Appendix B: Operator Precedence

In the following table, the operators are grouped by precedence level (highest to lowest), and a horizontal line separates each precedence level from the next-lower level.

Precedence (highest to lowest)

Operator Assoc.* Operand Type(s) Operation Performed
. LR object, member object member access
[] LR array, int array element access
( args ) LR method, arglist method invocation
++, -- LR variable post-increment, decrement
++, -- RL variable pre-increment, decrement
+, - RL number unary plus, unary minus
~ RL integer bitwise complement
! RL boolean boolean NOT
new RL class, arglist object creation
( type ) RL type, any cast (type conversion)
*, /, % LR number, number multiplication, division, remainder
+, - LR number, number addition, subtraction
+ LR string, any string concatenation
<< LR integer, integer left shift
>> LR integer, integer right shift with sign extension
>>> LR integer, integer right shift with zero extension
<, <= LR number, number less than, less than or equal
>, >= LR number, number greater than, greater than or equal
instanceof LR reference, type type comparison
== LR primitive, primitive equal (have identical values)
!= LR primitive, primitive not equal (have different values)
== LR reference, reference equal (refer to the same object)
!= LR reference, reference not equal (refer to different objects)
& LR integer, integer bitwise AND
& LR boolean, boolean boolean AND
^ LR integer, integer bitwise XOR
^ LR boolean, boolean boolean XOR
| LR integer, integer bitwise OR
| LR boolean, boolean boolean OR
&& LR boolean, boolean conditional AND
(short circuit evaluation)
|| LR boolean, boolean conditional OR
(short circuit evaluation)
?: RL boolean, any, any conditional (ternary) operator
= RL variable, any assignment
*=, /=, %=, +=, -=,
>>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |= RL variable, any assignment with operation

*LR means left-to-right associativity; RL means right-to-left associativity.

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