Chapter 11. Programming with Virtual Earth

Virtual Earth ( is the latest web product from the Microsoft MapPoint team. Even though there are currently no official APIs available, the openness of Virtual Earth allows some friendly “hackability.” Virtual Earth is implemented using a mix of both server-side and client-side technologies, including ASP.NET and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) .

In this section, I want to show you some of the interesting hacks that you can build around Virtual Earth.

Let’s get started!


This section is based on beta product and undocumented APIs; the APIs and the architecture may change significantly in future versions of Virtual Earth.

Anatomy of Virtual Earth

When you visit the Virtual Earth site at, you will see a site that looks similar to Figure 11-1. You will also notice a couple of interesting facts:

  • Map interaction is enabled using the mouse and keyboard.

  • Map interaction does not require a page-refresh.

  • Search, pan, and zoom are preformed asynchronously for a better user experience.

All this is made possible by using JavaScript on the client browser to communicate with the Virtual Earth servers asynchronously. One of the neat things about JavaScript is that you can look at the implementation, since the code exists on the client side. If you look at the source of the Virtual Earth site, you will notice the following JavaScript files:


Defines the Map Control object and all related properties and methods.

Virtual Earth map (Color Plate 8)
Figure 11-1. Virtual Earth map (Color Plate 8)

Contains the code to display the map, zoom, and pan controls. This is the core script that runs the Virtual Earth site.


Contains the configuration values, such as the search service, locate service, and the map image server endpoints.

If you want to use Virtual Earth map on your site, the JavaScript you need is the MapControl.js, which can be obtained from the Virtual Earth site at: Even though the Map Control is completely written in JavaScript, you can create an instance just like any other object using its constructor:

    var map = new VE_MapControl(32.69, -117.13, 12, 'r', "absolute", 400, 10, 400, 300);

Don’t worry about the details of the parameters yet; we will take a detailed look at these in the next section. The VE_MapControl class takes nine parameters to create a map control instance that you can use to call the methods and subscribe to its events.

Tables 11-1 and 11-2 provide a list of the important methods and events exposed by the Map Control.

Table 11-1. Map Control methods





Centers the map on the specified latitude and longitude and zooms the map to the specified zoom level.

        47.6,  // lat
        -122.33, //lon
        12);   // zoom


Centers the map on the specified latitude and longitude coordinates.

        47.6,     // lat
        -122.33); // lon


Sets the map zoom level to the specified zoom value. Valid values range from 1 to 19.

map.SetZoom(7); //zoom


Zooms in the map to one level below than the current level.

map.ZoomIn( );


Zooms out the map to one level above the current level.

map.ZoomOut( );


Sets the current map style to the specified style. The map style argument should be one of the following:


Displays Road maps


Displays Aerial maps


Displays Hybrid maps (Aerial with labels)

    //Set Road Map style

    //Set Aerial Map style

    //Set Hybrid Map style


Gets the map center latitude coordinate.

var latitude = map. GetCenterLatitude( );


Gets the map center longitude coordinate.

var longitude = map. GetCenterLongitude( );


Gets the map’s current zoom level.

var currentZoom = map. GetZoomLevel( );


Resizes the map to the specified height and width.

map. Resize(500, //width 200 //height);


Pans the map to the specified pixel positions. The arguments are expressed as the difference between the x and y screen coordinates.

    //Pan 10 pixes on X and 20 // pixels on Y
    map.PanMap(10, 20);

PanToLatLong(latitude, longitude);

Pans the map to the specified latitude and longitude coordinates.

map.PanToLatLong(47, -122);


Adds a pushpin at the specified latitude and longitude coordinate.

    'myPushpin', // Pin ID
    47.6,        // latitude
    -122.33,     // longitude
    24,          // width
    24,          // height
    'bluepin',   // CSS class
    'My Pushpin', // innerHtml
    25 //Z-Index);


Removes the specified pushpin from the map.

        'myPushpin'), //Pin ID


Removes all the pushpins from the map.

map.ClearPushpins( );


Sets the view of the map based on two latitude and longitude sets, one for the northwest corner and the other for the southeast corner.

    47.648,     // latitude 1
    -122.145,   // longitude 1
    47.6317,    // latitude 2
    -122.1117); // longitude 2
Table 11-2. Map Control events

Event Name




Fires an event when the mouse is clicked on the map. The event argument exposes the latitude and longitude where the mouse click occurred.

    //Wire-up the event

    // Disable the event


Fires an event when the map has changed (such as when it has been zoomed, dragged, or panned).

    //Wire-up the event
    alert('map changed'),
    //Disable the event

Using this JavaScript control, you can build applications to show anything that you can layer on top of maps—a bunch of photographs that you want to show by location (where they were taken), or a group of friends blogging from different cities who you want to show on a map. The information integration scenarios that we discussed in MapPoint 2004 and MapPoint Web Service can be also be done with Virtual Earth. The integration of information on maps as a layer is also known as Mash-up .

Programming with MapControl.js

In this section, we’ll be displaying the map and changing map styles, as well as trying out Pan, Zoom, Mouse Clicks and more. Finally, we’ll add Pushpins, layering RSS/XML feeds. All of this can be accomplished using only HTML and JavaScript.

Map Control Basics

Displaying a map using Map Control is very easy in Virtual Earth. All you need is a plain HTML page with some script tags. To start, let’s create a new blank HTML page and add the mapcontrol.js as a reference from

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
               <script src=""></script>


Next, to create an instance of the map control with proper parameters, use the following constructor:

    var map = VE_MapControl(CenterLatitude,

Each of these parameters has a job to perform:


The initial center point latitude for the map.


The initial center point longitude for the map.


The initial zoom value with which the map control is loaded. Valid values are from 1-19 (1 is zoomed out all the way, and 19 is zoomed down to the street level).


The style to use when displaying the map. There are currently 3 style options: aerial, road, and hybrid. In order to indicate a style you need to pass the following values as a parameter to the constructor:


Displays an aerial satellite image of the map display.


Displays a road map-style map.


Displays a combination of aerial photos with street labels.


The way in which the control should be positioned on the page. The two options are relative and absolute. Use relative if you are using the map in a table or a div that you want it to wrap if someone resizes the html page. Use absolute if you don’t want your map to reposition itself on the page.


The position to the left of the control on the page. Use it only if you want an absolute layout. If you want a relative layout, pass an empty string ('').


The position on the top of the control on the page. Use it only if you want an absolute layout. If you want a relative layout, pass an empty string ('').


The width of the control in pixels.


The height of the control in pixels.

The following JavaScript statement shows how to create a new instance of the map control with a specific set of initial values:

          var map = null;
          map = new VE_MapControl(44, //Latitude
                                   -99, //Longitude
                                    3, //Zoom Level
                                   'r',  //Road MapStyle
                                    "absolute", //Layout
                                    10, //Left
                                    10, //Top
                                    700, //Width
                                    500); //Height

To display a map, you need to render this control by adding to the body of the HTML page. This can be done in two ways. Either add to the body using a script:


or add the map to a div element inside another element (for example, a table cell named mapholder) on the page:


That’s it; when this script is placed in the body:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
            <script src=""></script>
               <script type="text/JavaScript">
                var map = null;
                map = new VE_MapControl(44, -99, 3, 'r', "absolute", 10, 10, 700, 500);

A nice-looking map will be rendered on the page as shown in Figure 11-2.


If you are running Windows XP SP2 or Internet Explorer 7.0, you may get security warnings before running the page. You have to manually allow the script to run on your computer to show the map.

Alternatively, you can also display the map in a table cell:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
            <script src=""></script>
            <table border=1px>
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <b>Map shown in a table</b>
                    <td width=40%>
                        This is my content part
                    <td width=50%>
                        This is the map part
                        <div id=mapholder></div>
            <script type="text/JavaScript">
Map Control: Absolute positioning in the body (Color Plate 9)
Figure 11-2. Map Control: Absolute positioning in the body (Color Plate 9)
                var map = null;
                map = new VE_MapControl(44, -99, 3, 'r', "relative", '', '', 500, 300);

The resulting map is shown in Figure 11-3.


If you see the Internet Explorer Image Tool Bar menu on the map when the mouse hovers over the map, you can disable it by adding the following meta tag to the header of your HTML page:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">

Finally, you can also move the map initialization code into a function that can be called by the HTML body element’s onLoad event:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Map Control: Relative positioning in a table cell (Color Plate 10)
Figure 11-3. Map Control: Relative positioning in a table cell (Color Plate 10)
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script type="text/JavaScript">
                var map = null;
                   function LoadMap( )
                    map = new VE_MapControl(44, -99, 3, 'r', "relative",
                                            '', '', 500, 300);
        <body onload="LoadMap( );">
            <table border=1px ID="Table1">
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <b>Map shown in a table</b>
                    <td width=40%>
                        This is my content part
                    <td width=50%>
                        This is the map part
                        <div id=mapholder></div>


The default map generated by these scripts has pan and zoom functionalities tied to your mouse clicks and keyboard strokes.

Now that you have the map, let’s see how you can change the map style.

Changing the map style

Once you create a map control, you can change the map style simply by calling the SetMapStyle method:

    //Show Hybrid mapstyle

You can send r to see the road style maps and a to see aerial maps with no labels. By adding a button to the previous HTML page and using the SetMapStyle method, you can change the map style to hybrid from road:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script type="text/JavaScript">
                var map = null;
                function LoadMap( )
                    map = new VE_MapControl(44, -99, 3, 'r',
                                           "relative", '', '',
                                            500, 300);
        <body onload="LoadMap( );">
            <table border=1px ID="Table1">
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <b>Map shown in a table</b>
                    <td width=40%>
                           <input type=button onclick="map.SetMapStyle('h'),"
                        value="Show Hybrid!" ID="Button1" NAME="Button1"></input>
                    <td width=50%>
                        This is the map part
                        <div id=mapholder></div>

The resulting page and map displayed when the button is clicked is shown in Figure 11-4.

Switch map style using the SetMapStyle method (Color Plate 11)
Figure 11-4. Switch map style using the SetMapStyle method (Color Plate 11)

Now that you know how to change the map style, let’s look at how to trap the map events.

Trapping the Virtual Earth Map Control events

Map Control exposes a set of events, including onMouseClick and onMapChange. To wire up one of those events, create a function that gets executed with the event arguments:

    map.onMouseClick=function(e){DisplayLatLong(e.latitude, e.longitude);};

where the DisplayLatLong function is defined as:

    function DisplayLatLong(latitude, longitude)
        alert("You clicked on: " + latitude + ", " + longitude);

The event argument e contains the location contextual information, such as the latitude and longitude of the event, so that you can use that information to perform custom actions. The document HTML reads as follows:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            <title>Virtual Earth Hacks</title>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script type="text/JavaScript">
                var map = null;
                function LoadMap( )
                    map = new VE_MapControl(44, -99, 3, 'r',
                                           "relative", '', '', 500, 300);
                                    DisplayLatLong(e.latitude, e.longitude);};

                   function DisplayLatLong(latitude, longitude)
                    alert("You clicked on: " + latitude + ", " + longitude);
        <body onload="LoadMap( );">
            <table border=1px ID="Table1">
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <b>Map shown in a table</b>
                    <td width=40%>
                        <input type=button onclick="map.SetMapStyle('h')," value="Show
                        Hybrid!" ID="Button1" NAME="Button1"></input>
                    <td width=50%>
                        This is the map part
                        <div id=mapholder></div>

When you click on the map, a message is displayed as shown in Figure 11-5; the numbers depend on the latitude and longitude coordinates that you have clicked on.

onMouseClick event handler message
Figure 11-5. onMouseClick event handler message

Along the same lines, you can also wire up events like onMapChange, onMouseUp, and onMouseDown.

Map Interaction Using Map Control

Now that you know how to display a basic map, change map styles, and trap map events, you can build some map interaction around the map. The basic interactions that you would want to see on a map are panning and zooming. Map Control exposes the PanMap, ZoomIn, and ZoomOut methods to control panning and zooming.

Panning the map

You can use the PanMap method to pan around the map. This method takes pixel position difference as arguments for both x and y coordinates. For example, if you want to pan the map to your left by 100 pixels, call the PanMap method:

    //Pan left
    map.PanMap(-100,  0);

Along the same lines, calling this method with 100 and 0 parameters pans the map to the right by 100 pixels:

    //Pan right
    map.PanMap(100,  0);

Similarly, you can pan the map up and down by passing the y coordinates while keeping the x coordinate assigned to 0:

    //Pan Up
    map.PanMap(0,  -100);
    //Pan Down
    map.PanMap(0,  100);

You can also pan the map to corners such as southeast and northwest by passing both x and y coordinates:

    //Pan South East
    //(or Bottom-Right)
map.PanMap(100,  100);

Finally, to pan the map to specific latitude and longitude coordinates, call the PanToLatLong method:

        47.6045,  // latitude
        -122.3305); // longitude

Zooming the map

To perform any zoom operations, you can use the ZoomIn and ZoomOut methods. These methods don’t take any parameters, and they increment or decrement the zoom level by one depending on whether you are zooming in or zooming out.

To zoom in to one level below the current level, simply call the ZoomIn method:

    //Zoom In
    map.ZoomIn( );

Similarly, to zoom out to one level above the current level, simply call the ZoomOut method:

    //Zoom Out
    map.ZoomOut( );

Finally, to set a specific zoom level, call the SetZoom method:

    map.SetZoom(7);  // zoom level

Displaying Your Data on Maps

One of the values of using maps is that you can use them to visualize the data geographically; you can display a variety of items, such as news, photos, blogs, etc. on a map once the location is known. Since all these items are basically point information, you can easily display them with Virtual Earth MapControl using the AddPushpin method.

Adding a pushpin

The AddPushpin method adds an icon on the map at the specified latitude and longitude coordinate. A simple use of the AddPushpin method is shown in the following example:

        'myPushpin', // pin id
        47.6,        // latitude
        -122.33,     // longitude
        24,          // width
        24,          // height
        'bluepin',   // CSS class
        'X',         // pincontent
        25);         // z index

This method takes the latitude and longitude among the other elements to add a pushpin at the specified location; one of the most interesting parameters of all the above is the pincontent parameter. This parameter contains the content that will be displayed as the pushpin. When this code is executed, a pin is added to the map as shown in Figure 11-6.

Pushpin added using the AddPushpin method (Color Plate 12)
Figure 11-6. Pushpin added using the AddPushpin method (Color Plate 12)

Since each pushpin is a div element in Virtual Earth, and since each div can have rich inner HTML, you can pass any valid HTML code as part of this pin content parameter; in the following example, see how an image thumbnail can be passed as the pushpin content:

    map.AddPushpin('myPushpin', // pin id
                47.6,        // latitude
                -122.33,     // longitude
                24,          // width
                24,          // height
                '',           // CSS class
                "<img src='
                             // pincontent
                25);         // z index

This code adds a pushpin with the Space Needle thumbnail picture over Seattle, as shown in Figure 11-7.

The Space Needle shown as an icon over Seattle (Color Plate 13)
Figure 11-7. The Space Needle shown as an icon over Seattle (Color Plate 13)

As you can imagine, you can easily extend this inner HTML code to show pop-ups when a user’s mouse is hovered over the icon.


When adding a pushpin, always set the Z-Index above 24; otherwise, your pushpin will not be visible.

Removing pushpins

Once you add a pushpin, you can remove it with its ID using the RemovePushpin method:


Similarly, you can remove all pushpins on the map using the ClearPushpins method:

    map.ClearPushpins( );

As you can see, adding and removing a pushpin is easy in Virtual Earth; next, we’ll add several pushpins from a data source, such as an XML file.

Adding pushpins from RSS feed

Let’s say you have a bunch of points specified as an RSS feed (an XML file):

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:geo="">
        <title>Chandu's Fav Places</title>
        <description>Chandu's Fav Places</description>
            <title>Coffee Shop</title>
            <description>Starbucks Coffee. Umm, Caramel Machiato!</description>
            <title>Video Store</title>
            <description>Hollywood Video - Love it!</description>
            <description>Home, Sweet Home!</description>
            <title>Sages Italiano</title>
            <description>Italian food in my hood!</description>

This XML file can be loaded and displayed on the Virtual Earth map using the following JavaScript function:

    function LoadXml(xmlfile)

        var doc = null;
        doc=new ActiveXObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
        // Load the XML file into the DOM instance.
        //Loop now
        var nodeList = doc.selectNodes("//./item");
                var item = nodeList.item(i);
                var title=item.selectSingleNode("title").text;
                var description=item.selectSingleNode("description").text;
                var latitude=item.selectSingleNode("geo:lat").text;
                var longitude=item.selectSingleNode("geo:long").text;
                //Add pushpin
                map.AddPushpin(i, latitude, longitude, 24, 24, 'mypin', title, 25);


When this function is called in the HTML page, the pushpins are added on the map as shown in Figure 11-8.

Displaying pushpins from an RSS feed (Color Plate 14)
Figure 11-8. Displaying pushpins from an RSS feed (Color Plate 14)

Adding pushpins on the map can be done directly on the client side (browser) using JavaScript from an XML feed. You can also extend this code to center the map on the pushpins that are being added using the map.SetViewPort method.

Where Are We?

There are currently no official APIs provided by Virtual Earth, and the APIs discussed here are the undocumented APIs that can be used for noncommercial purposes only. If you are an enterprise in need of a mapping application, consider either MapPoint 2006 or MapPoint Web Service. Having said that, the MapPoint team is working hard to enable Virtual Earth experience in the MapPoint Web Service, and it is expected to be available early next year to the developer community.

So, there you have it: we have arrived at the tail end of programming an array of products and technologies with MapPoint using C# and .NET, ranging from MapPoint 2006 to MapPoint Web Service to Location Server to Virtual Earth, and including a wide variety of technologies to suit different needs and requirements. I would like to leave you with one final note: the world of web services is a fast-changing one—so, I will keep you posted with any new features or existing feature updates via articles and blog posts. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me at .

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