ASMM Improvements in 10g Release 2

Oracle has fixed the memory-related bugs in Oracle Database 10g Release 1.

In Oracle Database 10g Release 2, the Streams pool is automatically managed by the ASMM. The improved Oracle Streams can move data between databases and nodes and keep two or more databases synchronized when updates are made. Database objects can be shared between Oracle databases or between Oracle and non-Oracle databases through the use of Oracle Transparent Gateways.

When you use Streams in a single database, memory is allocated from a pool in the System Global Area (SGA) called the Streams pool. The Streams pool helps with the internal communication of the database during parallel capture and applies operations. The Streams pool is an automatically sized SGA component in Release 2, which improves the manageability. The Automatic Shared Memory Management feature automatically adjusts the size of the Streams pool based on workload requirements.

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