About the Technical Editors

Eilon Lipton joined the ASP.NET team as a developer at Microsoft in 2002. On this team, he has worked on areas ranging from data source controls to localization to the UpdatePanel control. He is now a development manager on the ASP.NET team working on open source projects including ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Web Pages with Razor, SignalR, Entity Framework, and the Orchard CMS. Eilon is also a frequent speaker on a variety of ASP.NET-related topics at conferences worldwide. He graduated from Boston University with a dual degree in Math and Computer Science. Time permitting, Eilon has a garage workshop where he builds what he considers to be well-designed furniture. If you know anyone who needs a coffee table that's three feet tall and has a slight slope to it, send him an e-mail. Eilon and his wife enjoy building Lego models and assembling jigsaw puzzles (minus the pieces that their cats have hidden).

Peter Mourfield is the Director of Software Engineering for TaxSlayer where he is responsible for ensuring that the best software processes, architectures, and techniques are used. Peter speaks at software community events; is a member of ASP and Azure Insiders; and has contributed to a number of open source projects including NerdDinner and MvvmCross.

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