
No writer, and no sales professional, works alone. Success in every venture is achieved through the teamwork, the contributions, and the dedicated work of countless others. It would be impossible for me to thank all those who helped me bring this book to you, so I will name just a few of the people I owe so much to. If I don't mention you by name, just know that I am deeply grateful for everyone who helped me with this book, and you know who you are.

I would first like to acknowledge and thank my wife, Qi, for the tireless work she did, week after week, in proofing and offering invaluable suggestions on each and every section of this book. Thank you, honey, for the countless hours of patience, love, and encouragement you gave and continue to give to me. This book is the result of your effort as much as it is mine.

Next, I'd like to thank those sales professionals and motivators in the industry who were so important in my development as a budding sales producer. First, I'd like to thank my brother, Peter Brooks, who taught me some of the most fundamental and essential skills that I still use today. Two that I continually remind myself are: “Everybody you speak with is a person just like you. Treat them with respect.” And, “You never know what the next phone call can bring—keep dialing, and you will run into amazing success.” You were right in both instances—thank you, brother. I'd also like to thank the late (and great) Stan Billue. He truly was Mr. Fantastic! Also, I learned some of the most important motivational lessons from Bob Moawad, of the Edge Learning Institute. The practical tools of goal setting, positive affirmations, and the proper and purposeful use of your imagination have changed my life—and continue to do so.

I'd also like to acknowledge some of the people who took the time to review the manuscript copy of this book and offer their endorsement. I'd first like to thank Jeb Blount of Sales Gravy for writing the foreword to this book. Jeb, I know how busy your life is these days. You've worked hard at becoming one of the top motivational sales leaders and speakers in the industry. I truly appreciate you taking time to help me with this book. I'd also like to thank Michael Krause for sharing his experience with publishing a book through a top publishing house, and for sharing his tips for the process. I'd like to thank Bruce Adorian, owner of the State Farm Agency here in Cary, North Carolina, for his review and endorsement of this book. Bruce, you are not only a caring and compassionate insurance professional, you've become a good friend and trusted business colleague as well. I value our mornings at Starbucks! And last, I'd like to thank Jeffrey Gitomer for his frequent support and for the knowledge and experience he has always shared with me so freely. It was Jeffrey's suggestion to call Matt Holt at John Wiley & Sons, and that led directly to the published copy you are holding right now.

I'd further like to thank the team at Wiley for the wonderful experience I have had from the beginning to the end. I wish here to acknowledge Matt Holt for immediately believing in this book and for his support in getting it published. And I'd like to thank Liz Gildea, my editor and chief advocate, for her belief in me and my material. There are many others at Wiley to whom I owe many thanks, and I want you all to know that I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you!

And finally, I want to thank you, the reader, for investing your time, your money, and your belief that this book, and its contents, can make a difference in your sales career and in your life. I have sat at desks just like yours and made the same kinds of calls you have made, and I want you to know that I have the utmost respect for you and what you do each and every day. I hope that one day our paths cross and that I'm able to offer something more to help you achieve the goals and the dreams that got you into the sales industry to begin with. I truly wish you all the success you work so hard for.

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