
Many people helped me to write this book, both directly and indirectly. I am thankful to my team of reviewers, who patiently read my drafts, corrected my mistakes, and suggested improvements. If I introduced any errors after their reviews, I apologize sincerely. I am eternally grateful to Mark Jones, who has been my wingman on many projects; his constant support, encouragement, and friendship are priceless.

Martin Milsom and Dan Horrocks both contributed a keen eye for detail and a relentless enthusiasm that has helped me to maintain the momentum on this project. They both have a great future in software development.

Mark Rendle and Basarat Ali Syed applied their TypeScript expertise by reviewing the early chapters of this book. Their deep expert knowledge of the language and the related tools is an important part of this book and I appreciate the time they dedicated to it in their busy schedules, creating amazing software, speaking at conferences, writing books, and sharing their knowledge at user groups. Mark is the creator of the Azure Cloud Toolkit, which he wrote using TypeScript. Basarat is the author of Beginning Node.js (Apress), due to be released shortly.

The Apress team has been both supportive and encouraging, happily directing my efforts throughout this project. My editor, Gwenan Spearing, has drastically improved my writing style; I believe this is my best work to date and I have her advice and guidance to thank for this. Christine Ricketts has helped me through the publishing process, showing me how to submit my drafts correctly and coordinating the project.

The open-source community has made a massive contribution to TypeScript, particularly the Definitely Typed project, creating hundreds of type definitions to make it easier for us all to use external libraries and frameworks within a TypeScript program. The team is expertly led by Boris Yankov, Diullei Gomes, and Basarat Ali Syed with notable contributions from Masahiro Wakame, Jason Jarrett, Bart van der Schoor, John Reilly, and Igor Oleinikov.

The TypeScript team has not only created a great language, they have also written a quality language specification and useful online articles to keep everyone updated on changes as they have been released. In particular, I'd like to thank Jonathan Turner for his articles, Luke Hoban for his videos, and Ryan Cavanaugh for answering my questions on specific details of the TypeScript language.

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