call operator, Operator Overloading, Contravariance and Covariance, Contravariance and Covariance, Generics and Delegates, Subscribers
invoking delegates, Contravariance and Covariance, Generics and Delegates
overloading considerations, Operator Overloading
raising events, Subscribers
callbacks, Delegates and Events, StringBuilder
CallingConvention enumeration, DllImport
case sensitivity, Sample C# Program, Sample C# Program, Generic types, MSIL in Depth
C# language, Sample C# Program
MSIL, MSIL in Depth
suffixes, Generic types
case statement, Selection Statements, Identifiers
Cast operator, Core Elements, LINQ to Objects, Data Type Conversion Operators
casting, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Casting, Type Operators, Array Conversion, Array Conversion, Casting, IEnumerator Problem, IEnumerator Problem, Operator Overloading, Conversion Operators, Explicit Casting, Type Creation, Pointers
arrays, Array Conversion
calling methods dynamically, Type Creation
defined, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
downcasting, IEnumerator Problem
enumerator problem, IEnumerator Problem
explicit, Casting, Explicit Casting
inheritance and, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
operator overloading, Operator Overloading
pointers, Pointers
primitive types, Conversion Operators
type arguments, Casting
type operators, Type Operators
catch statement, Sample C# Program, Sample C# Program, Identifiers, An Exception Example
exception handling, Sample C# Program, An Exception Example
keyword defined, Identifiers
CCWs (COM Callable Wrappers), Generating COM Exceptions, Unsafe Code
CDATA element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
CDB (Windows Console Debugger), Debuggers, Dumps
CER (Constrained Execution Region), Reliable Code
change tracking, Source Code Formatting
ChangeSet class, Namespaces, LINQ to SQL Updates
char type, Primitives, Types
characters, Generic types, Generic types, Generic types, Escape Characters, Identifiers, Identifiers, Identifiers, CharSet
escape, Generic types, Identifiers
Unicode, Generic types, Identifiers, CharSet
verbatim, Escape Characters, Identifiers
CharSet enumeration, CharSet
checked operator, Pointer operators, Operator Overloading
child classes, Class Refinement, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Overriding Inherited Behavior, The new Modifier, Reimplementation of Interfaces
defined, Class Refinement
inheritance, Inheritance, Reimplementation of Interfaces
overriding inheritance, Overriding Inherited Behavior
virtual methods, The new Modifier
CIL (Common Instruction Language), MSIL Programming
cil keyword, "Hello World" Application
class declarations, Classes
class diagrams, Object Browser, Class Diagram, Class Diagram, Class Diagram, Class Diagram, Class Diagram, Class Details, Class Details, Class Diagram Toolbox, Association, Association, Association
associations, Association
Class Details window, Class Diagram
Class Diagram Toolbox, Class Details
creating, Class Diagram
example, Association
Hide command, Class Diagram
inheritance, Class Diagram Toolbox
New Class dialog box, Class Details
overview, Object Browser
removing types, Class Diagram
Show All Members command, Class Diagram
class directives, .property (see )
class hierarchies, AutoRecover, AutoRecover, Class View Window, Object Browser, Class Diagram, Class Details, Class Details, Class Diagram Toolbox, Association, Association, Association, Error List Window
associations, Association
Class Details window, Class Diagram
Class Diagram Toolbox, Class Details
class diagrams, Object Browser, Association
Class View window, AutoRecover
Error List window, Error List Window
inheritance, Class Diagram Toolbox
New Class dialog box, Class Details
Object Browser window, Class View Window
Visual Studio support, AutoRecover
class keyword, Identifiers, Anonymous Types, Reference Type Constraints
class library projects, Project Types, Debugging Console Application Projects, Debugging Console Application Projects
debugging, Debugging Console Application Projects
templates, Project Types
class members, Classes, Classes, Classes, Class Members, Class Members, Class Members, Member Attributes, Member Attributes, Member Attributes, Instance and Static Members, this Object, this Object, this Object, Constants, Implementing Inheritance
accessibility, Classes, Class Members, Implementing Inheritance
attributes, Class Members
constants, this Object
data members, this Object
fields, Constants
function members, this Object
instance members, Member Attributes
listed, Class Members
modifiers, Member Attributes
overview, Classes
static members, Member Attributes
this references, Instance and Static Members
classes, Main Entry Point, Types, Types, Classes, Classes, Classes, Classes, Classes, Function Overloading, Constructors, Partial Method, Enumeration, Equivalence versus Identity, Class Refinement, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance, Implementing Inheritance, Overriding Events, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Anonymous Types, Generics, Derivation Constraints, Navigation, Navigation, XML Query Expressions, Complex Tasks, Inheritance, Registers Window, Constrained Execution Region
abstract, The new Modifier and Polymorphism (see )
as reference types, Types
attributes and, Classes
base, Abstract Classes (see )
container, Navigation
defined, Types
derived, Class Refinement (see )
entity, XML Query Expressions
enumeration, Enumeration
equivalence vs. identity, Equivalence versus Identity
extension methods, Overriding Events, Anonymous Types
function overloading, Function Overloading
generic types, Generics
implicit constructors, Constructors
inheritance, Classes, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Implementing Inheritance, Navigation, Inheritance
main entry points, Main Entry Point
managing types, Complex Tasks
modifiers, Classes
nested, Classes (see )
safe handles, Constrained Execution Region
sealed, Abstract Classes, Derivation Constraints
structures and, Partial Method
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
tracing support, Registers Window
visibility, Classes
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), Loading Assemblies, Miscellaneous Operations
ClickOnce deployment, Refactoring Example, MSBuild Example
closed methods, Generic Methods
CLR (Common Language Runtime), Cross-Language Inheritance, Generics Internals, Iterator Blocks, Mathematical and Logical Operators, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Exception Handling, Exception Information Table, Metadata and Reflection, MSIL Programming, Conversion Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Memory Management, Reliable Code, Unsafe Code
asynchronous invocation, Asynchronous Invocation
CER considerations, Reliable Code
cross-language inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance
exception handling, Exception Handling, Conversion Operations
Exception Information Table, Exception Information Table
fencepost errors, Mathematical and Logical Operators
garbage collection, Memory Management
generic internals, Generics Internals
iterator internals, Iterator Blocks
managing reference types, Unsafe Code
metadata support, Metadata and Reflection
MSIL support, MSIL Programming, Miscellaneous Operations
CLR Debugger (DbgClr) tool, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers
CLS (Common Language Specification), Cross-Language Inheritance, Implementation
Code Editor (Visual Studio), Error List Window, Error List Window, IntelliSense, IntelliSense, Source Code Formatting, Source Code Formatting, Source Code Formatting, Refactoring
change tracking, Source Code Formatting
IntelliSense feature, Error List Window
Options dialog box, IntelliSense
overview, Error List Window
Refactoring menu, Refactoring
source code formatting, Source Code Formatting
Surround With feature, IntelliSense
Code element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
code snippets, Source Code Formatting, Code Snippets, Insert a Code Snippet, Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippets Manager, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements, Code Snippet Creation Example, Code Snippet Creation Example
CDATA element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Code element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippets Manager
CodeSnippets element, Code Snippets Manager
copy and paste alternative, Code Snippet Creation Example
creating, Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippet Creation Example
Declarations element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Default element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
defaults supported, Insert a Code Snippet
Function element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Header element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
ID element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Imports element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
inserting, Code Snippets
Literal element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Object element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
overview, Source Code Formatting
References element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
Snippet element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
StringBuilder example, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements
Tooltip element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Type element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Code Snippets Manager, Code Snippets Manager
code stepping, Breakpoint Symbols, Breakpoint Symbols, Breakpoint Memory Commands
Visual Studio Debugger, Breakpoint Symbols
WinDbg, Breakpoint Memory Commands
CodeSnippets element, Code Snippets Manager
collections, Abstract Classes, Project File, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, System.Array, IList Interface, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Stack Collection, Core Elements, Generic Collections, Temporary collections
(see also specific collection classes)
arrays as, Arrays and Collections, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
defined, Arrays and Collections, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
generic, Generic Collections
indexers and, IList Interface
interfaces and, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
namespaces, System.Array, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
overview, Project File
query expressions, Core Elements
specialized, Stack Collection
temporary, Temporary collections
types listed, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
colon punctuator, Semicolon punctuator
color settings, customizing, IntelliSense
ColumnAttribute class, Namespaces, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes, Entity Classes
AutoSync property, Entity Classes
CanBeNull property, Entity Classes
DbType property, Entity Classes
description, Entity Classes
Expression property, Entity Classes
IsDbGenerated property, Entity Classes
IsDiscriminator property, Entity Classes
IsPrimaryKey property, Entity Classes
IsVersion property, Entity Classes
Name property, Entity Classes
namespace, Namespaces
Storage property, Entity Classes
UpdateCheck property, Entity Classes
COM (Component Object Model), An Exception Example, An Exception Example, COM Interoperability Exceptions, MSIL Programming, Native Options, Memory Management, Unsafe Code
exception handling, An Exception Example, COM Interoperability Exceptions
JIT compilers, MSIL Programming
managed code, Unsafe Code
reference counting, Memory Management
RPC Debugging option, Native Options
COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs), Generating COM Exceptions, Unsafe Code
COMException class, COM Interoperability Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions
ErrorCode property, COM Exceptions
HelpLink property, COM Exceptions
HRESULT structure, COM Interoperability Exceptions
Message property, COM Exceptions
Source property, COM Exceptions
comma punctuator, Colon punctuator
comments, Colon punctuator, Colon punctuator, Colon punctuator, Delimited comments: /* and */, Delimited comments: /* and */, Delimited comments: /* and */, Single-line documentation comments: ///, MSIL in Depth, MSIL in Depth
defined, Colon punctuator
delimited, Delimited comments: /* and */
multi-line, Delimited comments: /* and */, Single-line documentation comments: ///, MSIL in Depth
single-line, Colon punctuator, MSIL in Depth
single-line documentation, Delimited comments: /* and */
Common Instruction Language (CIL), MSIL Programming
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), Loading Assemblies, Miscellaneous Operations
Common Language Runtime, Asynchronous Invocation (see )
Common Language Specification (CLS), Cross-Language Inheritance, Implementation
Common Object Model, An Exception Example (see )
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), MSIL Programming
comparative branching instructions, Branching
compilation units, Sample LINQ Program, Namespaces
complex iteration, Temporary collections
Component Object Model, An Exception Example (see )
compound assignment operators, Operator Overloading, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Removing delegates, Anonymous Methods, Anonymous Methods, Subscribers, Subscribers
anonymous methods, Anonymous Methods
combining delegates, System.MulticastDelegate Class
overloading considerations, Operator Overloading
removing delegates, Removing delegates
subscribing to events, Subscribers
unregistering event subscribers, Subscribers
compound operators, Binary operators
concatenation operators, Aggregation Operators
Conditional attribute, Attributes
Conditional Compilation Symbols text box, Preprocessor Directives
conditional expressions, Namespaces, Operator True and Operator False
conditional operator, Boolean operators, Operator Overloading
conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Conditional preprocessor directives, Default Snippets
#elif directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
#else directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
#endif directive, Conditional preprocessor directives
#if directive, Conditional preprocessor directives, Default Snippets
overview, Conditional preprocessor directives
ConditionalExpression type, Namespaces
CONFIG file extension, Configuration File
configuration file, Configuration File, Configuration File, Configuration File, Configuration File, Configuration File, The sharedListeners Element, The sharedListeners Element, The sharedListeners Element, Garbage Collection Overview
add element, Configuration File
listeners element, Configuration File
overview, Configuration File
server GC, Garbage Collection Overview
sharedListeners element, The sharedListeners Element
sources element, Configuration File
switches element, The sharedListeners Element
tracing example, The sharedListeners Element
ConflictMode enumeration, LINQ to SQL Updates
Console application projects, Project Types, Attaching to a Running Process
Console class, Introduction to LINQ, Explicit Casting, Complex Tasks, Managing Types, Debugging Console Application Projects, The Console class and finalization, The Console class and finalization
finalization process, The Console class and finalization
ReadLine method, Debugging Console Application Projects
WriteLine method, Introduction to LINQ, Explicit Casting, Complex Tasks, Managing Types
const keyword, Identifiers
const modifier, Function Overloading
ConstantExpression type, Namespaces
constants, Class Members, this Object
Constrained Execution Region (CER), Reliable Code
constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Constraints, Interface Constraints, Interface Constraints, Reference Type Constraints, Inheritance
constructor, Constraints
defined, Constraints
derivation, Constraints
inheritance, Inheritance
interface, Constraints, Interface Constraints
reference type, Constraints, Reference Type Constraints
type parameters, Constraints
value type, Constraints, Interface Constraints
constructed types, Type Arguments, Derivation Constraints, Derivation Constraints, Casting, Static Members
constraint limitations, Derivation Constraints
defined, Type Arguments
derived classes, Casting
static members, Static Members
constructors, Sample LINQ Program, Class Members, Visibility, Visibility, Constructors, Constructors, Singleton, Structures, Cross-Language Inheritance, Overriding Inherited Behavior, Extension Method, Constructors and Destructors, Collections, Collections, ArrayList Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, Constraints, Default Constructor Constraints, Conversion Operators, Defining a Delegate, Exception Handling, System.Exception, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Tracing, Tracing, Constructors, Weak Reference Internals
ArrayList collection class, Collections
as class members, Class Members
BitArray collection class, ArrayList Collection
constraints, Constraints, Default Constructor Constraints
conversion, Conversion Operators
default, Constructors, Structures
defined, Sample LINQ Program, Complex Tasks
delegate, Defining a Delegate
exception handling, Exception Handling
finalizers and, Constructors
Hashtable collection class, Hashtable Collection
inheritance, Constructors and Destructors
instance, Visibility
MSIL support, Complex Tasks
new modifier, Extension Method
overloading, Constructors
overriding inheritance, Overriding Inherited Behavior
overview, Visibility
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
singletons, Singleton
SortedList collection class, SortedList
SourceSwitch class, Tracing
System.Exception class, System.Exception
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
TraceSource class, Tracing
WeakReference class, Weak Reference Internals
container classes, Navigation
continue statement, Iterative Statements, Identifiers
contravariance, Creating a Delegate
conversion operators, Core Elements, Conversion Operators, LINQ to Objects, Data Type Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, The Operator String Operator, Arithmetic Instructions
conversion constructors, Conversion Operators
data types, Conversion Operators, LINQ to Objects, Data Type Conversion Operators
MSIL support, Arithmetic Instructions
operator overloading, Conversion Operators
operator string operator, The Operator String Operator
overview, Core Elements
copy-and-paste technique, Code Snippet Creation Example
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), MSIL Programming
CorDbg tool, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers
core language features, Line directives (see )
counters, Static Members
covariance, Creating a Delegate
CriticalFinalizerObject class, Reliable Code, Constrained Execution Region
cross-domain access, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access
cross-language inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance
curly braces, Trace Points
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