Chapter 1


1. Sabine, G. H. and Thomas L. Thorson, A History of Political Theory, Oxford and IBH Pub. Co.: New Delhi, 1975, P. 5.

2. Ibid., P. 4.

3. Heywood, Andrew, Politics, Palgrave Foundations: New York, 2002, P. 27.

4. Ball, Alan R., Modern Politics and Government, Macmillan: London, 1988, P. 7.

5. Bryce, James Modern Democracies, Vol. II, in David Apter and Harry Eckstein (ed.), Comparative Politics—A Reader, Surjeet Publications: Delhi, 1989, PP. 111–23.

6. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 9.

7. Verma, S. P., Modern Political Theory, Vikas: New Delhi, 1982, P. 162.

8. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 12.

9. Almond, Gabriel A., G. Bingham Powell Jr, Kaare Strom and Russell J. Dalton, Comparative Politics Today, Pearson Education: Delhi, 2004, P. xvii.

10. Charlesworth, J. C. (ed.), Contemporary Political Analysis, Free Press: New York, 1967, P. 1.

11. Ibid.

12. Barker, Ernest, Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors, B. I. Publications: New Delhi, 1980, P. 6.

13. Barker, Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors, PP. 144–5.

14. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, P. 7.

15. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 110.

16. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, P. 237.

17. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 23.

18. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 5.

19. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 23.

20. Ibid., P. 24.

21. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 6.

22. Austin, Granville, The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Oxford University Press: Bombay, 1966, P. xiii.

23. Ibid., P. xv.

24. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 20.

25. Verma, Modern Political Theory, PP. 8–9.

26. Encarta Dictionary, P. 164.

27. Charlesworth, J. C., ‘Identifiable Approaches to the Study of Politics and Government’, in Charlesworth, J. C., (ed.), Contemporary Political Analysis, Free Press: New York, 1967, P. 3.

28. Easton, David ‘The Current Meaning of “Behaviouralism”,’ in Charlesworth, J. C., (ed.), Contemporary Political Analysis, Free Press: New York, 1967, PP. 11–31.

29. Verma, Modern Political Theory, PP. 59–60.

30. Ibid., P. 53.

31. Kothari, Rajni, Politics in India, Orient Longman: New Delhi, 1970, P. 225.

32. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 51.

33. Ibid., P. 53.

34. Ibid., P. 55.

35. Charlesworth, J. C., ‘Identifiable Approaches to the Study of Politics and Government’, in Charlesworth, J. C., (ed.), Contemporary Political Analysis, Free Press: New York, 1967, P. 4.

36. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 131.

37. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 10.

38. Heywood, Politics, P. 15.

39. Almond, G. A. and G. B. Powell, Jr, Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach, Amerind Publications: New Delhi, 1972, P. 50.

40. Ibid., P. 50.

41. Ibid., P. 11.

42. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 65.

43. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 12.

44. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 59.

45. Ibid., P. 374.

46. Ibid., P. 62.

47. Encarta Dictionary, P. 1673.

48. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 60.

49. Nelson, Brian R., Western Political Thought, Pearson Education: New Delhi, 1996, P. 143

50. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, P. 318.

51. Nelson, Western Political Thought, P. 202.

52. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 31.

53. Gauba, O. P., An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan: New Delhi, P. 91.

54. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 35.

55. Ibid.

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