On the Web

Agile Developer

The Agile Developer download page, where you’ll find articles and presentations by Venkat Subramaniam.

/ dy’s Blog

Andy Hunt’s blog, covering a wide variety of topics and even a little software development.


A tool that ensures a controlled build process (continuous integration) and promotes the sharing of knowledge within an organization.

The Art of Unix Programming

An excerpt from Eric Steven Raymond’s The Art of Unix Programming book.

Continuous Integration

An article that presents the benefits of continuous integration.


A continuous integration tool mainly for Java applications. A C# port of this, named CruiseControl.NET, is available for the .NET platform at http://sourceforge.net/projects/ccnet.

Damage Control

A continuous integration tool written in Ruby on Rails.


A continuous integration tool for .NET, implemented as a Windows service.

Dependency Inversion Principle

A short article that introduces the Dependency Inversion principle.

Framework for Integration Testing

A collaboration tool that allows you to automatically compare customers’ expectations to actual results.

Google Groups

A website that gives you access to newsgroup discussions.

Information Radiator

Discusses Alistair Cockburn’s Information Radiator.

Is Design Dead?

Excellent article by Martin Fowler discusses the significance and role of design in agile development.


A site dedicated to software developers using JUnit or one of the other XUnit testing frameworks.


A collection of JUnit test decorators used to measure the performance and scalability of functionality contained within existing JUnit tests.


A site dedicated to software developers using NUnit.

Object-Oriented Design Principles

A good collection of various object-oriented design principles.

Object-Relational Mapping

Ted Neward discusses frameworks; includes his quote “object-relational mapping is the Vietnam of computer science.”

Open-Closed Principle

Describes the Open-Closed principle with example and limitations.

Open-Closed Principle: Short Introduction

Discussions on the Open-Closed principle with opinions on the pros and cons.

Pragmatic Programming

The Pragmatic Programmer’s home page, where you’ll find links to the Pragmatic Bookshelf titles (including this book), along with information for developers and managers.

Single Responsibility Principle

Describes the Single Responsibility principle and provides links to related articles and discussions.

Software Project Management Practices: Failure versus Success

Capers Jones analyzes the success and failure of 250 software projects.

Test Driven Development

An introduction to Test Driven Development.

The End of Software Engineering and the Start of Economic-Cooperative Gaming

Alistair Cockburn questions whether software development should be considered as software engineering and introduces a new model.

Tragedy on the Somme: A Second Balaclava

This site discusses the aftermath of the Battle of Somme in Word War I.

Why Your Code Sucks

A blog entry by Dave Astels that talks about code quality.


A collection of resources, including testing tools.

You Aren’t Gonna Need It

Discussions on the You Aren’t Gonna Need It principle with opinions on the pros and cons.

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