Thirty-five of the articles and essays in this volume have already been published. Twenty-five of the twenty-six short pieces have appeared on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal (Chapters 211, 1417, 1920, 2226, 2932). The twenty-sixth of the short pieces (Chapter 18) originally appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Of the longer pieces, two (Chapters 28 and 34) appeared in The Public Interest, one each, respectively, in Inc. magazine (Interview), Foreign Affairs (Chapter 1), Forbes (Chapter 12), Harvard Business Review (Chapter 13), Connections, the magazine of the Claremont Graduate School (Chapter 27), and Esquire (Chapter 33). Chapter 35 was originally presented as a paper at a symposium sponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the summer of 1982 and then published in Public-Private Partnership, edited for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences by Harvey Brooks, Lance Liebman, Corrine S. Schelling (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1984). Chapter 21, “Management: The Problems of Success,” was presented in an abridged version at the Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting of the American Academy of Management in Chicago, Illinois, in August 1986 but has not been previously published. The Afterword, finally, was written especially for this volume and has not been published or presented earlier.

In preparing the articles and essays for publication in this volume I have changed some of the titles and shortened lengthy introductions. And throughout the volume I have replaced “this year” or “last year” with the appropriate calendar year, such as 1984 or 1983. Otherwise I have not tampered with the original text. The reader can thus decide whether the author’s predictions and conclusions have stood the test of time.

This volume and I owe an enormous debt to Truman M. Talley of Truman Talley Books/E. P. Dutton. Several years ago Mr. Talley edited and published an earlier volume of my articles and essays ( The Changing World of the Executive, New York: Truman Talley Books/Times Books, 1982). He then suggested that I focus subsequent articles and essays on the frontiers of management, that is, on those issues and areas where today’s decisions are shaping tomorrow. The pieces themselves were of course written for specific occasions and for specific publications. But thanks to Mr. Talley, all along I had an underlying theme and a unifying focus. He then devoted a great deal of time and effort selecting and organizing the book’s structure and sequence, overseeing its physical appearance, and guiding it throughout the publication process. I can only hope that the finished product lives up to his high expectations. And thanks are also owing to Trent Duffy, managing editor, and Julia McGown, production editor, of E. P. Dutton, who supervised the transformation of a messy manuscript into a beautiful book and did so in record time.

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