The comp.lang.perl.* Newsgroups

The central meeting place for Perl aficionados is Usenet. If you’re not familiar with Usenet, it’s a collection of special-interest groups (called newsgroups) on the Internet. For most anyone using a modern browser, Usenet access is as simple as a selecting a menu option on the browser. Perl programmers should consider subscribing to the following newsgroups:


A moderated newsgroup with announcements about new utilities or products related to Perl


The general-purpose newsgroup devoted to non-CGI-related Perl programming questions


A moderated newsgroup intended to be a forum for more controlled, restrained discussions about Perl


A newsgroup devoted to using and developing Perl modules

A newsgroup concentrating on Perl/Tk, the graphical extension to Perl


A newsgroup for CGI questions in general, but mostly for Perl-related questions

At some point, it seems like every Perl programmer subscribes to comp.lang.perl.misc. You may eventually abandon it if the discussion becomes too detailed, too belligerent, or too bizarre for your taste. But you’ll likely find yourself coming back from time to time, either to ask a question or just to check out the latest buzz.

One bit of advice, however: before posting questions to comp.lang.perl.misc (or any newsgroup, for that matter), you should read the group for a few days and read the FAQ (see Section 1.4.2). The comp.lang.perl.* newsgroups are a wonderful resource if you have an interesting or unusual question, but no one can save you if you ask something that’s covered in the FAQ.

By the way, if you’re a first-time poster to comp.lang.perl.misc, you shouldn’t be surprised if you receive an email message listing various resources on Perl that you may not know about. This is done via an “auto-faq” service, which scans all postings and sends this helpful email to anyone who hasn’t posted earlier.

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