
It may come as no surprise that a project like this always takes longer than one originally anticipates. Sometimes much longer. We are thus deeply grateful to Michael Morgan, President and CEO of Morgan & Claypool Publishers, and Mahadev “Satya” Satyanarayanan, the Mobile and Pervasive Computing-Series Editor, for their patience and unwavering support over the years. We also greatly benefited from the helpful feedback from both Satya and Nigel Davies, who read through countless early versions of this lecture and offered important insights on how to make this text more accessible. All of the remaining issues in this final version are fully our fault!

We also would like to thank all the staff and students at our respective universities that have supported us in our work, as well as our many collaborators near and far who help shape our research and provided us with guidance and inspiration over the years.

Marc Langheinrich and Florian Schaub

October 2018

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