© Navin Sabharwal, Piyush Pandey 2020
N. Sabharwal, P. PandeyPro Google Kubernetes Engine https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6243-6_5

5. Deploying Containerized Applications with Google GKE

Navin Sabharwal1  and Piyush Pandey2
New Delhi, Delhi, India
New Delhi, India
This chapter introduces readers with Application deployment approach on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and includes the following:
  • Introduction

  • Simple Application Architecture Overview

  • Introduction to the Sock Shop Microservice Application

  • Application Deployment on GKE

  • Deleting the Cluster


In this chapter, we will deploy a microservice architecture-based web application called sock-shop. We are providing only a brief introduction to the microservice architecture and its benefits, which will be sufficient to help you to understand the application behavior.

Simple Application Architecture Overview

Microservices are distributed and loosely coupled, independent, and deployable units, which means that if any individual service is down, this will not affect other services. Microservices communicate with one another through lightweight or language agnostic means, e.g., REST API, gRPC, or via queuing, such as RabbitMQ.

Advantages of Microservice Architecture

Following are the principal advantages of microservice architecture :
  • Easy and fast deployment: Microservices are often small in size, compared to monolithic applications, so their deployment is much faster and easier.

  • Faster release cycles: Every microservice is an independent deployable unit, which makes software release cycles shorter than with traditional applications, and agility, in terms of deployments and updates, is also supported.

  • Highly scalable: Microservices are often stateless and prefer deployment on a container. Whenever demand increases for specific services, growth can easily be scaled.

  • Accessible: As microservices are often small in size, developers can easily understand their functionality and how to update and enhance them efficiently, resulting in faster development cycles, with agile development methodologies.

Introduction to the Sock Shop Microservice Application

The Sock Shop application is an e-commerce-based microservice web application. It is a Docker-based application, and different components of the application can be represented, as shown in the following architecture diagram (Figure 5-1).
Figure 5-1

Sock Shop application architecture

The Sock Shop application is packaged as a Docker image. It uses a Docker file that contains instructions on how the image is built, using a Kubernetes-based deployment configuration file, complete-demo.yaml, created for this application.

The various components related to networking, persistence storage, and messaging queue that are used by the Sock Shop application are as follows:
  • Node pools selection: For details on node pools, please refer to the relevant discussion under “Introduction to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)” in Chapter 1 & Chapter 4 “GKE Networking”. The Sock Shop application uses default node pools already created in Chapter 4 at the time the Kubernetes cluster was created.

  • Node selection: We defined node selection in the Pod definition of the YAML file that is used to deploy the application on the Kubernetes cluster.

To assign Pods to a node in Kubernetes, use the following:
  • nodeSelector : This is the most popular and simplest way to select a node for deploying the specific Pod by matching the label of the Node defined by the user.

  • Node affinity: This feature, introduced in Kubernetes version 1.4 version, is an enhanced version of nodeSelector. It offers a more expressive syntax to control how Pods are deployed to specific nodes.

  • Inter-Pod affinity: Inter-Pod affinity allows colocation by scheduling Pods onto nodes that already have specific Pods running, rather than based on labels on nodes.

In our Sock Shop application, we are using nodeSelector to deploy Pods on a specific node. Refer to the following code snippet of the complete-demo.yaml file (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2



A service in Kubernetes is the logical set/group of Pods. Services are lightweight, so we can have many services within a Kubernetes cluster. Every service has a selector section that contains the Pod label to connect to. Refer to the following snippet of the complete-demo.yaml file to see the service definition for Sock Shop application (Figure 5-3).
Figure 5-3

Service selector

Following are the different types of Kubernetes services:
  • NodePort: This is a static port on each node on which a service is exposed that makes it available from outside the cluster.

  • ClusterIP (default): This exposes the service on an internal IP in the cluster, which makes that service only accessible from within the cluster.

  • LoadBalancer: This creates external load balancers in the current cloud, in our case, on GCP, and assigns a fixed external IP to the service.

  • In our Sock Shop application, we are exposing the front-end service as LoadBalancer and defining it as type:LoadBalancer in the complete-demo.yaml file. GKE will deploy an external network load balancer for accessing the sock shop application service using ports mentioned in configuration.

  • Other services of the Sock Shop application are exposed as internal services with in cluster and are exposed & accessible within the GKE cluster (Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4

LoadBalancer front-end service type

  • Persistence storage database: This stores persistence data in the form of objects. For storing the data for our Sock Shop application, we use MongoDB and MySQL databases, running as a container under Pods and exposed internally in the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Messaging queue: A messaging queue is an asynchronous service-to-service communication widely used in microservice architectures. The Sock Shop application uses RabbitMQ, which is an open source messaging queue framework running as a container under Pods and also exposed internally in Kubernetes the cluster.

Application Deployment on GKE

The following steps install the Sock Shop application on the GKE cluster.
  • Step 1: Open the cloud shell. We will use the same cluster “clustertutorial” that we created in Chapter 4, to deploy an application by using the Google Cloud Shell that comes pre-installed with gcloud, docker, and kubectl command-line tools.

  • To open the cloud shell, do the following:
    • Go to the Google Cloud console.

    • Click the Active Cloud Shell button at the top of the console window, as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5

Cloud Shell link

  • A cloud shell session will start, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6

Cloud Shell session

  • Step 2: First, we will create the gcptutorialmail folder under the /home directory, then clone the complete-demo.yaml file from GitHub.

  • Execute the following command to create gcptutorialmail under the /home directory.

  • Command: mkdir gcptutorialmail

  • Output: The output of the preceding command should resemble that shown in Figure 5-7.

  • Step 3: Move into the gcptutorialmail folder by executing the following command.

  • Command: cd /gcptutorialmail

  • Output: The following should be the output of the preceding command (Figure 5-8).

  • Step 4: Now download the code base from Github, by executing the following command.

  • Command: git clone https://github.com/dryice-devops/GCP.git

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-9.

  • Move to the GCP directory and list the code base output, as follows.

  • Command: cd GCP

    ll - List directory

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-7

Creating the gcptutorialmail directory

Figure 5-8

Moving to the gcptutorialmail directory

Figure 5-9

Downloaded code base

Figure 5-10

Moving the code base

  • Step 5: Connect with the GKE cluster clustertutorial by executing the following command.

  • Command: gcloud container clusters get-credentials clustertutorial --zone us-central1-a --project tutorial-project-268109

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11

Connecting to the clustertutorial cluster

  • Step 6: Set up the project ID for the gcloud tool.

  • Command: gcloud config set project tutorial-project-268109

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12

Setting up the project Id

  • Step 7: Create a namespace with the name sock-shop that will serve as a placeholder for the application deployment.

  • Command: kubectl create namespace sock-shop

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13

Creating a namespace

  • Now check the namespace, by using the following command.

  • Command: kubectl get namespace | grep sock-shop

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-14

Figure 5-14

List namespace

  • Now check the cluster list, using the following command.

  • Command: gcloud container clusters list IP

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15

List Cluster

  • Now, before deploying the application, the first requirement is to set up the credential, zone, and project for the container. To do this, use the following command.

  • Command: gcloud container clusters get-credentials clustertutorial --zone us- central1-a --project tutorial-project-268109

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16

Getting a credential

  • Step 8: Deploy the application. In Kubernetes, Pods are the smallest unit, and an application is represented as Pods. Pods are units that also represent a container. The deployment manages multiple copies of your application, called replicas, and schedules them to run on individual nodes in your cluster. In our case, deployment is performed using the complete-demo.yaml configuration file that contains details of the deployment. We will be running only one Pod of the application.

complete-demo.yaml: A Brief Explanation

The different components of the complete-demo.yaml file can be described as follows:
  • apiVersion: Defines the apiVersion of Kubernetes to interact with the Kubernetes API server. When creating an object, apiVersion will differ according to the Kubernetes version.

  • kind: Defines the types of the Kubernetes object, e.g., ClusterRole, Deployment, Service, Pods, etc. For our application, kind is defined as Deployment and Service.

  • metadata: Defines an object, e.g., carts-db

  • namespace: Defines the namespace name that the Kubernetes object will create, e.g., sock-shop

  • replicas: Replicates a Pod

  • selector: Allows the client/user to identify a set of objects

  • template: Definitions of objects to be replicated—objects that might, in other circumstances, be created on their own

  • containers: Defines the characteristics of a container

  • Name: The name of the container

  • Image: Specifies what Docker image will be used to create the container.

  • Ports: The port on which the Docker container runs

  • env: Variable used by the Docker image to run the container

  • securityContext: The securityContext field is a SecurityContext object.

Security settings are specified for a container:
  • volumeMounts: This is the path in the container along which mounting will take place.

  • volume: This defines the volume definition that we are going to use.

  • Step 9: Run the following command to deploy the application.

  • Command: kubectl apply –f complete-demo.yaml

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17

Output of the command to deploy the application

In GKE, containers are not accessible from the Internet by default, as they do not have external IP addresses. To explicitly expose our application to traffic from the Internet, we must define the type as LoadBalancer in the complete-demo.yaml file, as shown in Figure 5-18.
Figure 5-18

YAML code snippet

  • Step 10: Validate the deployment by running the following command.

  • Command: kubectl get services –n sock-shop

  • Output: The result of the preceding command is shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19

List app deployment

  • Step 10: Once the external IP address of the application has been determined, copy the IP address. Point the browser to a URL (such as, to check if your application is accessible (Figure 5-20).

Figure 5-20

Deployed application

Deleting the Cluster

Now that you have seen how to deploy an application onto a GKE cluster, we can delete the application, as well as the cluster, to clean up the GCP environment, as running a cluster has a price tag attached. To perform the clean-up activity, we can simply delete the cluster from the GCP console, which will eventually also delete the application. Follow these steps to delete the cluster:
  • Step 1: Click Kubernetes Engine ➤ Clusters, on the Kubernetes console page, as shown in Figure 5-21.

Figure 5-21

Creating a list

  • Step 2: Clusters will list the cluster created, as shown in Figure 5-22.

Figure 5-22

Creating the list view

  • Step 3: Click the cluster selection and press the delete icon at the end of the row. Wait, as it will take some time to delete the cluster (Figure 5-23).

Figure 5-23

Creating the deletion

  • As stated, it will take some time to delete the cluster and related components, in addition to the application.


In this chapter, you have learned how to deploy a microservice application on the GKE cluster and to perform a clean-up activity by deleting the cluster. In the next chapter, we will cover security controls provided by GCP specific to GKE.

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