Configuration and Logging Functions

Here are functions for getting and setting PHP configuration options at runtime, as well as logging and other functions that are useful during debugging:

int debugger_off(void)

Disable the internal PHP debugger

int debugger_on(string ip_address)

Enable the internal PHP debugger

int error_log(string message, int message_type [, string destination] [, string extra_headers])

Send an error message somewhere

int error_reporting([int level])

Set/get the current error reporting level

string get_cfg_var(string option_name)

Get the value of a PHP configuration option

int get_magic_quotes_gpc(void)

Get the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc

int get_magic_quotes_runtime(void)

Get the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime

void phpinfo(void)

Output a page of useful information about PHP and the current request

string phpversion(void)

Return the current PHP version

int set_magic_quotes_runtime(int new_setting)

Set the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime and return the previous value

void set_time_limit(int seconds)

Set the execution time limit for the current script

int short_tags(int state)

Turn the short tags option on or off and return the previous state

Syslog Functions

The syslog functions provide an interface to the Unix syslog facility. On NT, these functions have been abstracted to use NT’s Event Log mechanism instead:

int closelog(void)

Close the connection to the system logger

void define_syslog_variables(void)

Initialize all syslog-related variables

int openlog(string ident, int option, int facility)

Open a connection to the system logger

int syslog(int priority, string message)

Generate a system log message

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