HandleCollector class, Memory Pressure
HashSet generic generic type, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
Hashtable collection class, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Enumerators, Enumerators, Enumerators
Add method, Hashtable Collection
Clear method, Hashtable Collection
Clone method, Hashtable Collection
constructor, Hashtable Collection
Contains method, Hashtable Collection
ContainsKey method, Hashtable Collection
ContainsValue method, Hashtable Collection
CopyTo method, Hashtable Collection
Count property, Hashtable Collection
description, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Hashtable Collection
enumeration support, Enumerators
GetEnumerator method, Hashtable Collection
GetHash method, Hashtable Collection
GetObjectData method, Hashtable Collection
HybridDictionary class, Stack Collection
IDeserializationCallback interface, Hashtable Collection
IDictionary interface, Hashtable Collection
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, Hashtable Collection
ISerializable interface, Hashtable Collection
IsFixedSize property, Hashtable Collection
IsReadOnly property, Hashtable Collection
IsSynchronized property, Hashtable Collection
Item property, Hashtable Collection
KeyEquals method, Hashtable Collection
Keys property, Hashtable Collection, Enumerators
OnDeserialization method, Hashtable Collection
Remove method, Hashtable Collection
StringDictionary class, Stack Collection
Synchronized method, Hashtable Collection
SyncRoot property, Hashtable Collection
Values property, Hashtable Collection, Enumerators
Hejlsberg, Anders, Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming
Hello World application, A Demonstration of Visual C# 2008, Metadata Validation, MSIL Programming
hexadecimal escape sequences, Escape Characters
hide-by-name technique, Extension Method
hide-by-signature technique, Extension Method
hierarchies, Association (see )
HRESULT structure, COM Interoperability Exceptions, PreserveSig
HybridDictionary class, Stack Collection
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