Exalogic features

All specific Exalogic features, such as Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder, Exabus, and Oracle Traffic Director will be discussed in Chapter 6,Oracle WebLogic 12c to the Cloud: Exalogic.

To start using WebLogic 12c for Exalogic, you should set it in the Admin Console as shown in the following screenshot:

Exalogic features

WebLogic 12c New feature TLog Store

In WebLogic pre-12c, the transaction logs were file-based only. In WebLogic 12c this has been enhanced with the possibility to store TLogs in a database. Here are the guidelines to achieve this:

First, create a JDBC data source. This can be any type (generic, multidata source, or GridLink data source), the only constraint being that it must neither be XA nor support Global Transactions.

Second, go to your server and select Configuration | Services.

WebLogic 12c New feature TLog Store

There's a new section here, Transaction Log Store. Switch the type to JDBC and specify your data source which should be in the drop-down list.

You can leave the prefix as is.

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