
Achievability, 116–117, 153


clear requests for, 35

and message consistency of, 154–155

Active listening, 30–32

lack of, 63

Actualizing strategy, 45–48

Adaptive learning, 34

Advanced agendas, 5, 23, 163

and rapport, 95

and trust, 14

(See also Agendas)

Adversity, overcoming, 85–88

Advocacy, 31–32

Agenda for Change, 109–122

achievability of, 113–114

believability of, 117

buy-in to, 131

change tool for, 174–175

focusing on, 122

leader, role in, 113–114

steps to, 114–117

transferability of, 117


addressing, 64

aligning, 127–131

of bad conversations, 60–61

conflicting, 75–78

defining, 162

discussion of, 22–23

initiation of, 22

intersection points with others’, 162

of others, integrating, 81

pushing, 81

(See also Advanced agendas)

Ambiguity, 12

Amygdala hijack, 107

Apple Computer, 104

Applicants, recruiting, 137–139

Argyris, Chris, 26–27

Authenticity, 158

Avenue of Pain, 107–108

Bad conversations, 41, 59–71

agenda of, 60–61

for bad purposes, 70–71

characteristics of, 63–64

lack of learning in, 61–62

negative impact of, 59–60

outputs of, 64–65

versus Powerful Conversations, 60–63

source of, 63–64

the Swamp, 67–70

Swamp Talk, 69

Bad decisions, 65

Bad feelings, 64

Bad judgments, 64–65

Bad news, need for clarity, 83–84

Barnes & Noble, 54

Barron, Gary, 92

Baystate Health System, 150–151

Bedell, Eric, 21

Belichick, Bill, 51–52

Beliefs, 173–174

living out, 101–102

nonjudgmental sharing of, 52

sharing, 8

Belief systems, trust building with, 102, 104

Believability, 116–117, 153

Bennis, Warren, 43, 96, 166

Berlin, Isaiah, 31–32

Big-picture thinking, 54

Bird, Larry, 79

Block, Peter, 27

Blueprinting, 174–175

Body language, 31

Brigham and Women’s Hospital,

Agenda for Change at, 112–119

Brown, Juanita, 7

Bush, George, 46

Candor, 160

Career development, 137

Caring, 52, 98–99

from High-Impact Leaders, 114

trust building with, 101, 103–104

Cartwright, Bill, 80

Chains of command, 13

circumscribing, 120–122

Passionate Champions outside of, 128

Change, 109–122

conversation role in, 111

Passionate Champions’ role in, 123–133

Change agents (see Passionate Champions)

Change tool, 174–176

Children, Powerful Conversations with, 78

Churchill, Winston, 46, 49

Cisco Systems, 21, 121

Clarity, 11–12, 15, 35, 100, 114, 160, 162

in difficult conversations, 83–84

lack of, 63, 106

and leadership voice breakdowns, 157–158

trust building with, 101

Clinton, Bill, 99

Coaching, 51

Tower of Power use for, 164

with voice of leadership, 156

Collaborative interaction, 21–22

Command-and-control model, 13, 125

Commitment, 35, 51, 99, 163, 173

bad, 65

establishment of, 8

of key employees, 146

to Passionate Champions, 132

redefining rules around, 108

to self, 159

trust building with, 101, 103

upholding, 14, 52


disciplined approach to, 73–74

status quo, 20–22

Communication lines, 121, 147

Communication styles:

ineffective, 66

primary learning of, 81

Company loyalty, 140–141

Complaints, uncovering, 70

Conceptual Thinking, 44, 53–54

driving ideas with, 53–55

Confidence in organization:

building, 145

loss of, 143–144

restoring, 157

Connection, 8, 33–34

barriers to, 23–26

with people, 139

renewal, in Swamp, 107–108

Consistency, 100

of voice of leadership, 156

Content, unclear, 63

(See also Clarity)


bad (see Bad conversations)

diagnostic instrument for, 164

difficult (see Difficult conversations)

follow-up, 14

grapevine type, 7–8

keys to, 8

and organizational culture, 110–111

outcomes from, 4

versus Powerful Conversations, 5–6

pushing and pulling types, 33–34

refocusing, 69

study of, 6

and success, relationship of, 4

(See also Powerful Conversations)

Cooper, Robert, 92, 94

Core competencies, focusing on, 115

Crisis situations:

Focused Drive for, 46–47

stabilizing, 50

Criticism, 67–68

Criticizers, behavior of, 67–68

Critique, 67–68

Cultures, organizational, 110

conversations and, 110–111

fitting in with, 137

personality misalignments with, 68

voice of leadership influence on, 149

Customer intimacy, 54

Daly, Michael, 151

Davis, Mike, 52–53

Decision making, and trust, 94–96

Defensiveness, 63

Demographics, and turnover, 142

DePree, Max, 50–51, 96–98

Determination, 48

Difficult conversations, 73–88

agendas, harmonizing, 75–78

and emotional intelligence, 74

High-Impact Leaders’ handling of, 74–75

inquiry, use of, 80–81

moving on, 81–83

overcoming adversity, 85–88

preparing for, 83–85

rules for, 75

Tower of Power for, 165

wants and needs, separating, 78–80

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 20–21

Discipline, lack of, 106

Dissatisfiers, 136, 143–145

uncovering, 69, 139–140

Diversity, openness to, 114


and focus, balance of, 45

instilling, 46

Embarrassment, bypassing, 27

EMC Corporation, 22


channeling, 46

of message content, 31

Emotional connection, establishment of, 33–34

Emotional factor, of turnover, 144

Emotional honesty, and connection, 24–26

Emotional Intelligence, 44, 48, 74

stabilizing through, 48–50

Emotional maturity, 48

Emotional outbursts, and trust breakdowns, 107

Emotional sharing, lack of, 63, 64


trust, 92–93

uncovering, in the Swamp, 69, 70

(See also Feelings)

Empathy, 48, 49, 75


dissatisfiers (see Dissatisfiers)

fit with organization, 144–145

listening to, 113–114, 145

recruiting, 137–139

retaining, 135–147

Employee turnover, 135–136

Empowerment, 51, 125


for change, 127

channeling, 49, 120–122

Energy levels, and Powerful

Conversations, 41

Enthusiasm, weakening of, 156–157

Executive EQ (Cooper), 92

Facts, uncovering, 31–32

Family-oriented conversations, 8

Fear, confronting, 75


bad, 64

gut, 64

perceiving and recognizing, 49

sharing, 8

(See also Emotions)

Finance knowledge, 167

Firings, 82–83

scripting for, 84–85

Flexibility, 52, 55

Flores, Fernando, 33–34

Focus, 45

instilling, 46

Focused Drive, 44

strategy, actualizing through, 45–48

support for, 47

Follow-through, and trust building, 11

Ford, Jeffrey, 111

Ford, Lori W., 111

Forgiveness, 108

Fundamentals of work, examining, 56

Galvin, Bob, 50–51, 96–97

Gates, Bill, 153

Geffen, David, 75

Gender, effect on message interpretation, 6

General Motors, 54

Generative learning, 34

Global Institute for Leadership Development, 43

Global Institute Leadership Model, 166


setting, 115

trust leading to, 93

Goleman, Daniel, 48, 74, 107

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 152

Gossiping, 68

Grapevine, as pathway to learning, 7–8

Green, Dennis, 51

Groups, trust within, 93

Grudges, 82

Gulf War, 46

Gut feelings, 64

Haas, Bob, 50–51, 96–97

Hamel, Gary, 53

Herman Miller, 51

Hidden agenda, uncovering, 34–35

Hidden dialogue, 77

revealing, 29–30, 80

within self, 159

Hierarchy, 13

abandoning, 121–122

High-Impact Leaders, 4–5, 10–13

authenticity of, 158

change, role in, 112

commitments, living up to, 14

competencies of, 43–45

difficult conversations, handling, 64–75

example of, 15–17

learning, willingness and ability of, 10, 114, 158

listening skills of, 30–32

Passionate Champions, checking in with, 132

Passionate Champions, commitments to, 132

Passionate Champions, quality time with, 131–132

Powerful Conversation management, 22

qualities of, 113–114

Say and Do, 12–13

and stress, 49

Tower of Power use, 33–36

trust in, 11

voice of, 149–160

vulnerabilities, expressing, 24

Honesty, with self, 158–160

Hope, 49–50

instilling, 49

Human capital knowledge, 167

Humility, 48

Iagos, 70

Ideas, sharing, 8

Impact, weakening of, 156–157

Individuals, trust between, 93

Information sharing:

prevention of, in bad conversations, 61–62

and trust, 14

Inner principles, reconnecting with, 157

Innovation, 53–54

fostering, 20–21, 35, 54

Inquiry, 80–81

Integrity, 96

Interpretation, gender influence on, 6

Interruptions, frequent, 63

Interview process, 137–138

Intimate conversations, 8

Isaacs, David, 7

Jackson, Phil, 79–80

Jobs, Steve, 54, 104

Johnson, Magic, 79

Jordan, Michael, 79–80

Judgment, 31–32

errors in, 64–65

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 112

Kapor, Mitch, 21

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 75

Keane, Inc., 20, 49–50

Keane, John, 49–50, 128

Kelleher, Herb, 92, 94

Kellman, Elliott, 151

Kennedy, John F., 31–32, 55

Robert, rapport with, 95

Kennedy, Robert, 95

Key employees:

paying attention to, 146

turnover of, 142

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 152

Korby, Alene, 5

Kraft Foods, Tower of Power use, 33


with bad intentions, 70–71

deceptive power of, 65–67

as free radicals, 121–122

and groups, trust between, 93

lack of confidence in, 65

responsibilities of, 3–4

role of, 118


competencies of, 167–168

components of, 168–169

knowledge areas, 166–167

versus management, 117–119

skills of, 167

voice of, 149–160

Leadership Assessment Instrument (LAI), 44, 166–176

self-scoring sample, 169–176

Leadership Institute, at the University of Southern California, 43


adaptive, 34

climate of, 54–55

generative, 34

grapevine conversations for, 7–8

lack of, in bad conversations, 61–62

Learning organizations, and conversation, 7

Learning systems, installing, 115

Leider, Richard, 136

Levi Strauss, 50

Lewis, Jim, 4, 99

Linkage, Inc., 162

empowerment of, 52–53

Listening, 30–32

to employees, 145

Loebel, Harry, 120

Lotus Development Corporation, 21

Focused Drive at, 46–47

Loyalty, 101, 173

of key employees, 146

of Passionate Champions, 129

and trust, 51–53, 103–104

and turnover, 140–141

MacArthur, Douglas, 82

Mangelschots, Iris, 120

Management, versus leadership, 117–119


focusing on change, 115

problem solving role of, 120

role of, 117–118

Mandela, Nelson, 104, 152

Manhattan Project, 104

Marketing/Sales knowledge, 166

Mental discipline, 56

Mental models, 29


and action, consistency with, 154–155

broadcasting, 152–154

feeling behind, 31

gender influence on reception, 6

and trust, 155

Microsoft, “e-mails to and from Bill,” 21

Misinterpretations, 63

and trust breakdowns, 106

Mistakes, rectifying, 20–22


and employee turnover, 142

salary/benefits, 137

Motorola, 51

Needs, 79

expression of, 22

(See also Wants and needs)

Negative fallout, 82–83

New ideas, listening to, 20–21

Nonverbal signals, contradictory, 63, 64

Objectives, defining, 115

Olsen, Ken, 20–21

On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 43

Openness, 24

emotional content and, 26–27

and trust, 14

Optimism, 48, 49

moving toward, 49, 50

Organizational defenses, 26–29


change-adept, 112

confidence in, 144

employee fit with, 144–145

focusing, 46

leadership voice guidance for, 149

trust in, 144

Orientations, 150

Otten, Jeff, 5, 112–119, 121

Agenda for Change of, 114–116

leadership qualities of, 113–114

Passionate Champions, identifying, 119

Outcome, defining, 162

Outputs, concrete, 116

Overcoming Organizational Defenses (Argyris), 27

Ozonian, Steve, 5

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), conversation research at, 7

Pan Am, 54

Parcells, Bill, 51

Passionate Champions, 109, 115–116, 119, 123–133

agenda alignment with, 127–131

Agenda for Change, connecting to, 124

alignment, assuring, 131–132

characteristics of, 123–124

empowerment of, 125

enlistment of, 125

interactions with, 121–122

number needed, 132–133

teams of, 125–127

Patience, lack of, 63

Paxson, John, 80

Paying attention, to key employees, 146

People Express, 54

Perception, 48

Perkins, Frances, 152

Personality, misalignment with organizational culture, 68

Personal trust, 103–104

Peters, Tom, 131–132

Pippen, Scottie, 80

Pitino, Rick, 138–139, 157

Planned turnover, 136

Points of view:

explaining, 80–81

of others, understanding, 81


clarifying, 54

imagining, 35

Powerful Conversations, 5

and active listening, 31

actualizing type, 45–48

for Agenda for Change, 109–122

aiming, 120–122

versus bad conversations, 60–63

for bad purposes, 70–71

conducting, 162–164

definition of, 5

dissatisfiers, addressing with, 145

effects of, 41

idea-driving type, 53–55

impact of, 4, 40–41

for interviews, 139

inward-focusing, 158–160

Leadership Assessment Instrument for, 166–176

leader use of, 118–119 (see also High-Impact Leaders)

as learned skill, 9–10

manager use of, 118–119

measurements of, 23, 163–164

momentum of, 8

power of, 59

preparing for, 22, 57, 162, 164

for retention purposes, 145–147

stabilizing type, 48–50

stages of, 22–23

systemizing type, 55–57

timing of, 162

tools of, 161–176

trust-building type, 50–53

types of, 44–57

Primary learning, 81

Problem people, 120

Problems, underlying, 69

Process orientation, 55–56

Productivity, and professional trust, 103

Professional trust, 103

Purpose, setting, 46

Pushing and pulling strategies, 76

Rapport, and trust, 94–96

Raytheon, 4

Reagan, Ronald, 152

Recruiting, 137–139

Relationships, 8

damaging, 62–63

with key employees, 146

strengthened, 5, 23, 41, 78, 163–164

and trust, 14, 92

Resignation, 68


proactive strategies, 145–147

(See also Turnover)

Retention plans, 135–147

Retention tool, 175–176

Rokoff, June, 46–47

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49, 152

Ruettgers, Mike, 5, 22

commitments of, 52

Rumors, spread of, 68

Running the business, knowledge of, 166–167

Salary/benefits, 137

and turnover, 142

Satisfiers, 137

uncovering, 138–139

Say and Do, 11, 99, 172

and clarity, 12

delivery on, 114

gap between, 159

gray area of, 106

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 31, 95

Schultz, Howard, 5, 104–106

on vulnerability, 24

Scripting, for difficult conversations, 84

Self-deception, 65

Self-understanding, 159–160

Senge, Peter, 34, 66

Senior leadership team, focusing, 115

Shared learning, 5, 23, 163

and trust, 14

Sincerity, 48

Solutions, creative, 35

Southwest Airlines, 54

Spielberg, Steven, 75–76

Stabilization, through Emotional Intelligence, 48–50

Starbucks, 104–106

Status quo communication, 20–22

Stories, for message delivery, 150, 155

Strategic Planning knowledge, 167

Strategy, 114

actualizing, 45–48

connecting people to, 120, 145

driving, 151

systemizing, 56–57

Stressful situations, stabilizing, 48–50

Success, and conversations, relationship of, 4


for change, 117

lack of, 76–78, 80–81

soliciting, 55

Suu Kyi, Aung San, 152

Swamp, 67–68

getting out of, 69–70

as power source, 68–69

renewal of connections in, 107–108

warning signs of, 63

Swamp Talk, 69

Systemized approach, 56–57

Systems Thinking, 44, 55–57

Talent wars, 135

Talk, power of, 3

Tannen, Deborah, 6


bad decision making in, 65–66

fitting in with, 138

Tolosky, Mark, 100, 150–151

Top performers, retaining, 135–147

Total trust, 104

Tower of Power, 32–36, 164–165

case study of, 36–40

hints for use, 165

for refocusing bad conversations, 69

rules of, 165

uses of, 164

Transferability, 116–117, 123, 153

Transformation, organizational (see Agenda for Change)

Truman, Harry, 82

Trust, 5, 13–15, 23, 91–108

in action, example of, 104–106

analysis of, 92–94

as an asset, 91–92, 96–97

breakdowns in, 106–107

building, 7–8, 50–53, 97–100, 106–107

and clarity, 11

for decision making, 94–96

developing, 52

dimensions of, 172

drivers of, 172

as an emotion, 92–93

fluctuations in, 107

in High-Impact Leaders, 111

importance of, 96–97

lack of, 93

levels of, 102–104, 173

low levels of, 64–66

and message reception, 155

in organizations, 144

outputs of, 93

rebuilding, 107–108

rules of, 101–102

Trusted Influence, 44

trust building through, 50–53

Trust tool, 171–176

Truth, confronting, 158–160

Turnover, 135–136

and dissatisfiers, 139–140

momentum of, 142–143

myths of, 142–143

rate of, 143

Undiscussables, 26–29

discussing, 29–30, 34–35

Unplanned turnover, 136


building actively, 151

voice of leadership influence on, 149

Van Der Wall, John, 8

Verbal speaking, 111

Victims, behavior of, 67


developing, 115

employee confidence in, 145–146

establishment of, 46

formulating versus carrying out, 117–119

operationalizing, 115

Voice of leadership, 149–160

breakdowns in, 156–157

broadcasting, 152–154

for coaching, 156

daily touches of, 155–156

developing, 150–151, 154–155

refocusing, 157–158


expressing, 23–24

leading with, 34, 158–160

Wants, 79

Wants and needs:

of employees, 137–138, 146

expressing, 8

fulfilling, 33

listening to others’, 10

of others, 22–23

of Passionate Champions, 128–131

separating, 78–80

uncovering, 75, 76

Watson Wyatt, 52

Webber, Alan M., 6–7

Welch, Jack, 153

Work flow, and communication lines, 7, 110

Work/life balance, 138

Work/role, 137

Worry, 49

Xerox, 54

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