Puzzle 18 Off with Their NaNs

 import​ ​numpy​ ​as​ ​np
 import​ ​pandas​ ​as​ ​pd
 s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 3])
 print​(s[~(s == np.nan)])

Guess the Output


Try to guess what the output is before moving to the next page.


This code will print:

 0 1.0
 1 NaN
 2 3.0
 dtype: float64

We covered some of the floating-point oddities in the puzzle Puzzle 12, Multiplying . NaN (or np.nan) is another oddity. The name NaN stands for not a number. It serves two purposes: illegal computation and missing values.

Here’s an example of a bad computation:

 In [1]: np.float64(0)/np.float64(0)
  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in
  double_scalars np.float64(0)/np.float64(0)
 Out[1]: nan

You see a warning but not an exception, and the return value is nan.

nan does not equal any number, including itself.

 In [2]: np.nan == np.nan
 Out[2]: False

To check that a value is nan, you need to use a special function such as pandas.isnull:

 In [3]: pd.isnull(np.nan)
 Out[3]: True

You can use pandas.isnull to fix this teaser.

 import​ ​numpy​ ​as​ ​np
 import​ ​pandas​ ​as​ ​pd
 s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 3])

pandas.isnull works with all Pandas “missing” values: None, pandas.NaT (not a time), and the new pandas.NA.

Floating points have several other special “numbers” such as inf (infinity), -inf, -0, +0, and others. You can learn more about them in the following links.

Further Reading

pandas.isnull in the Pandas Documentation


Experimental NA Scalar to Denote Missing Values in the Pandas Documentation


Floating-Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations in the Python Documentation


floating point zine by Julia Evans


What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic


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