
Praise for the First Edition of Presenting to Win
Foreword to the Updated and Expanded Edition
What’s Past Is Prologue
The Wizard of Aaahs
The Mission-Critical Presentation
The Art of Telling Your Story
A New Approach to Presentations
The Psychological Sell
One. You and Your Audience
The Problem with Presentations
The Power Presentation
Persuasion: Getting from Point A to Point B
Audience Advocacy
Getting Aha!s
Two. The Power of the WIIFY
What’s In It For You?
WIIFY Triggers
The Danger of the Incorrect “You”
Three. Getting Creative: The Expansive Art of Brainstorming
The Data Dump
Managing the Brainstorm: The Framework Form
Brainstorming: Doing the Data Dump Productively
Focus Before Flow
Four. Finding Your Flow
The 16 Flow Structures
Which Flow Structure Should You Choose?
Guidelines for Selecting a Flow Structure
The Value of Flow Structures
The Four Critical Questions
Five. Capturing Your Audience Immediately
Seven Classic Opening Gambits
Compound Opening Gambits
Linking to Point B
Tell ’em What You’re Gonna Tell ’em
90 Seconds to Launch
Winning Over the Toughest Crowd
Six. Communicating Visually
The Proper Role of Graphics
Presenter Focus
Less Is More
Perception Psychology
Graphic Design Elements
Seven. Making the Text Talk
Bullets Versus Sentences
Crafting the Effective Bullet Slide
Minimize Eye Sweeps with Parallelism
Using the Build
Bullet Levels
Verbal Style
Visual Style
Text Guidelines
Eight. Making the Numbers Sing
The Power of Numeric Graphics
Bar Charts
Pie Charts
Typography in Numeric Graphics
The Hockey Stick
Subtle? Yes, But . . .
Nine. Using Graphics to Help Your Story Flow
The 35,000-Foot Overview
Graphic Continuity Techniques
Presenter Focus Revisited
Graphics and the 35,000-Foot View
Ten. Bringing Your Story to Life
Verbalization: The Special Technique
Spaced Learning
Internal Linkages
Internal Linkages in Action
Eleven. Customizing Your Presentation
The Power of Customization
The Illusion of the First Time
External Linkages
Gathering Material for Customization
External Linkages in Action
Twelve. Animating Your Graphics
How Versus Why and Wherefore
Perception Psychology
Cinematic Techniques
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and 2007
Animation Options
Animation and the Presenter
Thirteen. The Virtual Presentation
Anytime, Anyplace, Anyone
How the Virtual Presentation Works
Preparing for Your Virtual Presentation
Connecting with Your Invisible Audience
Creating a Winning Virtual Presentation
The Future of the Virtual Presentation
Fourteen. Pitching in the Majors
End with the Beginning in Mind
It All Starts with Your Story
Practice, Practice, Practice
Every Audience, Every Time
A. Tools of the Trade
The Presentation Environment
B. Presentation Checklists
The Four Critical Questions
WIIFY Triggers
Seven Classic Opening Gambits
Sixteen Flow Structures
Twelve Internal Linkages
Seven External Linkages
Five Graphic Continuity Techniques
About the Author
Financial Times Press
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