PRINCE2™ For Dummies®, 2nd Edition


About the Author

Nick Graham is the founder and Managing Director of Inspirandum Ltd, a small and specialised company focused on achieving excellence in project management. In his company he has set very clear objectives to teach all project approaches and methods in a practical way so that they can be applied intelligently and productively.

With a career that has covered both the public sector and the private sector, Nick is able to communicate readily with managers in both communities and he’s been involved in project consultancy and training for more than 15 years. Nick’s experience with structured methods in projects goes back much further, and in the PRINCE method it goes back to before it was even called PRINCE.

Nick is an experienced project practitioner and trainer and he’s also a qualified teacher. His work has taken him world wide and those attending his courses have described his style as energetic, lively, fun, very practical, and very informative. Nick’s consultancy work has ranged from helping to plan individual projects to advising senior managers on how to implement PRINCE2 throughout their organisation. He teaches regular open PRINCE2 courses in London UK and in Hong Kong as well as running courses ‘in-company’ for clients in the UK and world wide.

When not away on consultancy or training assignments, Nick lives in Weymouth in Dorset. His company’s offices are on the tip of the Isle of Portland overlooking the sea and the famous Portland Bill lighthouse. His wife Kath also works for Inspirandum.

Nick is a member of the Association for Project Management (APM) and the Institute of Directors (IoD).


This book is dedicated to Li Yat Chuen – ‘YC’ – and Christina Lai in Hong Kong who, by their dedicated professionalism and enormous kindness, have demonstrated so consistently that you can indeed combine business and pleasure.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Writing a book takes enormous patience – from other people. I really want to thank Rachael Chilvers at Wiley who was such an encouragement for the first edition of the guide, and then Simon Bell for the second edition. In both cases, I valued their advice and positive support so very much.

At home and in the office I have to thank my wife Kath, who also works for Inspirandum, for her patience as I spent hours in my study pounding a keyboard and for sheltering me from so much of the day-to-day pressure of running a business.

It’s so good when some of those people who come on an Inspirandum training course stay in touch, and better still when some go on to become friends. It’s great fun to have Philipp Straehl as a friend, but I’m also grateful for him so freely sharing his thoughts and ideas based on very substantial project management experience. It’s not that often that you go out to dinner with a friend and grab a bit of paper halfway through the main course to write down something he just said to quote it in a book. Watch out for the quotation as you read PRINCE2 For Dummies.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Commissioning, Editorial, and Media Development

Project Editor: Simon Bell (Previous Edition: Rachael Chilvers)

Content Editor: Jo Theedom

Commissioning Editor: Nicole Hermitage (Previous Edition: Samantha Spickernell)

Copy Editor: Anne O’Rorke

Technical Editor: The Office of Government Commerce

Publisher: David Palmer

Production Manager: Daniel Mersey

Cover Photos: Getty Images/Gallo

Cartoons: Rich Tennant (

Composition Services

Project Coordinator: Lynsey Stanford

Layout and Graphics: Samantha K. Cherolis, Nikki Gately, Joyce Haughey

Indexer: Claudia Bourbeau

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