About the Authors

Jon Galloway works at Microsoft as a Technical Evangelist focused on ASP.NET and Azure. He writes samples and tutorials like the MVC Music Store and is a frequent speaker at web conferences and international Web Camps events. Jon's been doing professional web development since 1998, including high scale applications in financial, entertainment and healthcare analytics. He's part of the Herding Code podcast (http://herdingcode.com), blogs at http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway, and twitters as @jongalloway. He lives in San Diego with his wife, three daughters, and a bunch of avocado trees.

Brad Wilson has been a software professional for more than 20 years, working as a consultant, developer, team lead, architect, and CTO. During his 7½ year tenure at Microsoft, he worked on both ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API. Today, he is Technical Director at CenturyLink Cloud, working on their worldwide Infrastructure-as-a-Service and cloud management platform. He is also an active open source contributor to xUnit.net and ElasticLINQ.

In his off hours, he's an avid musician, poker player, and photographer.

K. Scott Allen is the founder of OdeToCode LLC and a software consultant. Scott has over 20 of commercial software development experience across a wide range of technologies. He has delivered software products for embedded devices, Windows desktop, web, and mobile platforms. He has developed web services for Fortune 50 companies and firmware for startups. Scott is also a speaker at international conferences and delivers classroom training and mentoring to companies around the world.

David Matson works for Microsoft as a senior software developer. He is part of the team that built MVC 5 and Web API 2. Prior to joining ASP.NET, David developed core security components for Azure and tested the “M” language compiler. He joined Microsoft in 2008 after working on a variety of websites as a developer, consultant and small business owner. David lives with his wife and children in Redmond, Washington.

Phil Haack was the original author of Chapters 3, 9, and.10. He works at GitHub, striving to make Git and GitHub better for developers on Windows. Prior to joining GitHub, Phil was a Senior Program Manager with the ASP.NET team whose areas of responsibility included ASP.NET MVC and NuGet. As a code junkie, Phil loves to craft software. Not only does he enjoy writing software, he enjoys writing about software and software management on his blog, http://haacked.com/.

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