Job:09-06930 Title:RP-Pattern & Palette SourceBook 3
#175 Dtp:221 Page:5
Book 3
001-005_06930.qxd 9/15/08 9:23 AM Page 5
Text (RAY)
Job:09-06930 Title:RP-Pattern & Palette SourceBook 3
#175 Dtp:221 Page:5
Book 3
Pattern and Palette Sourcebook 3 is a practical guide to the application of color in
pattern design to create different effects. Color can be used to demonstrate many
things: mood and tension, warm and cold, density and space. We engage with and
respond to color signals in our everyday lives both on a basic level (e.g., red means
warning or stop) and on a much more subtle and complex level in relation to such
factors as environment, activity, or food. It plays an enormous role in how we interpret
meaning and function, and for the designer is a powerful tool for communication.
The origins of the patterns in this book can be found in the details of the world around
us, from the mundane to the sublime. The palettes for each of the six chapters—Botanics,
Mechanics, Utility, Sugar and Spice, Ancient and Modern, and Maritime—reflect
color associations both inherent to the subject and as applied by society. The structure
of a repeat pattern allows colors to be woven together, to create impact, to act as
punctuation, or to harmonize.
Each of the patterns in the following chapters is reworked a number of times using one
or more colors from the palette at the top of the page, allowing you to compare different
color schemes for each pattern. When experimenting for yourself, bear in mind that,
although successful combinations can come from considered decisions, many will be
the result of happy accidents. Discard preconceived notions of which colors work well
together and expect to be surprised!
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