Understanding how Ansible connects to hosts

With the exception of Windows hosts (as discussed at the end of the previous section), Ansible uses the SSH protocol to communicate with hosts. The reasons for this choice in the Ansible design are many, not least that just about every Linux/FreeBSD/macOS host has it built in, as do many network devices such as switches and routers. This SSH service is normally integrated with the operating system authentication stack, enabling you to take advantage of things such as Kerberos to improve authentication security. Also, features of OpenSSH such as ControlPersist are used to increase the performance of the automation tasks and SSH jump hosts for network isolation and security.

ControlPersist is enabled by default on most modern Linux distributions as part of the OpenSSH server installation. However, on some older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (and CentOS 6), it is not supported, and so you will not be able to use it. Ansible automation is still perfectly possible, but longer playbooks might run slower. 

Ansible makes use of the same authentication methods that you will already be familiar with, and SSH keys are normally the easiest way to proceed as they remove the need for users to input the authentication password every time a playbook is run. However, this is by no means mandatory, and Ansible supports password authentication through the use of the --ask-pass switch. If you are connecting to an unprivileged account on the hosts, and need to perform the Ansible equivalent of running commands under sudo, you can also add --ask-become-pass when you run your playbooks to allow this to be specified at runtime as well.

The goal of automation is to be able to run tasks securely but with the minimum of user intervention. As a result, it is highly recommended that you use SSH keys for authentication, and if you have several keys to manage, then be sure to make use of ssh-agent.

Every Ansible task, whether it is run singly or as part of a complex playbook, is run against an inventory. An inventory is, quite simply, a list of the hosts that you wish to run the automation commands against. Ansible supports a wide range of inventory formats, including the use of dynamic inventories, which can populate themselves automatically from an orchestration provider (for example, you can generate an Ansible inventory dynamically from your Amazon EC2 instances, meaning you don't have to keep up with all of the changes in your cloud infrastructure).

Dynamic inventory plugins have been written for most major cloud providers (for example, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure), as well as on-premises systems such as OpenShift and OpenStack. There are even plugins for Docker. The beauty of open source software is that, for most of the major use cases you can dream of, someone has already contributed the code and so you don't need to figure it out or write it for yourself.

Ansible's agentless architecture and the fact that it doesn't rely on SSL means that you don't need to worry about DNS not being set up or even time skew problems as a result of NTP not workingthese can, in fact, be tasks performed by an Ansible playbook! Ansible really was designed to get your infrastructure running from a virtually bare operating system image.

For now, let's focus on the INI formatted inventory. An example is shown here with four servers, each split into two groups. Ansible commands and playbooks can be run against an entire inventory (that is, all four servers), one or more groups (for example, webservers), or even down to a single server:



Let's use this inventory file along with the Ansible ping module, which is used to test whether Ansible can successfully perform automation tasks on the inventory host in question. The following example assumes you have installed the inventory in the default location, which is normally /etc/ansible/hostsWhen you run the following ansible commandyou see a similar output to this: 

$ ansible webservers -m ping 
web1.example.com | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
web2.example.com | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

Notice that the ping module was only run on the two hosts in the webservers group and not the entire inventorythis was by virtue of us specifying this in the command-line parameters.

The ping module is one of many thousands of modules for Ansible, all of which perform a given set of tasks (from copying files between hosts, to text substitution, to complex network device configuration). Again, as Ansible is open source software, there is a veritable army of coders out there who are writing and contributing modules, which means if you can dream of a task, there's probably already an Ansible module for it. Even in the instance that no module exists, Ansible supports sending raw shell commands (or PowerShell commands for Windows hosts) and so even in this instance, you can complete your desired tasks without having to move away from Ansible.

As long as the Ansible control host can communicate with the hosts in your inventory, you can automate your tasks. However, it is worth giving some consideration to where you place your control host. For example, if you are working exclusively with a set of Amazon EC2 machines, it arguably would make more sense for your Ansible control machine to be an EC2 instance—in this way, you are not sending all of your automation commands over the internet. It also means that you don't need to expose the SSH port of your EC2 hosts to the internet, hence keeping them more secure.

We have so far covered a brief explanation of how Ansible communicates with its target hosts, including what inventories are and the importance of SSH communication to all except Windows hosts. In the next section, we will build on this by looking in greater detail at how to verify your Ansible installation.

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