Chapter 6


1. Hsiao, K. C. Political Pluralism: A Study in Contemporary Political Theory, 1927 quoted in Eddy Asirvatham, Political Theory, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.: New Delhi, 1997, P. 303.

2. Jain, M. P. Political Theory: Liberal and Marxian, Authors Guild Pub.: Delhi, 1989, P. 33.

3. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 89.

4. Ibid., P. 84.

5. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 183.

6. Laski, Harold J. An Introduction to Politics, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.: London, 1951, PP. 29–30.

7. Ibid., P. 92

8. Encarta World English Dictionary, Bloomsbury, London, 1999, PP. 1408–9.

9. Vincent, Theories of the State, PP. 207–8.

10. Haralambos, H. and R. M. Heald, Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Oxford University Press: Delhi, 1980, P. 240.

11. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories and the Attack upon State Sovereignty’, PP. 90–1.

12. Verma, S. P. Modern Political Theory, Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi, 1982, P. 162.

13. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, PP. 95–6.

14. Ibid, P. 96.

15. Ibid.

16. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 195.

17. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 116.

18. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 76.

19. Asirvatham, Political Theory, P. 299.

20. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 34.

21. Jain, Political Theory, P. 164.

22. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 181.

23. Jain, Political Theory, P. 167.

24. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 185

25. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 100.

26. Ibid., P. 101.

27. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 185.

28. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 104.

29. Ibid., P. 104.

30. Ibid., P. 107.

31. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 184. See A. D. Lindsay, ‘The State in Recent Political Theory’, The Political Quarterly, No. 1, February 1914, PP. 128–45.

32. Ibid., P. 184.

33. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 93.

34. Ibid., P. 92.

35. Asirvatham, Political Theory, P. 305.

36. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 194.

37. Ibid., P. 193.

38. Ibid., P. 196.

39. Ibid., P. 191.

40. Ibid., P. 214.

41. Gabor, Andre, The Capitalist Philosophers: The Geniuses of Modern Business—Their Lives, Times and Ideas, Three Rivers Press: New York, 2000, P. 54.

42. Ibid., P. 55.

43. Ibid., P. 54.

44. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 195.

45. Gabor, The Capitalist Philosophers, PP. 54–5.

46. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 184.

47. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 215.

48. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 96.

49. Jain, Political Theory, P. 181.

50. R. K. Pruthi, The Political Theory, Sarup & Sons, New Delhi, 2005, P. 95.

51. Jain, Political Theory, P. 182.

52. O. P. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi, 2003, P. 162.

53. Pruthi, The Political Theory, P. 95.

54. Jain, Political Theory, P. 183.

55. Ibid.

56. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory, P. 163.

57. Ibid., P. 164.

58. Jain, Political Theory, P. 183.

59. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory, P. 162.

60. T. B. Bottomore, Political Sociology, B. I. Publications, New Delhi, 1979, P. 149.

61. Ibid, P. 75.

62. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 115.

63. According to Bottomore, Laski's early pluralist views are contained in Authority in the Modern State (1919). Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 149.

64. Jain, Political Theory, P. 171.

65. Asirvatham, Political Theory, PP. 297–8.

66. Ibid., P. 298.

67. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 14.

68. Ibid., P. 101–2.

69. Laski, H. J. Liberty in the Modern State, George Allen and Unwin: London (3rd edition), 1948, Introduction, P. 31.

70. Jain, Political Theory, P. 172.

71. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 200.

72. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 47.

73. Asirvatham, Political Theory, P. 301.

74. Bakshi, P. M. The Constitution of India, Universal Law Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd.: Delhi, 1996, PP. 28–31.

75. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 47.

76. Asirvatham, Political Theory, P. 316.

77. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, PP. 49–50.

78. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 50.

79. Ibid., P. 50.

80. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 211.

81. Gauba, Political Theory, P. 154.

82. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 93.

83. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 213.

84. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, PP. 29–30.

85. Ibid., P. 11.

86. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 31.

87. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 176.

88. Laski, Introduction to Politics, P. 89.

89. Ibid., PP. 88–105.

90. Garner, Political Science and Government, P. 184.

91. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 102.

92. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 118.

93. Ibid., P. 115.

94. Jain, Political Theory, P. 191.

95. Ibid., P. 188.

96. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 17.

97. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 204.

98. Ibid., P. 202.

99. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, PP. 114–15.

100. Based on J. D. Mabbott's view in his book, The State and the Citizen, 1948, quoted in Jain, Political Theory, P. 189.

101. Laski, An Introduction to Politics, P. 15

102. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 111.

103. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 215.

104. Ibid.

105. Coker, ‘Pluralistic Theories’, P. 118.

106. Jain, Political Theory, P. 193.

107. Chakrabarty, Dipesh, ‘In the Name of Politics—Sovereignty, Democracy, and the Multitude in India’, Economic and Political Weekly, 23–29 July 2005, Vol. XL, No. 30, P. 3300.

108. Encarta Dictionary, P. 832.

109. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 74.

110. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 191.

111. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 76.

112. Suda, A History of Modern Political Thought, P. 86.

113. Paul H. Douglas, ‘Proletarian Political Theory’, P. 230.

114. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 83.

115. Suda, A History of Modern Political Thought, P. 87.

116. Douglas, ‘Proletarian Political Theory’, P. 229.

117. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 77.

118. Douglas, ‘Proletarian Political Theory’, P. 230.

119. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, P. 63.

120. Douglas, ‘Proletarion Political Theory’, P. 225.

121. Joad, Introduction to Modern Political Theory, PP. 98 and 101.

122. Ibid., P. 33.

123. Ibid., P. 34.

124. Heywood, Andrew, Politics, Palgrave Foundations: New York, 2002, P. 91.

125. Marx, K. and F. Engels, The Manifesto of the Communist Party, Progress Publishers: Moscow, 1975, PP. 43–4.

126. Engels, F. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, PP. 166–8.

127. Lenin, V. I. The State and Revolution, Progress Publishers: Moscow, 1977, PP. 9 and 15.

128. Heywood, Politics, P. 91.

129. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 19.

130. Ibid., P. 21.

131. Heywood, Politics, P. 201.

132. Ibid., P. 131.

133. Frank, Andre Gunder, On Capitalist Underdevelopment, Oxford University Press: Bombay, 1975, P. 67.

134. Ibid., P. 174.

135. Smith, Anthony D. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, Polity Press: Cambridge, UK, 1995, P. 141.

136. Smith, Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, P. 128.

137. Nye, Joseph S. ‘Globalization's Democratic Deficit: How to Make International Institutions More Accountable’, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2001.

138. Heywood, Politics, P. 138.

139. Smith, Nations and Nationalism In a Global Era, P. 16.

140. Randall, Vicky and Robin Theobald, Political Change and Underdevelopment: A Critical Introduction to Third World Politics’, McMillan Press Ltd.: London, 1998, P. 238.

141. Randal et al., Political Change and Underdevelopment, PP. 238–9.

142. Heywood, Politics, P. 139.

143. Smith, Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, PP. 18–19.

144. Heywood, Politics, P. 139.

145. Ibid., P. 148.

146. Ohmae, Kenichi ‘The Rise of the Region State’, Foreign Affairs, No. 72, 1993 quoted in Stephen Law-son, ‘International Theory and the State’, P. 211, in Stephen Lawson (ed.), The New Agenda for International Relations, Polity Press: Cambridge, 2002.

147. Devetak, Richard ‘Signs of a New Enlightenment? Concepts of Community and Humanity after the Cold War’, P. 177, in Stephen Lawson (ed.), The New Agenda for International Relations, Polity Press: Cambridge, 2002.

148. Smith, Tony, ‘In Defense of Intervention’, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994.

149. Clark, Walter and Jeffery Herbst, ‘Somalia and the Future of Humanitarian Intervention’, Foreign Affairs, March/April 1996.

150. Betts, Richard K. ‘The Delusions of Impartial Interventions’ Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994.

151. Heywood, Politics, P. 99.

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