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A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


ACK parameter, response string, Response format
Active Server Pages (see ASP)
Adaptive Payments, Overview of Adaptive Payments
basic payments, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
chained payments, Adaptive Payments Application Workflows, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
delayed chained payments, Adaptive Payments Application Workflows
explicit payments, Explicit PaymentsExplicit Payments
guest payments, Guest Payments
implicit payments, Implicit PaymentsImplicit Payments, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
integration of, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
live environment, setting, Adaptive Payments Integration
methods for, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations OverviewAdaptive Payments Permission Levels
CancelPreapproval, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
ConvertCurrency, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
ExecutePayment, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, ExecutePayment API OperationExecutePayment API Operation
GetPaymentOptions, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
Pay, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, Pay API OperationSetPaymentOptions API Operation
PaymentDetail, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
Preapproval, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
PreapprovalDetails, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
Refund, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
SetPaymentOptions, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, SetPaymentOptions API OperationExecutePayment API Operation
parallel payments, Adaptive Payments Application Workflows, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
payment approval types, Payment Approval and Payment FlowsGuest Payments
permission levels for, Adaptive Payments Permission LevelsAdaptive Payments Application Workflows
preapproved payments, Preapproved PaymentsPreapproved Payments, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
sandbox environment, setting, Adaptive Payments Integration
workflows for, Adaptive Payments Application WorkflowsAdaptive Payments Application Workflows
Android, MEC support for, PayPal Mobile Express Checkout
API certificate, Obtaining API Credentials
API credentials
integrating in Express Checkout, Express Checkout Integration
location of, Testing Versus Live Implementation, Putting it together
obtaining, Obtaining API CredentialsCreating an API Signature
API signature, Creating an API SignatureCreating an API Signature
ASP (Classic)
decode method, URL decoding
encode method, URL encoding
Express Checkout supporting, Express Checkout Integration
decode method, URL decoding
encode method, URL encoding
Express Checkout supporting, Express Checkout Integration
NVP API supporting, Direct Versus SDK Integration
authorization server, Overview of the PayPal API


Callback method, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, CallbackCallback
CancelPreapproval method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
chained payments, Adaptive Payments Application Workflows, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
chainedpayment.php file, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
checkout process, Generic Checkout WorkflowGeneric Checkout Workflow, Express Checkout Workflow
(see also Adaptive Payments; Direct Payment; Express Checkout; Mobile Express Checkout (MEC))
code examples, permission required to use, Using Code Examples
decode method, URL decoding
encode method, URL encoding
NVP API supporting, Direct Versus SDK Integration
contact information for this book, How to Contact UsHow to Contact Us
conventions used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
ConvertCurrency method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
CorrelationID parameter, response string, Response format


encode methods, URL encoding
examples (see code examples)
ExecutePayment method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, ExecutePayment API OperationExecutePayment API Operation
explicit payments, Explicit PaymentsExplicit Payments
Express Checkout, PayPal Express Checkout
billing page, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration
cancel URL for, Express Checkout Integration
Checkout entry point, Express Checkout FlowExpress Checkout Flow
compared to Direct Payment, PayPal Website Payments Pro
currency for, selecting, Express Checkout Integration
integration of, Simple Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration
live environment, setting, Express Checkout Integration
methods for, PayPal Express Checkout API OperationsSetExpressCheckout
Callback, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, CallbackCallback
DoExpressCheckoutPayment, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, DoExpressCheckoutPaymentCallback, Setting Up the TransactionSetting Up the Transaction
GetExpressCheckoutDetails, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, GetExpressCheckoutDetailsGetExpressCheckoutDetails
SetExpressCheckout, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, SetExpressCheckoutSetExpressCheckout, Setting Up the TransactionSetting Up the Transaction
order confirmation page, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration
Payment Method entry point, Express Checkout Flow
programming language, selecting, Express Checkout Integration
return URL for, Express Checkout Integration
sandbox environment, setting, Express Checkout Integration
shipping page, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration
shopping cart order form, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout Integration
token for, Express Checkout Flow
transaction, setting up, Setting Up the TransactionSetting Up the Transaction
workflow for, Express Checkout WorkflowExpress Checkout Flow
expresscheckout.php file, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration


fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID method, fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID method
fonts used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book


HTTPS (HTTP Secure), Overview of the PayPal API


decode method, URL decoding
encode method, URL encoding
Express Checkout supporting, Express Checkout Integration
NVP API supporting, Direct Versus SDK Integration
JSP (Java Server Pages), Express Checkout supporting, Express Checkout Integration


live environment, Testing Versus Live Implementation
account for, Creating an API Signature
for Adaptive Payments, Adaptive Payments Integration
for Direct Payment, Direct Payment Integrations
for Express Checkout, Express Checkout Integration
localization support, for MEC, MEC Localization Support


MEC (see Mobile Express Checkout)
METHOD parameter, request string, Request format
Mobile Express Checkout (MEC), PayPal Mobile Express Checkout
application integration for, MEC Mobile Application IntegrationMEC Mobile Application Integration
best practices for, Mobile Express Checkout Best PracticesMobile Express Checkout Best Practices
example application for, Sample MEC Code
header file for, Sample MEC CodeSample MEC Code
localization support for, MEC Localization Support
MEC library for iOS, Mobile Express Checkout Library for iOSSample MEC Code
fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID method, fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID method
getInstance method, getInstance method
getPayButtonWithTarget method, getPayButtonWithTarget method
Payments entry point for, Mobile Express Checkout Best Practices
platforms supported, PayPal Mobile Express Checkout
Shopping Cart entry point for, Mobile Express Checkout Best Practices
website integration for, MEC Mobile Website Integration
workflow for, Mobile Express Checkout FlowMobile Express Checkout Flow
Mobile Payment Libraries (MPL), PayPal Mobile Express Checkout


NVP API (Name-Value Pair API), Overview of the PayPal APIOverview of the PayPal API
Adaptive Payments methods, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations OverviewAdaptive Payments Permission Levels
API credentials for, Testing Versus Live Implementation, Obtaining API CredentialsCreating an API Signature
Callback method, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, CallbackCallback
CancelPreapproval method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
ConvertCurrency method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
direct integration of, Direct Versus SDK IntegrationPutting it together
Direct Payment methods, PayPal Direct Payment API OperationsSimple Direct Payment Integration
DoDirectPayment method, PayPal Direct Payment API OperationsSimple Direct Payment Integration
DoExpressCheckoutPayment method, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, DoExpressCheckoutPaymentCallback, Setting Up the TransactionSetting Up the Transaction, MEC Mobile Application Integration
ExecutePayment method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, ExecutePayment API OperationExecutePayment API Operation
Express Checkout methods, PayPal Express Checkout API OperationsSetExpressCheckout
GetExpressCheckoutDetails method, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, GetExpressCheckoutDetailsGetExpressCheckoutDetails, MEC Mobile Application Integration
GetPaymentOptions method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
live environment, Testing Versus Live Implementation, Creating an API Signature
Pay method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, Pay API OperationSetPaymentOptions API Operation
PaymentDetail method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
Preapproval method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
PreapprovalDetails method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
Refund method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
request string for, Overview of the PayPal API, Creating a Name-Value Pair (NVP) RequestPutting it together
response string for, Overview of the PayPal API, Parsing an NVP ResponsePutting it together
sandbox environment, Testing Versus Live Implementation, Creating an API Signature
SDK integration of, Direct Versus SDK Integration
SetExpressCheckout method, PayPal Express Checkout API Operations, SetExpressCheckoutSetExpressCheckout, Setting Up the TransactionSetting Up the Transaction, MEC Mobile Application Integration
SetPaymentOptions method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, SetPaymentOptions API OperationExecutePayment API Operation


parallel payments, Adaptive Payments Application Workflows, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
parallelpayment.php file, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
Pay method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview, Pay API OperationSetPaymentOptions API Operation
PaymentDetail method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
PayPal API (see NVP API)
PayPal.h file, Sample MEC CodeSample MEC Code
paypalfunctions.php file, Express Checkout Integration, Express Checkout IntegrationExpress Checkout Integration
paypalplatform.php file, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
permission levels, Adaptive Payments, Adaptive Payments Permission LevelsAdaptive Payments Application Workflows
decode method, URL decoding
encode method, URL encoding
Express Checkout supporting, Express Checkout Integration
NVP API supporting, Direct Versus SDK Integration
Preapproval method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
PreapprovalDetails method, PayPal Adaptive Payments API Operations Overview
preapprovalflow.php file, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
preapproved payments, Preapproved PaymentsPreapproved Payments, Pay API Operation, Adaptive Payments Integration, Adaptive Payments IntegrationAdaptive Payments Integration
programming language
for Express Checkout, Express Checkout Integration
for MEC library for iOS, PayPal Mobile Express Checkout
for NVP API, Direct Versus SDK Integration
PWD parameter, request string, Request format


testing environment (see sandbox environment)
timestamp parameter, response string, Response format
token, for Express Checkout, Express Checkout Flow
typographical conventions used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book


URL decoding, URL decoding
URL encoding, URL encodingRequest format
USER parameter, request string, Request format


VERSION parameter, request string, Request format


Website Payments Pro, PayPal Website Payments Pro, PayPal Website Payments Pro
(see also Direct Payment; Express Checkout)
for this book, How to Contact Us
Integration Wizard, Express Checkout Integration, Adaptive Payments Integration
MEC example application, Sample MEC Code
MEC library, Mobile Express Checkout Library for iOS
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