data mapping, Introduction to LINQ
data members, this Object
data storage, Properties
data tips, Example of Setting The Next Statement
data types, Conversion Operators (see )
DataAdapter class, LINQ to DataSet
DatabaseAttribute class, Namespaces
DataContext class, XML Query Expressions, XML Query Expressions, XML Query Expressions, Entity Classes, LINQ to SQL Query Expression, LINQ to DataSet, LINQ to SQL Updates, LINQ to SQL Updates, LINQ to SQL Updates
ExecuteQuery method, XML Query Expressions
GetChangeSet method, LINQ to SQL Updates
GetCommand method, XML Query Expressions
GetTable method, Entity Classes, LINQ to SQL Query Expression
LINQ to SQL updates, LINQ to SQL Updates
SubmitChanges method, LINQ to SQL Updates
DataRowExtensions class, LINQ to DataSet
datasets, LINQ to DataSet, Visualizers, Visualizers, Visualizers
defined, Visualizers
LINQ to Datasets, LINQ to DataSet
visualizers, Visualizers
DbgClr (CLR Debugger) tool, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers
Debug class, Debug Setup
Debuggable attribute, Attributes
DebuggableAttribute class, DebuggableAttribute Attribute
DebuggableBrowsableState enumeration, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
DebuggerBrowsableAttribute class, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
DebuggerDisplayAttribute class, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
debugging, GetGenericTypeDefinition, MSIL Programming, Roundtripping, Advanced Debugging, Advanced Debugging, Advanced Debugging, SOS Example, Part II, Dumps, Memory Management, Threads, Threads Example #2, Exception Example
(see also specific debuggers)
challenges, MSIL Programming
dumps, SOS Example, Part II
exceptions, Threads Example #2
memory management, Memory Management
overview, Advanced Debugging
symbols, Exception Example
threads, Threads
tools web site, Advanced Debugging, Advanced Debugging, Dumps
Windows Forms projects, GetGenericTypeDefinition
decimal type, Primitives
Declarations element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
declarative preprocessor directives, Preprocessor Directives, Preprocessor Directives, Preprocessor Directives, Preprocessor Directives
#define directive, Preprocessor Directives
overview, Preprocessor Directives
#undef directive, Preprocessor Directives
Decrement operator, Implementation
default constructors, Constructors, Structures, Default Constructor Constraints
Default element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
deferred loading, XML Query Expressions
Delegate class, Derivation Constraints, Derivation Constraints, Delegates and Events, Invocation List, Generics and Delegates, Late Binding Delegates, Late Binding Delegates, Late Binding Delegates
constraint limitations, Derivation Constraints
CreateDelegate method, Late Binding Delegates
DynamicInvoke method, Late Binding Delegates
Invoke method, Generics and Delegates, Late Binding Delegates
Method property, Invocation List
overview, Delegates and Events
delegate constructor, Defining a Delegate
delegate inference, Creating a Delegate
delegate keyword, Defining a Delegate, Anonymous Methods
delegate operator, Pointer operators
delegate signatures, Delegates and Events, Invocation List, Anonymous Methods
delegates, Sample C# Program, Types, Class Members, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Operator Overloading Internals, Delegates and Events, Defining a Delegate, Contravariance and Covariance, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Removing delegates, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Generics and Delegates, Generics and Delegates, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram, Delegate Internals, Anonymous Methods, Anonymous Methods, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation
anonymous methods, Anonymous Methods
as class members, Class Members
as reference types, Types
asynchronous invocation, Generics and Delegates
combining, System.MulticastDelegate Class
creating, Defining a Delegate
defined, Sample C# Program, Operator Overloading Internals
exception handling, Delegate Internals
generic methods, Methods and properties
internals, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
invoking, Contravariance and Covariance, Generics and Delegates
late binding, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation
multicast, Methods and properties (see )
predicates as, Array.CreateInstance Method
removing, Removing delegates
steps for defining, Delegates and Events
syntax, Array.CreateInstance Method
delimited comments, Delimited comments: /* and */
Dependency Walker tool, Advanced Debugging
derivation constraints, Constraints
derived classes, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Reimplementation of Interfaces, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Casting, Overriding Generic Methods, Implementation, IDisposable.Dispose, Unsafe Keyword
(see also )
casting, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
defined, Class Refinement, Inheritance
inheritance table, Casting
late binding, Reimplementation of Interfaces
memory management, IDisposable.Dispose
operator methods, Implementation
overriding generic methods, Overriding Generic Methods
polymorphism, Reimplementation of Interfaces
unsafe code, Unsafe Keyword
descendant classes, Class Refinement (see )
destructors, Class Members, Member Attributes, Singleton, Constructors and Destructors, Finalization, Finalizer Considerations, IDisposable.Dispose
(see also )
as class members, Class Members
Disposable pattern, IDisposable.Dispose
inheritance, Constructors and Destructors
instance members, Member Attributes
overview, Singleton
processing overhead, Finalization
diagnostic directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives
#error directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
overview, Conditional preprocessor directives
#pragma directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
#warning directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
Dictionary collection, Generic Collections
DictionaryEntry structure, Hashtable Collection
directional attributes, Directional Attributes
directives, Namespaces, Preprocessor Directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Pragma directives, Pragma directives, .property, WinDbg Directives, Dumps
(see also )
diagnostic, Conditional preprocessor directives
line, Pragma directives
preprocessor, Preprocessor Directives
region, Pragma directives
using directive, Namespaces
WinDbg supported, WinDbg Directives, Dumps
Disposable pattern, Unmanaged Resources, IDisposable.Dispose, IDisposable.Dispose, Disposable Pattern, Disposable Pattern
considerations, Disposable Pattern
functionality, IDisposable.Dispose
memory management, Unmanaged Resources, IDisposable.Dispose
Dispose method, Singleton (see )
Distinct operator, Conversion Operators, Partitioning Operators
DLL (Dynamic Link Library), Debugging with Visual Studio 2008, Debugging Console Application Projects
DllImportAttribute type, Attributes, The stackalloc Command, DllImport, DllImport, DllImport, CallingConvention, CallingConvention, PreserveSig, PreserveSig, CharSet, CharSet, CharSet, CharSet, CharSet, Fixed-Size Buffers
BestFitMapping option, CharSet
CallingConvention enumeration, DllImport
CharSet option, CallingConvention, CharSet
EntryPoint option, DllImport
ExactSpelling option, CallingConvention, CharSet
overview, Attributes, The stackalloc Command, Fixed-Size Buffers
PreserveSig option, PreserveSig
SetLastError option, PreserveSig
syntax, DllImport
ThrowOnUnmappableChar option, CharSet
DMP file extension, Dump Files
do statement, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Identifiers, Enumerators
description, Iterative Statements
enumeration limitations, Enumerators
keyword defined, Identifiers
Document Object Model (DOM), LINQ Programming
DOM (Document Object Model), LINQ Programming
dot operator, Operator Overloading
dot punctuator, Sample LINQ Program, Semicolon punctuator
double type, Primitives
downcasting, IEnumerator Problem
downstream store, Symbols
Dr. Watson, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute
dual iteration, Iterator Internals
dump files, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute, SOS Example, Part II
(see also )
dumpbin tool, .stackreserve
dynamic binding, Browsing Type Information
dynamic invocation, Browsing Type Information, Late Binding Delegates
Dynamic Link Library (DLL), Debugging with Visual Studio 2008, Debugging Console Application Projects
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