
A book on teamwork and collaboration would not be possible without the many people who joined with us and gave so generously of their time and thinking to make Opening Doors possible.

First and foremost, thank you, Roger Gans, for your wit and dedication to helping our work shine. You “get” us and have helped us find the voice to make this book possible. Thanks for being a great partner.

Tara Whittle, we have sincere appreciation for you, for your thorough review of the book, for your creativity in working with Brian Murray to get the front and back covers just right, and for always bringing another Street Corner that enhances our work.

Thank you, Victoria Gammerman, for initially shepherding the book through its creation, and to Julie Bush, for bringing this to fruition. You both have played valuable roles in helping us realize this important project.

Opening Doors would not be the book it is without our fabulous editor, Steve Piersanti. Thank you, Steve, for continuing to demonstrate your faith in us, for leaning in to challenge us as allies in order to make the book and its concepts even more alive and useful for others, and for pushing us to be our best. We appreciate the trust, collaboration, and partnership we have with you. You are indeed a publisher like no other.

Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, we thank you and appreciate the many hats you wear and the many roles you have played in making Opening Doors a reality. First, in your day job as managing editor, and second, for the life you breathed into the book through your illustrations.

We thank the Berrett-Koehler staff and their partners—Dave Peattie and Tanya Grove of BookMatters, Catherine Lengronne, Charlotte Ashlock, Courtney Schonfeld, David Marshall, Katie Sheehan, Kristin Frantz, Maria Jesus Aguil, Marina Cook, Mike Crowley, Rick Wilson, and Zoe Mackey—for continuing to bring a level of excellence to ensure that this book and other BK books are a cut above the rest. A big thank you to Dianne Platner for her artistic vision and partnership when it was really needed.

Our reviewers and friends—Kenneth Fracaro, Leigh Wilkinson, Libba Pinchot, Regina Sacha-Ujczo, and Sandy Chase—all provided Street Corners that challenged our thinking. Catherine Volk, Corey Jamison, Peter Norlin, and David Levine—we give you much appreciation for your thoughtful comments and reviews.

Many of the ideas in Opening Doors were continually shaped by our clients. Many thanks and much appreciation to Steve Fritze, retired CFO of Ecolab, for expanding our thinking and coining the term “Challenging as an Ally” and to Anthony Abbattista, Principal at Deloitte Consulting and formerly SVP of Technology Solutions at Allstate, for his contributions to our thinking about Boulders and Tombstones. We appreciate and have been influenced by Mary O’Hara Devereaux’s book, Navigating the Badlands: Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation (2004, Jossey Bass) and highly recommend it to others who are thinking about change today.

We send big thank yous to the Core Inclusion and and Change Partners from around the world; as well as to Bridget O’Brien, Diane Krell, Gae Angoh, Hugh MacDonald, Julie Arnell, Martin Inskip, Nadine Mackey, Stan Howell, Walter Slade, and Willie Deese for showing us the 4 Keys in action and how they are making a difference for their organizations. We thank our partners as well—KengChoo and Eunice Chan from Caliper in Singapore, and Sushma Sharma in India. And we thank our friends at Community 2022 for their insights in strengthening the notions of Judging and Joining.

A big thank you goes out to all the members of The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group for their support of us every day and for their work on the book—the consultants for sharing their thinking and our great Troy Hub team for making this book happen!

And to the people who every day were willing to lean in and trust us, to try something new, and to learn with us—you each had a piece of this puzzle and helped to create the whole.

It does take a village to create a book. Thanks to our village around the globe for opening these doors with us.

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