Lists (IN and NOT IN)

The IN keyword allows you to select values that match any one of a list of values. For example, without IN, if you want a list of the names and states of all the authors who live in California, Indiana, or Maryland, you can type this query:

select au_lname, state
from authors
where state = 'CA' or state = 'IN' or state = 'MD'

However, you get the same results with less typing if you use IN. The items following the IN keyword must be

  • inside parentheses

  • separated by commas

  • enclosed in quotes, if they are character or date values

select au_lname, state
from authors
where state in ('CA', 'IN', 'MD')

Following is what results from either query:

au_lname                                 state
======================================== =====
Bennet                                   CA
Green                                    CA
Carson                                   CA
DeFrance                                 IN
Panteley                                 MD
McBadden                                 CA
Stringer                                 CA
Straight                                 CA
Karsen                                   CA
MacFeather                               CA
Dull                                     CA
Yokomoto                                 CA
O'Leary                                  CA
Gringlesby                               CA
White                                    CA
Hunter                                   CA
Locksley                                 CA
[17 rows]

The more items in the list, the greater the savings in typing by using IN rather than specifying each condition separately.

An important use for the IN keyword is in nested queries, also referred to as subqueries. For a full discussion of subqueries, see Chapter 8.

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