Chapter 3

Questions for Chapter 2

1. What does the initialism UML stand for?

A. Universal Modeling Language

B. Unified Modeling Language

C. University of Massachusetts, in Lowell, where UML was invented

D. Unified Markup Language

E. Unified Marxist–Leninist Party, the radical first proponents of UML

2. What is the body that is responsible for the UML standard?

A. W3C





3. For what type of systems is UML primarily intended?

A. Software-intensive systems

B. Systems Engineering systems

C. Business systems

D. Interactive systems

E. Mechanical/Analog systems

F. Collaborating Smart Phone Apps

4. If a project is using a structured decomposition approach to development, how should UML be used?

A. Don’t use UML. It is only for object-oriented approaches.

B. Use the structured decomposition approach during analysis using DF/CF diagrams and switch to an object-oriented approach during design and implementation using UML.

C. Use fUML for the functional parts and UML for the object-oriented parts.

D. There is no problem in using UML for everything.

5. What are some of the basic UML diagrams?

A. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use Case diagrams

B. Block diagrams, Parametric diagrams, and Internal Block diagrams (IBD)

C. Mind Map diagrams and Goal-Structure Notation diagrams (GSN)

D. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Collaboration diagrams

E. Data Flow diagrams (DFD), Control Flow diagrams (CFD), and Entity-Relationship diagrams (ERD)

F. Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagrams and Bowtie diagrams

6. In the context of UML, what is the most common purpose of modeling?

A. To get to try on and show off new clothes

B. To support automatic code generation

C. To produce executable models

D. To capture and communicate analysis and design

E. To meet contractual needs

7. Why type of modeling is most appropriate to determine if you understand the users’ needs correctly?

A. Domain Modeling

B. Use Case Modeling

C. Conceptualization Modeling

D. Architecture Modeling

8. What is the organization within OMG that is responsible for UML?

A. The Analysis & Design Task Force (ADTF)

B. The Modeling Interchange Task Force (MITF)

C. The Domain Technology Committee (DTC)

D. The Business Subcommittee (BSC)

9. How is UML a language?

A. One can use UML to write books.

B. There are many dialects of UML.

C. UML has syntax, notation, and semantics.

D. It is a programming language similar to Python.

10. What is the best argument for making your UML models and diagrams as simple as possible?

A. It is cheaper to make simpler models.

B. Simpler diagrams and models allow the modeler and the diagram consumer to concentrate on the essential features without distraction.

C. Simpler diagrams look and print better.

D. The value of a model is inversely related to its complexity.

11. What is the best reason that projects take on the extra work of making models?

A. Modeling makes it appear that you are making progress.

B. Management requires modeling.

C. Modeling reduces the risk of system development.

D. Modeling can help in code generation.

12. Why type of UML diagram would be most appropriate to capture the order of messages being sent and received among a group of participants?

A. Class Diagrams

B. Use Case Diagrams

C. State Machine Diagrams

D. Sequence Diagrams

13. What is the purpose of Domain Modeling?

A. To understand the magnetic field regions

B. To understand the authorities involved in the system’s internet presence

C. To understand the goals of the users

D. To understand the architecture of the system

E. To understand the existing environment or legacy system for your problem

14. What modeling principle supports substituting members of one class for another class?

A. Encapsulation

B. Information Hiding

C. Behavior Modeling

D. Risk Mitigation

E. Generalization

15. What type of relationship does a car form with a tire?

A. Composition

B. Aggregation

C. Generalization

D. Encapsulation

E. Classification

16. What is the standardized mechanism to exchange UML models?






17. What is the UML relationship between both myCar and yourCar and the class Car?

A. They are generalizations of the class Car.

B. They are models of the class Car.

C. They are examples of the class Car.

D. They are specializations of the class Car.

E. They are instances of the class Car.

18. What must a nonempty UML model contain?

A. A model must contain diagram elements.

B. A model must contain diagrams.

C. A model must contain model elements.

D. A model must contain XMI.

19. What does abstraction mean in the context of UML modeling?

A. Abstraction means to model at the lowest possible level.

B. Abstraction means to model at the highest possible level.

C. Abstraction means to create a summary diagram as an abstract of the model.

D. Abstraction means to hide unnecessary detail.

Answers for Chapter 2

1. What does the initialism UML stand for?

A. Universal Modeling Language

B. Unified Modeling Language

C. University of Massachusetts, in Lowell, where UML was invented

D. Unified Markup Language

E. Unified Marxist–Leninist Party, the radical first proponents of UML

Because UML is never pronounced as a word, but only pronounced as individual letters (“U”, “M”, “L”), many would feel that it is more appropriate to consider UML as an initialism rather than an acronym.

A and D—Common internet explanations, by those who do not know the correct expansion.

C and E—Common internet hits, but not related.

As with much of the OCUP 2 exams, getting the correct answer requires knowledge or very lucky guessing. As A, B, and D are plausible answers, but A and D are just distractors (false answers), guessing from among these three will give you only a 33% chance of getting it correct. If you have no idea at all, guessing will give you a 20% chance of getting it correct. Always try to eliminate one or more answers before guessing.
Also, A and D are common misconceptions. The test may use common misconceptions or errors as distractors to distinguish the successful candidates from dilettantes.
In addition, note that C and E are not only wrong but accompanied by false explanations that make them sound slightly more plausible. This additional information is often the sign of a false answer, but not always, as additional information may be attached to the correct answer also.

2. What is the body that is responsible for the UML standard?

A. W3C






A, B, and D—Incorrect. These are all standards bodies with different portfolios

E—Is also incorrect. EXPRESS is a data modeling language that is part of the STEP standards family (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data). The family is under ISO control as ISO 10303. EXPRESS is ISO 10303-11.

Another standards body, ISO, is not on the list because some of the UML standards are sent to ISO for further approval. When ISO approves a UML standard, it is identical to the OMG version. When we made these tests, we tried to be careful to exclude distractors that are in some circumstances also correct. Thus, there should be only one correct answer and no partial credit. We also left out ANSII, though it does not approve the UML standard, you can order the ISO version through them, so to be safe, we didn’t list ANSII.
By the way, if you order your copy of the UML standard from ISO, it will cost you money, perhaps as much as $400. If you download it from OMG, it is free.

3. For what type of systems is UML primarily intended?

A. Software-intensive systems

B. Systems Engineering systems

C. Business systems

D. Interactive systems

E. Mechanical/Analog systems

F. Collaborating Smart Phone Apps

Although UML will be helpful in all the options, there may be better choices. For example, UML treats the world as discrete, so that System Engineering and Mechanical Analog Systems may not be best modeled with UML. Instead, consider using the Systems Engineering Modeling Language (SysML) or something similar for B and E.
UML would be very useful for Business IT systems, but the business community has their own notation tailored to be understood by the Business community. Instead, consider using the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN).
Collaborating Peer-to-Peer systems will be helped by using UML, but no modeling approach appears to be most suitable. Instead, consider simulation-based models. The in-development AgentML may be suitable when it becomes available.
All the above-mentioned languages are managed and maintained by OMG. SysML and BPMN both have standardized certification exams similar to OCUP 2.

4. If a project is using a structured decomposition approach to development, how should UML be used?

A. Don’t use UML. It is only for object-oriented approaches.

B. Use the structured decomposition approach during analysis using DF/CF diagrams and switch to an object-oriented approach during design and implementation using UML.

C. Use fUML for the functional parts and UML for the object-oriented parts.

D. There is no problem in using UML for everything.

Although UML 1.x was originally designed for object-oriented systems, it has evolved to be successful for all types of systems design, for example, object-oriented, functionally oriented, structural decomposition, and hybrid systems. So choosing A or B indicates an outdated understanding of UML.
Switching an approach in the midst of development is unnecessary, and risky, so B and C are incorrect.
The language fUML is a formalized version of UML suitable for execution. It is not a functional version of UML, so C is also incorrect.
If you use UML with plans to use a non-object-oriented programming language, the simplest way of doing this would be to use UML for everything but avoid using the few object-oriented features of UML that may be difficult to translate into code when doing design-level or implementation-level models.

5. What are some of the basic UML diagrams?

A. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use Case diagrams

B. Block diagrams, Parametric diagrams, and Internal Block diagrams (IBD)

C. Mind Map diagrams and Goal-Structure Notation diagrams (GSN)

D. Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Collaboration diagrams

E. Data Flow diagrams (DFD), Control Flow diagrams (CFD), and Entity-Relationship diagrams (ERD)

F. Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagrams and Bowtie diagrams


A—Correct. These are three of the most popular UML diagrams. They are included in the OCUP 2 Foundation exam. B, C, D, E, and F—These are all diagrams used elsewhere.

B—The Block, Parametric, and Internal Block diagrams are diagrams in the Systems Engineering Modeling Language (SysML).

C—These additional diagrams approaches are used by other tools, e.g., Astah. Many tools implement diagram extensions, but they are not part of the standard.

D—Collaboration diagrams were part of UML 1.x. They are now called Communication diagrams. Choosing this answer indicates an outdated knowledge.

E—These diagrams were popular in structured analysis and database tools.

F—These diagrams are used for certain Risk Management methods.

6. In the context of UML, what is the most common purpose of modeling?

A. To get to try on and show off new clothes

B. To support automatic code generation

C. To produce executable models

D. To capture and communicate analysis and design

E. To meet contractual needs


A—This is a throwaway here based on a different meaning of the word “modeling.”

B and C—Possible reasons to use UML but are relatively rare.

D—This the most common purpose of creating UML models.

E—Modeling to meet contractual purposes appears to be common, but such modeling is intended ultimately to capture and communicate project information, perhaps for the client of the system.

7. Which type of modeling is most appropriate to determine if you understand the users’ needs correctly?

A. Domain Modeling

B. Use Case Modeling

C. Conceptualization Modeling

D. Architecture Modeling


A—Domain modeling checks that you understand the domain, the existing world surrounding your problem

B—Use Case Modeling explores the users’ goals and needs. It is written using their terminology to elicit feedback

C—Conceptualization modeling shows the general approach taken for the system solution

D—Architecture Modeling establishes the system architecture

8. What is the organization within OMG that is responsible for UML?

A. The Analysis & Design Task Force (ADTF)

B. The Modeling Interchange Task Force (MITF)

C. The Domain Technology Committee (DTC)

D. The Business Subcommittee (BSC)


B—There is no MITF; however, there is a Model Interchange Special Interest Group (MISIG) that works on making tests that can be used to verify that the tools can exchange models, including UML and SysML models.

C—The ADTF is part of the Platform Technology Committee not the Domain Technology Committee

D—The Business subcommittee works to guarantee that adopted standards have commercial implementations

9. How is UML a language?

A. One can use UML to write books.

B. There are many dialects of UML.

C. UML has syntax, notation, and semantics.

D. It is a programming language similar to Python.


A—You can write books on UML (this is one), and UML can automatically generate documentation with the proper tools, but you can’t write books in UML

B—UML does not have separate dialects. It does have versions. Currently, UML is on version 2.5

D—UML is not a typical text-based programming language. In some circumstances, it can generate executable code in languages such as Python. You can also directly simulate a limited subset of UML.

10. What is the best argument for making your UML models and diagrams as simple as possible?

A. It is cheaper to make simpler models.

B. Simpler diagrams and models allow the modeler and the diagram consumer to concentrate on the essential features without distraction.

C. Simpler diagrams look and print better.

D. The value of a model is inversely related to its complexity.

The value of a model depends on how effectively the model coveys the necessary information. Generally, simpler models can communicate more effectively.

A and C—Are true but are not great reasons

D—This is wrong.

11. What is the best reason that projects take on the extra work of making models?

A. Modeling makes it appear that you are making progress.

B. Management requires modeling.

C. Modeling reduces the risk of system development.

D. Modeling can help in code generation.


A and B—Possibly true, but not a good reason

D—True, but not the best reason.

We are looking for the best reason. Reasons that are based on deception or authority are never the best reasons in the exam.

12. Why type of UML diagram would be most appropriate to capture the order of messages being sent and received among a group of participants?

A. Class Diagrams

B. Use Case Diagrams

C. State Machine Diagrams

D. Sequence Diagrams


A—Class Diagrams are static structure diagrams

B—Use Case Diagrams show the needs of the users (Actors)

C—State Machines Diagrams show how the states of an object change over time.

D—Sequence Diagrams specialize in capturing the order of message exchange.

13. What is the purpose of Domain Modeling?

A. To understand the magnetic field regions

B. To understand the authorities involved in the system’s internet presence

C. To understand the goals of the users

D. To understand the architecture of the system

E. To understand the existing environment or legacy system for your problem


A and B—Different meaning for Domain than the UML meaning.

C—This describes Use Case modeling, a different type of modeling,

D—This describes Architecture modeling, a different type of modeling.

14. What modeling principle supports substituting members of one class for another class?

A. Encapsulation

B. Information Hiding

C. Behavior Modeling

D. Risk Mitigation

E. Generalization


A—Encapsulation is an approach for information hiding that limits the scope of changes.

B—Information Hiding hides information not needed at this time or that might cause unwanted dependencies.

C—Behavior Modeling is useful, but not related to substitution.

D—Risk Mitigation is a general goal of all modeling.

15. What type of relationship does a car form with a tire?

A. Composition

B. Aggregation

C. Generalization

D. Encapsulation

E. Classification


A—Composition is the strong form of a whole-part relationship.

B—Aggregation supports sharing of parts by more than one owner. A tire can only be part of ONE car.

C—Generalization is the abstraction of common features from multiple classes.

D—Encapsulation is the colocation of codependent information.

E—Classification the abstraction of common features from instances.

16. What is the standardized mechanism to exchange UML models?







A—GEDCOM is a standard genealogy database interchange format.

B—MIWG (Model Interchange Working Group) is responsible at OMG for testing tool compliances to XMI.

C—RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a W3C specification. It can be used to exchange data among tools but is not tailored for UML.

D—XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a W3C specification useful in transferring document and other data structure. XMI is based on XML.

E—XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) is the OMG standard based on XML and tailored to support the transfer of UML and similar models.

17. What is the UML relationship between both myCar and yourCar and the class Car?

A. They are generalizations of the class Car.

B. They are models of the class Car.

C. They are examples of the class Car.

D. They are specializations of the class Car.

E. They are instances of the class Car.


A—Generalizations are relationships among similar classes

B—A model is a collection or related UML elements.

C—This is true, but example is not a UML relationship.

D—Specializations is the inverse relationship to Generalization, it is a relationship among classes,


18. What must a nonempty UML model contain?

A. A model must contain diagram elements.

B. A model must contain diagrams.

C. A model must contain model elements.

D. A model must contain XMI.


A and B—Usually, the diagrams and the diagram elements are stored in the model, but they are not necessary.

C—Correct. Diagrams, diagram elements, and text are all optional.

D—The internal representation of a model can be in any format, including XMI.

19. What does abstraction mean in the context of UML modeling?

A. Abstraction means to model at the lowest possible level.

B. Abstraction means to model at the highest possible level.

C. Abstraction means to create a summary diagram as an abstract of the model.

D. Abstraction means to hide unnecessary detail.


A—Abstraction means to be a higher level.

B—You have to prevent being too high and missing necessary detail.

C—This is the wrong meaning for abstract.

D—This is the best answer.

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