Chapter 5. Personal Calendar

Calendars are probably one of the greatest organizational inventions of all time. Although all of them serve the same function—to organize and present temporal information in a grid-like fashion—calendars can come in many different styles. The most common style displays the 28 to 31 days of a given month, but some special calendars show an entire year, a given week laid out by day, or even a day broken down by hour.

Calendars have found use on the Internet as well, often as a means of navigation. For example, blogs will often show a calendar listing the dates in a month when posts were made. By clicking a date you are redirected to a page where you can view events on that date.

Navigation aside, calendars are ultimately useful for keeping appointments, notes, meetings, and so on organized so people don't forget the events. Like most people, I use my calendar to help me remember important dates and appointments, sometimes many months in advance.

In this chapter, you'll design a web-based calendar application to help keep yourself organized.

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