
ABCD model of cognitive behavioral therapy, 8889

Absorbing information in mirroring, 43

emotional intelligence, 46

flow in, 45

patience in, 45

presence in, 4345

Accountability, 32

Accrediting bodies, 4


coachee contributions, 75

expertise requests, 6162

in performance, 8687

techniques, 186

Agile Coach

defined, 4

description, 179

Agile Manifesto

Agility guidelines, 140

coaching approach in, 139

teams and organizations, 118, 126

Agile simulations, offering, 185

Agile transformation workshops, offering, 185

Agile Work Game, 129

Aha moments, 910

Analogies, 9192

Anti-patterns in powerful questions, 1819, 175

Appelo, Jurgen, 130

Argyris, Chris, 89

Articulating expertise, 64

Assignments from sessions, 3334

Associated goals, 1011

Backlogs, coaching work by, 139140

Bad decisions, dealing with, 75

Behaviors to avoid reference, 173

Behaviors to do reference, 171172

Being agile, defined, 141

Best coaching factors. See Coaching effectiveness improvements

Big Values activity, 130

Blind spots, 6971

Books, recommended, 195

Capabilities, publishing, 7273

Castillo, Brooke, 88

Catalog of services

creating, 73

exercise, 161


in performance, 88

techniques, 186187


in performance, 87

risk in, 106

techniques, 187

Cheat-sheet coaching practice exercise, 154155

Clear questions, 16

CliftonStrengths tool, 82

Closed questions, 18

Closing sessions, 3334


contributions of, 75

defined, 4

educational materials for, 179181

feelings, 104105

focus on, 35

learning and growth of, 75

mental landscape of, 2932

powerful questions inspired by, 1517

reflecting in responses, 4750

session purpose, 2728

Coaching agreements

creating, 143144

description, 7

exercises, 165166

expectations in everyday life, 146147

“in the moment,” 145146, 165166

individual, 181182

with leadership, 145

organizational, 183

paths to, 148

as permissions, 25

with teams, 144, 182

written, from verbal, 147

Coaching assignments from sessions, 3334

Coaching-by-objectives practice exercise, 167

Coaching effectiveness improvements, 97

emotional intelligence, 102105

everyday interactions, 109112

exercises, 162164

pursuing excellence, 112114

risk taking, 105108

self-assessment, 115

summary, 114115

whole-self approach, 97101

Coaching engagement, 135

aligning principles with work, 137140

coaching agreements, 143148

coaching vs. other services, 142143

issues and opportunities, 136

measuring agility, 140141

models, 141142

self-assessment, 149

summary, 148

Coaching mindset, applying to teaching, 7172

Coaching mode guidelines, 178

Coaching references

objectives, 170171

principles, 169170

techniques, 186187

Coaching techniques

acknowledging, 75, 186

celebrating, 88, 186

challenging, 87,187

depersonalizing, 36

determining goals and vision, 84, 188

encouraging, 86, 188189

highlighting, 63, 189

intuition, 99, 190

lightening, 99, 190

notifying, 47, 190

orienting to goals, 84, 191

orienting to session purpose, 52, 191

personalizing, 3435, 191

redirecting, 61, 192

reevaluating, 91, 192193

reflection, 92, 193

reinterpreting, 91, 193194

releasing, 105, 194

repatterning, 92, 194

summarizing, 51, 194195

Coaching terminology, 4

Coaching value, raising awareness of, 61

Coaching vs. therapy, 142

Cognitive behavioral therapy model, 8889

Comparing expectations as feedback, 67

Consulting vs. coaching, 143

Context questions for sharing expertise, 64

Contributions of coachees, acknowledging, 75


description, 180181

example, 1214

in group facilitation, 120

session purpose, 2529

starting, 78

Core Protocols, 121, 131

Corrective actions in self-management, 103104

Criticism, avoiding, 6869

Decider protocol, 121122, 131

Decision-making in group facilitation, 118

Depersonalizing technique, 36, 187

Dialog. See example dialog

Differences in personal inventories, 83

Diminishing behaviors, 23

Discrepancies in action plans, 32


in presence, 4344

releasing technique for, 105

Do-and-avoid coaching exercise, 159

Dot voting, 121

Doyle, Angie, 130

Educational materials for coachees, 179181

Ellis, Albert, 89

Emotional intelligence (EQ), 102

in absorbing information, 46

example, 104

in relationship management, 103104

in releasing technique, 105

responding to feelings, 104105

in self-awareness, 102103

in self-management, 103

in self-retrospectives, 114

in social awareness, 102

in thought patterns, 93


in performance, 86

techniques, 188189

Engagement. See Coaching engagement

“Enough, Let’s Move On” (ELMO) cards, 108, 127

Everyday interactions

expectations in, 146147

skills in, 109112

Example dialog

with depersonalizing, 36

with highlighting, 63

with manager, 12

with neutrality, 48

with orienting to session purpose, 52

with paraphrasing, 49

with prioritizing, 51

with redirecting, 62

with reiterating, 49

with Scrum Master, 37-39

with sharing expertise, 64, 66

with summarizing, 51

with value, 90


conversations, 1214

of expertise, 64

Excellence, pursuing, 112114

Excitement for next steps, 31

Exercises, 151

coaching agreements, 165166

coaching effectiveness improvements, 162164

expertise, 160161

group facilitation, 164165

guidelines, 151153

mirroring, 157159

miscellaneous, 166168

performance, 161162

Professional Coaching basics, 153155

Professional Coaching overview, 155157

Expectations in everyday life, 112, 146147

Experiences in sharing expertise, 64

Expertise, 5859

blind spots, 6971

coaching mindset, 7172

defined, 60

exercises, 160161

feedback as, 6768

highlighting in, 63

praise and criticism in, 6869

redirection of requests, 6162

requests for, 6066

self-assessment, 77

self-serve knowledge-sharing environments, 7274

sharing, considerations, 7476

sharing, exercises, 154, 160

sharing, guidelines, 74, 177178

sharing, overview, 6369

summary, 76

switching back from, 69

unsolicited, 60

Fake next steps, 31


from experienced practitioners, 112

as expertise, 6768

guidelines, 74

in performance, 8588

receiving, 76

risk in, 106

Feelings, responding to, 104105

Fist of five technique, 121

Flow in absorbing information, 45


on coachees, 35

exercise, 160

in metacognition, 100101

in mirroring, 5053

on person vs. issue, 56

for prioritizing topics, 5051

session purpose, 5253

staying on track, 52

summarization in, 51

Follow-ups for sessions, 33

Formative stories, 157

Forward motion

in conversations, 10

next steps for, 3032

Free-form coaching practice exercise, 166

Future-oriented questions, 1617


associated, 1011

determining, 8485, 188

exercise, 162

identifying, 11

obstacles to, 30, 8385

orienting to, 84, 191

Goleman, Daniel, 46

Group facilitation

adaptations for, 118

exercises, 164165

nonviolent communication retrospective example, 126128

opportunities, 125126

organization-level coaching conversation example, 131133

powerful questions in, 122125

self-assessment, 133134

self-organization in, 118119

shared visioning in, 124125

structures and practices, 119122

summary, 133

two teams example, 128131


from conversations, 11

encouraging, 75

risk taking for, 105108

Gut exercise, 163

Habits, 92

Health checks for teams, 184

Help from others, 23


exercise, 160

in expertise, 63

techniques, 189

Humor, rapport with, 9899


goals, 11

session purpose, 9, 11

Impatience in absorbing information, 45

Improvement efforts, supporting, 9495

In-the-moment coaching agreements

creating, 145146

exercise, 165166

Inner reflection, space for, 47

Insights, learning and growth from, 11

International Association of Coaching (IAC), xiv, 4, 196

International Coaching Federation (ICF), xiv, 4, 142, 196

Interrupting methods, 107108


in metacognition, 100101

practical application of, 99100

risk in, 106

techniques, 190


avoiding, 48

with humor, 9899

praise and criticism as, 6869

Kerth, Norman, 127


environments, creating, 7274

exercise, 160161

“Ladder of inference” model, 89

Lancaster, Talia, 130

Leadership, coaching agreements with, 145

Leading questions, 18

Lean coffee technique, 122


from conversations, 11

encouraging, 75

Learning and growth, 11, 75, 94, 105, 177

Lencioni, Patrick, 129

Lightening technique, 99, 190

Listening exercises, 158159

Management 3.0 (Appelo), 130

Management vs. coaching, 32

Mayer, John, 46

McCarthy, Jim and Michele, 121, 131

Meet protocol in group facilitation, 121

Meeting facilitation service, offering, 184

Mental landscape of coachees, 2932

Mental models, 9192

Mentor coaches, feedback from, 112

Metacognition, 100101

Metaphors, 9192


applying to teaching, 7172

in powerful questions, 1415

practicing, 112

Mirroring, 41

absorbing information in, 4346

benefits, 42

exercises, 157159

focus in, 5053

neutrality in, 42

overview, 5557

responses in, 4650

self-assessment, 5758

summary, 57

teams in, 5354

Missing information, sharing, 66

Modeling Agile, 72

Motivation and next steps, 31

Multiple questions, asking, 19

Need for expertise, 64


in mirroring, 42

principle, 45

in sharing expertise, 6465

New session purpose, orienting to, 53

Next steps, 31

Nonverbal mirror for the day exercise, 159

Nonviolent communication retrospective example, 126128

Nonviolent Communication (Rosenberg), 127

Not knowing, accepting, 74


in reflection, 4748

techniques, 190

Objective-based coaching

aha moments, 910

associated goals, 1011

forward motion, 10

learning and growth, 11

rapport building, 89

session purpose identification, 9

starting conversations, 78

Observations as feedback, 67

Obstacles to goals, 30, 8385

Offering expertise, 64

Office hours, 184

One-way street for the day exercise, 158159

“1-2-4-All” structure

in group facilitation, 120121

two teams example, 130

Open-ended questions, 16

Open Space Technology

description, 122

in group facilitation, 131132

Open Space Technology: A User’s Guide (Owen), 19


coaching agreement example, 183

coaching conversation example, 131133

Professional Coaching for, 19


to goals, 84, 191

risk in, 106

to session purpose, 5253, 191

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), 129

Owen, Harrison, 19, 122

Paraphrasing, avoiding, 4849

Patience in absorbing information, 45

Peer coaches, feedback from, 112

Performance, 7980

acknowledging, 8687

celebrating, 88

challenging in, 87

encouragement for, 86

exercises, 161162

feedback for, 8588

goals, 8385

past personal successes for, 8082

personal inventories for, 8083

self-assessment, 9596

summary, 95

team self-coaching, 94

thought patterns, 8894


interactions requiring, 2425

session purpose, 2529

Person focus, 56

Personal Histories activity, 129

Personal inventories

creating, 8283

differences in, 83

dimensions in, 8082

exercise, 161162

Personalizing technique, 3435, 191192

Powerful activities in group facilitation, 123

Powerful questions, 14

anti-patterns, 1819, 175

characteristics, 1518, 175

determining, 29

in everyday life, 111

exercises, 155156

in group facilitation, 118, 122125

miscellaneous, 176177

risk in, 106

types, 1415

Praise, avoiding, 6869


absorbing information in, 4345

distractions, 4344

methods, 4445

Presence, listening, and reiterating exercise, 157158

Prime Directive, 127


session purpose, 9

topics, 5051

Problem-solving tactics, 1

reaching out to others, 23

thinking things through, 2

Professional Coaching basics

coaching toolbox, 6

example conversation, 1214

exercises, 153155

neutrality principle, 45

objective-based coaching, 712

person focus on, 56

powerful questions, 1419

problem-solving tactics, 13

resistance to, 5

self-assessment, 20

summary, 1920

for teams and organizations, 19

terminology, 4

Professional Coaching defined, 34

Professional Coaching overview, 2324, 5557

closing sessions, 3334

examples, 3639

exercises, 155157

mental landscape of coachees, 2932

one-page description, 180181

permissions, 2429

self-assessment, 40

starting reference, 173174

summary, 3940

techniques, 3436

Progress in two teams example, 131

Project management vs. coaching, 32

Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Review (Kerth), 127

Publishing coaching capabilities, 7273

Purpose, session

identifying, 9, 11

orientation techniques, 5253, 191

overview, 2529

two teams example, 129130


for goals, 8485

powerful. See Powerful questions

for sharing expertise, 64

in summarization, 51


building, 89

exercise, 153154

with humor, 9899

Reaching out to others, 23

Real next steps, 31


of expertise requests, 6162

techniques, 192

Reevaluating situations, 9192, 192193

Reflecting coachees in responses

coachee point of view, 48

exercise, 158

notification technique, 4748

paraphrasing, 4849

reiteration, 4950

space for, 47

techniques, 193

in thought patterns, 92

Reflection, 92, 193

Reinterpreting situations, 91, 193194


exercise, 158

in reflection, 4950

Relationship management in emotional intelligence, 46, 103104

Releasing technique, 105, 194

Relevant information, sharing, 66


techniques, 194

thought patterns, 92

Reserving your opinion for the day exercise, 154

Resistance, encountering, 5

Resolution Protocol, 121122

Resolve for next steps, 31

Resource sharing, 66


to feelings, 104105

in mirroring, 4650

reflecting coachees in. See Reflecting coachees in responses

Retrospective Prime Directive, 127

Rewiring thought patterns, 8894

Risk taking

overview, 105106

tools and techniques, 107108


description, 107

exercise, 165

Rosenberg, Marshall, 127

Routines, 92

Salovey, Peter, 46

Scrum services, offering, 185

Self-awareness in emotional intelligence, 46, 102103


methods, 113

model, 8889

for supporting improvement efforts, 9495

team, 94

Self-improvement opportunities in thought patterns, 9394

Self-management in emotional intelligence, 46, 103

Self-organization in group facilitation, 118119

Self-retrospectives, 113114

Self-serve knowledge-sharing environments, creating, 7274

Self-sufficiency belief

in group facilitation, 118

principle, 6


catalog of, 73, 161

example offerings, 184185

Session purpose

identifying, 9, 11

orientation techniques, 5253, 191

overview, 2529

two teams example, 129130


closing, 3334

coaching assignments for, 3334

success criteria for, 2829

Shared visioning in group facilitation, 124125


expertise, considerations, 7476

expertise, exercises, 154, 160

expertise, feedback, 68

expertise, guidelines, 74

expertise, with Professional Coaching mindset, 6369

feedback, guidelines, 177178

Short questions, 16

Simulations, offering, 185

Skills in everyday interactions, 109112

Slow-motion coaching exercise, 156157

Social awareness in emotional intelligence, 46, 102

Socialite for the day exercise, 153154

Space for reflection, 47

Speculation, avoiding, 48

Spotlight coaching practice exercise, 167168

Standup meetings examples, 3639

Starting conversations, 78

Statements of work (SOWs), 143

Staying on track, 52


blind spots, 70

emotional intelligence, 104, 114

example dialog. See example dialog

humor, caution about, 88

open space, 132

personal inventory, 82

retrospective, 126

rewiring our thought patterns, 98

shared visioning, 125

team startup, 128

Stuckness principle, 910

Success criteria for session purpose, 2829


in focus, 51

in metacognition, 100101

techniques, 194195

Supporting improvement efforts, 9495

Supportive behaviors, 23

Teaching, applying coaching mindset to, 7172

“Team with the Best Results Ever” activity, 123124


coaching agreements with, 144, 182

group facilitation. See Group facilitation

health checks, 184

mirroring for, 5354

personalizing technique for, 35

Professional Coaching for, 19

retrospective exercise, 165

self-coaching, 94

tune-ups, 184

Techniques. See Coaching techniques

Test-driven development (TDD), 95

Therapy vs. coaching, 142

Thinking out loud, avoiding, 1819

Thought patterns

emotional intelligence in, 93

mental models, 9192

overview, 8889

reflection, 92

reinterpreting situations, 91

repatterning, 92

rewiring opportunities, 93

self-improvement opportunities, 9394

value of change, 90

Thought-provoking questions, 17

Timing in conversations, 10


exercises, 152

prioritizing, 5051

Tribes game, 129

Tuckman model, 125

Tune-ups for teams, 184

Two teams example of group facilitation, 128131

Uniqueness of people principle, 6

Unsolicited expertise, 60

User story workshops, offering, 185

Verbal agreements, written agreements from, 147


determining, 8485, 188

in group facilitation, 124125


exercise, 163164

technique, 107

Vow of silence for the day exercise, 159

Waiting before sharing expertise, 66

We Have Sprint-Off: Your Pocket Guide to Team Lift-off (Doyle and Lancaster), 130

Whole-self approach to coaching, 98

intuition, 99100

lightening technique, 99

metacognition, 100101

rapport with humor, 9899

Wrap-up actions for sessions, 34

Written agreements, verbal agreements from, 147

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