About the Technical Reviewers


Oracle ACE Director and Electrical Engineer Hans Forbrich has been using Oracle technologies since 1984. During the 1990s, Hans gained considerable experience working with, and for, Oracle in the telecommunications industry across North America. He left Oracle at the end of 2002 to start Forbrich Consulting Ltd., a private company specializing in leveraging Oracle licenses through intelligent architecture, administration, and training. In his practice, Hans has used the Oracle Enterprise Manager family of products, which he has done since their inception in the early Oracle 8 time frame.

Hans has been happily married for over 30 years and has three adult children. In his “spare” time, Hans enjoys the arts with his wife, Susanne, and is a member of the Edmonton Opera Chorus.


Sarah Brydon is an accomplished technologist with more than two decades of experience with Oracle and UNIX based applications. An Oracle DBA since 1996, Sarah has worked with all versions of Oracle from 7.1 and is an Oracle Certified Master. She has extensive experience in system design and support for 24x7 environments, in Oracle RAC deployments and in security and audit considerations for Oracle databases.

Previously Sarah was a Senior Oracle Specialist for Blackrock, the largest global financial services company with more than 3 trillion dollars in assets under management. Sarah is currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff (Database Engineering) at Paypal.

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