LWP::RobotUA Sections

The Robot User Agent (LWP::RobotUA) is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent and is used to create robot client applications. A robot application requests resources in an automated fashion. Robots perform such activities as searching, mirroring, and surveying. Some robots collect statistics, while others wander the Web and summarize their findings for a search engine.

The LWP::RobotUA module defines methods to help program robot applications and observes the Robot Exclusion Standards, which web server administrators can define on their web site to keep robots away from certain (or all) areas of the site.

The constructor for an LWP::RobotUA object looks like this:

$rob = LWP::RobotUA->new(agent_name, email, [$rules]);

The first parameter, agent_name, is the user agent identifier used for the value of the User-Agent header in the request. The second parameter is the email address of the person using the robot, and the optional third parameter is a reference to a WWW::RobotRules object, which is used to store the robot rules for a server. If you omit the third parameter, the LWP::RobotUA module requests the robots.txt file from every server it contacts and generates its own WWW::RobotRules object.

Since LWP::RobotUA is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent, the LWP::UserAgent methods are used to perform the basic client activities. The following methods are defined by LWP::RobotUA for robot-related functionality.

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