Chapter 9


1. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 287.

2. Burns, What is Marxism?, P. 10.

3. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 286.

4. Wayper, Political Thought, P. 99.

5. Mill, On Liberty and Other Essays, Introduction by John Gray, P. xxv.

6. Ibid., P. 471.

7. Heywood, Politics, P. 302.

8. Bakshi, The Indian Constitution, P. 15.

9. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, P. 39.

10. Ibid., PP. 39–43.

11. Nelson, Western Political Thought, P. 92.

12. Christopher Cook (ed.), Pears Cyclopaedia, 1987–88, Pelham Books Ltd.: London, 1987, P. A4.

13. Ibid., PP. A3–A4.

14. Ibid., PP. J11–J12 Also see, Francis W. Coker, Recent Political Thought, Appleton-Century-Crofts Inc.: New York, 1934, PP. 19–20.

15. Nehru, The Discovery of India, P. 85.

16. Al–Biruni, Tarikhul Hind, edited by Qeyamuddin Ahmad, National Book Trust: New Delhi, 1983, PP. 45–6.

17. Braudel, A History of Civilizations, PP. 317 and 328.

18. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 293.

19. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, P. 525.

20. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 10.

21. Coker, Recent Political Thought, P. 40.

22. Jain, Political Theory, P. 385.

23. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 429.

24. Ibid., P. 487.

25. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 293.

26. Jain, Political Theory, P. 389.

27. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory (fourth edition), P. 335.

28. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 294.

29. Hall, ‘the State in Question’, in McLennan, et al (eds), P. 3.

30. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 368.

31. Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory, P. 342.

32. Strong, C. F. Modern Political Constitutions, ELBS: London, 1972, P. 17.

33. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 10.

34. Strong, Modern Political Constitutions, P. 35.

35. Jain, Political Theory, P. 391.

36. Encarta Dictionary, P. 323.

37. Strong, Modern Political Constitutions, P. 35.

38. Heywood, Politics, P. 61.

39. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 429.

40. Jain, Political Theory, P. 392.

41. Braudel, A History of Civilizations, P. 130.

42. Pandey, B. N. A Book of India, HarperCollins Pub.: New Delhi, 2000, PP. 12–13.

43. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 490.

44. Encarta Dictionary, P. 2123.

45. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 429.

46. Heywood, Politics, P. 62.

47. Ibid., P. 286.

48. MacArthur, Historic Speeches, P. 455.

49. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 64.

50. Ibid., P. 62.

51. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 50.

52. Ibid., P. 57.

53. Ibid.

54. Bakshi, The Constitution of India, P. 23.

55. Ibid., P. 23.

56. Ibid., P. 26.

57. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 10.

58. Gauba, Introduction of Political Theory (fourth edition), P. 347.

59. Coker, Recent Political Thought, P. 310.

60. Asirvatham, Political Theory, P. 286.

61. Jain, Political Theory, P. 401.

62. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 287.

63. Ibid, P. 287.

64. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 92.

65. Ibid., P. 94.

66. Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscript of 1844, P. 132.

67. Lenin, The State and Revolution, P. 94.

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