Chapter 6. Preprocessing

In Chapter 5, we looked at how to create training datasets for machine learning. This is the first step of the standard image processing pipeline (see Figure 6-1). The next stage is preprocessing the raw images in order to feed them into the model for training or inference. In this chapter, we will look at why images need to be preprocessed, how to set up preprocessing to ensure reproducibility in production, and ways to implement a variety of preprocessing operations in Keras/TensorFlow.

Figure 6-1. Raw images have to be preprocessed before they are fed into the model, both during training (top) and during prediction (bottom).

The code for this chapter is in the 06_preprocessing folder of the book’s GitHub repository. We will provide file names for code samples and notebooks where applicable.

Reasons for Preprocessing

Before raw images can be fed into an image model, they usually have to be preprocessed. Such preprocessing has several overlapping goals: shape transformation, data quality, and model quality.

Shape Transformation

The input images typically have to be transformed into a consistent size. For example, consider a simple DNN model:

model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(512, 256, 3)),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(len(CLASS_NAMES), activation='softmax')

This model requires that the images fed into it are 4D tensors with an inferred batch size, 512 columns, 256 rows, and 3 channels. Every layer that we have considered so far in this book needs a shape to be specified at construction. Sometimes the specification can be inferred from previous layers, and does not have to be explicit: the first Dense layer takes the output of the Flatten layer and therefore is built to have 512 * 256 * 3 = 393,216 input nodes in the network architecture. If the raw image data is not of this size, then there is no way to map each input value to the nodes of the network. So, images that are not of the right size have to be transformed into tensors with this exact shape. Any such transformation will be carried out in the preprocessing stage.

Data Quality Transformation

Another reason to do preprocessing is to enforce data quality. For example, many satellite images have a terminator line (see Figure 6-2) because of solar lighting or the Earth’s curvature.

Solar lighting can lead to different lighting levels in different parts of the image. Since the terminator line moves throughout the day and its location is known precisely from the timestamp, it can be helpful to normalize each pixel value taking into account the solar illumination that the corresponding point on the Earth receives. Or, due to the Earth’s curvature and the point of view of the satellite, there might be parts of the images that were not sensed by the satellite. Such pixels might be masked or assigned a value of –inf. In the preprocessing step, it is necessary to handle this somehow because neural networks will expect to see a finite floating-point value; one option is to replace these pixels with the mean value in the image.

Figure 6-2. Impact of solar lighting (left) and Earth’s curvature (right). Images from NASA © Living Earth and the NOAA GOES-16 satellite.

Even if your dataset doesn’t consist of satellite imagery, it’s important to be aware that data quality problems, like the ones described here for satellite data, pop up in many situations. For example, if some of your images are darker than others, you might want to transform the pixel values within the images to have a consistent white balance.

Improving Model Quality

A third goal of preprocessing is to carry out transformations that help improve the accuracy of models trained on the data. For example, machine learning optimizers work best when data values are small numbers. So, in the preprocessing stage, it can be helpful to scale the pixel values to lie in the range [0, 1] or [–1, 1].

Some transformations can help improve model quality by increasing the effective size of the dataset that the model was trained on. For example, if you are training a model to identify different types of animals, an easy way to double the size of your dataset is to augment it by adding flipped versions of the images. In addition, adding random perturbations to images results in more robust training as it limits the extent to which the model overfits.

Of course, we have to be careful when applying left-to-right transformations. If we are training a model with images that contain a lot of text (such as road signs), augmenting images by flipping them left to right would reduce the ability of the model to recognize the text. Also, sometimes flipping the images can destroy information that we require. For example, if we are trying to identify products in a clothing store, flipping images of buttoned shirts left to right may destroy information. Men’s shirts have the button on the wearer’s right and the button hole on the wearer’s left, whereas women’s shirts are the opposite. Flipping the images randomly would make it impossible for the model to use the position of the buttons to determine the gender the clothes were designed for.

Size and Resolution

As discussed in the previous section, one of the key reasons to preprocess images is to ensure that the image tensors have the shape expected by the input layer of the ML model. In order to do this, we usually have to change the size and/or resolution of the images being read in.

Consider the flower images that we wrote out into TensorFlow Records in Chapter 5. As explained in that chapter, we can read those images using:

train_dataset =
    [filename for filename in

Let’s display five of those images:

for idx, (img, label_int) in enumerate(train_dataset.take(5)):

As is clear from Figure 6-3, the images all have different sizes. The second image, for example (240x160), is in portrait mode, whereas the third image (281x500) is horizontally elongated.

Figure 6-3. Five of the images in the 5-flowers training dataset. Note that they all have different dimensions (marked on top of the image).

Using Keras Preprocessing Layers

When the input images are of different sizes, we need to preprocess them to the shape expected by the input layer of the ML model. We did this in Chapter 2 using a TensorFlow function when we read the images, specifying the desired height and width:

img = tf.image.resize(img, [IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH])

Keras has a preprocessing layer called Resizing that offers the same functionality. Typically we will have multiple preprocessing operations, so we can create a Sequential model that contains all of those operations:

preproc_layers = tf.keras.Sequential([
        height=IMG_HEIGHT, width=IMG_WIDTH,
        input_shape=(None, None, 3))

To apply the preprocessing layer to our images, we could do: img: preproc_layers(img))

However, this won’t work because the train_dataset provides a tuple (img, label) where the image is a 3D tensor (height, width, channels) while the Keras Sequential model expects a 4D tensor (batchsize, height, width, channels).

The simplest solution is to write a function that adds an extra dimension to the image at the first axis using expand_dims() and removes the batch dimension from the result using squeeze():

def apply_preproc(img, label):
    # add to a batch, call preproc, remove from batch
    x = tf.expand_dims(img, 0)
    x = preproc_layers(x)
    x = tf.squeeze(x, 0)
    return x, label

With this function defined, we can apply the preprocessing layer to our tuple using:

Normally, we don’t have to call expand_dims() and squeeze() in a preprocessing function because we apply the preprocessing function after a batch() call. For example, we would normally do:


Here, however, we can’t do this because the images that come out of the train_dataset are all of different sizes. To solve this problem, we can add an extra dimension as shown or use ragged batches.

The result is shown in Figure 6-4. Notice that all the images are now the same size, and because we passed in 224 for the IMG_HEIGHT and IMG_WIDTH, the images are squares. Comparing this with Figure 6-3, we notice that the second image has been squashed vertically whereas the third image has been squashed in the horizontal dimension and stretched vertically.

Figure 6-4. The effect of resizing the images to a shape of (224, 224, 3). Intuitively, stretching and squashing flowers will make them harder to recognize, so we would like to preserve the aspect ratio of the input images (the ratio of height to width). Later in this chapter, we will look at other preprocessing options that can do this.

The Keras Resizing layer offers several interpolation options when doing the squashing and stretching: bilinear, nearest, bicubic, lanczos3, gaussian, and so on. The default interpolation scheme (bilinear) retains local structures, whereas the gaussian interpolation scheme is more tolerant of noise. In practice, however, the differences between different interpolation methods are pretty minor.

The Keras preprocessing layers have an advantage that we will delve deeper into later in this chapter—because they are part of the model, they are automatically applied during prediction. Choosing between doing preprocessing in Keras or in TensorFlow thus often comes down to a trade-off between efficiency and flexibility; we will expand upon this later in the chapter.

Using the TensorFlow Image Module

In addition to the resize() function that we used in Chapter 2, TensorFlow offers a plethora of image processing functions in the tf.image module. We used decode_jpeg() from this module in Chapter 5, but TensorFlow also has the ability to decode PNG, GIF, and BMP and to convert images between color and grayscale. There are methods to work with bounding boxes and to adjust contrast, brightness, and so on.

In the realm of resizing, TensorFlow allows us to retain the aspect ratio when resizing by cropping the image to the desired aspect ratio and stretching it:

img = tf.image.resize(img, [IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH],

or padding the edges with zeros:

img = tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, [IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH])

We can apply this function directly to each (img, label) tuple in the dataset as follows:

def apply_preproc(img, label):
    return (tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, 2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH),

The result is shown in Figure 6-5. Note the effect of padding in the second and third panels in order to avoid stretching or squashing the input images while providing the desired output size.

Figure 6-5. Resizing the images to (448, 448) with padding.

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that we resized the images to be larger than the desired height and width (twice as large, actually). The reason for this is that it sets us up for the next step.

While we’ve preserved the aspect ratio by specifying a padding, we now have padded images with black borders. This is not desirable either. What if we now do a “center crop”—i.e., crop these images (which are larger than what we want anyway) in the center?

Mixing Keras and TensorFlow

A center-cropping function is available in TensorFlow, but to keep things interesting, let’s mix TensorFlow’s resize_with_pad() and Keras’s CenterCrop functionality.

In order to call an arbitrary set of TensorFlow functions as part of a Keras model, we wrap the function(s) inside a Keras Lambda layer:

tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda img:
                           img, 2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH))

Here, because we want to do the resize and follow it by a center crop, our preprocessing layers become:

preproc_layers = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda img:
                               img, 2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH),
                           input_shape=(None, None, 3)),
        height=IMG_HEIGHT, width=IMG_WIDTH)

Note that the first layer (Lambda) carries an input_shape parameter. Because the input images will be of different sizes, we specify the height and width as None, which leaves the values to be determined at runtime. However, we do specify that there will always be three channels.

The result of applying this preprocessing is shown in Figure 6-6. Note how the aspect ratio of the flowers is preserved and all the images are 224x224.

Figure 6-6. The effect of applying two processing operations: a resize with pad followed by a center crop.

At this point, you have seen three different places to carry out preprocessing: in Keras, as a preprocessing layer; in TensorFlow, as part of the pipeline; and in Keras, as part of the model itself. As mentioned earlier, choosing between these comes down to a trade-off between efficiency and flexibility; we’ll explore this in more detail later in this chapter.

Model Training

Had the input images all been the same size, we could have incorporated the preprocessing layers into the model itself. However, because the input images vary in size, they cannot be easily batched. Therefore, we will apply the preprocessing in the ingest pipeline before doing the batching:

train_dataset =
    [filename for filename in

The model itself is the same MobileNet transfer learning model that we used in Chapter 3 (the full code is in 06a_resizing.ipynb on GitHub):

layers = [
        input_shape=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_CHANNELS),
model = tf.keras.Sequential(layers, name='flower_classification')
history =, validation_data=eval_dataset, epochs=10)

The model training converges and the validation accuracy plateaus at 0.85 (see Figure 6-7).

Figure 6-7. The loss and accuracy curves for a MobileNet transfer learning model with preprocessed layers as input.

Comparing Figure 6-7 against Figure 3-3, it seems that we have fared worse with padding and center cropping than with the naive resizing we did in Chapter 3. Even though the validation datasets are different in the two cases, and so the accuracy numbers are not directly comparable, the difference in accuracy (0.85 versus 0.9) is large enough that it is quite likely that the Chapter 6 model is worse than the Chapter 3 one. Machine learning is an experimental discipline, and we would not have known this unless we tried. It’s quite possible that on a different dataset, fancier preprocessing operations will improve the end result; you have to try multiple options to figure out which method works best for your dataset.

Some prediction results are shown in Figure 6-8. Note that the input images all have a natural aspect ratio and are center cropped.

Figure 6-8. Images as input to the model, and predictions on those images.

Training-Serving Skew

During inference, we need to carry out the exact same set of operations on the image that we did during training (see Figure 6-1). Recall that we did preprocessing in three places:

  1. When creating the file. When we wrote out the TensorFlow Records in Chapter 5, we decoded the JPEG files and scaled the input values to [0, 1].

  2. When reading the file. We applied the function parse_tfr() to the training dataset. The only preprocessing this function did was to reshape the image tensor to [height, width, 3], where the height and width are the original size of the image.

  3. In the Keras model. We then applied preproc_layers() to the images. In the last version of this method, we resized the images with padding to 448x448 and then center cropped them to 224x224.

In the inference pipeline, we have to perform all those operations (decoding, scaling, reshaping, resizing, center cropping) on the images provided by clients.1 If we were to miss an operation or carry it out slightly differently between training and inference, it would cause potentially incorrect results. The condition where the training and inference pipelines diverge (therefore creating unexpected or incorrect behavior during inference not seen during training) is called training-serving skew. In order to prevent training-serving skew, it is ideal if we can reuse the exact same code both in training and for inference.

Broadly, there are three ways that we can set things up so that all the image preprocessing done during training is also done during inference:

  • Put the preprocessing in functions that are called from both the training and inference pipelines.

  • Incorporate the preprocessing into the model itself.

  • Use tf.transform to create and reuse artifacts.

Let’s look at each of these methods. In each of these cases, we’ll want to refactor the training pipeline so as to make it easier to reuse all the preprocessing code during inference. The easier it is to reuse code between training and inference, the more likely it is that subtle differences won’t crop up and cause training-serving skew.

Reusing Functions

The training pipeline in our case reads TensorFlow Records consisting of already decoded and scaled JPEG files, whereas the prediction pipeline needs to key off the path to an individual image file. So, the preprocessing code will not be identical, but we can still collect all the preprocessing into functions that are reused and put them in a class that we’ll call _Preprocessor.2 The full code is available in 06b_reuse_functions.ipynb on GitHub.

The methods of the preprocessor class will be called from two functions, one to create a dataset from TensorFlow Records and the other to create an individual image from a JPEG file. The function to create a preprocessed dataset is:

def create_preproc_dataset(pattern):
    preproc = _Preprocessor()
    trainds =
        [filename for filename in]
        lambda img, label: (preproc.preprocess(img), label))
    return trainds

There are three functions of the preprocessor that are being invoked: the constructor, a way to read TensorFlow Records into an image, and a way to preprocess the image. The function to create an individual preprocessed image is:

def create_preproc_image(filename):
    preproc = _Preprocessor()
    img = preproc.read_from_jpegfile(filename)
    return preproc.preprocess(img)

Here too, we are using the constructor and preprocessing method, but we’re using a different way to read the data. Therefore, the preprocessor will require four methods.

The constructor in Python consists of a method called __init__():

class _Preprocessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.preproc_layers = tf.keras.Sequential([
                height=IMG_HEIGHT, width=IMG_WIDTH),
                input_shape=(2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH, 3)

In the __init__() method, we set up the preprocessing layers.

To read from a TFRecord we use the parse_tfr() function from Chapter 5, now a method of our class:

def read_from_tfr(self, proto):
    feature_description = ... # schema
    rec =
        proto, feature_description
    shape = tf.sparse.to_dense(rec['shape'])
    img = tf.reshape(tf.sparse.to_dense(rec['image']), shape)
    label_int = rec['label_int']
    return img, label_int

Preprocessing consists of taking the image, sizing it consistently, putting into a batch, invoking the preprocessing layers, and unbatching the result:

def preprocess(self, img):
    x = tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, 2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH)
    # add to a batch, call preproc, remove from batch
    x = tf.expand_dims(x, 0)
    x = self.preproc_layers(x)
    x = tf.squeeze(x, 0)
    return x

When reading from a JPEG file, we take care to do all the steps that were carried out when the TFRecord files were written out:

def read_from_jpegfile(self, filename):
    # same code as in 05_create_dataset/
    img =
    img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img, channels=IMG_CHANNELS)
    img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
    return img

Now, the training pipeline can create the training and validation datasets using the create_preproc_dataset() function that we have defined:

train_dataset = create_preproc_dataset(

The prediction code (which will go into a serving function, covered in Chapter 9) will take advantage of the create_preproc_image() function to read individual JPEG files and then invoke model.predict().

Preprocessing Within the Model

Note that we did not have to do anything special to reuse the model itself for prediction. For example, we did not have to write different variations of the layers: the Hub layer representing MobileNet and the dense layer were all transparently reusable between training and prediction.

Any preprocessing code that we put into the Keras model will be automatically applied during prediction. Therefore, let’s take the center-cropping functionality out of the _Preprocessor class and move it into the model itself (see 06b_reuse_functions.ipynb on GitHub for the code):

class _Preprocessor:
    def __init__(self):
        # nothing to initialize

    def read_from_tfr(self, proto):
        # same as before

    def read_from_jpegfile(self, filename):
        # same as before

    def preprocess(self, img):
        return tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, 2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH)

The CenterCrop layer moves into the Keras model, which now becomes:

layers = [
        height=IMG_HEIGHT, width=IMG_WIDTH,
        input_shape=(2*IMG_HEIGHT, 2*IMG_WIDTH, IMG_CHANNELS),

Recall that the first layer of a Sequential model is the one that carries the input_shape parameter. So, we have removed this parameter from the Hub layer and added it to the CenterCrop layer. The input to this layer is twice the desired size of the images, so that’s what we specify.

The model now includes the CenterCrop layer and its output shape is 224x224, our desired output shape:

Model: "flower_classification"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
center_crop (CenterCrop)     (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
mobilenet_embedding (KerasLa (None, 1280)              2257984
dense_hidden (Dense)         (None, 16)                20496
flower_prob (Dense)          (None, 5)                 85

Of course, if both the training and prediction pipelines read the same data format, we could get rid of the preprocessor completely.

Using tf.transform

What we did in the previous section—writing a _Preprocessor class and expecting to keep read_from_tfr() and read_from_jpegfile() consistent in terms of the preprocessing that is carried out—is hard to enforce. This will be a perennial source of bugs in your ML pipelines because ML engineering teams tend to keep fiddling around with preprocessing and data cleanup routines.

For example, suppose we write out already cropped images into TFRecords for efficiency. How can we ensure that this cropping happens during inference? To mitigate training-serving skew, it is best if we save all the preprocessing operations in an artifacts registry and automatically apply these operations as part of the serving pipeline.

The TensorFlow library that does this is TensorFlow Transform (tf.transform). To use tf.transform, we need to:

  • Write an Apache Beam pipeline to carry out analysis of the training data, precompute any statistics needed for the preprocessing (e.g., mean/variance to use for normalization), and apply the preprocessing.

  • Change the training code to read the preprocessed files.

  • Change the training code to save the transform function along with the model.

  • Change the inference code to apply the saved transform function.

Let’s look at each of these briefly (the full code is available in 06h_tftransform.ipynb on GitHub).

Writing the Beam pipeline

The Beam pipeline to carry out the preprocessing is similar to the pipeline we used in Chapter 5 to convert the JPEG files into TensorFlow Records. The difference is that we use the built-in functionality of TensorFlow Extended (TFX) to create a CSV reader:

RAW_DATA_SCHEMA = schema_utils.schema_from_feature_spec({
    'filename':[], tf.string),
    'label':[], tf.string),
csv_tfxio = tfxio.CsvTFXIO(file_pattern='gs://.../all_data.csv'],
                           column_names=['filename', 'label'],
And we use this class to read the CSV file:
img_records = (p
               | 'read_csv' >> csv_tfxio.BeamSource(batch_size=1)
               | 'img_record' >> beam.Map(
                   lambda x: create_input_record(x[0], x[1]))

The input record at this point contains the JPEG data read, and a label index, so we specify this as the schema (see to create the dataset that will be transformed:

IMG_BYTES_METADATA = tft.tf_metadata.dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata(
        'img_bytes':[], tf.string),
        'label':[], tf.string),
        'label_int':[], tf.int64)

Transforming the data

To transform the data, we pass in the original data and metadata to a function that we call tft_preprocess():

raw_dataset = (img_records, IMG_BYTES_METADATA)
transformed_dataset, transform_fn = (
    raw_dataset | 'tft_img' >>

The preprocessing function carries out the resizing operations using TensorFlow functions:

def tft_preprocess(img_record):
    img = tf.map_fn(decode_image, img_record['img_bytes'],
    img = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(img, tf.float32)
    img = tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH)
    return {
        'image': img,
        'label': img_record['label'],
        'label_int': img_record['label_int']

Saving the transform

The resulting transformed data is written out as before. In addition, the transformation function is written out:

transform_fn | 'write_tft' >> tft_beam.WriteTransformFn(
    os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'tft'))

This creates a SavedModel that contains all the preprocessing operations that were carried out on the raw dataset.

Reading the preprocessed data

During training, the transformed records can be read as follows:

def create_dataset(pattern, batch_size):
        features = {
                [IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_CHANNELS], tf.float32),
            'label':[], tf.string),
            'label_int':[], tf.int64)
        lambda x: (x['image'], x['label_int'])

These images are already scaled and resized and so can be used directly in the training code.

Transformation during serving

We need to make the transformation function artifacts (that were saved using WriteTransformFn()) available to the prediction system. We can do this by ensuring that the WriteTransformFn() writes the transform artifacts to a Cloud Storage location that is accessible to the serving system. Alternatively, the training pipeline can copy over the transform artifacts so that they are available alongside the exported model.

At prediction time, all the scaling and preprocessing operations are loaded and applied to the image bytes sent from the client:

preproc = tf.keras.models.load_model(
preprocessed = preproc(img_bytes=tf.convert_to_tensor(img_bytes)...)

We then call model.predict() on the preprocessed data:

pred_label_index = tf.math.argmax(model.predict(preprocessed))

In Chapter 7, we will look at how to write a serving function that does these operations on behalf of the client.

Benefits of tf.transform

Note that with tf.transform we have avoided having to make the trade-offs inherent in either putting preprocessing code in the pipeline or including it as part of the model. We now get the best of both approaches—efficient training and transparent reuse to prevent training-serving skew:

  • The preprocessing (scaling and resizing of input images) happens only once.

  • The training pipeline reads already preprocessed images, and is therefore fast.

  • The preprocessing functions are stored into a model artifact.

  • The serving function can load the model artifact and apply the preprocessing before invoking the model (details on how are covered shortly).

The serving function doesn’t need to know the details of the transformations, only where the transform artifacts are stored. A common practice is to copy over these artifacts to the model output directory as part of the training program, so that they are available alongside the model itself. If we change the preprocessing code, we simply run the preprocessing pipeline again; the model artifact containing the preprocessing code gets updated, so the correct preprocessing gets applied automatically.

There are other advantages to using tf.transform beyond preventing training-serving skew. For example, because tf.transform iterates over the entire dataset once before training has even started, it is possible to use global statistics of the dataset (e.g., the mean) to scale the values.

Data Augmentation

Preprocessing is useful for more than simply reformatting images to the size and shape required by the model. Preprocessing can also be a way to improve model quality through data augmentation.

Data augmentation is a data-space solution to the problem of insufficient data (or insufficient data of the right kind)—it is a set of techniques that enhance the size and quality of training datasets with the goal of creating machine learning models that are more accurate and that generalize better.

Deep learning models have lots of weights, and the more weights there are, the more data is needed to train the model. If our dataset is too small relative to the size of the ML model, the model can employ its parameters to memorize the input data, which results in overfitting (a condition where the model performs well on training data, but produces poor results on unseen data at inference time).

As a thought experiment, consider an ML model with one million weights. If we have only 10,000 training images, the model can assign 100 weights to each image, and these weights can home in on some characteristic of each image that makes it unique in some way—for example, perhaps this is the only image where there is a bright patch centered around a specific pixel. The problem is that such an overfit model will not perform well after it is put into production. The images that the model will be required to predict will be different from the training images, and the noisy information it has learned won’t be helpful. We need the ML model to generalize from the training dataset. For that to happen, we need a lot of data, and the larger the model we want, the more data we need.

Data augmentation techniques involve taking the images in the training dataset and transforming them to create new training examples. Existing data augmentation methods fall into three categories:

  • Spatial transformation, such as random zooming, cropping, flipping, rotation, and so on

  • Color distortion to change brightness, hue, etc.

  • Information dropping, such as random masking or erasing of different parts of the image

Let’s look at each of these in turn.

Spatial Transformations

In many cases, we can flip or rotate an image without changing its essence. For example, if we are trying to detect types of farm equipment, flipping the images horizontally (left to right, as shown in the top row of Figure 6-9) would simply simulate the equipment as seen from the other side. By augmenting the dataset using such image transformations, we are providing the model with more variety—meaning more examples of the desired image object or class in varying sizes, spatial locations, orientations, etc. This will help create a more robust model that can handle these kinds of variations in real data.

Figure 6-9. Some geometric transformations of an image of a tractor in a field. Photograph by author.

However, flipping the image vertically (top to bottom, as shown on the left side of Figure 6-9) is not a good idea, for a few reasons. First, the model is not expected to correctly classify an upside-down image in production, so there is no point in adding this image to the training dataset. Second, a vertically flipped tractor image makes it more difficult for the ML model to identify features like the cabin that are not vertically symmetric. Flipping the image vertically thus both adds an image type that the model is not required to classify correctly and makes the learning problem tougher.


Make sure that augmenting data makes the training dataset larger, but does not make the problem more difficult. In general, this is the case only if the augmented image is typical of the images that the model is expected to predict on, and not if the augmentation creates a skewed, unnatural image. Information dropping methods, discussed shortly, are an exception to this rule.

Keras supports several data augmentation layers, including RandomTranslation, RandomRotation, RandomZoom, RandomCrop, RandomFlip, and so on. They all work similarly.

The RandomFlip layer will, during training, randomly either flip an image or keep it in its original orientation. During inference, the image is passed through unchanged. Keras does this automatically; all we have to do is add this as one of the layers in our model:


The mode parameter controls the types of flips that are allowed, with a horizontal flip being the one that flips the image left to right. Other modes are vertical and horizontal_and_vertical.

In the previous section, we center cropped the images. When we do a center crop, we lose a considerable part of the image. To improve our training performance, we could consider augmenting the data by taking random crops of the desired size from the input images. The RandomCrop layer in Keras will do random crops during training (so that the model sees different parts of each image during each epoch, although some of them will now include the padded edges and may not even include the parts of the image that are of interest) and behave like a CenterCrop during inference.

The full code for this example is in 06d_augmentation.ipynb on GitHub. Combining these two operations, our model layers now become:

layers = [
        height=IMG_HEIGHT//2, width=IMG_WIDTH//2,
        input_shape=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_CHANNELS),

And the model itself becomes:

Model: "flower_classification"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
random/center_crop (RandomCr (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
random_lr_flip/none (RandomF (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
mobilenet_embedding (KerasLa (None, 1280)              2257984
dense_hidden (Dense)         (None, 16)                20496
flower_prob (Dense)          (None, 5)                 85

Training this model is similar to training without augmentation. However, we will need to train the model longer whenever we augment data—intuitively, we need to train for twice as many epochs in order for the model to see both flips of the image. The result is shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10. The loss and accuracy curves for a MobileNet transfer learning model with data augmentation. Compare to Figure 6-7.

Comparing Figure 6-10 with Figure 6-7, we notice how much more resilient the model training has become with the addition of data augmentation. Note that the training and validation loss are pretty much in sync, as are the training and validation accuracies. The accuracy, at 0.86, is only slightly better than before (0.85); the important thing is that we can be more confident about this accuracy because of the much better behaved training curves.

By adding data augmentation, we have dramatically lowered the extent of overfitting.

Color Distortion

It’s important to not limit yourself to the set of augmentation layers that are readily available. Think instead about what kinds of variations of the images the model is likely to encounter in production. For example, it is likely that photographs provided to an ML model (especially if these are photographs by amateur photographers) will vary quite considerably in terms of lighting. We can therefore increase the effective size of the training dataset and make the ML model more resilient if we augment the data by randomly changing the brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. of the training images. While Keras has several built-in data augmentation layers (like RandomFlip), it doesn’t currently support changing the contrast3 and brightness. So, let’s implement this ourselves.

We’ll create a data augmentation layer from scratch that will randomly change the contrast and brightness of an image. The class will inherit from the Keras Layer class and take two arguments, the ranges within which to adjust the contrast and the brightness (the full code is in 06e_colordistortion.ipynb on GitHub):

class RandomColorDistortion(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(self, contrast_range=[0.5, 1.5],
                 brightness_delta=[-0.2, 0.2], **kwargs):
        super(RandomColorDistortion, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.contrast_range = contrast_range
        self.brightness_delta = brightness_delta

When invoked, this layer will need to behave differently depending on whether it is in training mode or not. If not in training mode, the layer will simply return the original images. If it is in training mode, it will generate two random numbers, one to adjust the contrast within the image and the other to adjust the brightness. The actual adjustment is carried out using methods available in the tf.image module:

    def call(self, images, training=False):
        if not training:
            return images

        contrast = np.random.uniform(
            self.contrast_range[0], self.contrast_range[1])
        brightness = np.random.uniform(
            self.brightness_delta[0], self.brightness_delta[1])

        images = tf.image.adjust_contrast(images, contrast)
        images = tf.image.adjust_brightness(images, brightness)
        images = tf.clip_by_value(images, 0, 1)
        return images

It’s important that the implementation of the custom augmentation layer consists of TensorFlow functions so that these functions can be implemented efficiently on a GPU. See Chapter 7 for recommendations on writing efficient data pipelines.

The effect of this layer on a few training images is shown in Figure 6-11. Note that the images have different contrast and brightness levels. By invoking this layer many times on each input image (once per epoch), we ensure that the model gets to see many color variations of the original training images.

Figure 6-11. Random contrast and brightness adjustment on three of the training images. The original images are shown in the first panel of each row, and four generated images are shown in the other panels. If you’re looking at grayscale images, please refer to 06e_colordistortion.ipynb on GitHub to see the effect of the color distortion.

The layer itself can be inserted into the model after the RandomFlip layer:

layers = [
    hub.KerasLayer ...

The full model will then have this structure:

Model: "flower_classification"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
random/center_crop (RandomCr (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
random_lr_flip/none (RandomF (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
random_contrast_brightness/n (None, 224, 224, 3)       0
mobilenet_embedding (KerasLa (None, 1280)              2257984
dense_hidden (Dense)         (None, 16)                20496
flower_prob (Dense)          (None, 5)                 85
Total params: 2,278,565
Trainable params: 20,581
Non-trainable params: 2,257,984

Training of the model remains identical. The result is shown in Figure 6-12. We get better accuracy than with just geometric augmentation (0.88 instead of 0.86) and the training and validation curves remain totally in sync, indicating that overfitting is under control.

Figure 6-12. The loss and accuracy curves for a MobileNet transfer learning model with geometric and color augmentation. Compare to Figure 6-7 and 6-10.

Information Dropping

Recent research highlights some new ideas in data augmentation that involve making more dramatic changes to the images. These techniques drop information from the images in order to make the training process more resilient and to help the model attend to the important features of the images. They include:


Randomly mask out square regions of input during training. This helps the model learn to disregard uninformative parts of the image (such as the sky) and attend to the discriminative parts (such as the petals).


Linearly interpolate a pair of training images and assign as their label the corresponding interpolated label value.


A combination of cutout and mixup. Cut patches from different training images and mix the ground truth labels proportionally to the area of the patches.


Delete uniformly distributed square regions while controlling the density and size of the deleted regions. The underlying assumption is that images are intentionally collected—uniformly distributed square regions tend to be the background.

Cutout and GridMask involve preprocessing operations on a single image and can be implemented similar to how we implemented the color distortion. Open source code for cutout and GridMask is available on GitHub.

Mixup and CutMix, however, use information from multiple training images to create synthetic images that may bear no resemblance to reality. In this section we’ll look at how to implement mixup, since it is simpler. The full code is in 06f_mixup.ipynb on GitHub.

The idea behind mixup is to linearly interpolate a pair of training images and their labels. We can’t do this in a Keras custom layer because the layer only receives images; it doesn’t get the labels. Therefore, let’s implement a function that receives a batch of images and labels and does the mixup:

def augment_mixup(img, label):
    # parameters
    fracn = np.rint(MIXUP_FRAC * len(img)).astype(np.int32)
    wt = np.random.uniform(0.5, 0.8)

In this code, we have defined two parameters: fracn and wt. Instead of mixing up all the images in the batch, we will mix up a fraction of them (by default, 0.4) and keep the remaining images (and labels) as they are. The parameter fracn is the number of images in the batch that we have to mix up. In the function we will also choose a weighting factor, wt, of between 0.1 and 0.4 to interpolate the pair of images.

To interpolate, we need pairs of images. The first set of images will be the first fracn images in the batch:

img1, label1 = img[:fracn], label[:fracn]

How about the second image in each pair? We’ll do something quite simple: we’ll pick the next image, so that the first image gets interpolated with the second, the second with the third, and so on. Now that we have the pairs of images/labels, interpolating can be done as follows:

def _interpolate(b1, b2, wt):
    return wt*b1 + (1-wt)*b2
interp_img = _interpolate(img1, img2, wt)
interp_label = _interpolate(label1, label2, wt)

The results are shown in Figure 6-13. The top row is the original batch of five images. The bottom row is the result of mixup: 40% of 5 is 2, so the first two images are the ones that are mixed up, and the last three images are left as-is. The first mixed-up image is obtained by interpolating the first and second original images, with a weight of 0.63 to the first and 0.37 to the second. The second mixed-up image is obtained by mixing up the second and third images from the top row. Note that the labels (the array above each image) show the impact of the mixup as well.

img2, label2 = img[1:fracn+1], label[1:fracn+1] # offset by one
Figure 6-13. The results of mixup on a batch of five images and their labels. The original images are in the top row, and the first two images (40% of the batch) in the bottom row are the ones that are mixed up.

At this point, we have fracn interpolated images built from the first fracn+1 images (we need fracn+1 images to get fracn pairs, since the fracnth image is interpolated with the fracn+1th one). We then stack the interpolated images and the remaining unaltered images to get back a batch_size of images:

img = tf.concat([interp_img, img[fracn:]], axis=0)
label = tf.concat([interp_label, label[fracn:]], axis=0)

The augment_mixup() method can be passed into the pipeline that is used to create the training dataset:

train_dataset = create_preproc_dataset(...) 
    .shuffle(8 * batch_size) 
    .batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True) 

There are a couple of things to notice in this code. First, we have added a shuffle() step to ensure that the batches are different in each epoch (otherwise, we won’t get any variety in our mixup). We ask to drop any leftover items in the last batch, because computation of the parameter n could run into problems on very small batches. Because of the shuffle, we’ll be dropping different items each time, so we’re not too bothered about this.


shuffle() works by reading records into a buffer, shuffling the records in the buffer, and then providing the records to the next step of the data pipeline. Because we want the records in a batch to be different during each epoch, we will need the size of the shuffle buffer to be much larger than the batch size—shuffling the records within a batch won’t suffice. Hence, we use:

.shuffle(8 * batch_size)

Interpolating labels is not possible if we keep the labels as sparse integers (e.g., 4 for tulips). Instead, we have to one-hot encode the labels (see Figure 6-13). Therefore, we make two changes to our training program. First, our read_from_tfr() method does the one-hot encoding instead of simply returning label_int:

def read_from_tfr(self, proto):
    rec =
        proto, feature_description
    shape = tf.sparse.to_dense(rec['shape'])
    img = tf.reshape(tf.sparse.to_dense(rec['image']), shape)
    label_int = rec['label_int']
    return img, tf.one_hot(label_int, len(CLASS_NAMES))

Second, we change the loss function from SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() to CategoricalCrossentropy() since the labels are now one-hot encoded:


On the 5-flowers dataset, mixup doesn’t improve the performance of the model—we got the same accuracy (0.88, see Figure 6-14) with mixup as without it. However, it might help in other situations. Recall that information dropping helps the model learn to disregard uninformative parts of the image and mixup works by linearly interpolating pairs of training images. So, information dropping via mixup would work well in situations where only a small section of the image is informative, and where the pixel intensity is informative—think, for example, of remotely sensed imagery where we are trying to identify deforested patches of land.

Figure 6-14. The loss and accuracy curves for a MobileNet transfer learning model with mixup. Compare to Figure 6-12.

Interestingly, the validation accuracy and loss are now better than the training accuracy. This is logical when we recognize that the training dataset is “harder” than the validation dataset—there are no mixed-up images in the validation set.

Forming Input Images

The preprocessing operations we have looked at so far are one-to-one, in that they simply modify the input image and provide a single image to the model for every image that is input. This is not necessary, however. Sometimes, it can be helpful to use the preprocessing pipeline to break down each input into multiple images that are then fed to the model for training and inference (see Figure 6-15).

Figure 6-15. Breaking down a single input into component images that are used to train the model. The operation used to break an input into its component images during training also has to be repeated during inference.

One method of forming the images that are input to a model is tiling. Tiling is useful in any field where we have extremely large images and where predictions can be carried out on parts of the large image and then assembled. This tends to be the case for geospatial imagery (identifying deforested areas), medical images (identifying cancerous tissue), and surveillance (identifying liquid spills on a factory floor).

Imagine that we have a remotely sensed image of the Earth and would like to identify forest fires (see Figure 6-16). To do this, a machine learning model would have to predict whether an individual pixel contains a forest fire or not. The input to such a model would be a tile, the part of the original image immediately surrounding the pixel to be predicted. We can preprocess geospatial images to yield equal-sized tiles that are used to train ML models and obtain predictions from them.

Figure 6-16. Remotely sensed image of wildfires in California. Image courtesy of NOAA.

For each of the tiles, we’ll need a label that signifies whether or not there is fire within the tile. To create these labels, we can take fire locations called in by fire lookout towers and map them to an image the size of the remotely sensed image (the full code is in 06g_tiling.ipynb on GitHub):

fire_label = np.zeros((338, 600))
for loc in fire_locations:
    fire_label[loc[0]][loc[1]] = 1.0

To generate the tiles, we will extract patches of the desired tile size and stride forward by half the tile height and width (so that the tiles overlap):

tiles = tf.image.extract_patches(
    sizes=[1, TILE_HT, TILE_WD, 1],
    strides=[1, TILE_HT//2, TILE_WD//2, 1],
    rates=[1, 1, 1, 1],

The result, after a few reshaping operations, is shown in Figure 6-17. In this figure, we are also annotating each tile by its label. The label for an image tile is obtained by looking for the maximum value within the corresponding label tile (this will be 1.0 if the tile contains a fire_location point):

labels = tile_image(labels)
labels = tf.reduce_max(labels, axis=[1, 2, 3])
Figure 6-17. Tiles generated from a remotely sensed image of wildfires in California. Tiles with fire are labeled “Fire.” Image courtesy of NOAA.

These tiles and their labels can now be used to train an image classification model. By reducing the stride by which we generate tiles, we can augment the training dataset.


In this chapter, we looked at various reasons why the preprocessing of images is needed. It could be to reformat and reshape the input data into the data type and shape required by the model, or to improve the data quality by carrying out operations such as scaling and clipping. Another reason to do preprocessing is to perform data augmentation, which is a set of techniques to increase the accuracy and resilience of a model by generating new training examples from the existing training dataset. We also looked at how to implement each of these types of preprocessing, both as Keras layers and by wrapping TensorFlow operations into Keras layers.

In the next chapter, we will delve into the training loop itself.

1 Reality is more complex. There might be data preprocessing (e.g., data augmentation, covered in the next section) that you would only want to apply during training. Not all data preprocessing needs to be consistent between training and inference.

2 Ideally, all the functions in this class would be private and only the functions create_preproc_dataset() and create_preproc_image() would be public. Unfortunately, at the time of writing,’s map functionality doesn’t handle the name wrangling that would be needed to use private methods as lambdas. The underscore in the name of the class reminds us that its methods are meant to be private.

3 RandomContrast was added between the time this section was written and when the book went to press.

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