           .forEach(System.out::println);
    10:       } catch (Exception e) {}
    11:    }
    12:    public void read(Path directory) throws Exception {
    13:       Files.walk(directory)
    14:          .filter(p -> File.isRegularFile(p))
    15:          .forEach(x -> readFile(x));
    16:    }
    17:    public static void main(String[] b) throws IOException {
    18:       Path p = Path.get("collection");
    19:       new ReadEverything().read(p);
    20:    } }
    1. None. Bill's implementation is correct.
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
    6. Five
  35. Fill in the blank with the pair that compiles and runs without throwing any exceptions. (Choose three.)
    var x = new ArrayDeque<>();
    1. peek, peek
    2. peekFirst, peekLast
    3. poll, poll
    4. pop, pop
    5. remove, remove
    6. removeFirst, removeLast
  36. What is the output of the following?
    public class InitOrder {
       { System.out.print("1"); }
       static { System.out.print("2"); }
       public InitOrder() {
       public static void callMe() {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       } }
    1. 1223445
    2. 2445
    3. 22445
    4. 223445
    5. 2233445
    6. None of the above
  37. Which of the following exceptions need to be handled or declared by the method in which they are thrown? (Choose two.)
    1. FileNotFoundException
    2. ArithmeticException
    3. IOException
    4. BigProblem
    5. IllegalArgumentException
    6. RuntimeException
  38. Given that FileNotFoundException is a subclass of IOException and Long is a subclass of Number, what is the output of the following application?
    package materials;
    class CarbonStructure {
        protected long count;
        public abstract Number getCount() throws IOException; // q1
        public CarbonStructure(int count) { this.count = count; }
    public class Diamond extends CarbonStructure {
       public Diamond() { super(15); }
       public Long getCount() throws FileNotFoundException { // q2
          return count;
       public static void main(String[] cost) {
          try {
             final CarbonStructure ring = new Diamond(); // q3
             System.out.print(ring.getCount()); // q4
          } catch (IOException e) {
          } } }
    1. null
    2. 15
    3. It does not compile because of line q1.
    4. It does not compile because of line q2.
    5. It does not compile because of line q3.
    6. It does not compile because of line q4.
    7. The class compiles but produces an exception at runtime.
  39. Which of the following are valid Locale formats? (Choose two.)
    1. iw
    2. UA
    3. it_ch
    4. JA_JP
    5. th_TH
    6. ES_hn
  40. Which are true statements about the majority of steps in migrating to a modular application? (Choose two.)
    1. In a bottom-up migration, automatic modules turn into named modules.
    2. In a bottom-up migration, named modules turn into automatic modules.
    3. In a bottom-up migration, unnamed modules turn into named modules.
    4. In a top-down migration, automatic modules turn into named modules.
    5. In a top-down migration, named modules turn into automatic modules.
    6. In a top-down migration, unnamed modules turn into named modules.
  41. What is the result of the following?
    import java.util.*;
    public class Museums {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          String[] array = {"Natural History", "Science", "Art"};
          List<String> museums = Arrays.asList(array);
       } }
    1. [Natural History, Science]
    2. [Natural History, Science, Art]
    3. The code does not compile.
    4. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
  42. Which of the following statements about nested classes are correct? (Choose three.)
    1. An anonymous class can declare that it implements multiple interfaces.
    2. All nested classes can contain constant variables.
    3. A local class can declare that it implements multiple interfaces.
    4. A member inner class cannot contain static methods.
    5. A static nested class can contain static methods.
    6. A local class can access all local variables prior to its declaration within a method.
  43. What is the output of the following?
    var list = Arrays.asList("flower", "seed", "plant");
    var result = Collections.binarySearch(list,
       list.get(0), Comparator.reverseOrder());
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. The code does not compile.
    5. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.
    6. The output is not guaranteed.
  44. Which two options when inserted independently can fill in the blank to compile the code? (Choose two.)
    javac ____________ mods -d birds com-bird/*.java *.java
    1. -cp
    2. -m
    3. -p
    4. -classpath
    5. --classpath
    6. --module-path
  45. What is the result of calling this method?
    16: void play() {
    17:    record Toy(String name){ }
    19:    var toys = Stream.of(
    20:       new Toy("Jack in the Box"), 
    21:       new Toy("Slinky"), 
    22:       new Toy("Yo-Yo"), 
    23:       new Toy("Rubik's Cube"));
    25:    var spliterator = toys.spliterator();
    26:    var batch1 = spliterator.trySplit();
    27:    var batch2 = spliterator.trySplit();
    28:    var batch3 = spliterator.trySplit();
    30:    batch1.forEachRemaining(System.out::print);
    31: }
    1. Toy[name=Jack in the Box]
    2. Toy[name=Slinky]
    3. Toy[name=Yo-Yo]
    4. Toy[name= Rubik's Cube]
    5. Toy[name=Jack in the Box]Toy[name=Slinky]
    6. Toy[name=Yo-Yo]Toy[name=Rubik's Cube]
    7. No output is printed.
    8. An exception is thrown.
  46. How many lines of the following application need to be changed to make the code compile?
    1:  package castles;
    2:  import*;
    3:  public class Palace {
    4:     public void openDrawbridge() throws Exception {
    5:        try {
    6:           throw new Exception("Problem");
    7:        } catch (IOException e) {
    8:           throw new IOException();
    9:        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    10:          try {
    11:             throw new IOException();
    12:          } catch (Exception e) {
    13:          } finally {
    14:             System.out.println("Almost done");
    15:          }
    16:       } finally {
    17:          throw new RuntimeException("Unending problem");
    18:       } }
    19:    public static void main(String[] moat)
    20:          throws IllegalArgumentException {
    21:       new Palace().openDrawbridge();
    22:    } }
    1. None. The code compiles and produces a stack trace at runtime.
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
    6. Five
  47. How many lines need to be changed to make this code compile?
    1: public class Massage {
    2:    var name = "Sherrin";
    3:    public void massage(var num) {
    4:       var zip = 10017;
    5:       var underscores = 1_001_7;
    6:       var _ = "";
    7:    } }
    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
    5. Four
  48. How many of these variables are true?
    var lol = "lol";
    var moreLols = """
    var smiley = lol.toUpperCase() == lol;
    var smirk = lol.toUpperCase() == lol.toUpperCase();
    var blush = lol.toUpperCase().equals(lol);
    var cool = lol.toUpperCase().equals(lol.toUpperCase());
    var wink = lol.toUpperCase().equalsIgnoreCase(lol);
    var yawn = lol.toUpperCase().equalsIgnoreCase(
    var sigh = lol.equals(moreLols);
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
    5. Five
    6. Six
    7. None. The code does not compile.
  49. Which of the following are valid lambda expressions? (Choose three.)
    1. () -> {}
    2. (Double adder) -> {int y; System.out.print(adder); return adder;}
    3. (Long w) -> {Long w=5; return 5;}
    4. (int count, vote) -> count*vote
    5. dog -> dog
    6. name -> {name.toUpperCase()}
  50. What can fill in the blank so the play() method can be called from all classes in the com.mammal.eland package, but not the com.mammal.gopher package?
     package com.mammal;
     public class Enrichment {
       ____________ void play() {}
    1. Leave it blank
    2. private
    3. protected
    4. public
    5. None of the above
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